16 resultados para Australian Marine Sponge

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Endolithic bioerosion is difficult to analyse and to describe, and it usually requires damaging of the sample material. Sponge erosion (Entobia) may be one of the most difficult to evaluate as it is simultaneously macroscopically inhomogeneous and microstructurally intricate. We studied the bioerosion traces of the two Australian sponges Cliona celata Grant, 1826 (sensu Schönberg 2000) and Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900 with a newly available radiographic technology: high resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (MCT). MCT allows non-destructive visualisation of live and dead structures in three dimensions and was compared to traditional microscopic methods. MCT and microscopy showed that C. celata bioerosion was more intense in the centre and branched out in the periphery. In contrast, C. orientalis produced a dense, even trace meshwork and caused an overall more intense erosion pattern than C. celata. Extended pioneering filaments were not usually found at the margins of the studied sponge erosion, but branches ended abruptly or tapered to points. Results obtained with MCT were similar in quality to observations from transparent optical spar under the dissecting microscope. Microstructures could not be resolved as well as with e.g. scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Even though sponge scars and sponge chips were easily recognisable on maximum magnification MCT images, they lacked the detail that is available from SEM. Other drawbacks of MCT involve high costs and presently limited access. Even though MCT cannot presently replace traditional techniques such as corrosion casts viewed by SEM, we obtained valuable information. Especially for the possibility to measure endolithic pore volumes, we regard MCT as a very promising tool that will continue to be optimised. A combination of different methods will produce the best results in the study of Entobia.


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Here, we report the draft genome sequences of three actinobacterial isolates, Micromonospora sp. RV43, Rubrobacter sp. RV113, and Nocardiopsis sp. RV163 that had previously been isolated from Mediterranean sponges. The draft genomes were analyzed for the presence of gene clusters indicative of secondary metabolism using antiSMASH 3.0 and NapDos pipelines. Our findings demonstrated the chemical richness of sponge-associated actinomycetes and the efficacy of genome mining in exploring the genomic potential of sponge-derived actinomycetes.


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Sixty-five species of benthic ostracodes have been discovered in the Triassic sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122, drilled on the northwestern margin of Australia. Known species were found in the samples studied from the upper Norian-Rhaetian at Holes 759B and 760B and from the Rhaetian at Holes 761C, 764A, and 764B. A large part of material of the recovered ostracodes belong to taxa that are related to ostracodes described in the Tethyan province. Seven species are known from northwestern Europe and five from Iran. Ogmoconcha and Rhombocythere, which are stratigraphically important genera in northern Europe, extend into the Tethyan province. Species of Ogmoconcha are present in Holes 760B, 764A, and 764B. The highly ornate baidiids of the Alpine Tethyan province are dominant in Hole 761C. The affinities with the fauna of Iran noted by Kristan-Tollmann are corroborated by the presence of the genera Mostlerella, Hiatobairdia, and other bairdiids.


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An unusual polyketide with a new carbon skeleton, lindgomycin (1), and the recently described ascosetin (2) were extracted from mycelia and culture broth of different Lindgomycetaceae strains, which were isolated from a sponge of the Kiel Fjord in the Baltic Sea (Germany) and from the Antarctic. Their structures were established by spectroscopic means. In the new polyketide, two distinct domains, a bicyclic hydrocarbon and a tetramic acid, are connected by a bridging carbonyl. The tetramic acid substructure of compound 1 was proved to possess a unique 5-benzylpyrrolidine-2,4-dione unit. The combination of 5-benzylpyrrolidine-2,4-dione of compound 1 in its tetramic acid half and 3-methylbut-3-enoic acid pendant in its decalin half allow the assignment of a new carbon skeleton. The new compound 1 and ascosetin showed antibiotic activities with IC50 value of 5.1 (±0.2) µM and 3.2 (±0.4) µM, respectively, against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.


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Planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182, Holes 1126B and 1126C, 1128B and 1128C, 1130A and 1130B, 1132B, and 1134A and 1134B confirm the neritic record that during the early Miocene the Great Australian Bight region was in a cool-temperate regime with abundant Globoturborotalita woodi. Warm marine environments started to develop in the later part of the early Miocene, and the region became warm temperate to subtropical in the early middle Miocene with abundant Globigerinoides, Orbulina, and Globorotalia, corresponding to global warming at the Miocene climatic optimum. Fluctuations between cool- and warm-temperate conditions prevailed during the late Miocene, as indicated by abundant Globoconella conoidea and Menardella spp. A major change in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages close to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary not only drove many Miocene species into extinction but also brought about such new species as Globorotalia crassaformis and Globoconella puncticulata. Warm-temperate environments continued into the early and mid-Pliocene before being replaced by cooler conditions, supporting numerous Globoconella inflata and Globigerina quinqueloba. Based on data from this study and published results from the Australia-New Zealand region, we established a local planktonic foraminifer zonation scheme for separating the southern Australian Neogene (SAN) into Zones SAN1 to SAN19 characterizing the Miocene and Zones SAN20 to SAN25 characterizing the Pliocene. The Neogene sections from the Great Australian Bight are bounded by hiatuses of ~0.5 to >3 m.y. in duration, although poor core recovery in some holes obscured a proper biostratigraphic resolution. A total of 15 hiatuses, numbered 1 to 15, were identified as synchronous events from the base of the Miocene to the lower part of the Pleistocene. We believe that these are local manifestations of major third-order boundaries at about (1) 23.8, (2) 22.3, (3) 20.5, (4) 18.7, (5) 16.4, (6) 14.8, (7) 13.5, (8) 11.5, (9) 9.3, (10) 7.0, (11) 6.0, (12) 4.5, (13) 3.5, (14) 2.5, and (15) 1.5 Ma, respectively. This hiatus-bounded Neogene succession samples regional transgressions and stages of southern Australia and reveals its stepwise evolutionary history.


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This paper constitutes a first detailed and systematic facies and biota description of an isolated carbonate knoll (Pee Shoal) in the Timor Sea (Sahul Shelf, NW Australia). The steep and flat-topped knoll is characterized by a distinct facies zonation comprising (A) soft sediments with scattered debris and scarce sponges, hydrozoans and crinoids (320-210 m water depth), (B) hardground outcrops (step-like banks, vertical cliffs) that are mainly colonized by octocorals and sponges (210-75 m), and (C) the summit region (75-21 m) where the slopes merge gently into the flat-topped summit that is densely colonized by massive and encrusting zooxanthellate corals and the octocoral Heliopora coerulea. In contrast, the sediments recovered from the summit are dominated by the green alga Halimeda, subordinate components are corals, benthic foraminifers, mollusks, and coralline red algae. Thus, the sediments are classified as chlorozoan grain assemblage. However, non-skeletal grains (fecal pellets, ooids) are almost completely absent. This discrepancy between the living biota and the sediment composition could reflect a disruption by the severe tropical cyclone Ingrid that hit the northern Australian shelf in March 2005, just before the sampling for this study took place (September 2005).


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The effects of ocean acidification on lower invertebrates such as sponges may be pronounced because of their low capacity for acid-base regulation. However, so far, most studies have focused on calcifiers. We present the first study of the effects of ocean acidification on the Porifera. Sponge species composition and cover along pH gradients at CO2 vents off Ischia (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) was measured at sites with normal pH (8.1-8.2), lowered pH (mean 7.8-7.9, min 7.4-7.5) and extremely low pH (6.6). There was a strong correlation between pH and both sponge cover and species composition. Crambe crambe was the only species present in any abundance in the areas with mean pH 6.6, seven species were present at mean pH 7.8-7.9 and four species (Phorbas tenacior, Petrosia ficiformis, Chondrilla nucula and Hemimycale columella) were restricted to sites with normal pH. Sponge percentage cover decreased significantly from normal to acidified sites. No significant effect of increasing CO2 levels and decreasing pH was found on spicule form in Crambe crambe. This study indicates that increasing CO2 concentrations will likely affect sponge community composition as some demosponge species appear to be more vulnerable than others. Further research into the mechanisms by which acidification affects sponges would be useful in predicting likely effects on sessile marine communities.


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The silicon isotope composition (d30Si) of biogenic opal provides a view of the silica cycle at times in the past. Reconstructions require the knowledge of silicon isotope fractionation during opal biomineralization. The d30Si of specimens of hexactinellid sponges and demosponges growing in the modern ocean ranged from -1.2 per mil to -3.7 per mil (n = 6), corresponding to the production of opal that has a d30Si value 3.8 per mil +/- 0.8 per mil more negative than seawater silicic acid and a fractionation factor (a) of 0.9964. This is three times the fractionation observed during opal formation by marine diatoms and terrestrial plants and is the largest fractionation of silicon isotopes observed for any natural process on Earth. The d30Si values of sponge spicules across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary at Ocean Drilling Program Site 689 on Maud Rise range from -1.1 per mil to -3.0 per mil, overlapping the range observed for sponges growing in modern seawater.


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In many marine biogeographic realms, bioeroding sponges dominate the internal bioerosion of calcareous substrates such as mollusc beds and coral reef framework. They biochemically dissolve part of the carbonate and liberate so-called sponge chips, a process that is expected to be facilitated and accelerated in a more acidic environment inherent to the present global change. The bioerosion capacity of the demosponge Cliona celata Grant, 1826 in subfossil oyster shells was assessed via alkalinity anomaly technique based on 4 days of experimental exposure to three different levels of carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) at ambient temperature in the cold-temperate waters of Helgoland Island, North Sea. The rate of chemical bioerosion at present-day pCO2 was quantified with 0.08-0.1 kg/m**2/year. Chemical bioerosion was positively correlated with increasing pCO2, with rates more than doubling at carbon dioxide levels predicted for the end of the twenty-first century, clearly confirming that C. celata bioerosion can be expected to be enhanced with progressing ocean acidification (OA). Together with previously published experimental evidence, the present results suggest that OA accelerates sponge bioerosion (1) across latitudes and biogeographic areas, (2) independent of sponge growth form, and (3) for species with or without photosymbionts alike. A general increase in sponge bioerosion with advancing OA can be expected to have a significant impact on global carbonate (re)cycling and may result in widespread negative effects, e.g. on the stability of wild and farmed shellfish populations, as well as calcareous framework builders in tropical and cold-water coral reef ecosystems.


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The relative amounts of chlorite, montmorillonite, kaolinite and illite in the less than 2 micron size fraction of pelagic sediments are related to the sources and transport paths of solid phases from the continents to the oceans and to injections of volcanic materials to the marine environment. Three modes of entry of solid phases from the lands to the seas are considered: by glaciers, by rivers and by atmospheric winds. The compositions of the clay size fraction are also related to rates of accumulation of the non-biogenous phases.


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Siliceous sponges have survived pre-historical mass extinction events caused by ocean acidification and recent studies suggest that siliceous sponges will continue to resist predicted increases in ocean acidity. In this study, we monitored silica biomineralization in the Hawaiian sponge Mycale grandis under predicted pCO2 and sea surface temperature scenarios for 2100. Our goal was to determine if spicule biomineralization was enhanced or repressed by ocean acidification and thermal stress by monitoring silica uptake rates during short-term (48 h) experiments and comparing biomineralized tissue ratios before and after a long-term (26 d) experiment. In the short-term experiment, we found that silica uptake rates were not impacted by high pCO2 (1050 µatm), warmer temperatures (27°C), or combined high pCO2 with warmer temperature (1119 µatm; 27°C) treatments. The long-term exposure experiments revealed no effect on survival or growth rates of M. grandis to high pCO2 (1198 µatm), warmer temperatures (25.6°C), or combined high pCO2 with warmer temperature (1225 µatm, 25.7°C) treatments, indicating that M. grandis will continue to prosper under predicted increases in pCO2 and sea surface temperature. However, ash-free dry weight to dry weight ratios, subtylostyle lengths, and silicified weight to dry weight ratios decreased under conditions of high pCO2 and combined pCO2 warmer temperature treatments. Our results show that rising ocean acidity and temperature have marginal negative effects on spicule biomineralization and will not affect sponge survival rates of M. grandis.


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Late Cretaceous and younger sediments dredged from the upper continental slope and canyon walls in the Great Australian Bight Basin between 126° and 136°E broadly confirm the stratigraphy which had been established previously from scattered exploration wells. Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene marine and marginal marine terrigenous sediments are overlain by Middle Eocene and younger pelagic carbonate (fine limestone and calcareous ooze). The samples provide the first evidence of truly marine Maastrichtian sedimentation, with abundant calcareous nannoplankton, on the southern margin of the continent. Other samples of interest include Precambrian sheared granodiorite on the upper slope south of Eyre Terrace, Paleocene phosphatic sediment in 'Eucla' Canyon at 128° 30'E, and terrigenous Early Miocene mudstone at 133° 20' and 134° 50'E. The mudstone is of note as an exception to the uniform pelagic carbonate wackestone and ooze which characterise Middle Eocene and younger sedimentation at all other sites. Fragments of alkali basalt lava of unknown age were recovered in 'Eucla' Canyon. Cores are mostly pelagic calcareous ooze, but those from submarine canyons include terrigenous turbidites.