13 resultados para Age-dependent perceived exertion

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The ocean quahog, Arctica islandica is the longest-lived non-colonial animal known to science. A maximum individual age of this bivalve of 405 years has been found in a population off the north western coast of Iceland. Conspicuously shorter maximum lifespan potentials (MLSPs) were recorded from other populations of A. islandica in European waters (e.g. Kiel Bay: 30 years, German Bight: 150 years) which experience wider temperature and salinity fluctuations than the clams from Iceland. The aim of my thesis was to identify possible life-prolonging physiological strategies in A. islandica and to examine the modulating effects of extrinsic factors (e.g. seawater temperature, food availability) and intrinsic factors (e.g. species-specific behavior) on these strategies. Burrowing behavior and metabolic rate depression (MRD), tissue-specific antioxidant and anaerobic capacities as well as cell-turnover (= apoptosis and proliferation) rates were investigated in A. islandica from Iceland and the German Bight. An inter-species comparison of the quahog with the epibenthic scallop Aequipecten opercularis (MLSP = 8-10 years) was carried out in order to determine whether bivalves with short lifespans and different lifestyles also feature a different pattern in cellular maintenance and repair. The combined effects of a low-metabolic lifestyle, low oxidative damage accumulation, and constant investment into cellular protection and tissue maintenance, appear to slow-down the process of physiological aging in A. islandica and to afford the extraordinarily long MLSP in this species. Standard metabolic rates were lower in A. islandica when compared to the shorter-lived A. opercularis. Furthermore, A. islandica regulate mantle cavity water PO2 to mean values < 5 kPa, a PO2 at which the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in isolated gill tissues of the clams was found to be 10 times lower than at normoxic conditions (21 kPa). Burrowing and metabolic rate depression (MRD) in Icelandic specimens were more pronounced in winter, possibly supported by low seawater temperature and food availability, and seem to be key energy-saving and life-prolonging parameters in A. islandica. The signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO) may play an important role during the onset of MRD in the ocean quahog by directly inhibiting cytochome-c-oxidase at low internal oxygenation upon shell closure. In laboratory experiments, respiration of isolated A. islandica gills was completely inhibited by chemically produced NO at low experimental PO2 <= 10 kPa. During shell closure, mantle cavity water PO2 decreased to 0 kPa for longer than 24 h, a state in which ROS production is supposed to subside. Compared to other mollusk species, onset of anaerobic metabolism is late in A. islandica in the metabolically reduced state. Increased accumulation of the anaerobic metabolite succinate was initially detected in the adductor muscle of the clams after 3.5 days under anoxic incubation or in burrowed specimens. A ROS-burst was absent in isolated gill tissue of the clams following hypoxia (5 kPa)-reoxygenation (21 kPa). Accordingly, neither the activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), nor the specific content of the ROS-scavenger glutathione (GSH) was enhanced in different tissues of the ocean quahog after 3.5 days of self-induced or forced hypoxia/anoxia to prepare for an oxidative burst. While reduced ROS formation compared to routine levels lowers oxidative stress during MRD and also during surfacing, the general preservation of high cellular defense and the efficient removal and replacement of damaged cells over lifetime seem to be of crucial importance in decelerating the senescent decline in tissues of A. islandica. Along with stable antioxidant protection over 200 years of age, proliferation rates and apoptosis intensities in most investigated tissues of the ocean quahog were low, but constant over 140 years of age. Accordingly, age-dependent accumulations of protein and lipid oxidation products are lower in A. islandica tissues when compared to the shorter-lived bivalve A. opercularis. The short-lived swimming scallop is a model bivalve species representing the opposite life and aging strategy to A. islandica. In this species permanently high energy throughput, reduced investment into antioxidant defense with age, and higher accumulation of oxidation products are met by higher cell turnover rates than in the ocean quahog. The only symptoms of physiological change over age ever found in A. islandica were decreasing cell turnover rates in the heart muscle over a lifetime of 140 years. This may either indicate higher damage levels and possibly ongoing loss of functioning in the heart of aging clams, or, the opposite, lower rates of cell damage and a reduced need for cell renewal in the heart tissue of A. islandica over lifetime. Basic physiological capacities of different A. islandica populations, measured at controlled laboratory conditions, could not explain considerable discrepancies in population specific MLSPs. For example, levels of tissue-specific antioxidant capacities and cell turnover rates were similarly high in individuals from the German Bight and from Iceland. Rather than genetic differences, the local impacts of environmental conditions on behavioral and physiological traits in the ocean quahog seem to be responsible for differences in population-specific MLSPs.


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Twenty-four manganese nodules from the surface of the sea floor and fifteen buried nodules were studied. With three exceptions, the nodules were collected from the area covered by Valdivia Cruise VA 04 some 1200 nautical miles southeast of Hawaii. Age determinations were made using the ionium method. In order to get a true reproduction of the activity distribution in the nodules, they were cut in half and placed for one month on nuclear emulsion plates to determine the alpha-activity of the ionium and its daughter products. Special methods of counting the alpha-tracks resolution to depth intervals of 0.125 mm. For the first time it was possible to resolve zones of rapid growth (impulse growth) with growth rates, s > 50 mm/106 yr and interruptions in growth. With few exceptions the average rate of growth of all nodules was surprisingly uniform at 4-9 mm/10 yr. No growth could be recognized radioactively in the buried nodules. One exceptional nodule has had recent impulse growth and, in the material formed, the ionium is not yet in equilibrium with its daughter products. Individual layers in one nodule from the Indian Ocean could be dated and an average time interval of t = 2600±400 yr was necessary to form one layer. The alternation between iron and manganese-rich parts of the nodules was made visible by colour differences resulting from special treatment of cut surfaces with HCl vapour. The zones of slow growth of one nodule are relatively enriched in iron. Earlier attempts to find paleomagnetic reversals in manganese nodules have been continued. Despite considerable improvement in areal resolution, reversals were not detected in the nodules studied. Comparisons of the surface structure, microstructure in section and the radiometric dating show that there are erosion surfaces and growth surfaces on the outer surfaces of the manganese nodules. The formation of cracks in the nodules was studied in particular. The model of age-dependent nodule shrinkage and cracking surprisingly indicates that the nodules break after exceeding a certain age and/or size. Consequently, the breaking apart of manganese nodules is a continuous process not of catastrophic or discontinuous origin. The microstructure of the nodules exhibits differences in the mechanism of accretion and accretion rate of material, shortly referred to as accretion form. Thus non-directional growth inside the nodules as well as a directional growth may be observed. Those nodules with large accretion forms have grown faster than smaller ones. Consequently, parallel layers indicate slow growth. The upper surfaces of the nodules, protruding into the bottom water appear to be more prone to growth disturbances than the lower surfaces, immersed in the sediment. Features of some nodules show, that as they develop, they neither turned nor rolled. Yet unknown is the mechanism that keeps the nodules at the surface during continuous sedimentation. All in all, the nodules remain the objects of their own distinctive problems. The hope of using them as a kind of history book still seems to be very remote.


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We have reconstructed the surface water environment of the Arctic Ocean over the last ? 50,000 years using measurements of the organic nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios, carbonate and total organic carbon concentrations (TOC), and terrestrial biomarkers (lignin and long-chain n-alkanes) in four multicores. Variations in nitrogen isotope ratios that are concordant with TOC and carbonate concentrations (representing foraminifera and excluding ice-rafted-debris) reflect differences in relative nutrient utilization of phytoplankton in the surface waters. However, d15N variations also appear to be dependent on the stratification of the water column and therefore potentially track the exchange of nutrients between deep and surface waters. Low Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) d15N values and higher Holocene values are opposite to those recorded in the Southern Ocean. The Arctic Ocean with higher nutrient utilization today compared to the LGM therefore acts as a counterpart to the Southern Ocean, although the global impact on carbon dioxide variations compared to the Southern Ocean is probably low.


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Innerdalen was once a mountain valley (ca. 780 m a.s.l.) with birch forests, bogs and several summer farms. Today it is a 6.5 km**2 artifical lake. In 1980 and 1981 archaeological and palynological investigations were carried out due to the hydroelectric power plans. Radiocarbon dated pollen diagrams from 9 different localities in Innerdalen provide information on a mountain environment which has been exploited to varying degrees by human groups for thousands of years. In the Birch Zone, ca. 9500-8500 years B.P., the deglaciated surface is vegetated by the normal sequence of pioneering species, first show-bed communities, then shrub/dwarf-shrub communities, and finally a birch forest community. In the Pine Zone, ca. 8500-7500 years B.P., the mixed Birch-Pine forest which prevailed at the end of the Birch Zone is replaced by a dense pine forest. The tree limit was higher than it is today. In the Alder Zone, ca. 7500-4000 years B.P., the newly arrived alder gradually succeeded pine, particularily on good soils. This alder forest has a modem analog in the pre-alpine gray alder forests in Norway. In the last part of the Alder Zone, ca. 6000-4000 years B.P., elm and hazel are nominally present on particularily rich soils, marking the edaphic and climatic optimum in Innerdalen. During this time the first evidence of human impact on the vegetation is apparent in the pollen diagrams. At both Sætersetra in the south of the valley and Liabekken in the north, forest clearance and the development of grazed grass meadows is documented, and human impact continues until the present. The Herb Zone, ca. 4000 years B.P. to 1600 A.D., is characterized by the rapid decline of alder. The forest is increasingly open, and bog formation is initiated. The sub-alpine belt of birch forest is established, probably due to the shift to a cooler, moister climate. Human activity can also have influenced the vegetational changes, although at 4 of the localities human activity also is first apparent after the alder decline. Some localities show measurably less human impact on the vegetation ca. 2600-2000 years B.P. Grazing intensity increases ca. 2000 years B.P. At the end of the Herb Zone rye and barley pollen is registered at Sætersetra and Flonan, indicating contact between the grazing activities of Innerdal and grain cultivation activities outside the valley. The Spruce Zone, ca. 1600 A.D. to the present, does not begin synchronously since the presence of long-distance transported spruce pollen at a locality is entirely dependent on the density of the vegetation ie. degree of human impact. The youngest spruce rise is ca. 1500 A.D. at Røstvangen, when summerfarming is initiated. Summerfarming activities in Innerdal produce an increasingly open landscape. Rye and barley pollen at several localities may indicate limited local cultivation, but is more likely long-distance transport via humans and domesticated animals from cultivated areas outside Innerdalen.


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A marine sediment core from the leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank (GBB) was subjected to a multiproxy study. The aragonite dominated core MD992201 comprises the past 7230 years in a decadal time resolution and shows sedimentation rates of up to 13.8 m/kyr. Aragonite mass accumulation rates, age differences between planktonic foraminifera and aragonite sediments, and temperature distribution are used to deduce changes in aragonite production rates and paleocurrent strengths. Aragonite precipitation rates on GBB are controlled by exchange of carbonate ions and CO2 loss due to temperature-salinity conditions and biological activity, and these are dependent on the current strength. Paleocurrent strengths on GBB show high current velocities during the periods 6000-5100 years BP, 3500-2700 years BP, and 1600-700 years BP; lower current speeds existed during the time intervals 5100-3500 years BP, 2700-1600 years BP, and 700-100 years BP. Bahamian surface currents are directly linked to the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation, and thus periods with high (low) current speeds are proposed to be phases of strong (weak) atmospheric circulation.


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A nested ice flow model was developed for eastern Dronning Maud Land to assist with the dating and interpretation of the EDML deep ice core. The model consists of a high-resolution higher-order ice dynamic flow model that was nested into a comprehensive 3-D thermomechanical model of the whole Antarctic ice sheet. As the drill site is on a flank position the calculations specifically take into account the effects of horizontal advection as deeper ice in the core originated from higher inland. First the regional velocity field and ice sheet geometry is obtained from a forward experiment over the last 8 glacial cycles. The result is subsequently employed in a Lagrangian backtracing algorithm to provide particle paths back to their time and place of deposition. The procedure directly yields the depth-age distribution, surface conditions at particle origin, and a suite of relevant parameters such as initial annual layer thickness. This paper discusses the method and the main results of the experiment, including the ice core chronology, the non-climatic corrections needed to extract the climatic part of the signal, and the thinning function. The focus is on the upper 89% of the ice core (appr. 170 kyears) as the dating below that is increasingly less robust owing to the unknown value of the geothermal heat flux. It is found that the temperature biases resulting from variations of surface elevation are up to half of the magnitude of the climatic changes themselves.


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Stalagmites are important palaeo-climatic archives since their chemical and isotopic signatures have the potential to record high-resolution changes in temperature and precipitation over thousands of years. We present three U/Th-dated records of stalagmites (MA1-MA3) in the superhumid southern Andes, Chile (53°S). They grew simultaneously during the last five thousand years (ka BP) in a cave that developed in schist and granodiorite. Major and trace elements as well as the C and O isotope compositions of the stalagmites were analysed at high spatial and temporal resolution as proxies for palaeo-temperature and palaeo-precipitation. Calibrations are based on data from five years of monitoring the climate and hydrology inside and outside the cave and on data from 100 years of regional weather station records. Water-insoluble elements such as Y and HREE in the stalagmites indicate the amount of incorporated siliciclastic detritus. Monitoring shows that the quantity of detritus is controlled by the drip water rate once a threshold level has been exceeded. In general, drip rate variations of the stalagmites depend on the amount of rainfall. However, different drip-water pathways above each drip location gave rise to individual drip rate levels. Only one of the three stalagmites (MA1) had sufficiently high drip rates to record detrital proxies over its complete length. Carbonate-compatible element contents (e.g. U, Sr, Mg), which were measured up to sub-annual resolution, document changes in meteoric precipitation and related drip-water dilution. In addition, these soluble elements are controlled by leaching during weathering of the host rock and soils depending on the pH of acidic pore waters in the peaty soils of the cave's catchment area. In general, higher rainfall resulted in a lower concentration of these elements and vice versa. The Mg/Ca record of stalagmite MA1 was calibrated against meteoric precipitation records for the last 100 years from two regional weather stations. Carbonate-compatible soluble elements show similar patterns in the three stalagmites with generally high values when drip rates and detrital tracers were low and vice versa. d13C and d18O values are highly correlated in each stalagmite suggesting a predominantly drip rate dependent kinetic control by evaporation and/or outgassing. Only C and O isotopes from stalagmite MA1 that received the highest drip rates show a good correlation between detrital proxy elements and carbonate-compatible elements. A temperature-related change in rainwater isotope values modified the MA1 record during the Little Ice Age (~0.7-0.1 ka BP) that was ~1.5 °C colder than today. The isotopic composition of the stalagmites MA2 and MA3 that formed at lower drip rates shows a poor correlation with stalagmite MA1 and all other chemical proxies of MA1. 'Hendy tests' indicate that the degassing-controlled isotope fractionation of MA2 and MA3 had already started at the cave roof, especially when drip rates were low. Changing pathways and residence times of the seepage water caused a non-climatically controlled isotope fractionation, which may be generally important in ventilated caves during phases of low drip rates. Our proxies indicate that the Neoglacial cold phases from ~3.5 to 2.5 and from ~0.7 to 0.1 ka BP were characterised by 30% lower precipitation compared with the Medieval Warm Period from 1.2 to 0.8 ka BP, which was extremely humid in this region.


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Continuous measurements of ice crystal size have been carried out on an 80 m sequence between 2790 and 2870 m depth in the GRIP ice core from Central Greenland. The ice in this interval is at present considered to orginate from the Eemian interglacial period. The record reveals that the crystal size in ice older than 100,000 yr is highly dependent on climatic conditions at the time of snowfall. This dependence shows up as a strong correlation between ?18O values and crystal size throughout the Eemian, as well as a negative correlation between crystal size and several soluble and insoluble impurities. Although high-resolution impurity records are available from selected parts of the Eemian ice, the study is not conclusive on which impurities are most effective in slowing grain growth. It is shown that the normal grain-growth process, commonly observed in the upper few hundred metres of polar ice sheets, does not yield grain sizes compatible with observed ones at this depth in the ice sheet, even in those parts of the Eemian ice where impurity drag effects are not present. Polygonization of crystals within the ice sheet and the nucleation and rapid growth of new grains at relatively high temperatures in the lowest part probably play an important role in producing the observed grain-size variations. The relevance of possible flow disturbances of the GRIP Eemian climatic record for the results presented is discussed briefly.


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The present-day condition of bipolar glaciation characterized by rapid and large climate fluctuations began at the end of the Pliocene with the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere continental glaciations. The global cooling steps of the late Pliocene have been documented in numerous studies of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from the Northern Hemisphere. However, the interactions between oceans and between land and ocean during these cooling steps are poorly known. In particular, data from the Southern Hemisphere are lacking. Therefore I investigated the pollen of ODP Site 1082 in the southeast Atlantic Ocean in order to obtain a high-resolution record of vegetation change in Namibia between 3.4 and 1.8 Ma. Four phases of vegetation development are inferred that are connected to global climate change. (1) Before 3 Ma, extensive, rather open grass-rich savannahs with mopane trees existed in Namibia, but the extension of desert and semidesert vegetation was still restricted. (2) Increase of winter rainfall dependent Renosterveld-like vegetation occurred between 3.1 and 2.2 Ma connected to strong advection of polar waters along the Namibian coast and a northward shift of the Polar Front Zone in the Southern Ocean. (3) Climatically induced fluctuations became stronger between 2.7 and 2.2 Ma and semiarid areas extended during glacial periods probably as the result of an increased pole-equator thermal gradient and consequently globally enhanced atmospheric circulation. (4) Aridification and climatic variability further increased after 2.2 Ma, when the Polar Front Zone migrated southward and the influence of Atlantic moisture brought by the westerlies to southern Africa declined. It is concluded that the positions of the frontal systems in the Southern Ocean which determine the locations of the high-pressure cells over the South Atlantic and the southern Indian Ocean have a strong influence on the climate of southern Africa in contrast to the climate of northwest and central Africa, which is dominated by the Saharan low-pressure cell.


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Paleoenvironmental studies and climate models demonstrate that fluvial runoff and moisture availability in the Caribbean hinterland react very sensitively to climatic variations. Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate records document pronounced dry and wet periods over tropical South America mainly caused by shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). However, forcing mechanisms for changes in the ITCZ position remain controversial. Here we present high-resolution foraminiferal Ba/Ca and d18Oseawater records from a core located within the Orinoco River outflow documenting abrupt hydrological changes in the Orinoco catchment area during the deglacial and Holocene. Our data, obtained from the surface-dwelling foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (pink), show an abrupt increase in Ba/Ca ratios in the early Holocene, starting ~600 yr after the end of the Younger Dryas (YD) cold interval at ca. 10.8 ka and suggesting a massive reorganization of moisture sources in northern South America. In contrast, the salinity dependent d18Oseawater from the same samples shows a gradual decrease starting at the end of the YD. The offset of our Ba/Ca peak excludes meltwater release in conjunction with the northern Andean glacier retreat well before the end of the YD as a forcing mechanism. We suggest that the Ba/Ca record documents an abrupt increase in Ba-rich waters of a northern Andean source caused by the insolation-driven shift of the ITCZ and/or enhanced monsoon activity.


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Application of the 230Th normalization method to estimate sediment burial fluxes in six cores from the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) reveals that bulk sediment and organic carbon fluxes display a coherent regional pattern during the Holocene that is consistent with modern oceanographic conditions, in contrast with estimates of bulk mass accumulation rates (MARs) derived from core chronologies. Two nearby sites (less than 10 km apart), which have different MARs, show nearly identical 230Th-normalized bulk fluxes. Focusing factors derived from the 230Th data at the foot of the Carnegie Ridge in the Panama Basin are >2 in the Holocene, implying that lateral sediment addition is significant in this part of the basin. New geochemical data and existing literature provide evidence for a hydrothermal source of sediment in the southern part of the Panama Basin and for downslope transport from the top of the Carnegie Ridge. The compilation of core records suggests that sediment focusing is spatially and temporally variable in the EEP. During oxygen isotope stage 2 (OIS 2, from 13-27 ka BP), focusing appears even higher compared to the Holocene at most sites, similar to earlier findings in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific. The magnitude of the glacial increase in focusing factors, however, is strongly dependent on the accuracy of age models. We offer two possible explanations for the increase in glacial focusing compared to the Holocene. The first one is that the apparent increase in lateral sediment redistribution is partly or even largely an artifact of insufficient age control in the EEP, while the second explanation, which assumes that the observed increase is real, involves enhanced deep sea tidal current flow during periods of low sea level stand.


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Planktonic foraminiferal faunas of the southeast Pacific indicate that sea surface temperatures (SST) have varied by as much as 8-10°C in the Peru Current, and by ?5-7°C along the equator, over the past 150,000 years. Changes in SST at times such as the Last Glacial Maximum reflect incursion of high-latitude species Globorotalia inflata and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma into the eastern boundary current and as far north as the equator. A simple heat budget model of the equatorial Pacific shows that observed changes in Peru Current advection can account for about half of the total variability in equatorial SSTs. The remaining changes in equatorial SST, which are likely related to local changes in upwelling or pycnocline depth, precede changes in polar climates as recorded by d18O. This partitioning of processes in eastern equatorial Pacific SST reveals that net ice-age cooling here reflects first a rapid response of equatorial upwelling to insolation, followed by a later response to changes in the eastern boundary current associated with high-latitude climate (which closely resembles variations in atmospheric CO2 as recorded in the Vostok ice core). Although precise mechanisms responsible for the equatorial upwelling component of climate change remain uncertain, one likely candidate that may operate independently of the ice sheets is insolation-driven changes in El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) frequency. Early responses of equatorial SST detected both here and elsewhere highlight the sensitivity of tropical systems to small changes in seasonal insolation. The scale of tropical changes we have observed are substantially greater than model predictions, suggesting a need for further quantitative assessment of processes associated with long-term climate change.


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A sediment core from Reykjanes Ridge has been studied at 10- to 50-year time resolution to document variability of Holocene surface water conditions in the western North Atlantic and to evaluate effects of Holocene ice-rafting episodes. Diatom assemblages are converted to quantitative sea surface temperatures (SST) using three different transfer functions. Spectral and scale-space methods are also applied on the records to explore variability at different timescales. Diatom assemblage and SST records clearly show that decaying remnants of the Laurentide ice sheet strongly influenced early Holocene climate in the western North Atlantic. This overrode the predominance of Milankovitch forcing, which played a key role in the development of Holocene climate in the eastern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas. Superimposed on general Holocene climate change is high-frequency SST variability on the order of 1°-3°C. The record also documents climatic oscillations with 600- to 1000-, ~1500-, and 2500-year periodicities, with a time-dependent dominance of different periodicities through the Holocene; a clear change in variability occurred about 5 ka BP. The SST record also provides evidence for Holocene cooling events (HCE) that, in some cases, correlate to documented southward intrusions of ice into the North Atlantic.