35 resultados para 1888-1978 -- Criticism and interpretation

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Sediment deformation features in CRP-2/2A were described during normal logging procedures and from core-scan images. In this paper the origin of soft-sediment folding, contorted bedding, microfaulting, clastic dykes, shear zones and intraformational breccias is discussed. The features have a stratigraphic distribution related to major unconformities and sequence boundaries. Hypotheses for the origins of sediment deformation include hydrofracturing, subglacial shearing, slumping, and gas hydrate formation. Shear zones, microfaults, clastic dykes and contorted bedding within rapidly deposited sediments, suggest that slumping in an ice-distal environment occurred in the early Oligocene. A till wedge beneath a diamictite at 364 mbsf the mid-Oligocene section represents the oldest evidence of grounded ice in CRP-2/2A. Shear zones with a subglacial origin in the early late Oligocene and early Miocene sections of the core are evidence of further grounding events. The interpretation of sediment deformation in CRP-2/2A is compared to other Antarctic stratigraphic records and global eustatic change between the late Eocenel/early Oligocene and the middle Miocene.


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Data obtained while investigating the mounds area near the Galapagos Spreading Center demonstrate the direct influence of solutions derived from the interaction of seawater and young oceanic crust on the sedimentary cover. Investigation of metalliferous sediments from the mid-oceanic ridges, the Galapagos mounds, and the FAMOUS-area zone formations have shown that this influence and the resulting products are dependent on composition, temperature, and conditions of solution input. The study of sulfur in upwardly migrating solutions and the interaction of these solutions with sediments is of great interest. Investigations of different types of hydrothermally derived formations (Edmond, et al., 1979; Spiess et al., 1980; Styrt et al., 1981; Rosanova 1976; Grinenko et al., 1978) have shown the significant role of sulfur-bearing minerals in deposits formed from hightemperature solutions. In contrast, the addition of hydrothermal sulfur is negligible in those metalliferous sediments that precipitated as a result of the interaction between the solutions and open seawater (Bonatti et al., 1972, 1976; Gordeev et al., 1979; Migdisov, Bogdanov, et al., 1979). For example, sulfides are absent in clearly oxidized metalliferous sediments from the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Barite sulfur from these sediments is identical with seawater sulfate sulfur in isotope composition (Grinenko et al., 1978). Gurvich and Bogdanov (1977) have suggested that barium from EPR metalliferous sediments results completely from biological activity and from the components of ocean waters. Edmond et al. (1979) report that low-temperature springs from the Galapagos Rift axis contain two types of solutions: those with and those without H2S.


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High-frequency data collected continuously over a multiyear time frame are required for investigating the various agents that drive ecological and hydrodynamic processes in estuaries. Here, we present water quality and current in-situ observations from a fixed monitoring station operating from 2008 to 2014 in the lower Guadiana Estuary, southern Portugal (37°11.30' N, 7°24.67' W). The data were recorded by a multi-parametric probe providing hourly records (temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and pH) at a water depth of ~1 m, and by a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler measuring the pressure, near-bottom temperature, and flow velocity through the water column every 15 min. The time-series data, in particular the probe ones, present substantial gaps arising from equipment failure and maintenance, which are ineluctable with this type of observations in harsh environments. However, prolonged (months-long) periods of multi-parametric observations during contrasted external forcing conditions are available. The raw data are reported together with flags indicating the quality status of each record. River discharge data from two hydrographic stations located near the estuary head are also provided to support data analysis and interpretation.


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This study presents a systematic analysis and interpretation of autonomous underwater vehicle-based microbathymetry combined with remotely operated vehicle (ROV) video recordings, rock analyses and temperaturemeasurements within the PACManus hydrothermal area located on Pual Ridge in the Bismarck Sea of eastern Manus Basin. The data obtained during research cruise Magellan-06 and So-216 provides a framework for understanding the relationship between the volcanism, tectonismand hydrothermal activity. PACManus is a submarine felsic vocanically-hosted hydrothermal area that hosts multiple vent fields locatedwithin several hundredmeters of one another but with different fluid chemistries, vent temperatures and morphologies. The total area of hydrothermal activity is estimated to be 20,279m**2. Themicrobathymetrymaps combinedwith the ROV video observations allow for precise high-resolution mapping estimates of the areal extents of hydrothermal activity.We find the distribution of hydrothermal fields in the PACManus area is primarily controlled by volcanic features that include lava domes, thick andmassive blocky lava flows, breccias and feeder dykes. Spatial variation in the permeability of local volcanic facies appears to control the distribution of venting within a field.We define a three-stage chronological sequence for the volcanic evolution of the PACManus based on lava flow morphology, sediment cover and lava SiO2 concentration. In Stage-1, sparsely to moderately porphyritic dacite lavas (68-69.8 wt.% SiO2) erupted to form domes or cryptodomes. In Stage-2, aphyric lava with slightly lower SiO2 concentrations (67.2-67.9 wt.% SiO2) formed jumbled and pillowed lava flows. In the most recent phase Stage-3, massive blocky lavaswith 69 to 72.5wt.% SiO2were erupted throughmultiple vents constructing a volcanic ridge identified as the PACManus neovolcanic zone. The transition between these stages may be gradual and related to progressive heating of a silicic magma following a recharge event of hot, mantle-derived melts.


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In order to provide information on the degree of alteration of the very young basaltic basement drilled on Leg 65 in the mouth of the Gulf of California, we have measured the oxygen isotopic composition of whole rocks and mineral separates. Considerable data already exist for older ocean crust, in particular for the deep holes drilled in the Atlantic Ocean on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Legs 37, 45, 46, and 51-53. These data indicate that in all of these holes, which include crust as young as 3.5 m.y. old, a significant amount of alteration has taken place as the result of low-temperature interaction between basalt and seawater (cf. Muehlenbachs, 1977, 1980; Hoernes et al., 1978; Friedrichsen and Hoernes, 1980). It is therefore of interest to determine whether Leg 65 crust, which is only 0.5 to 1.5 m.y. old, has experienced a similar degree of alteration.


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In fault zones of the East Indian Ridge and adjacent areas of ocean floor almost monomineral sepiolite- and palygorskite clays have been found. They have been studied by a complex of optical and physical methods. Formation of authigenic sepiolites and palygorskite had occurred under influence of Mg- and Si-rich hydrothermal solutions by metasomatic replacement of montmorillonite clays, or by precipitation from saturated solutions in cracks of various rocks.


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On the bed and on the ocean slope of the southern latitudinal part of the Mariana Trench ancient sediments, as well as sedimentary and igneous rocks are exposed. In the lower part of the sampled part of the studied section Late Oligocene to Early Miocene chalk-like limestones and marls occur. Upward marly tuffites and tuffs (apparently alternating with carbonate rocks) occur. These rocks are overlain by Early Miocene tuffaceous clays and siliceous-clayey muds. In the upper part of the section there are Pleistocene pelagic clays and ethmodiscus oozes.


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A joint research expedition between the French IFREMER and the German MARUM was conducted in 2011 using the R/V 'Pourquoi pas?' to study gas hydrate distributions in a pockmark field (1141-1199 m below sea surface) at the continental margin of Nigeria. The seafloor drill rig MeBo of MARUM was used to recover sediments as deep as 56.74 m below seafloor. The presence of gas hydrates in specific core sections was deduced from temperature anomalies recorded during continuous records of infrared thermal scanning and anomalies in pore water chloride concentrations. In situ sediment temperature measurements showed elevated geothermal gradients of up to 258 °C/km in the center of the so-called pockmark A which is up to 4.6 times higher than that in the background sediment (72 °C/km). The gas hydrate distribution and thermal regime in the pockmark are largely controlled by the intensity, periodicity and direction of fluid flow. The joint interaction between fluid flow, gas hydrate formation and dissolution, and the thermal regime governs pockmark formation and evolution on the Nigerian continental margin.