354 resultados para dust fluxes


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Eolian grain size and flux were measured on samples from 11 Arabian Sea sediment traps deployed 200-1250 km offshore. The timing of increased grain size is coincident with the onset of strong summer monsoon winds and dust storm activity over the Arabian Peninsula and Middle East. Data spanning a full annual cycle show that eolian grain size is highly correlated with barometric pressure (r=-0.91) and wind speed (r=0.84), enabling calibration of the downcore record in terms of these primary meteorological variables. Eolian flux is highly correlated with organic carbon flux (r=0.80); both increase 6-8 weeks after the grain size increase and summer monsoon onset. This lag, and the low correlation between eolian grain size and eolian flux (r=0.36), likely result from the differential sinking rates of large and small dust particles in the surface waters as well as biological scavenging associated with monsoon-induced productivity.


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The scavenging of 231Pa and 230Th was investigated in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean by combining results from sediment trap and in situ filtration studies. We present the first high-resolution profile of dissolved 230Th and 231Pa in surface waters across the ACC, showing a dramatic southward increase of both radionuclides around the southern ACC Front at 533S. High dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratios combined with low 230Th/231Pa fractionation factors (F) in these surface waters result in extremely high 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios of material collected in the shallow traps. Particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios in a shallow trap near Bouvet Island increase continuously during the productive period in austral summer, and drop back in the low flux period. This behavior, following the Rayleigh fractionation principle, is interpreted to be due to an increase in the dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratio in the euphotic zone resulting from preferential scavenging of 230Th relative to 231Pa, even in opal-dominated regions. In the post-bloom stage, the depleted radionuclide concentrations are replenished by upwelling of Circumpolar Deep Water. The high particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 signal is weakened during downward transport of the bloom particles in the water column by incorporation of deep suspended particles, which have a lower 231Pa94/230Th94 ratio. It is shown that under the special hydrographic conditions in the Southern Ocean scavenging from the upper water column significantly influences the budgets of 230Th and 231Pa in the sediment. Nevertheless, the budgets are still made up primarily by scavenging from the large standing stock of deep suspended particles.


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Sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 138 in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean were analyzed for variations in eolian accumulation rate and mean grain-size. Latitudinal and temporal patterns of these parameters showed important changes in the intensity of atmospheric circulation and eolian flux associated with the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and suggested that eolian input parameters could be used to define its paleoposition through time. Modern atmospheric circulation in the equatorial region is weakest in the intertropical convergence zone and increases as the trade winds are approached to the north and south. Thus, the expected spatial pattern of eolian grain size would have the finest material deposited beneath the ITCZ and a coarsening of material in both directions away from this zone. Sediments from ODP Leg 138 show this pattern for much of the Pleistocene and Pliocene but, prior to about 4 Ma, begin to lose the northern coarse component suggesting that the ITCZ was located north of its present position during the late Miocene. Eolian flux records also show a latitudinal pattern of deposition associated with the position of the ITCZ that, similar to eolian grain-size variability, suggests a more northerly position of the ITCZ during the late Miocene. Overall, the regional input of eolian material to the equatorial Pacific has decreased throughout the late Neogene. This reduction in eolian input reflects climatic changes to relatively wetter conditions in the continental eolian source regions beginning during the late Pliocene.


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Five Ocean Drilling Program sites (657-661), which form a north-south transect off the western periphery of the Sahara, were selected to measure the long-term history of Saharan/Sahelian dust flux and fluvial sediment discharge and the fluxes of marine CaCO3 and opal over the last 8 m.y. Sites 658 and 659 served for high-resolution studies, and Sites 657, 660, and 661 for insights into the spatial patterns of dust flux. The nearshore mean flux of opal off Cap Blanc (21 °N) showed an abrupt increase about 3 Ma that appears to reflect the main onset of coastal upwelling fertility and enhanced trade winds. At the same time, the input of river-borne clay strongly decreased, suggesting a dry up of the central Saharan rivers. Later, marked short-lived spikes of clay and opal may indicate ongoing ephemeral pulses of fluvial runoff linked to peak interglacial stages. Given the zonal dust discharge centered near 18 °N at Site 659, the aridification of the south Sahara and Sahel increased in several steps: at 4.6, 4.3, and especially at 4.0, 3.6, and 2.1 Ma, and again, at 0.8 Ma. The late Miocene and earliest Pliocene were humid. Although the central and north Saharan climate appears to be linked to the glaciation history of the Northern Hemisphere, the long-term aridification further south followed a different schedule. The spatial distribution of quartz accumulation suggests that the dust outbreaks linked to the Intertropical Convergence Zone during summer did not shift in latitude back to 4.0 Ma, at least. The short-term variations of dust output over the last 0.5 m.y. followed orbital scale pulses with a strong precessional signal, showing a link of Sahelian humidity changes to the variation of sea-surface temperature and evaporation in the tropical Atlantic.


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Two silicate-rich dust layers were found in the Dome Fuji ice core in East Antarctica, at Marine Isotope Stages 12 and 13. Morphologies, textures, and chemical compositions of constituent particles reveal that they are high-temperature melting products and are of extraterrestrial origin. Because similar layers were found ~2000 km east of Dome Fuji, at EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica)-Dome C, particles must have rained down over a wide area 434 and 481 ka. The strewn fields occurred over an area of at least 3 × 10**6 km**2. Chemical compositions of constituent phases and oxygen isotopic composition of olivines suggest that the upper dust layer was produced by a high-temperature interaction between silicate-rich melt and water vapor due to an impact explosion or an aerial burst of a chondritic meteoroid on the inland East Antarctic ice sheet. An estimated total mass of the impactor, on the basis of particle flux and distribution area, is at least 3 × 10**9 kg. A possible parent material of the lower dust layer is a fragment of friable primitive asteroid or comet. A hypervelocity impact of asteroidal/cometary material on the upper atmosphere and an explosion might have produced aggregates of sub-µm to µm-sized spherules. Total mass of the parent material of the lower layer must exceed 1 × 10**9 kg. The two extraterrestrial horizons, each a few millimeters in thickness, represent regional or global meteoritic events not identified previously in the Southern Hemisphere.