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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We report, numerically and in graphical form, meaured tritium concentrations from five hydrographic stations in the North Atlantic. Fairly homogeneous concentrations are observed in a surface layer typically 400 m deep. In the thermocline, concentrations decrease steadily down to the sigma-theta = 27.3 density horizon, and are more variable further down. The tritium in the lower part of the thermocline originates from the Subarctic Intermediate Water and the Mediterranean Water. There is a relative tritium maximum associated with the Mediterranean Water on the easternmost station of the section. In the deep water (sigma-theta > 27.8), concentrations east of the Midatlantic Ridge are close to the limit of detection down to 2500m, and undetectable further down, while west of the ridge tritium is found throughout the water column. The deep water tritium is associated with the deep-water advective cores of Arctic origin. The present tritium data can serve as northern boundary values in attempts to use tritium in studies of the North Atlantic main thermocline dynamics. The present data together with data from the literature point to a general division of the North Atlantic main thermocline into two layers separated by an isopycnal surface near sigma-theta = 27.3.


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The IMAGES core MD99-2343, recovered from a sediment drift north of the island of Minorca, in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, holds a high-resolution sequence that is perfectly suited to study the oscillations of the overturning system of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW). Detailed analysis of grain-size and bulk geochemical composition reveals the sensitivity of this region to climate changes at both orbital and centennial-millennial temporal scales during the last 50 kyr. The dominant orbital pattern in the K/Al record indicates that sediment supply to the basin was controlled by the insolation evolution at 40°N, which forced changes in the fluvial regime, with more efficient sediment transport during insolation maxima. This orbital control also modulated the long-term pattern of the WMDW intensity as illustrated by the silt/clay ratio. However, deep convection was particularly sensitive to climatic changes at shorter time-scales, i.e. to centennial-millennial glacial and Holocene oscillations that are well documented by all the paleocurrent intensity proxies (Si/Al, Ti/Al and silt/clay ratios). Benthic isotopic records (d13C and d18O) show a Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) pattern of variability of WMDW properties, which can be associated with changing intensities of the deep currents system. The most prominent reduction on the WMDW overturning was caused by the post-glacial sea level rise. Three main scenarios of WMDW overturning are revealed: a strong mode during D-O Stadials, a weak mode during D-O Interstadials and an intermediate mode during cooling transitions. In addition, D-O Stadials associated with Heinrich events (HEs) have a very distinct signature as the strong mode of circulation, typical for the other D-O Stadials, was never reached during HE due to the surface freshening induced by the inflowing polar waters. Consequently, the WMDW overturning system oscillated around the intermediate mode of circulation during HE. Though surface conditions were more stable during the Holocene, the WMDW overturning cell still reacted synchronously to short-lived events, as shown by increments in the planktonic d18O record, triggering quick reinforcements of the deep water circulation. Overall, these results highlight the sensitivity of the WMDW to rapid climate change which in the recent past were likely induced by oceanographic and atmospheric reorganizations in the North Atlantic region.


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This paper reports the concentrations and within-class distributions of long-chain alkenones and alkyl alkenoates in the surface waters (0-50 m) of the eastern North Atlantic, and correlates their abundance and distribution with those of source organisms and with water temperature and other environmental variables. We collected these samples of >0.8 µm particulate material from the euphotic zone along the JGOFS 20°W longitude transect, from 61°N to 24°N, during seven cruises of the UK-JGOFS Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study (BOFS) in 1989-1991; the biogeographical range of our 53 samples extends from the cold (<10°C), nutrient-rich and highly productive subarctic waters of the Iceland Basin to the warm (>25°C) oligotrophic subtropical waters off Africa. Surface water concentrations of total alkenone and alkenoates ranged from <50 ng/l in oligotrophic waters below 40°N to 2000-4500 ng/l in high latitude E. huxleyi blooms, and were well correlated with E. huxleyi cell densities, supporting the assumption that E. huxleyi is the predominant source of these compounds in the present day North Atlantic. The within-class distribution of the C37 and C38 alkenones and C36 alkenoates varied strongly as a function of temperature, and was largely unaffected by nutrient concentration, bloom status and other surface water properties. The biosynthetic response of the source organisms to growth temperature differed between the cold (<16°C) waters above 47°N and the warmer waters to the south. In cold (<16°C) waters above 47°N, the relative amounts of alkenoates and C38 alkenones synthesized was a strong function of growth temperature, while the unsaturation ratio of the alkenones (C37 and C38) was uncorrelated with temperature. Conversely, in warm (>16°C) waters below 47°N, the relative proportions of alkenoates and alkenones synthesized remained constant with increasing temperature while the unsaturation ratios of the C37 and C38 methyl alkenones (Uk37 and Uk38Me, respectively) increased linearly. The fitted regressions of Uk37 and Uk38Me versus temperature for waters >16°C were both highly significant (r**2 > 0.96) and had identical slopes (0.057) that were 50% higher than the slope (0.034) of the temperature calibration of Uk37 reported by Prahl and Wakeham (1987; doi:10.1038/330367a0) over the same temperature range. These observations suggest either a physiological adjustment in biochemical response to growth temperature above a 16-17°C threshold and/or variation between different E. huxleyi strains and/or related species inhabiting the cold and warm water regions of the eastern North Atlantic. Using our North Atlantic data set, we have produced multivariate temperature calibrations incorporating all major features of the alkenone and alkenoate data set. Predicted temperatures using multivariate calibrations are largely unbiased, with a standard error of approximately ±1°C over the entire data range. In contrast, simpler calibration models cannot adequately incorporate regional diversity and nonlinear trends with temperature. Our results indicate that calibrations based upon single variables, such as Uk37, can be strongly biased by unknown systematic errors arising from natural variability in the biosynthetic response of the source organisms to growth temperature. Multivariate temperature calibration can be expected to give more precise estimates of Integrated Production Temperatures (IPT) in the sedimentary record over a wider range of paleoenvironmental conditions, when derived using a calibration data set incorporating a similar range of natural variability in biosynthetic response.


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Well-preserved diatoms are present in high sedimentation rate Pleistocene cores retrieved on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 151, 152, 162 and IMAGES cruises of R/V Marion Dufresne from the North Atlantic. Investigation of the stratigraphic occurrence of diatom species shows that the youngest diatom event observed in the area is the last occurrence (LO) of Proboscia curvirostris (Jousé) Jordan and Priddle. P. curvirostris is a robust species that can easily be identified in the sediments, and therefore can be a practical biostratigraphic tool. We have mapped its areal distribution, and found that it stretches from 40°N to 80°N in the North Atlantic. Further, we have correlated the LO P. curvirostris to the oxygen isotope records of six cores to refine the age of this biostratigraphic event. The extinction of P. curvirostris is latitudinally diachronous through Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 9 to 8 within the North Atlantic. This is closely related to the paleoceanography of the area. P. curvirostris first disappeared within interglacial MIS 9 (324 ka) from the northern areas that are most sensitive to climatic forcing, like the East Greenland current and the sea-ice margin. It survived in mid-North Atlantic until the conditions of the MIS 8 (glaciation) became too severe (260 ka). In the North Pacific at ODP Site 883 the LO P. curvirostris falls within MIS 8. The observed overlap in age between the North Atlantic and the North Pacific strongly suggests that the extinction of P. curvirostris is synchronous between these oceans.


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Sr and Nd isotopic compositions have been measured on the lithic fraction of last climatic cycle sediments from the North Atlantic (~40°N/~60°N), in order to identify the origins of the particles. From the reconstruction of their transport pathways, we deduce the mechanisms that explain their distributions. The main source regions are the Canadian shield (mostly the area of Baffin Bay and western Greenland), the Scandinavian shield, the European region (British Isles and Bay of Biscay), and Iceland. We observe a significant glacial/interglacial contrast, characterized by a dominant Icelandic input via near-bottom transport by North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) during the interglacials and a largely continent-derived contribution of surface-transported, ice-rafted detritus (IRD) during the glacial period. During the last glacial period, the Heinrich events (abrupt, massive discharges of IRD) originated not only from the Laurentide ice sheet as heretofore envisioned but also from other sources. Three other major North Atlantic ice sheets (Fennoscandian, British Isles, and Icelandic) probably surged simultaneously, discharging ice and IRD into the North Atlantic. As opposed to theories implying a unique, Laurentide origin [Gwiazda et al., 1996 doi:10.1029/95PA03135] driven by an internal mechanism [MacAyeal, 1993 doi:10.1029/93PA02200], we confirm that the Icelandic and the Fennoscandian ice sheets also surged as recently proposed by other authors, and we here also distinguish a possible detrital contribution from the British Isles ice sheet. This pan-North Atlantic phenomenon thus requires a common regional, external forcing.


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Temperate, transitional and subtropical waters of the remote Azores Front region east of Azores (24-40°N, 22-32°W) were sampled during three cruises conducted under increasing stratification conditions (April 1999, May 1997 and August 1998). Despite the temporal increase of surface temperature (by 5 °C) and stratification (by 2.1 1/min**2), as well as the thermocline shoaling (by ~15 m), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in the surface layer were not significantly different for the early spring, late spring and summer periods, with average concentrations of 69±2 µM-C and 5.2±0.4 µM-N, respectively. The surface excess of semi-labile DOC, compared with the baseline DOC concentration in the deep ocean (47±2 µM-C), represents 33% of the bulk DOC concentration and as much as 85% of the TOC (=POC+DOC) excess. When compared with the winter baseline (56±2 µM-C), the seasonal surface DOC excess is 20% of the bulk DOC concentration and 87% of the seasonal TOC excess. These results confirm the major role played by DOC in the carbon cycle of surface waters of the Azores Front region. The total amount of bioreactive DOC transported from the temperate to the subtropical North Atlantic by the Ekman flux between March and December represents only ~15% of the average annual primary production, and ~15% and ~30% of the measured sinking POC flux+vertical DOC eddy diffusion during early spring and summer, respectively. Vertical eddy diffusion is 35% and 2% of the spring and summer sinking POC flux, respectively. On the other hand, DOC only contributes 13% to the local oxidation of organic matter in subsurface waters (between the pycnocline and 500 m) of the study region.


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Sea surface temperature and salinity estimates reconstructed using planktonic foraminiferal abundance and delta18O records from core SU90-03 (40°N, 32°W, 2475 m water depth) reveal large climatic fluctuations linked to major instabilities in Northern Hemisphere ice sheets over the last 150 000 years. Episodes of enhanced ice rafted detritus (IRD) input were accompanied by discrete temperature minima, representing coolings of between 4 and 8°C, and reductions in surface salinity of up to 2.5-3.5 per mil. Several additional cooling episodes of a similar magnitude were documented during intervals of low IRD input that appear to be synchronous, within the limits of dating, with ice rafting events spatially confined to higher latitudes. Accelerator mass spectrometer 14C dates for Heinrich events (H1 - 14.2 ka, H2 - 21.4 ka, H3 - 26.7 ka, H4 - 34.8 ka, H5 - 47.2 ka) obtained from core SU90-03 agree well with other published age estimates and suggest a contemporaneous pattern of climate change throughout the North Atlantic during the last glacial period. This interpretation is supported by a comparison of IRD and palaeotemperature records from DSDP site 609 and core SU90-03, which clearly shows that the major climatic fluctuations identified at high latitudes were transmitted toward the subtropics. However, 14C dates suggest that ice rafting episodes may be diachronous to some extent. The northward migration of the polar front after the H1 event at 40°N in the mid-Atlantic occurred at 14 ka, approximately 500 years earlier than along the Portuguese margin, where the southerly advection of polar waters persisted within eastern boundary current system.