59 resultados para 1984: Hot Dogs and Croissants

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The limited knowledge and/or the inability to control physiological condition parameters that influence the fate of organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) has been the foremost confounding aspect in monitoring programs and health risk assessments of wild top predators in the Arctic such as the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). In the present comparative study, we used a potential surrogate Canoidea species for the East Greenland polar bear, the captive sledge dog (Canis familiaris), to investigate some factors that may influence the bioaccumulation and biotransformation of major chlorinated and brominated OHCs in adipose tissue and blood (plasma) of control (fed commercial pork fat) and exposed (fed West Greenland minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber) adult female sledge dogs. Furthermore, we compared the patterns and concentrations of OHCs and their known or suggested hydroxylated (OH) metabolites (e.g., OH-PCBs) in sledge dogs with those in adipose tissue and blood (plasma) of East Greenland adult female polar bears, and blubber of their main prey species, the ringed seal (Pusa hispida). The two-year feeding regime conducted with sledge dogs led to marked differences in overall adipose tissue (and plasma) OHC residue accumulation between the control and exposed groups. Characteristic prey-to-predator OHC bioaccumulation dynamics for major PCB and PBDE congeners (patterns and concentrations) and biotransformation capacity with respect to PCB metabolite formation and OH-PCB retention distinguished, to some extent, captive sledge dogs and wild polar bears. Based on the present findings, we conclude that the use of surrogate species in toxicological investigations for species in the Canoidea family should be done with great caution, although they remain essential in the context of contaminants research with sensitive arctic top carnivore species such as the polar bear.


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Primary productivity (14C) and mass flux measurements using a free-drifting sediment trap deployed at 900 m were made at four stations in the Pacific Ocean between 12°N and 6°S at 153°W. The latitudinal variations in productivity were consistent with historical patterns showing the equator as a zone of high production and the oligotrophic waters north of the equatorial region as an area of low productivity. The correlation coefficient between the two sets of independent measurements was 0.999, indicating that in this oceanic area the activity of the primary producers was closely related to the total mass flux. A re-examination of historical data suggests that the downward flux of particulate organic carbon varies in direct proportion to the quotient of surface primary production raised to the 1.4 power and depth raised to the 0.63 power.


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The basalts and oceanic andesites from the aseismic Ninetyeast Ridge display trachytic, vesicular and amygdaloidal textures suggesting a subaerial volcanic environment. The normative composition of the Ninetyeast Ridge ranges from olivine picriteto nepheline-normative alkaline basalt, suggesting a wide range of differentiation. This is further supported by the fractionation-differentiation trends displayed by transition metal trace elements (Ni, Cr, V and Cu). The Ninetyeast Ridge rocks are enriched in rare earth (RE) and large ion lithophile (LIL) elements and Sr isotopes (0.7043-0.7049), similar to alkali basalts and tholeiites from seamounts and islands, but different from LIL-element-depleted tholeiitic volcanic rocks of the recent seismic mid-Indian oceanic ridge. The constancy of 87Sr/86Sr ratios for basalts and andesites is compatible with a model involving fractional crystallization of mafic magma. The variation of 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.97 and 2.79 may possibly be explained in terms of a primordial hot mantle and/or chemically contrasting heterogeneous mantle source layers relatively undepleted in LIL elements at different periods in the geologic past. In general, the Sr isotopic data for rocks from different tectonic environments are consistent with a "zoning-depletion model" with systematically arranged alternate alkali-poor and alkali-rich layers in the mantle beneath the Indian Ocean.


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Four chemically distinct basalts were cored in 44 m of basement penetration at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 543, in Upper Cretaceous crust just seaward of the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge and north of the Tiburon Rise. All four types are moderately fractionated abyssal tholeiites. The four types have different magnetic inclinations, all of reversed polarity, suggesting eruption at different times which recorded secular variation of the earth's magnetic field. Extensive replacement of Plagioclase by K-feldspar has occurred at the top of the basalts, giving analyses with K2O contents up to 5 %. The earliest stages of alteration were dominantly oxidative, resulting in fractures lined with celadonite and dioctahedral smectite, and pervasive replacement of olivine and most intersertal glass with iron hydroxides and green clay minerals. Latef, non-oxidative alteration resulted in formation of olive-green clays and pyrite veins in a portion of the rocks. Basalts affected by this alteration actually lost K2O (to abundances lower than in adjacent fresh basalt glasses), and gained MgO (to abundances higher than in the glasses). Finally, fractures and interpillow voids were lined with calcite, sealing in much fresh glass. Oxygen-isotope measurements on the calcite indicate that this occurred at 12 to 25C. Either altering fluids were warm or the basalts had become buried with a considerable thickness of sediments, such that temperatures increased until a conductive thermal gradient was established, when the veining occurred.


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This paper presents a compilation of stable-isotope and percentage-of-carbonate data for the Upper Cretaceous/ lower Tertiary hemipelagic sediments from DSDP Leg 73, Site 524.


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There are substantial differences in the character of organic matter contained in the Pleistocene and Cretaceous sedimentary sequences of DSDP Site 535. The argillaceous Pleistocene section contains type III, gas-prone organic matter whereas the calcareous Cretaceous section is dominated by type II, oil-prone organic matter. A more detailed investigation of the Cretaceous section reveals that the finely laminated limestones of Valanginian to Barremian age are of good to excellent source quality. The indigenous organic matter contained within this organically rich section is thermally immature, not having undergone sufficient thermal diagenesis for the generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons. Within this stratigraphic section, however, staining by mature hydrocarbons was detected. These stains are associated with a fractured interval. These fractures may in turn represent potential migration pathways.