221 resultados para 176-735B

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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A limiting factor in the accuracy and precision of U/Pb zircon dates is accurate correction for initial disequilibrium in the 238U and 235U decay chains. The longest-lived-and therefore most abundant-intermediate daughter product in the 235U isotopic decay chain is 231Pa (T1/2 = 32.71 ka), and the partitioning behavior of Pa in zircon is not well constrained. Here we report high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-Pb zircon data from two samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, which show evidence for incorporation of excess 231Pa during zircon crystallization. The most precise analyses from the two samples have consistent Th-corrected 206Pb/238U dates with weighted means of 11.9325 ± 0.0039 Ma (n = 9) and 11.920 ± 0.011 Ma (n = 4), but distinctly older 207Pb/235U dates that vary from 12.330 ± 0.048 Ma to 12.140 ± 0.044 Ma and 12.03 ± 0.24 to 12.40 ± 0.27 Ma, respectively. If the excess 207Pb is due to variable initial excess 231Pa, calculated initial (231Pa)/(235U) activity ratios for the two samples range from 5.6 ± 1.0 to 9.6 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 5.2 to 11.4 ± 5.8. The data from the more precisely dated sample yields estimated DPazircon/DUzircon from 2.2-3.8 and 5.6-9.6, assuming (231Pa)/(235U) of the melt equal to the global average of recently erupted mid-ocean ridge basaltic glasses or secular equilibrium, respectively. High precision ID-TIMS analyses from nine additional samples from Hole 735B and nearby Hole 1105A suggest similar partitioning. The lower range of DPazircon/DUzircon is consistent with ion microprobe measurements of 231Pa in zircons from Holocene and Pleistocene rhyolitic eruptions (Schmitt (2007; doi:10.2138/am.2007.2449) and Schmitt (2011; doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133330)). The data suggest that 231Pa is preferentially incorporated during zircon crystallization over a range of magmatic compositions, and excess initial 231Pa may be more common in zircons than acknowledged. The degree of initial disequilibrium in the 235U decay chain suggested by the data from this study, and other recent high precision datasets, leads to resolvable discordance in high precision dates of Cenozoic to Mesozoic zircons. Minor discordance in zircons of this age may therefore reflect initial excess 231Pa and does not require either inheritance or Pb loss.


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The transition from magmatic crystallization to high-temperature metamorphism in deep magma chambers (or lenses) beneath spreading ridges has not been fully described. High-temperature microscopic veins found in olivine gabbros, recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B on the Southwest Indian Ridge during Leg 176, yield information on the magmatic-hydrothermal transition beneath spreading ridges. The microscopic veins are composed of high-temperature minerals, (i.e., clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, brown amphibole, and plagioclase). An important feature of these veins is the 'along-vein variation' in mineralogy, which is correlated with the magmatic minerals that they penetrate. Within grains of magmatic plagioclase, the veins are composed of less calcic plagioclase. In grains of olivine, the veins are composed of orthopyroxene + brown amphibole + plagioclase. In clinopyroxene grains, the veins consist of plagioclase + brown amphibole and are accompanied by an intergrowth of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene. The mode of occurrence of the veins cannot be explained if these veins were crystallized from silicate melts. Consequently, these veins and nearby intergrowths were most likely formed by the reaction of magmatic minerals with fluid phases under the conditions of low fluid/rock ratios. Very similar intergrowths of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene are observed in clinopyroxene grains with 'interfingering' textures. It is believed, in general, that the penetration of seawater does not predate the ductile deformation within Layer 3 gabbros of the slow-spreading ridges. If this is the case, the fluid responsible for the veins did not originate from seawater because the formation of the veins and the interfingering textures preceded ductile deformation and, perhaps, complete solidification of the gabbroic crystal mush. It has been proposed, based on fluid inclusion data, that the exsolution of fluid from the latest-stage magma took place at temperatures >700°C in the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Kane Fracture Zone (MARK) area. No obvious mineralogical evidence, however, has been found for these magmatic fluids. The calculated temperatures for the veins and nearby intergrowths found in Hole 735B gabbros are up to 1000°C, and these veins are the most plausible candidate for the mineralogical expression of the migrating magmatic fluids.


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We present a synthesis of some 20,504 mineral analyses of ~500 Hole 735B gabbros, including 10,236 new analyses conducted for this paper. These are used to construct a mineral stratigraphy for 1.5-km-deep Hole 735B, the only long section of the lower crust drilled in situ in the oceans. At long wavelengths, generally >200 m, there is a good chemical correlation among the principal silicate phases, consistent with the in situ crystallization of three or four distinct olivine gabbro bodies, representing at least two major cycles of intrusion. Initial cooling and crystallization of these bodies must have been fairly rapid to form a crystal mush, followed by subsequent compaction and migration of late iron-titanium-rich liquids into shear zones and fractures through which they were emplaced to higher levels in the lower crust where they crystallized and reacted with the olivine gabbro host rock to form a wide variety of ferrogabbros. At the wave lengths of the individual intrusions, as represented by the several olivine gabbro sequences, there is a general upward trend of iron and sodium enrichment but a poor correlation between the compositions of the major silicate phases. This, together with a wide range in minor incompatible and compatible element concentrations in olivine and pyroxene at a given Mg#, is consistent with widespread permeable flow of late melt through these intrusions, in contrast to what has been documented for a 600-m section of reputedly fast-spreading ocean crust in the Oman Ophiolite. This unexpected finding could be related to enhanced compaction and deformation-controlled late-stage melt migration at the scale of intrusion at a slow-spreading ocean ridge, compared to the relatively static environment in the lower crust at fast-spreading ridges.


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Sulfide petrography plus whole rock contents and isotope ratios of sulfur were measured in a 1.5 km section of oceanic gabbros in order to understand the geochemistry of sulfur cycling during low-temperature seawater alteration of the lower oceanic crust, and to test whether microbial effects may be present. Most samples have low SO4/Sum S values (<= 0.15), have retained igneous globules of pyrrhotite ± chalcopyrite ± pentlandite, and host secondary aggregates of pyrrhotite and pyrite laths in smectite ± iron-oxyhydroxide ± magnetite ± calcite pseudomorphs of olivine and clinopyroxene. Compared to fresh gabbro containing 100-1800 ppm sulfur our data indicate an overall addition of sulfide to the lower crust. Selection of samples altered only at temperatures <= 110 °C constrains microbial sulfate reduction as the only viable mechanism for the observed sulfide addition, which may have been enabled by the production of H2 from oxidation of associated olivine and pyroxene. The wide range in d34Ssulfide values (-1.5 to + 16.3 per mil) and variable additions of sulfide are explained by variable epsilon sulfate-sulfide under open system pathways, with a possible progression into closed system pathways. Some samples underwent oxidation related to seawater penetration along permeable fault horizons and have lost sulfur, have high SO4/Sum S (>= 0.46) and variable d34Ssulfide (0.7 to 16.9 per mil). Negative d34Ssulfate-d34Ssulfide values for the majority of samples indicate kinetic isotope fractionation during oxidation of sulfide minerals. Depth trends in sulfide-sulfur contents and sulfide mineral assemblages indicate a late-stage downward penetration of seawater into the lower 1 km of Hole 735B. Our results show that under appropriate temperature conditions, a subsurface biosphere can persist in the lower oceanic crust and alter its geochemistry.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 176 built upon the work of ODP Leg 118 wherein the 500-m section that was sampled represented the most complete recovery of an intact portion of lower oceanic crust ever described. During Leg 176, we deepened Hole 735B to >1500 m below seafloor in an environment where gabbroic rocks have been tectonically exposed at the Southwest Indian Ridge. This new expedition extended the remarkable recovery (>85%) that allowed unprecedented investigations into the nature of the lower oceanic crust as a result of Leg 118. Sulfide mineral and bulk rock compositions were determined from samples in the 1000-m section of oceanic gabbros recovered during Leg 176. The sulfide assemblage of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite, and troilite is present throughout this section, as it is throughout the 500-m gabbroic section above that was sampled during Leg 118. Troilite is commonly present as lamellae, and the only interval where troilite was not observed is from the uppermost 150 m of the section sampled during Leg 118, which is intensely metamorphosed. The common presence of troilite indicates that much of the sulfide assemblage from Hole 735B precipitated from a magmatic system and subsequently underwent low-temperature reequilibration. Evaluation of geochemical trends in bulk rock and sulfides indicates that the combined effects of olivine accumulation in troctolites and high pentlandite to pyrrhotite ratios account for the sporadic bulk rock compositions high in Ni. Bulk rock and sulfide mineral geochemical indicators that are spatially coincident with structural and physical properties anomalies indicate a heretofore unrecognized lithologic unit boundary in this section. Platinum-group element (PGE) compositions were also determined for 36 samples from throughout the section that were recovered during Leg 176. Whereas most samples had low (<0.4 ppb) PGE concentrations, rare samples had elevated PGE values, but no unique common trend between these samples is evident.


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ODP Hole 735B located on the Southwest Indian Ridge at 57°E is an in situ sampled long, continuous section of lower oceanic crust. Oxygen isotope compositions of constituent minerals of Leg 176 gabbros have been measured by UV-laser oxygen isotope microprobe. Together with existing data from Leg 118, a complete oxygen isotope profile through the lower oceanic crust has been obtained. Most clinopyroxenes and olivines have normal mantle values of ~5.5 per mil and ~5.2 per mil, respectively, while plagioclases show slight d18O enrichment relative to its mantle value of 6.1per mil. Down-hole variations of Hole 735B gabbro indicate a downward decreasing d18O profile, with a kink at a depth of about 800 m below sea floor. Above this depth, gabbros are depleted in 18O relative to unaltered basalts, while below ~800 m they show nearly unmodified d18O values. Abundant seawater penetration appears to be limited to the upper part of the lower crust at ODP site 735 (~800 m into the gabbroic layer and ~2-2.5 km into the oceanic crust from the top of pillow basalts). Mass balance calculations show that the lower crust formed under this ultra-slow-spreading ridge has an average d18O value of 5.5 per mil. The whole crust at Site 735 has an overall 18O enrichment with d18O values of 6.0 per mil to 7.8 per mil, depending on the possible variation of the d18O values of the upper pillow basalts and sheeted dykes. The apparent difference in oxygen isotope compositions of ocean crusts formed with different spreading rates has important implications on the buffering of ocean water over geological time, as well as on the oxygen recycling between crust and mantle through subduction. The difference of seawater penetration between fast- and slow-spreading ridges could be related to their particular magmatic-tectonic history during the formation and aging of the crust. However, more analyses on continuous sections through oceanic and ophiolitic crust in different tectonic settings are required to derive any predictive models.


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The mineralogy and stable (O and C) and Sr isotopic compositions of low-temperature alteration phases were determined in Hole 735B gabbroic rocks in order to understand the processes of low-temperature alteration in this uplifted block of lower oceanic crust. Phyllosilicates include smectite (saponite, Mg montmorillonite, and nontronite), chlorite/smectite, chlorite, talc, and serpentine. Other phases include prehnite, albite, K-feldspar, analcite, natrolite, thompsonite, pyrite, and titanite. The low-grade mineral assemblages mainly represent zeolite facies and lower-temperature "seafloor weathering" processes. Phyllosilicates formed over a range of temperatures but may also reflect variable reaction progress. Alteration temperatures were probably somewhat greater below 1300 meters below seafloor. Mineralogy and isotopic data indicate that conditions were mostly reducing and that seawater solutions were rock dominated. Carbonates formed late from cold and generally oxidizing seawater solution, however, as seawater penetrated downward as the result of fracturing and faulting in the uppermost portion of the uplifted crustal block.


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The composition of gabbroic rocks from the drill core of Hole 735B (ODP Leg 176) at the 11 Ma Atlantis II bank close to the slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) has been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic composition. The samples are thought to represent much of the mineralogical and geochemical variation in a vertical 1-km section (500-1500 m below the sea floor) of the lower ocean crust. Primitive troctolitic gabbros, olivine gabbros and gabbros that have Mg#=84-70, Ca#>61 and low Na# (Na/(Na+Al)) (8-17) are intruded by patches or veins of more evolved FeTi-oxide rich gabbroic and dioritic rocks with Mg# to 20, Ca# to 32, Na#=14-23, TiO2<7 wt.% and FeOtotal<18 wt.%. All rocks are acdcumulates, and incompatible element concentrations are low, e.g. Pb=0.1-0.7 ppm and U