242 resultados para 75-532A

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Orientation and geometry of pores as well as sediment compressibility can be approximated by determining the shrinkage behavior of standardized samples. The sections investigated show that these measurements are influenced by changing sediment composition. This is also well documented by the relationship between void ratio and overburden pressure. Median pore-diameter calculations clearly reflect both sediment composition and compaction.


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During Leg 75 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) from the D/V Glomar Challenger, a 200-m deep hole was drilled at Hole 532A on the eastern side of Walvis Ridge at a water depth of 1331 m. Sediment cores were obtained by means of a hydraulic piston corer. All of the cores from this boring were designated for geotechnical studies and were distributed among eight institutions. The results of laboratory studies on these sediment cores were compiled and analyzed. Sediment properties, including physical characteristics, strength, consolidation, and permeability were studied to evaluate changes as a function of depth of burial. It was concluded that the sediment profile to the explored depth of 200 m at Walvis Ridge consists of approximately 50 m of foram-nannofossil marl (Subunit 1a) over 64 m of diatom-nannofossil marl (Subunit 1b) over nannofossil marl (Subunit 1c) to the depth explored. All three sediment units appear to be normally consolidated, although some anomalies seem to exist to a depth of 120 m. No distinct differences were found among the sediment properties of the three subunits (1a, 1b, and 1c) identified at this site.


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Abundances of organic carbon, sulfur, and reactive iron in sediments of three upwelling environments (Peru, Oman and Benguela) suggest that organic carbon/reduced sulfur ratios (C/S-ratios) in this category of marine sediments deviate considerably from previously established empirical ratios in normal marine sediments. To clarify the discrepancies, we investigated those components of the diagenetic system that limit the formation of pyrite: sulfate concentrations and reduction rates in pore waters, availability of reactive iron, and the quantity and quality of organic matter. All three limitations are evident in our sample pools. The results suggest that C/S-ratios in recent and fossil marine sediments rich in organic matter may be unsuitable as paleoenvironmental indicators.


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Chemical and mineralogical compositions of ferromanganese oxide coatings on rocks dredged from the New England Seamounts, the Sierra Leone Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Equator have been determined in an investigation of regional differences in Atlantic ferromanganese deposits. Most encrustations are clearly of hydrogenous origin, consisting mainly of todorokite and delta MnO2, but several recovered from the equatorial fracture zones may be hydrothermal accumulations. Differences in the chemistry of the water column and in growth rates of the ferromanganese coatings may be important in producing this regional contrast in composition. Fine-scale changes in element abundances within the encrustations indicate that the nature of the substrate has little influence on compositional variations.


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Cretaceous sediments from DSDP Site 530 have been analyzed for organic carbon isotopic composition. The d13C values in the sediments decrease from -22.7 per mil to -27.5 per mil in the following order: light-olive green mudstone/claystone, dark brown-red mudstone/siltstone/claystone, and black shale. This large range is primarily the result of variation in the relative amounts of terrestrial organic carbon superimposed on that derived from marine organisms. The black shales have an average d13C value of -25.9 per mil (range is from -23.7 per mil to -27.5 per mil). These values indicate that they originated primarily in terrigenous organic materials. The average d13C value present throughout the Cretaceous suggests that a large amount of terrestrial organic matter was supplied into this paleoenvironment, except during the Campanian, when an average d13C of -23.9 per mil is found near the marine end of the range.


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Qualitative and quantitative analyses of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from Deep Sea Drilling Project site 532 shed light on hydrographic changes over the Walvis Ridge during the past 500,000 years. From changes in distribution of foraminiferal assemblages, two major hydrographic regimes (coastal and geostrophic branches of the Benguela Current and the Angola Current) can be distinguished at site 532. It is suggested that the hydrographic situation on the northeastern Walvis Ridge was characterized by intensified upwelling and a westward expansion of the coastal upwelling cells during several global cooling pulses. During glacial stages 2-4, the middle part of stage 6, sporadically from the lower stage 8 through upper stage 10, and during stage 12, site 532 was located beneath the coastal branch of the Benguela Current because faunal distribution patterns indicate intensified upwelling. The Angola Current probably intruded the area of study during the lower stages 5, sporadically 6-8, and 11, as documented by the increased abundance of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei.