24 resultados para 25-hidroxivitamina D 2

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Conductivity of 54 basalt samples from ODP Sites 768 and 770 was measured as a function of temperature and fluid salinity. Porosity was also measured for all samples, and cation exchange capacity was measured for 46 of the samples. Porosity measurements indicated that porosity is underestimated for basalts like these, unless one uses extensive drying at high vacuum. At salinities greater than 29 ppt, and throughout the range of salinity and temperatures likely in situ, sample conductivity (Co) is controlled by porosity (phi) according to the Archie relation Co = 0.22*Cw phi*1-3 (orFF = 4.5/f1.3), where Cw is conductivity of the pore fluids and FF = Cw/CO is the formation factor. At lower salinity, clay-surface conduction or microcrack conduction may dominate. We are unable to distinguish reliably between the two mechanisms, but we do detect their effects subtly at high salinity and strongly at low salinity.


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Summary: Serum 25(OH)D levels decline without sunlight exposure. We studied 120 expeditioners to Antarctica to determine the skeletal and hormonal responses to sunlight deprivation. With emerging vitamin D insufficiency, serum calcium decreased, PTH increased, and bone loss at the proximal femur was observed. Baseline serum 25(OH)D levels >100 nmol/L prevented vitamin D insufficiency. Introduction: Vitamin D stores deplete without adequate sunlight exposure unless supplementation is provided. We studied 120 healthy adults who spent a year in Antarctica as a model for sunlight deprivation to define the timing and magnitude of the skeletal and hormonal responses to emerging vitamin D insufficiency. Methods: Fasting blood samples were assessed at baseline, 6 and 12 months for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), osteocalcin (OC), bone formation (P1NP) and resorption (CTx), PTH and calcium. Lumbar spine and proximal femur BMD was measured using DXA. Differences over time were determined using repeated measures ANOVA. Percent changes were expressed as (Delta value/(value A +value B)/2)x100. Relationships between outcome measures were determined using Spearman's correlations. Results: Vitamin D insufficiency (<50 nmol/L) was observed in 85% of expeditioners by 6 months when serum calcium decreased and PTH increased (p<0.01). By 12 months, OC increased by 7.4±3.0% (p<0.05), and BMD decreased by 1.0±2.0% at the total proximal femur (p<0.05). For those with vitamin D sufficiency at baseline (>50 nmol/L), sunlight deprivation produced vitamin D insufficiency within 4 months unless baseline values were >100 nmol/L. Conclusion: Supplementation may be necessary for expeditioners with limited access to UV light.


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How the micro-scale fabric of clay-rich mudstone evolves during consolidation in early burial is critical to how they are interpreted in the deeper portions of sedimentary basins. Core samples from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 308, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico, covering seafloor to 600 meters below sea floor (mbsf) are ideal for studying the micro-scale fabric of mudstones. Mudstones of consistent composition and grain size decrease in porosity from 80% at the seafloor to 37% at 600 mbsf. Argon-ion milling produces flat surfaces to image this pore evolution over a vertical effective stress range of 0.25 (71 mbsf) to 4.05 MPa (597 mbsf). With increasing burial, pores become elongated, mean pore size decreases, and there is preferential loss of the largest pores. There is a small increase in clay mineral preferred orientation as recorded by high resolution X-ray goniometry with burial.


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Large organic food falls to the deep sea - such as whale carcasses and wood logs - support the development of reduced, sulfidic niches in an otherwise oxygenated, oligotrophic deep-sea environment. These transient hot spot ecosystems may serve the dispersal of highly adapted chemosynthetic organisms such as thiotrophic bivalves and siboglinid worms. Here we investigated the biogeochemical and microbiological processes leading to the development of sulfidic niches. Wood colonization experiments were carried out for the duration of one year in the vicinity of a cold seep area in the Nile deep-sea fan (Eastern Mediterranean) at depths of 1690 m. Wood logs were deployed in 2006 during the BIONIL cruise (RV Meteor M70/2 with ROV Quest, Marum, Germany) and sampled in 2007 during the Medeco-2 cruise (RV Pourquoi Pas? with ROV Victor 6000, Ifremer, France). Wood-boring bivalves played a key role in the initial degradation of the wood, the dispersal of wood chips and fecal matter around the wood log, and the provision of colonization surfaces to other organisms. Total oxygen uptake measured with a ROV-operated benthic chamber module was higher at the wood (0.5 m away) in contrast to 10 m away at a reference site (25 mmol m-2 d-1 and 1 mmol m-2 d-1, respectively), indicating an increased activity of sedimentary communities around the wood falls. Bacterial cell numbers associated with wood increased substantially from freshly submerged wood to the wood chip/fecal matter layer next to the wood experiments, as determined with Acridine Orange Direct Counts (AODC) and DAPI-stained counts. Microsensor measurements of sulfide, oxygen and pH were conducted ex situ. Sulfide fluxes were higher at the wood experiments when compared to reference measurements (19 and 32 mmol m-2 d-1 vs. 0 and 16 mmol -2 d-1, respectively). Sulfate reduction (SR) rates at the wood experiments were determined in ex situ incubations (1.3 and 2.0 mmol m-2 d-1) and fell into the lower range of SR rates previously observed from other chemosynthetic habitats at cold seeps. There was no influence of wood deposition on phosphate, silicate and nitrate concentrations, but ammonium concentrations were elevated at the wood chip-sediment boundary layer. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon were much higher at the wood experiments (wood chip-sediment boundary layer) in comparison to measurements at the reference sites, which may indicate that cellulose degradation was highest under anoxic conditions and hence enabled by anaerobic benthic bacteria, e.g. fermenters and sulfate reducers. Our observations demonstrate that, after one year, the presence of wood at the seafloor had led to the creation of sulfidic niches, comparable to what has been observed at whale falls, albeit at lower rates.


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Millennial-scale dry events in the Northern Hemisphere monsoon regions during the last Glacial period are commonly attributed to southward shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) associated with an intensification of the northeasterly (NE) trade wind system during intervals of reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). Through the use of high-resolution last deglaciation pollen records from the continental slope off Senegal, our data show that one of the longest and most extreme droughts in the western Sahel history, which occurred during the North Atlantic Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), displayed a succession of three major phases. These phases progressed from an interval of maximum pollen representation of Saharan elements between ~19 and 17.4 kyr BP indicating the onset of aridity and intensified NE trade winds, followed by a millennial interlude of reduced input of Saharan pollen and increased input of Sahelian pollen, to a final phase between ~16.2 and 15 kyr BP that was characterized by a second maximum of Saharan pollen abundances. This change in the pollen assemblage indicates a mid-HS1 interlude of NE trade wind relaxation, occurring between two distinct trade wind maxima, along with an intensified mid-tropospheric African Easterly Jet (AEJ) indicating a substantial change in West African atmospheric processes. The pollen data thus suggest that although the NE trades have weakened, the Sahel drought remained severe during this time interval. Therefore, a simple strengthening of trade winds and a southward shift of the West African monsoon trough alone cannot fully explain millennial-scale Sahel droughts during periods of AMOC weakening. Instead, we suggest that an intensification of the AEJ is needed to explain the persistence of the drought during HS1. Simulations with the Community Climate System Model indicate that an intensified AEJ during periods of reduced AMOC affected the North African climate by enhancing moisture divergence over the West African realm, thereby extending the Sahel drought for about 4000 years.


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We studied the effects of elevated CO2 concentration and seawater acidity on inorganic carbon acquisition, photoinhibition and photoprotection as well as growth and respiration in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. After having grown under the elevated CO2 level (1000 µatm, pH 7.83) at sub-saturating photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 75 µmol photons/m**2/s) for 20 generations, photosynthesis and dark respiration of the alga increased by 25% (14.69 ± 2.55 fmol C/cell/h) and by 35% (4.42 ± 0.98 fmol O2/cell/h), respectively, compared to that grown under the ambient CO2 level (390 µatm, pH 8.16), leading to insignificant effects on growth (1.09 ± 0.08 (1/d))v 1.04 ± 0.07 (1/d)). The photosynthetic affinity for CO2 was lowered in the high-CO2 grown cells, reflecting a down-regulation of the CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM). When exposed to an excessively high level of PAR, photochemical and non-photochemical quenching responded similarly in the low- and high-CO2 grown cells, reflecting that photoinhibition was not influenced by the enriched level of CO2. In T. pseudonana, it appeared that the energy saved due to the down-regulated CCM did not contribute to any additional light stress as previously found in another diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, indicating differential physiological responses to ocean acidification between these two diatom species.


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