333 resultados para 128-794

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Downhole temperature and thermal conductivity measurements in core samples recovered during Legs 127 and 128 in the Japan Sea resulted in five accurate determinations of heat flow through the seafloor and accurate estimates of temperature vs. depth over the drilled sections. The heat flows measured at these sites are in excellent agreement with nearby seafloor measurements. Drilling sampled basaltic rocks that form the acoustic basement in the Yamato and Japan basins and provided biostratigraphic and isotopic estimates of the age of these basins. The preliminary age estimates are compared with predicted heat flow values for two different thermal models of the lithosphere. A heat flow determination from the crest of the Okushiri Ridge yielded an anomalously high heat flow of 156 mW/m**2. This excessive heat flow value may have resulted from frictional heating on an active reverse fault that bounds the eastern side of the Ridge. Accurate estimates of sedimentation rates and temperatures in the sedimentary section combined with models of basin formation provide an opportunity to test thermochemical models of silica diagenesis. The current location of the opal-A/opal CT transition in the sedimentary section is determined primarily by the thermal history of the layer in which the transition is now found. Comparison of the ages and temperatures of the layer where the opal-A/opal-CT is found today is compatible with an activation energy of 14 to 17 kcal/mole.


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Ocean Drilling Program Legs 127 and 128 in the Yamato Basin of the Japan Sea, a Miocene-age back-arc basin in the western Pacific Ocean, recovered incompatible-element-depleted and enriched tholeiitic dolerites and basalts from the basin floor, which provide evidence of a significant sedimentary component in their mantle source. Isotopically, the volcanic rocks cover a wide range of compositions (e.g., 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70369 - 0.70503, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.65 - 18.36) and define a mixing trend between a depleted mantle (DM) component and an enriched component with the composition of EM II. At Site 797, the combined isotope and trace element systematics support a model of two component mixing between depleted, MORB-like mantle and Pacific pelagic sediments. A best estimate of the composition of the sedimentary component has been determined by analyzing samples of differing lithology from DSDP Sites 579 and 581 in the western Pacific, east of the Japan arc. The sediments have large depletions in the high field strength elements and are relatively enriched in the large-ion-lithophile elements, including Pb. These characteristics are mirrored, with reduced amplitudes, in Japan Sea enriched tholeiites and northeast Japan arc lavas, which strengthens the link between source enrichment and subducted sediments. However, Site 579/581 sediments have higher LILE/REE and lower HFSE/REE than the enriched component inferred fiom mixing trends at Site 797. Sub-arc devolatilization of the sediments is a process that will lower LILE/REE and raise HFSE/REE in the residual sediment, and thus this residual sediment may serve as the enriched component in the back-arc basalt source. Samples from other potential sources of an enriched, EM II-like component beneath Japan, such as the subcontinental lithosphere or crust, have isotopic compositions which overlap those of the Japan Sea tholeiites and are not "enriched" enough to be the EM II end-member.


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The flows and sills drilled at Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin of the Japan Sea are subalkalic, olivine, and/or plagioclase phyric basalts. Compositionally, the rocks can be divided into a depleted, low-K type and an enriched, relatively high-K type. In addition, two contrasting evolution trends are reflected in the rock compositions, which allow four different magmatic suites to be identified. It is suggested that the depleted or enriched nature of these suites represent primary characteristics, while the different evolution trends are related to fractionation processes in crustal magma chambers. A tholeiitic evolution trend, with increasing FeO and TiO2 and decreasing Al2O3, can be modelled by fractional crystallization of 40%-50% plagioclase, olivine, and augite. A mildly calc-alkalic evolution trend, with decreasing FeO, increasing Al2O3, and nearly constant TiO2, can be modelled by 8%-12% olivine fractionation. Mineralogical evidence suggests that these differences may be related to the effect of small amounts of water during crystallization of the calc-alkalic suites. The tholeiitic suites occur in the lower parts of the drill cores, while the calc-alkalic suites occur in the upper parts. This suggests a complex tectonic and magmatic evolution, perhaps reflecting a transition between calc-alkalic magmatism related to subduction zone activity and tholeiitic magmatism related to back-arc spreading. Furthermore, any magmatic model must be able to account for the range in parental magmas from depleted to enriched throughout the tectonic history of the Yamato Basin.


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The western Pacific includes many volcanic island arc and backarc complexes, yet multi-isotopic studies of them are rare. Basement rocks of the Sea of Japan backarc basin were encountered at Sites 794,795, and 797, and consisted of basaltic sills and lava flows. These rocks exhibit a broad range in isotopic composition, broader than that seen in any other western Pacific arc or backarc system: 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70369 to 0.70499, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51267 to 0.51317, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.64 to 18.36. The samples form highly correlated arrays between very depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and the Pacific pelagic sediment fields on Pb-Pb plots. Similarly, on plots of Sr-Pb and Nd-Pb, the Sea of Japan samples lie on mixing curves between depleted mantle and enriched mantle ("EM II"), which is interpreted to be of average crustal or pelagic sediment composition. The source of these backarc rocks appears to be a MORB-like mantle source, contaminated by pelagic sediments. Unlike the Mariana and Izu arc/backarc systems, Japanese arc and backarc rocks are indistinguishable from each other in a Sr-Nd isotope plot, and have similar trends in Pb-Pb plots. Thus, sediment contamination of the mantle wedge appears to control the isotopic compositions of both the arc and backarc magmas. Two-component mixing calculations suggest that the percentage of sediments in the magma source varies from 0.5% to 2.5%.


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Suites of basalts drilled during Legs 127 and 128 can be distinguished by their mineral assemblages and compositions of phenocrysts and groundmass phases. An upper suite of plagioclase phyric basaltic sills with a groundmass composed of plagioclase, augite, and magnetite was recovered from Site 794. The upper, evolved part of this suite is highly plagioclase phyric, including calcic plagioclases (~An90). The most primitive, lower part of this upper suite, in addition, contains olivine, but lacks calcic plagioclase. A lower suite at Site 794 is plagioclase and olivine phyric to aphyric basaltic sills and flows with a groundmass of plagioclase, augite, olivine (~Fo75-83), and magnetite. At Site 795, plagioclase and augite phyric basalts and andesites were recovered. The relatively low Ti and Cr contents of augite of these basalts suggest typical arc tholeiitic parental magmas. Two suites of basalt were recovered from Site 797, an upper suite of plagioclase and olivine phyric to aphyric olivine basalts, and a lower suite of evolved plagioclase phyric basaltic sills. The most evolved sills at both sites lack olivine as phenocryst and groundmass phases, while this phase is present in the relatively primitive sills. The olivine-bearing suites contain plagioclase with relatively low potassium content and augite with relatively high sodium content. An exception is the olivine-bearing sills of the upper suite at Site 794 that contains plagioclase with relatively high potassium content similar to the associated olivine-free sills. The olivine-free suites contain plagioclase with high potassium content and augite with low sodium content and have the most evolved compositions of any of the Japan Sea rocks.


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During Leg 127, the formation microscanner (FMS) logging tool was used as part of an Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) logging program for only the second time in the history of the program. Resistivity images, also known as FMS logs, were obtained at Sites 794 and 797 that covered nearly the complete Yamato Basin sedimentary sequence to a depth below 500 mbsf. The FMS images from these two sites at the northeastern and southwestern corners of the Yamato Basin thus were amenable to comparison. A strong visual correlation was noticed between the FMS logs taken in Holes 794B and 797C in an upper Miocene interval (350-384 mbsf), although the two sites are approximately 360 km apart. In this interval, the FMS logs showed a series of more resistive thin beds (10-200 cm) alternating with relatively lower resistivity layers: a pattern that was manifested by alternating dark (low resistivity) and light (high resistivity) banding in the FMS images. We attribute this layering to interbedding of chert and porcellanite layers, a common lithologic sequence throughout Japan (Tada and Iijima, 1983, doi:10.1306/212F82E7-2B24-11D7-8648000102C1865D). Spatial frequency analysis of this interval of dominant dark-light banding showed spatial cycles of period of 1.1 to 1.3 and 0.6 m. This pronounced layering and the correlation between the two sites terminate at 384 mbsf, coincident with the opal-CT to quartz transition at Site 794. We think the correlation in the FMS logs might well extend earlier in the middle Miocene, but the opal-CT to quartz transition obscures this layering below 384 mbsf. Although 34 m is only a small part of the core recovered at these two sites, it is significant because it represents an area of extremely poor core recovery and an interval for which a near-depositional hiatus was postulated for Site 797, but not for Site 794.