41 resultados para 31-297

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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This data report documents the acquisition of two new sets of normalization factors for semiquantitative X-ray diffraction analyses. One set of factors is for bulk sediment powders, and the other applies to oriented aggregates of clay-sized fractions (<2 µm). We analyzed mixtures of standard minerals with known weight percentages of each component and solved for the normalization factors using matrix singular value decomposition. The components in bulk powders include total clay minerals (a mixture of smectite, illite, and chlorite), quartz, plagioclase, and calcite. For clay-sized fractions, the minerals are smectite, illite, chlorite, and quartz. We tested the utility of the method by analyzing natural mudstone specimens from Site 297 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, which is located in the Shikoku Basin south of Site 1177 of the Ocean Drilling Program (Ashizuri transect).


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Detrital modes for 524 deep-marine sand and sandstone samples recovered on circum-Pacific, Caribbean, and Mediterranean legs of the Deep Sea Drilling Project and the Ocean Drilling Program form the basis for an actualistic model for arc-related provenance. This model refines the Dickinson and Suczek (1979) and Dickinson and others (1983) models and can be used to interpret the provenance/tectonic history of ancient arc-related sedimentary sequences. Four provenance groups are defined using QFL, QmKP, LmLvLs, and LvfLvmiLvl ternary plots of site means: (1) intraoceanic arc and remnant arc, (2) continental arc, (3) triple junction, and (4) strike-slip-continental arc. Intraoceanic- and remnant-arc sands are poor in quartz (mean QFL%Q < 5) and rich in lithics (QFL%L > 75); they are predominantly composed of plagioclase feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments. Continental-arc sand can be more quartzofeldspathic than the intraoceanic- and remnant-arc sand (mean QFL%Q values as much as 10, mean QFL%F values as much as 65, and mean QmKP%Qm as much as 20) and has more variable lithic populations, with minor metamorphic and sedimentary components. The triple-junction and strike-slip-continental groups compositionally overlap; both are more quartzofeldspathic than the other groups and show highly variable lithic proportions, but the strike-slip-continental group is more quartzose. Modal compositions of the triple junction group roughly correlate with the QFL transitional-arc field of Dickinson and others (1983), whereas the strike-slip-continental group approximately correlates with their dissected-arc field.


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By analogy with the present-day ocean, primary productivity of paleoceans can be reconstructed using calculations based on content of organic carbon in sediments and their accumulation rates. Results of calculations based on published data show that primary productivity of organic carbon, mass of phosphorus involved in the process, and content of phosphorus in ocean waters were relatively stable during Cenozoic and Late Mesozoic. Prior to precipitation on the seafloor together with biogenic detritus, dissolved phosphorus could repeatedly be involved in the biogeochemical cycle. Therefore, only less than 0.1% of phosphorus is retained in bottom sediments. Bulk phosphorus accumulation rate in ocean sediments is partly consistent with calculated primary productivity. Some epochs of phosphate accumulation also coincide with maxima of primary productivity and minima of the fossilization coefficient of organic carbon. The latter fact can testify to episodes of acceleration of organic matter mineralization and release of phosphorus from sediments leading to increase in the phosphorus reserve in paleoceans and phosphate accumulation in some places.