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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (424-374 ka) was characterized by a protracted deglaciation and an unusually long climatic optimum. It remains unclear to what degree the climate development during this interglacial reflects the unusually weak orbital forcing or greenhouse gas trends. Previously, arguments about the duration and timing of the MIS11 climatic optimum and about the pace of the deglacial warming were based on a small number of key records, which appear to show regional differences. In order to obtain a global signal of climate evolution during MIS11, we compiled a database of 78 sea surface temperature (SST) records from 57 sites spanning MIS11, aligned these individually on the basis of benthic (N = 28) or planktonic (N = 31) stable oxygen isotope curves to a common time frame and subjected 48 of them to an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. The analysis revealed a high commonality among all records, with the principal SST trend explaining almost 49% of the variability. This trend indicates that on the global scale, the surface ocean underwent rapid deglacial warming during Termination V, in pace with carbon dioxide rise, followed by a broad SST optimum centered at ~410 kyr. The second EOF, which explained ~18% of the variability, revealed the existence of a different SST trend, characterized by a delayed onset of the temperature optimum during MIS11 at ~398 kyr, followed by a prolonged warm period lasting beyond 380 kyr. This trend is most consistently manifested in the mid-latitude North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea and is here attributed to the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. A sensitivity analysis indicates that these results are robust to record selection and to age-model uncertainties of up to 3-6 kyr, but more sensitive to SST seasonal attribution and SST uncertainties >1 °C. In order to validate the CCSM3 (Community Climate System Model, version 3) predictive potential, the annual and seasonal SST anomalies recorded in a total of 74 proxy records were compared with runs for three time slices representing orbital configuration extremes during the peak interglacial of MIS11. The modeled SST anomalies are characterized by a significantly lower variance compared to the reconstructions. Nevertheless, significant correlations between proxy and model data are found in comparisons on the seasonal basis, indicating that the model captures part of the long-term variability induced by astronomical forcing, which appears to have left a detectable signature in SST trends.


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For the first time, annually resolved accumulation rates have been determined in central Antarctica by means of counting seasonal signals of ammonium, calcium, and sodium. All records, obtained from three intermediate depth ice cores from Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, show rather constant accumulation rates throughout the last 9 centuries with mean values of 63, 61, and 44 mm H2O yr**-1 and a typical year-to-year variation of about 30%. For the last few decades, no trend was detected accounting for the high natural variability of all records. A significant weak intersite correlation is apparent only between two cores when the high-frequency part with periods less than 30 years is removed. By analyzing the records in the frequency domain, no persistent periods were found. This suggests that the snow accumulation in this area is mainly influenced by local deposition patterns and may be additionally masked by redistribution of snow due to wind. By comparing accumulation rates over the last 2 millennia a distinct change in the layer thickness in one of the three cores was found, which might be attributed either to an area upstream of the drilling site with lower accumulation rates, or to deposition processes influenced by surface undulations. The missing of a clear correlation between the accumulation rate histories at the three locations is also important for the interpretation of small, short time variations of past precipitation records obtained from deep ice cores.


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Detailed stable isotopic and calcium carbonate records (with a sampling resolution of 3000 yr.) from the middle Miocene section of hydraulic piston corer (HPC) Hole 574A provide a sequence that records the major shift in the oxygen isotopic composition of the world's oceans that occurred at about 14 Ma. The data suggest that this transition was rapid and spans about 30,000 yr. of sediment deposition. In intervals before and after the shift, the mean d18O values are characterized by a constant mean with a high degree of variability. The degree of variability in both the d18O and d13C records is comparable to that observed for the Pliocene and earliest Pleistocene and does not show a significant change before or after the major shift in the d18O record. Whereas the oxygen isotopic record is characterized by relatively stable mean values before and after the middle Miocene event, the d13C record shows a number of significant offsets in the mean value separated by intervals of high-frequency variations. Time and frequency domain analysis of all records from Hole 574A indicate that the frequency components shown to be related to orbital changes in the Pleistocene record are also present in the middle Miocene. The high variability observed in the Site 574 isotopic records places important constraints on models describing the role of formation of the Antarctic ice sheet during the middle Miocene climatic transitions. Thus, HPC Hole 574A provides a valuable sequence for detailed study of climatic variability during an important time in the Earth's history, although we cannot provide a definitive explanation of the major oxygen isotopic event of the middle Miocene.


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The late Eocene through earliest Miocene stable-isotope composition of southwest Pacific microfossils has been examined in a traverse of high-quality sedimentary sequences ranging from subantarctic (DSDP Site 277) through temperate regions (DSDP Sites 592 and 593). Changes in oxygen-isotope values, measured in benthic and planktonic foraminifers, document the Oligocene development and strengthening of latitudinal thermal zonation from water masses with broad temperature gradients during the Eocene to the steeper gradients and more distinct latitudinally distributed surface water-mass belts of the Neogene. The oxygen-isotope records can be divided into three intervals: late Eocene, early Oligocene, and middle to late Oligocene. Each interval represents a successive stage in the evolution of latitudinal thermal gradients between subantarctic and temperate regions in the Southern Hemisphere. During the late Eocene, oxygen-isotope values at subantarctic Site 277 were similar to those at temperate Sites 592 and 593. The isotope values suggest that, although the inferred paleotemperatures at Site 277 are slightly cooler on average than those at the temperate sites, there is no evidence for a major thermal boundary between the regions at this time. All three sites record the well-known oxygen-isotope enrichment of about 1 per mil in both planktonic and benthic foraminifers in close association with the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. In contrast to the earliest Oligocene enrichments in the planktonic and benthic oxygen-isotope composition at Site 277, more northern Sites 592 and 593 exhibit a depletion through the early-middle Oligocene. This documents the beginning of thermal segregation as subantarctic waters cooled relative to those at temperate latitudes. During the Oligocene, this surface-water differentiation continued, as measured by planktonic d18O values. The oxygen-isotope records of the benthic foraminifers also began to diverge in the earliest Oligocene. The most enriched oxygen-isotope values in all records cluster in the middle Oligocene, marked by oscillating episodes of enrichments >0.5 per mil occurring most prominently in the subantarctic record of Site 277. These values can be interpreted as recording either the coldest oceanic temperatures of the Paleogene and/or accumulations of Antarctic ice. After this interval, latitudinal thermal differentiation developed rapidly during the middle Oligocene, especially in the surface waters which actually warmed in temperate areas. If the enriched Oligocene oxygen-isotope values indicate that ice had accumulated, this ice must have disappeared by the early Miocene, when depleted oxygen-isotope values suggest very warm conditions. The data presented in this chapter document the progressive increase of latitudinal temperature gradients from the late Eocene through the late Oligocene. This pattern of increasing isotopic offset between latitudinally distributed southwest Pacific sites is linked to the establishment and strengthening of the Circum-Antarctic Current, previously considered to have developed during the middle to late Oligocene. The intensification of this current system progressively decoupled the warm subtropical gyres from cool polar circulation, in turn leading to increased Antarctic glaciation.


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Astronomical tuning of sedimentary records to precise orbital solutions has led to unprecedented resolution in the geological time scale. However, the construction of a consistent astronomical time scale for the Paleocene is controversial due to uncertainties in the recognition of the exact number of 405-kyr eccentricity cycles and accurate correlation between key records. Here, we present a new Danian integrated stratigraphic framework using the land-based Zumaia and Sopelana hemipelagic sections from the Basque Basin and deep-sea records drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 198 (Shatsky Rise, North Pacific) and 208 (Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic) that solves previous discrepancies. The new coherent stratigraphy utilises composite images from ODP cores, a new whole-rock d13C isotope record at Zumaia and new magnetostratigraphic data from Sopelana. We consistently observe 11 405-kyr eccentricity cycles in all studied Danian successions. We achieve a robust correlation of bioevents and stable isotope events between all studied sections at the ~100-kyr short-eccentricity level, a prerequisite for paleoclimatic interpretations. Comparison with and subsequent tuning of the records to the latest orbital solution La2011 provides astronomically calibrated ages of 66.022 ± 0.040 Ma and 61.607 ± 0.040 Ma for the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) and Danian-Selandian 105 (D-S) boundaries respectively. Low sedimentation rates appear common in all records in the mid-Danian interval, including conspicuous condensed intervals in the oceanic records that in the past have hampered the proper identification of cycles. The comprehensive interbasinal approach applied here reveals pitfalls in time scale construction, filtering techniques in particular, and indicates that some caution and scrutiny has to be applied when building orbital chronologies. Finally, the Zumaia section, already hosting the Selandian Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), could serve as the global Danian unit stratotype in the future.


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New Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and published stable oxygen isotope and 87Sr/86Sr data obtained on ostracods from gravity cores located on the northwestern Black Sea slope were used to infer changes in the Black Sea hydrology and water chemistry for the period between 30 to 8 ka B.P. (calibrated radiocarbon years). The period prior to 16.5 ka B.P. was characterized by stable conditions in all records until a distinct drop in d18O values combined with a sharp increase in 87Sr/86Sr occurred between 16.5 and 14.8 ka B.P. This event is attributed to an increased runoff from the northern drainage area of the Black Sea between Heinrich Event 1 and the onset of the Bølling warm period. While the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca records remained rather unaffected by this inflow; they show an abrupt rise with the onset of the Bølling/Allerød warm period. This rise was caused by calcite precipitation in the surface water, which led to a sudden increase of the Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios of the Black Sea water. The stable oxygen isotopes also start to increase around 15 ka B.P., although in a more gradual manner, due to isotopically enriched meteoric precipitation. While Sr/Ca remains constant during the following interval of the Younger Dryas cold period, a decrease in the Mg/Ca ratio implies that the intermediate water masses of the Black Sea temporarily cooled by 1-2°C during the Younger Dryas. The 87Sr/86Sr values drop after the cessation of the water inflow at 15 ka B.P. to a lower level until the Younger Dryas, where they reach values similar to those observed during the Last Glacial Maximum. This might point to a potential outflow to the Mediterranean Sea via the Sea of Marmara during this period. The inflow of Mediterranean water started around 9.3 ka B.P., which is clearly detectable in the abruptly increasing Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and 87Sr/86Sr values. The accompanying increase in the d18O record is less pronounced and would fit to an inflow lasting ~100 a.


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The MBT-CBT proxy for the reconstruction of paleotemperatures and past soil pH is based on the distribution of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (brGDGT) membrane lipids. The Methylation of Branched Tetraether (MBT) and the Cyclisation of Branched Tetraether (CBT) indices were developed to quantify these distributions, and significant empirical relations between these indices and annual mean air temperature (MAT) and/or soil pH were found in a large data set of soils. In this study, we extended this soil dataset to 278 globally distributed surface soils. Of these soils, 26% contains all nine brGDGTs, while in 63% of the soils the seven most common brGDGTs were detected, and the latter were selected for calibration purposes. This resulted in new transfer functions for the reconstruction of pH based on the CBT index: pH = 7.90-1.97 × CBT (r**2 = 0.70; RMSE = 0.8; n = 176), as well as for MAT based on the CBT index and methylation index based on the seven most abundant GDGTs (defined as MBT'): MAT = 0.81-5.67 × CBT + 31.0 × MBT' (r**2 = 0.59; RMSE = 5.0 °C; n = 176). The new transfer function for MAT has a substantially lower correlation coefficient than the original equation (r**2 = 0.77). To investigate possible improvement of the correlation, we used our extended global surface soil dataset to statistically derive the indices that best describe the relations of brGDGT composition with MAT and soil pH. These new indices, however, resulted in only a relatively minor increase in correlation coefficients, while they cannot be explained straightforwardly by physiological mechanisms. The large scatter in the calibration cannot be fully explained by local factors or by seasonality, but MAT for soils from arid regions are generally substantially (up to 20 °C) underestimated, suggesting that absolute brGDGT-based temperature records for these areas should be interpreted with caution. The applicability of the new MBT'-CBT calibration function was tested using previously published MBT-CBT-derived paleotemperature records covering the last deglaciation in Central Africa and East Asia, the Eocene-Oligocene boundary and the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. The results show that trends remain similar in all records, but that absolute temperature estimates and the amplitude of temperature changes are lower for most records, and generally in better agreement with independent proxy data.


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The present data set was used as a training set for a Habitat Suitability Model. It contains occurrence (presence-only) of living Lophelia pertusa reefs in the Irish continental margin, which were assembled from databases, cruise reports and publications. A total of 4423 records were inspected and quality assessed to ensure that they (1) represented confirmed living L. pertusa reefs (so excluding 2900 records of dead and isolated coral colony records); (2) were derived from sampling equipment that allows for accurate (<200 m) geo-referencing (so excluding 620 records derived mainly from trawling and dredging activities); and (3) were not duplicated. A total of 245 occurrences were retained for the analysis. Coral observations are highly clustered in regions targeted by research expeditions, which might lead to falsely inflated model evaluation measures (Veloz, 2009). Therefore, we coarsened the distribution data by deleting all but one record within grid cells of 0.02° resolution (Davies & Guinotte 2011). The remaining 53 points were subject to a spatial cross-validation process: a random presence point was chosen, grouped with its 12 closest neighbour presence points based on Euclidean distance and withheld from model training. This process was repeated for all records, resulting in 53 replicates of spatially non-overlapping sets of test (n=13) and training (n=40) data. The final 53 occurrence records were used for model training.


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Angola Basin and Walvis Ridge records of past sea surface temperatures (SST) derived from the alkenone Uk 37 index are used to reconstruct the surface circulation in the east equatorial South Atlantic for the last 200,000 years. Comparison of SST estimates from surface sediments between 5° and 20°S with modern SST data suggests that the alkenone temperatures represent annual mean values of the surface mixed layer. Alkenone-derived temperatures for the warm climatic maxima of the Holocene and the penultimate interglacial are 1 to 4°C higher than latest Holocene values. All records show glacial to interglacial differences of about 3.5°C in annual mean SST, which is about 1.5°C greater than the difference estimated by CLIMAP (1981) for the eastern Angola Basin. At the Walvis Ridge, significant SST variance is observed at all of the Earth's orbital periodicities. SST records from the Angola Basin vary predominantly at 23- and 100-kyr periodicities. For the precessional cycle, SST changes at the Walvis Ridge correspond to variations of boreal summer insolation over Africa and lead ice volume changes, suggesting that the east equatorial South Atlantic is sensitive to African monsoon intensity via trade-wind zonality. Angola Basin SST records lag those from the Walvis Ridge and the equatorial Atlantic by about 3 kyr. The comparison of Angola Basin and Walvis Ridge SST records implies that the Angola-Benguela Front (ABF) (currently at about 14-16°S) has remained fairly stationary between 12° and 20°S (the limits of our cores) during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. The temperature contrast associated with the ABF exhibits a periodic 23-kyr variability which is coherent with changes in boreal summer insolation over Africa. These observations suggest that surface waters north of the present ABF have not directly responded to monsoon-modulated changes in the trade-wind vector, that the central field of zonally directed trades in the southern hemisphere was not shifted or extended northward by several degrees of latitude during glacials, and that a cyclonic gyre circulation has existed in the east equatorial South Atlantic over the last 200,000 years. This scenario contradicts former assumptions of glacial intensification of the Benguela Current into the eastern Angola Basin and increased coastal upwelling off Angola.


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To improve quantitative interpretation of ice core aeolian dust records a systematic methodical comparison has been made involving methods of water-insoluble particle counting (Coulter Counter and laser-sensing particle detector), soluble ions (ion chromatography, IC, and continuous flow analysis, CFA), elemental analysis (inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, ICP-MS, at pH 1 and after full acid digestion), and water-insoluble elemental analysis (proton induced X-ray emission, PIXE). Ice core samples covering the last deglaciation have been used from the EPICA Dome C (EDC) and the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) ice cores. All methods correlate very well amongst each other. The ratios of glacial age concentrations to Holocene concentrations, which are typically a factor ~100, differ significantly between the methods, but differences are limited to a factor < 2 for most methods with insoluble particles showing the largest change. The recovery of ICP-MS measurements depends on the digestion method and is different for different elements and during different climatic periods. EDC and EDML samples have similar dust composition, which suggests a common dust source or a common mixture of sources for the two sites. The analysed samples further reveal a change of dust composition during the last deglaciation.


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The aerosol climatology at the coastal Antarctic Neumayer Station (NM) was investigated based on continuous, 25-yr long observations of biogenic sulphur components (methanesulfonate and non-sea salt sulphate), sea salt and nitrate. Although significant long-term trends could only be detected for nitrate (-3.6 ± 2.5% per year between 1983 and 1993 and +4.0 ± 3.2% per year from 1993-2007), non-harmonic periodicities between 2 and 5 yr were typical for all species. Dedicated time series analyses revealed that relations to sea ice extent and various circulation indices are weak at best or not significant. In particular, no consistent link between sea ice extent and sea salt loadings was evident suggesting only a rather local relevance of the NM sea salt record. Nevertheless, a higher Southern Annular Mode index tended to entail a lower biogenic sulphur signal. In examining the spatial uniformity of the NM findings we contrasted them to respective 17 yr records from the coastal Dumont d'Urville Station. We found similar long-term trends for nitrate, indicating an Antarctic-wide but not identifiable atmospheric signal, although any significant impact of solar activity or pollution could be ruled out. No inter-site variability on the multiannual scale was evident for the other ionic compounds.


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The ammonium, calcium, and sodium concentrations from three intermediate depth ice cores drilled in the area of Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, have been investigated. Since all measurements were performed by a high-resolution Continuous Flow Analysis system, for the first time seasonal signals of chemical trace species could be obtained from the interior of central Antarctica over a period of approximately 2 millennia. Although the elevation as well as the accumulation rate differ between the drilling sites, similar values were obtained by comparing mean concentrations spanning the last 900 years. However, a distinct lack of intersite correlation was found on decadal timescales. Despite a noticeable accumulation change, apparent in one core, no significant concentration change of all three species has occurred. All the measured ions show clear seasonal signals over the whole records. While the sea-salt-related component sodium peaks simultaneously with calcium, the maximum ammonium concentration occurs in the snow with a time lag of 2 months after the sea-salt peak. More than 60% of the calcium concentration can be attributed to an ocean source. Elevated sodium concentrations were found within this millennium compared to mean values of the whole records, but the spatially varying shape of the increase suggests that a possible climatic signal is biased by local deposition effects.


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In summary, one may conclude that human influence in the Bokanjac area started in the Eneolithic or Earlier Bronze Age - the third to second millennia Cal. BC. Traces of agriculture are weak or missing in the pollen diagram but grazing is indicated. Chestnut and walnut were introduced by humans to the area in classical times. These findings are in general agreement with the results of earlier studies at coastal sites north-west and south-east of Bokanjacko Blato.


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North Atlantic sediment records (MD95-2042), Greenland (Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP)) and Antarctica (Byrd and Vostok) ice core climate records have been synchronized over marine isotopic stage 3 (MIS 3) (64 to 24 kyr B.P.) (Shackleton et al., 2000). The resulting common timescale suggested that MD95-2042 d18Obenthic fluctuations were synchronous with temperature changes in Antarctica (dDice or d18Oice records). In order to assess the persistency of this result we have used here the recent Greenland NorthGRIP ice core covering the last glacial inception. We transfer the Antarctic Vostok GT4 timescale to NorthGRIP d18Oice and MD95-2042 d18Oplanktonic records and precisely quantify all the relative timing uncertainties. During the rapid warming of Dansgaard-Oeschger 24, MD95-2042 d18Obenthic decrease is in phase with d18Oplanktonic decrease and therefore with NorthGRIP temperature increase, but it takes place 1700 ± 1100 years after the Antarctic warming. Thus the present study reveals that the results obtained previously for MIS 3 cannot be generalized and demonstrates the need to improve common chronologies for marine and polar archives.


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Two records of the geomagnetic polarity transition at the beginning of the Jaramillo Subchron (0.97 Ma) have been obtained from sediments in the equatorial Atlantic (Leg 108, Site 665; 2.95°N, 340.33°E) and Indian (Leg 121, Site 758; 5.38°N, 90.35°E) oceans. Both cores yielded high-quality magnetostratigraphic results; however, the relatively low sedimentation rates, the weak magnetizations, and complex demagnetization behavior of some transitional samples suggest that the record of the transitional field behavior may be less reliable. In addition, variations in grain size preclude reliable paleointensity determinations although the remanence in both cores is apparently dominated by magnetite. Despite these possible complications, the two cores yield transitional paths that are neither far-sided nor near-sided. Together with published records that meet minimum reliability standards, the two equatorial records presented here suggest that the lower Jaramillo transitional field morphology was significantly nonaxisymmetric. The mean normal and reversed inclinations from both cores deviate from the inclination expected from a geocentric axial dipole, as noted in virtually all marine sediment cores. The observed inclinations provide further support for a polarity-dependent nondipole contribution to the time-averaged field.