200 resultados para 445

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The sandstone succession in the lower 240 meters of DSDP Site 445, on the Daito Ridge, provided an opportunity to evaluate the effect of burial diagenesis of sandstones in a deep hole in a tectonic environment (remnant arc) characterized by a history of high heat flow. This report provides preliminary data concerning the petrology and diagenesis of these sandstones and records diagenetic changes which have occurred with increasing depth of burial. Methods used for this study included grain-size analysis (measured from thin sections using the method of Friedman, 1958), polarizing microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. A JEOL scanning electron microscope fitted with an energydispersive- X-ray detector was used for obtaining qualitative chemical data on certain minerals to aid in identification.


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Oxygen isotopic composition of zeolite pore-fill cements in andesitic volcaniclastic sandstones recovered from DSDP Site 445 ranges from +30.1 to +17.8? (SMOW) downhole. This change is controlled by large heat flow from the basement which caused early diagenetic emplacement of zeolites during early basin rifting. d18O-values of late calcite cements range from +25.1 to +27.4? (SMOW); their petrographic relation and inferred temperature of formation suggest that calcite cements were formed during late stages of diagenesis. Isotopic composition in these sandstones is in agreement with mineral paragenesis determined microscopically.


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Heavy-mineral analyses were made for 39 samples, 27 from DSDP Site 445 and 12 from Site 446. About one-fourth of the samples were so loose that they were easily disaggregated in water. The amount of heavy residue and the magnetite content of the heavy fraction were very high, 0.2 to 44 per cent and (on the average) more than 20 per cent, respectively. Among the non-opaque heavy minerals, common hornblende (0 to 80%) and augite (0 to 98%) are most abundant. Pale-green and bluish-green amphiboles (around 10%) and the epidote group (a few to 48%) are next in abundance. Euhedral apatite and biotite and irregularly shaped chromite are not abundant, but are present throughout the sequence. Hacksaw structure is developed in pale-green amphibole and augite. At Site 445, a fair amount of chlorite and a few glauconite(?) grains are present from Core 445-81 downward. The content of common hornblende and opaque minerals also changes from Core 445-81 downward. A geological boundary may exist between Cores 445-77 and 445-81. Source rocks of the sediments at both sites were basaltic volcanic rocks (possibly alkali suite), schists, and ultramafic rocks. The degree of lithification and amount of heavy residue, and the content of magnetite, non-opaque heavy minerals (excluding mafic minerals), and mafic minerals in the cores were compared with Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene sandstones of southwest Japan. In many respects, the sediments at Sites 445 and 446 are quite different from those of southwest Japan. From the early Eocene to the early Miocene, the area of these sites belonged to a different geologic province than southwest Japan.


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Conglomerates and sandstones in lithologic unit V at DSDP Site 445 comprise lithic clasts, detrital minerals, bioclasts, and authigenic minerals. The lithic clasts are dominantly plagioclase-phyric basalt and microdolerite, followed by plagioclase-clinopyroxene-phyric basalt, aphyric basalt, chert, and limestone. A small amount of hornblende schist occurs. Detrital minerals are dominantly plagioclase, augite, titaniferous augite, olivine, green to pale-brown hornblende, and dark-brown hornblende, with subordinate chromian spinel, epidote, ilmenite, and magnetite, and minor amounts of diopside, enstatite, actinolite, and aegirine-augite. Bioclasts are Nummulites boninensis, Asterocyclina sp. cf. A. penuria, and some other larger foraminifers. Correlation of cored and dredged samples indicates that the Daito Ridge is mainly composed of igneous, metamorphic, ultramafic, and sedimentary rocks. The igneous rocks are mafic (probably tholeiitic) and alkalic. The metamorphic rocks are hornblende schist, tremolite schist, and diopside-chlorite schist. The ultramafic rocks are alpinetype peridotites. Mineralogical data suggest that there were two metamorphic events in the Daito Ridge. The older one was intermediate- to high-pressure metamorphism. The younger one was contact metamorphism caused by a Paleocene volcanic event, possibly related to the beginning of spreading of the west Philippine Basin. The ultramafic rocks suffered from the same contact metamorphism. During the Eocene, exposed volcanic and metamorphic rocks on the uplifted Daito Ridge may have supplied pebble clasts to the surrounding coast and shallow sea bottom. The steep slope offshore may have caused frequent slumping and transportation of the pebble clasts and shallow-water benthic organisms into deeper water, forming the conglomerates and sandstones treated here.


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