140 resultados para cyanoacetylene ro-vibrational spectroscopy spectral analysis
Estimates of summer sea surface temperatures (SSSTs) derived from planktic foraminiferal associations using the Modern Analog Technique and combined with isotopic analyses and determination of ice-rafted debris, mirror the Pleistocene evolution of the planktic Subantarctic surface waters in the Atlantic Ocean. The SSSTs indicate that the isotherms that define the modern polar front zone and Subantarctic front, were located at more northerly latitudes (up to 7°) during most of the investigated period, which covers the past 550 kyr. Exceptions are during climatic optima in the early Holocene, at marine isotope stages (MIS) 5.5, 7.1, 7.5, 9.3, and presumably during MIS 11.3 when SSSTs exceeded modern values by 1 -5°C. The close similarity between the SSST and the Vostok temperature indicates strong regional temperature correlation. Both records show that MIS 9.3 was the warmest period during the last 420 kyr whereas SSSTs obtained for MIS 11.3 are overestimated due to strong carbonate dissolution. Spectral analysis corroborates that the initiation of warming in southern high latitudes heralds the start of deglaciation on the Northern Hemisphere.
The first well logs collected below the Antarctic circle were obtained during Leg 113 at Site 693 on the Dronning Maud Land Margin (Antarctica) in the Weddell Sea. Gamma-ray, resistivity, and sonic logs were collected between 108.0 and 439.0 mbsf. The downhole logs show good agreement with the data collected from cores and provide a continuous measurement of the sedimentary record. These continuous log records show that the rather uniform Tertiary lithology seen in cores is characterized by high-frequency variability in the log data. Several thin hard streaks are identified, the largest of which coincides with a major Miocene hiatus. Associated with this hiatus is a change to lower illite content (and correspondingly lower gamma-ray counts) and to a significant increase in diatom content. Spectral analysis of the logs was performed on the lower Pliocene through upper Oligocene interval (108.0-343.0 mbsf). Between 108.0 and 245.0 mbsf, average sedimentation rates (50 and 26 m/m.y.) are high enough to show that variance is present in the orbital eccentricity (~95 k.y.) and obliquity (~41 k.y.) bands. Between 253.0 and 343.0 mbsf, the sedimentation rate (8 m/m.y.) is too low to resolve high frequency variations. The Milankovitch frequencies are best developed in the resistivity logs. Resistivity is responding to changes in porosity, which in these sediments is controlled by the abundance of biosiliceous sediments, particularly diatoms. The orbital forcing suggested by the Milankovitch frequencies may be influencing diatom productivity by inducing oscillations in upwelling, ice coverage, pack ice, and/or polynya. Although variations in diatom abundance were observed in the cores, they were not attributed to a Milankovitch signal, and therefore in this environment, downhole logs are an important contribution to the detection and understanding of orbitally influenced changes in sedimentation.
Suborbital climate variability during the last glacial period is suggested to have involved a 1500-year pacing cycle, but the expression and spatial distribution of the ~1500-year oscillation during interglacials remains unclear. We generated a multidecade resolution record of alkenone sea surface temperature (SST) in the northwestern Pacific off central Japan during the Holocene. The SST record showed centennial and millennial variability with an amplitude of ~1 °C throughout the entire Holocene. Spectral analysis for SST variation revealed a statistically significant peak with 1470-year periodicity. The SST variation partly correlated with the variations of ice-rafted hematite-stained grain content in North Atlantic sediments. These findings indicate that the mean latitude of the Kuroshio Extension has varied on a 1500-year cycle, and suggest that a climatic link exists between the North Pacific gyre system and the high-latitude North Atlantic thermohaline circulation. The regular pacing at 1500-year intervals seen throughout both the Holocene and the last glacial period suggests that the oscillation was a response to external forcing.
Late Pleistocene signals of calcium carbonate, organic carbon, and opaline silica concentration and accumulation are documented in a series of cores from a zonal/meridional/depth transect in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean to reconstruct the regional sedimentary history. Spectral analysis reveals that maxima and minima in biogenous sedimentation occur with glacial-interglacial cyclicity as a function of both (1) primary production at the sea surface modulated by orbitally forced variation in trade wind zonality and (2) destruction at the seafloor by variation in the chemical character of advected intermediate and deep water from high latitudes modulated by high-latitude ice volume. From these results a pattern emerges in which the relative proportion of signal variance from the productivity signal centered on the precessional (23 kyr) band decreases while that of the destruction signal centered on the obliquity (41 kyr) and eccentricity (100 kyr) periods increases below ~3600-m ocean depth.
High-resolution benthic oxygen isotope and dust flux records from Ocean Drilling Program site 659 have been analyzed to extend the astronomically calibrated isotope timescale for the Atlantic from 2.85 Ma back to 5 Ma. Spectral analysis of the delta18O record indicates that the 41-kyr period of Earth's orbital obliquity dominates the Pliocene record. This is shown to be true regardless of fundamental changes in the Earth's climate during the Pliocene. However, the cycles of Sahelian aridity fluctuations indicate a shift in spectral character near 3 Ma. From the early Pliocene to 3 Ma, the periodicities were dominantly precessional (19 and 23 kyr) and remained strong until 1.5 Ma. Subsequent to 3 Ma, the variance at the obliquity period (41 kyr) increased. The timescale tuned to precession suggests that the Pliocene was longer than previously estimated by more than 0.5 m.y. The tuned ages for the magnetic boundaries Gauss/Gilbert and Top Cochiti are about 6-8% older than the ages of the conventional timescale. A major phase of Pliocene northern hemisphere ice growth occurred between 3.15 Ma and 2.5 Ma. This was marked by a gradual increase in glacial Atlantic delta18O values of 1per mil and an increase in amplitude variations by up to 1.5 per mil, much larger than in the Pacific deepwater record (site 846). The first maxima occured in cold stages G6-96 between 2.7 Ma and 2.45 Ma. Prior to 3 Ma, the isotope record is characterized by predominantly low amplitude fluctuations (< 0.7 per mil). When obliquity forcing was at its minimum between 4.15 and 3.6 Ma and during the Kaena interval, delta18O amplitude fluctuations were minimal. From 4.9 to 4.3 Ma, the delta18O values decreased by about 0.5 per mil, reaching a long-term minimum at 4.15 Ma, suggesting higher deepwater temperatures or a deglaciation. Deepwater cooling and/or an increase in ice volume is indicated by a series of short-term delta18O fluctuations between 3.8 and 3.6 Ma.
Maximum entropy spectral analyses and a fitting test to find the best suitable curve for the modified time series based on the non-linear least squares method for Td (diatom temperature) values were performed for the Quaternary portion of the DSDP Sites 579 and 580 in the western North Pacific. The sampling interval averages 13.7 kyr in the Brunhes Chron (0-780 ka) and 16.5 kyr in the later portion of the Matuyama Chron (780-1800 ka) at Site 580, but increases to 17.3 kyr and 23.2 kyr, respectively, at Site 579. Among dominant cycles during the Brunhes Chron, there are 411.5 kyr and 126.0 kyr at Site 579, and 467.0 kyr and 136.7 kyr at Site 580 correspond to 413 kyr and 95 to 124 kyr of the orbital eccentricity. Minor cycles of 41.2 kyr at Site 579 and 41.7 kyr at Site 580 are near to 41 kyr of the obliquity (tilt). During the Matuyama Chron at Site 580, cycles of 49.7 kyr and 43.6 kyr are dominant. The surface-water temperature estimated from diatoms at the western North Pacific DSDP Sites 579 and 580 shows correlation with the fundamental Earth's orbital parameters during Quaternary time.
Clay mineral assemblages at ODP Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea are used to investigate sediment source and transport processes and to evaluate the evolution of the East Asian monsoon over the past 2 Myr. Clay minerals consist mainly of illite (22-43%) and smectite (12-48%), with associated chlorite (10-30%), kaolinite (2-18%), and random mixed-layer clays (5-22%). Hydrodynamic and mineralogical studies indicate that illite and chlorite sources include Taiwan and the Yangtze River, that smectite and mixed-layer clays originate predominantly from Luzon and Indonesia, and that kaolinite is primarily derived from the Pearl River. Mineral assemblages indicate strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with high illite, chlorite, and kaolinite content during glacials and high smectite and mixed-layer clay content during interglacials. During interglacials, summer enhanced monsoon (southwesterly) currents transport more smectite and mixed-layer clays to Site 1146 whereas during glacials, enhanced winter monsoon (northerly) currents transport more illite and chlorite from Taiwan and the Yangtze River. The ratio (smectite+mixed layers)/(illite+chlorite) was adopted as a proxy for East Asian monsoon variability. Higher ratios indicate strengthened summer-monsoon winds and weakened winter-monsoon winds during interglacials. In contrast, lower ratios indicate a strongly intensified winter monsoon and weakened summer monsoon during glacials. Spectral analysis indicates the mineral ratio was dominantly forced by monsoon variability prior to the development of large-scale glaciation at 1.2 Myr and by both monsoon variability and the effects of changing sea level in the interval 1.2 Myr to present.
Eocene sediments drilled at the East Tasman Plateau (ETP) exhibit well-defined cycles, high-resolution magnetic stratigraphy, and environmentally-controlled dinoflagellate and diatom distribution patterns. We derive a cyclostratigraphy from the spectral analysis of high-resolution elemental concentration records (Ca, Fe) for this shallow marine time series spanning the middle to early late Eocene (C16n.2n - C21). Changes in carbonate content, the ratio between Gonyaulacoid and Peridinioid dinocysts, and relative abundance of "oligotrophic" diatoms serve as proxies for a high-resolution climatic and sea-level history with high values representing high sea-level stands and decreased eutrophy of surface waters. Changing ratios between high latitude dinocysts versus cosmopolitan species provide clues on sea surface temperature trends and water mass exchange. Our results show that the relatively shallow-water middle Eocene environments of the ETP are influenced by orbitally-forced climatic cycles superimposed on third order relative sea-level changes. Changes in the dominance of Milankovitch frequency at ~38.6 Ma (late Eocene) is related to an initial deepening-step within the Tasmanian Gateway prior to the major deepening during the middle late Eocene (~35.5 Ma). Decreasing sedimentation rates at 38 Ma and 37.2 Ma reflect winnowing associated with sea-level fall. This episode is followed by renewed transgression. Dinocyst distribution patterns indicate high latitude, probably cool temperate surface water conditions throughout, with the exception of a sudden surge in cosmopolitan species near the base of subchron C18.2r, at ~41 Ma; this event is tentatively correlated to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum.
A multiproxy analysis of Hole 911A (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 151) drilled on the Yermak Plateau (eastern Arctic Ocean) is used to investigate the behaviour of the Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet (SBIS) during late Pliocene and early Pleistocene (~3.0-1.7 Ma) climate changes. Contemporary with the 'Mid-Pliocene (~3 Ma) global warmth' (MPGW), a warmer period lasting ~300 kyr with seasonally ice-free conditions in the marginal eastern Arctic Ocean is assumed to be an important regional moisture source, and possibly one decisive trigger for intensification of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation in the Svalbard/Barents Sea area at ~2.7 Ma. An abrupt pulse of ice-rafted debris (IRD) to the Yermak Plateau at ~2.7 Ma reflects distinct melting of sediment-laden icebergs derived from the SBIS and may indicate the protruding advance of the ice sheet onto the outer shelf. Spectral analysis of the total organic carbon (TOC) record being predominantly of terrigenous/fossil-reworked origin indicates SBIS and possibly Scandinavian Ice Sheet response to incoming solar radiation at obliquity and precession periodicities. The strong variance in frequencies near the 41 kyr obliquity cycle between 2.7 and 1.7 Ma indicates, for the first time in the Arctic Ocean, a close relationship of SBIS growth and decay patterns to the Earth's orbital obliquity amplitudes, which dominated global ice volume variations during late Pliocene/early Pleistocene climate changes.
Event layers in lake sediments are indicators of past extreme events, mostly the results of floods or earthquakes. Detailed characterisation of the layers allows the discrimination of the sedimentation processes involved, such as surface runoff, landslides or subaqueous slope failures. These processes can then be interpreted in terms of their triggering mechanisms. Here we present a 40 kyr event layer chronology from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. The event layers were characterised using a multi-proxy approach, employing light microscopy and µXRF for microfacies analysis. The vast majority of event layers in Lake Suigetsu was produced by flood events (362 out of 369), allowing the construction of the first long-term, quantitative (with respect to recurrence) and well dated flood chronology from the region. The flood layer frequency shows a high variability over the last 40 kyr, and it appears that extreme precipitation events were decoupled from the average long-term precipitation. For instance, the flood layer frequency is highest in the Glacial at around 25 kyr BP, at which time Japan was experiencing a generally cold and dry climate. Other cold episodes, such as Heinrich Event 1 or the Late Glacial stadial, show a low flood layer frequency. Both observations together exclude a simple, straightforward relationship with average precipitation and temperature. We argue that, especially during Glacial times, changes in typhoon genesis/typhoon tracks are the most likely control on the flood layer frequency, rather than changes in the monsoon front or snow melts. Spectral analysis of the flood chronology revealed periodic variations on centennial and millennial time scales, with 220 yr, 450 yr and a 2000 yr cyclicity most pronounced. However, the flood layer frequency appears to have not only been influenced by climate changes, but also by changes in erosion rates due to, for instance, earthquakes.
Data on chemical composition of bottom sediments from some polygons in the Philippine Sea are reported. Areal and vertical variability of major and trace element contents in bottom sediments is analyzed for clarifying sedimentation features and diagenetic migration of the elements in the upper part of the sedimentary sequence.
Contents and distributions of Cu, Ni, Co, V, Cr, Zn, Pb, Mo, W, and Zr in near-coast and pelagic sediments of the Northern Indian Ocean are under consideration in the paper. Chemical analyses showed enrichment of pelagic clayey radiolarian oozes by Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, W, and Mo. According to enrichment factors these elements have the following order: Mo> Mn> Cu> Ni> Co> Pb> W. Enrichment of pelagic sediments from the Indian Ocean is mainly determined by the mechanism of the sedimentation process. Enrichment factors of Cu, Ni, Co, W, Mo, and Mn in pelagic sediments of the North Indian Ocean are intermediate between ones in pelagic sediments of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
In the western North Atlantic, warm and saline water is brought by the North Atlantic Current (NAC) from the subtropics into the subpolar gyre. Four inverted echo sounders with high precision pressure sensors (PIES) were moored between 47°40' N and 52°30' N to study the main pathways of the NAC from the western into the eastern basin. The array configuration that forms three segments (northern, central, and southern) allows partitioning of the NAC and some assessment of NAC flow paths through the different Mid-Atlantic Ridge fracture zones. We exploit the correlation between the NAC transport measured between 2006 and 2010 and the geostrophic velocity from altimeter data to extend the time series of NAC transports to the period from 1992 to 2013. The mean NAC transport over the entire 21 years is 27 ± 5 Sv, consisting of 60% warm water of subtropical origin and 40% subpolar water. We did not find a significant trend in the total transport time series, but individual segments had opposing trends, leading to a more focused NAC in the central subsection and decreasing transports in the southern and northern segments. The spectral analysis exhibits several significant peaks. The two most prominent are around 120 days, identified as the time scale of meanders and eddies, and at 4-9 years, most likely related to the NAO. Transport composites for the years of highest and lowest NAO indices showed a significantly higher transport (+2.9 Sv) during strong NAO years, mainly in the southern segment.
Stable isotope and faunal records from the central Red Sea show high-amplitude oscillations for the past 380,000 years. Positive delta18O anomalies indicate periods of significant salt buildup during periods of lowered sea level when water mass exchange with the Arabian Sea was reduced due to a reduced geometry of the Bab el Mandeb Strait. Salinities as high as 53 per mil and 55 per mil are inferred from pteropod and benthic foraminifera delta18O, respectively, for the last glacial maximum. During this period all planktonic foraminifera vanished from this part of the Red Sea. Environmental conditions improved rapidly after 13 ka as salinities decreased due to rising sea level. The foraminiferal fauna started to reappear and was fully reestablished between 9 ka and 8 ka. Spectral analysis of the planktonic delta18O record documents highest variance in the orbital eccentricity, obliquity, and precession bands, indicating a dominant influence of climatically - driven sea level change on environmental conditions in the Red Sea. Variance in the precession band is enhanced compared to the global mean marine climate record (SPECMAP), suggesting an additional influence of the Indian monsoon system on Red Sea climates.