146 resultados para Valves


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Sites 1251 (44°34.213'N, 125°4.440'W; 1211 m water depth) and 1252 (44°35.167'N, 125°5.569'W; 1039 m water depth) were drilled on the eastern flank of the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge off Oregon in the northeast Pacific Ocean, where well-stratified sediments were deposited at a rapid rate. Unconformities and debris flow layers of middle Pleistocene age were found at both sites. Their ages are of great importance in constructing the geohistory of Hydrate Ridge. Detailed diatom biostratigraphy of the middle to late Pleistocene of Sites 1251 and 1252 was carried out for this purpose.


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Sparse, poorly preserved late Oligocene (3 species) and early Miocene (4 species) ostracod faunas have been recovered from CRP-2A, while relatively more abundant Quaternary faunas occur in CRP-1 (24 species). All taxa are marine. No definitive age assignments can be made on the two older faunas, which are not considered to be in situ, although the taxa identified are not at variance with sediment ages determined on other grounds. The Oligocene ostracods (Lithostratigraphical Unit, LSU 9.4) suggest deposition in cold, relatively shallow, shelf waters with faunal connections to the Antarctic Peninsula and South America, while the Miocene fauna (LSU 5.1) is considered to be a cool-cold, deeper water (?outer shelf) association with faunal connections to both New Zealand and the Antarctic Peninsula. The Quaternary faunas are primarily from LSU 3.1 (carbonate-rich layer), and suggest deposition in very cold, relatively quiet water that was at least 100 m, and possibly 130-200 m deep. None of the taxa are known from pre-Pleistocene sediments, and all occur in modern Antarctic/sub-Antarctic regimes, predominantly from south of 60° S. Specimens in the "carbonate-rich layer" probably have suffered minor penecontemporaneous fractionation, while the fauna in LSU 2.2 has suffered more extensive post-mortem transportation and possible reworking (though not necessarily from pre-Quaternary sources).


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We investigated the sedimentary record of Lake Hancza (northeastern Poland) using a multi-proxy approach, focusing on early to mid-Holocene climatic and environmental changes. AMS 14C dating of terrestrial macrofossils and sedimentation rate estimates from occasional varve thickness measurements were used to establish a chronology. The onset of the Holocene at c. 11600 cal. a BP is marked by the decline of Lateglacial shrub vegetation and a shift from clastic-detrital deposition to an autochthonous sedimentation dominated by biochemical calcite precipitation. Between 10000 and 9000 cal. a BP, a further environmental and climatic improvement is indicated by the spread of deciduous forests, an increase in lake organic matter and a 1.7% rise in the oxygen isotope ratios of both endogenic calcite and ostracod valves. Rising d18O values were probably caused by a combination of hydrological and climatic factors. The persistence of relatively cold and dry climate conditions in northeastern Poland during the first one and a half millennia of the Holocene could be related to a regional eastern European atmospheric circulation pattern. Prevailing anticyclonic circulation linked to a high-pressure cell above the retreating Scandinavian Ice Sheet might have blocked the influence of warm and moist Westerlies and attenuated the early Holocene climatic amelioration in the Lake Hancza region until the final decay of the ice sheet.


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Marine diatoms are the primary biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental tool for interpreting the upper Palaeogene and lower Neogene strata recovered during the second drilling season of the Cape Roberts Project at site CRP-2 in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. Silicoflagellates, ebridians, and a chrysophyte cyst provide supporting biostratigraphical information. More than 100 dominantly planktic diatom taxa are recognised. Of these, more than 30 are treated informally, pending SEM examination and formal description. Many other taxa are noted only to generic level. Lower Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) through lower Miocene (c. 18.5 Ma) diatoms occur from 28 mbsf down to 565 mbsf. Below this level, to the bottom of the hole at 624.15 mbsf, diatom assemblages are poorly-preserved and many samples are barren. A biostratigraphic zonal framework, consisting of ten diatom zones, is proposed for the Antarctic continental shelf. Ages inferred from the diatom biostratigraphy correspond well with geochronological data from argon dating of volcanic materials and strontium dating of calcareous macrofossils, as well as nannofossil biochronological datums. The biochronostratigraphical record from CRP-2/2A provides an important record of diatom events and mid-Cenozoic environmental changes in the Antarctic neritic zone.


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Anticyclonic mesoscale eddies (ACME) have been proposed as a mechanism by which new nutrients are episodically delivered into the euphotic zone, thereby enhancing new production as well as shifting phytoplankton community structure. In this paper, we report on a 34-month sediment trap experiment at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO; ca. 18°N, 24°E; December 2009-October 2012), occasionally influenced by ACME passages. The typically oligotrophic, weakly seasonal particle flux pattern at the CVOO is strongly modified by the appearance of a highly productive and low oxygen ACME. Out of four recorded diatom flux maxima at CVOO, three were associated with the passage of ACMEs. The recorded diatom maxima events support the view that local ACME dynamics promotes upward nutrient supply into the euphotic zone leading to a rapid response of diatoms. This response is clearly reflected by the flux seasonality: between 40% and 60% of the total annual diatom flux at the CVOO site was intercepted in a relatively short time interval (<60 days). A highly diverse diatom community characterized the diatom fluxes throughout. Along with the ACME passages, small species of the genus Nitzschia, and Thalassionema nitzschioides var. parva dominated and delivered a major portion of the opal and organic carbon into deeper waters at site CVOO. Several pelagic, warm-water background species became dominant during intervals with low nutrient availability in the euphotic zone. Results of our interannual time-series suggest that ACMEs impact on total diatom production and the species-specific composition of the assemblage north of the Cave Verde Islands, and can strengthen the biological pump in open-ocean, oligotrophic subtropical regions of the world ocean. Our observations are useful for testing biogeochemical ocean models and will also help in improving the knowledge of processes and mechanisms behind interannual time-series of bulk components and microorganisms in pelagic and hemipelagic ocean areas.


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A high input of lithogenic sediment from glaciers was assumed to be responsible for high Fe and Mn contents in the Antarctic soft shell clam Laternula elliptica at King George Island. Indeed, withdrawal experiments indicated a strong influence of environmental Fe concentrations on Fe contents in bivalve hemolymph, but no significant differences in hemolymph and tissue concentrations were found among two sites of high and lower input of lithogenic debris. Comparing Fe and Mn concentrations of porewater, bottom water, and hemolymph from sampling sites, Mn appears to be assimilated as dissolved species, whereas Fe apparently precipitates as ferrihydrite within the oxic sediment or bottom water layer prior to assimilation by the bivalve. Hence, we attribute the high variability of Fe and Mn accumulation in tissues of L. elliptica around Antarctica to differences in the geochemical environment of the sediment and the resulting Fe and Mn flux across the benthic boundary.


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Understanding the ecology of bioindicators such as ostracods is essential in order to reconstruct past environmental and climate change from analysis of fossil assemblages preserved in lake sediment cores. Knowledge of the ecology of ancient Lake Ohrid's ostracod fauna is very limited and open to debate. In advance of the Ohrid ICDP-Drilling project, which has potential to generate high-resolution long-term paleoenvironmental data of global importance in paleoclimate research, we sampled Lake Ohrid and a wide range of habitat types in its surroundings to assess 1) the composition of ostracod assemblages in lakes, springs, streams, and short-lived seasonal water bodies, 2) the geographical distribution of ostracods, and 3) the ecological characteristics of individual ostracod species. In total, 40 species were collected alive, and seven species were preserved as valves and empty carapaces. Of the 40 ostracod species, twelve were endemic to Lake Ohrid. The most common genus in the lake was Candona, represented by 13 living species, followed by Paralimnocythere, represented by five living species. The most frequent species was Cypria obliqua. Species with distinct distributions included Heterocypris incongruens, Candonopsis kingsleii, and Cypria lacustris. The most common species in shallow, flooded areas was H. incongruens, and the most prominent species in ditches was C. kingsleii. C. lacustris was widely distributed in channels, springs, lakes, and rivers. Statistical analyses were performed on a "Lake Ohrid" dataset, comprising the subset of samples from Lake Ohrid alone, and an "entire" dataset comprising all samples collected. The unweighted pair group mean average (UPGMA) clustering was mainly controlled by species-specific depth preferences. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) with forward selection identified water depth, water temperature, and pH as variables that best explained the ostracod distribution in Lake Ohrid. The lack of significance of conductivity and dissolved oxygen in CCA of Ohrid data highlight the uniformity across the lake of the well-mixed waters. In the entire area, CCA revealed that ostracod distribution was best explained by water depth, salinity, conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Salinity was probably selected by CCA due to the presence of Eucypris virens and Bradleystrandesia reticulata in short-lived seasonal water bodies. Water depth is an important, although indirect, influence on ostracod species distribution which is probably associated with other factors such as sediment texture and food supply. Some species appeared to be indicators for multiple environmental variables, such as lake level and water temperature.


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Background: Light microscopic analysis of diatom frustules is widely used both in basic and applied research, notably taxonomy, morphometrics, water quality monitoring and paleo-environmental studies. In these applications, usually large numbers of frustules need to be identified and / or measured. Although there is a need for automation in these applications, and image processing and analysis methods supporting these tasks have previously been developed, they did not become widespread in diatom analysis. While methodological reports for a wide variety of methods for image segmentation, diatom identification and feature extraction are available, no single implementation combining a subset of these into a readily applicable workflow accessible to diatomists exists. Results: The newly developed tool SHERPA offers a versatile image processing workflow focused on the identification and measurement of object outlines, handling all steps from image segmentation over object identification to feature extraction, and providing interactive functions for reviewing and revising results. Special attention was given to ease of use, applicability to a broad range of data and problems, and supporting high throughput analyses with minimal manual intervention. Conclusions: Tested with several diatom datasets from different sources and of various compositions, SHERPA proved its ability to successfully analyze large amounts of diatom micrographs depicting a broad range of species. SHERPA is unique in combining the following features: application of multiple segmentation methods and selection of the one giving the best result for each individual object; identification of shapes of interest based on outline matching against a template library; quality scoring and ranking of resulting outlines supporting quick quality checking; extraction of a wide range of outline shape descriptors widely used in diatom studies and elsewhere; minimizing the need for, but enabling manual quality control and corrections. Although primarily developed for analyzing images of diatom valves originating from automated microscopy, SHERPA can also be useful for other object detection, segmentation and outline-based identification problems.


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Ancient Lake Ohrid, located in the southern Balkan Peninsula in Macedonia and Albania is characterized by a high degree of endemism and it is considered to be the oldest lake in Europe. But its exact age (between one and ten million years) and also its origin are so far not known. To unravel these uncertainties an ICDP (International Continental Scientific Drilling Program) drilling project (Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Ohrid (SCOPSCO)), started in April 2013. In addition to the investigations about the age and origin, other paleolimnological studies, e.g., the reconstruction of past climate and of past lake level changes, should be performed with the drilled cores. Used proxies in such paleolimnological studies are, e.g., ostracodes because they respond sensitively to environmental changes but an accurate knowledge of their preferences and tolerances to specific environmental conditions is necessary for this purpose. So far, this knowledge about the, mostly endemic, Ohrid ostracodes was limited. Thus, within the framework of this thesis, ostracodes and a multiplicity of environmental data were collected in Lake Ohrid and its adjacent waters during four field campaigns. In a total of 47 ostracode species could be detected in the entire study area and 32 of them were found alive in Lake Ohrid. Multivariate statistic identified that water depth, salinity, conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen were the main determining factors for ostracode distribution in the entire study area. In Lake Ohrid, the distribution was mainly controlled by water depth, water temperature, and pH. Some ostracodes were identified as strong indicator species for important environmental variables, e.g., water temperature and water depth. A distinctive feature of Lake Ohrid was the finding of the ostracode genus Amnicythere whose species normally inhabit oligo-(meso-)haline waters and this could point to a marine origin of the lake. So far, the specialized endemic ostracodes show the highest abundances and the greatest spatial distribution in Lake Ohrid but during the sampling eight widespread species were found for the first time in the lake. They inhabited mainly the northern part of the lake, where two cities are located and industry and agriculture play a major role, and they were limited to water depths above 50 m and this could be an evidence for an increasing anthropogenic pressure because widespread ostracode species often replace endemic species. To unravel the human impact on Lake Ohrid during the last decades short sediment cores were taken and the multi-proxy study indicated that the lake productivity between the early 1920s and the late 1980s was relatively low. Diatom assemblages indicate a rising productivity in the southern part of Lake Ohrid since the mid 1970s and geochemical proxies and ostracodes point to an increasing productivity since the late 1980s in the southern and in the northern part. A slight increase in the productivity continued until 2009. Noticeable is the fact that since the early 1990s, the increasing productivity and the increasing concentrations of heavy metals correspond to a decreasing number of ostracodes in the northern part of Lake Ohrid. Perhaps, this indicates that living conditions in this lake part became less favorable for the mostly endemic ostracode species. Furthermore, the sediment samples from the cores show relatively high concentrations of arsenic, iron, and nickel. Fluctuations in ostracode assemblages from three longer sediment cores, the longest spans approximately 136 ka, taken in Lake Ohrid, correspond to fluctuations in the productivity, in the carbonate content, of the lake level, and of climate changes. Between the marine isotope stage (MIS) 6 and MIS 2 the number of ostracode valves is very low or the valves were completely absent. This corresponds to a low lake productivity, a low carbonate content, and a low lake level. At the onset of the Holocene, the number of valves increased markedly and this correlates with an increased productivity and carbonate content and a warmer climate. But during the Little Ice Age (LIA), the number of valves dropped again and species which prefer warmer waters disappeared completely. This drop corresponds also to a low productivity. After the LIA, the number of species increased again but since 1895 AD a strong and abrupt decrease is visible. A reason for this could be an increase in the heavy metal concentrations.


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We present a high-resolution paleoceanographic record of deglaciation based on diatom assemblages from a core located just south of the Polar Front in the southwest Atlantic. Core KC073 is from a sediment drift at the mouth of the Falkland Trough and contains sediments from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to present, dated using radiocarbon dates on bulk organic matter and radiolarian stratigraphy. The site lies along the path of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and immediately downstream of where North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is entrained into the ACC. Significant variations in ocean conditions are reflected in high-amplitude changes in diatom concentrations and assemblage composition. The diatom assemblage at the LGM indicates that winter sea ice extent was at least 5° farther north than present until at least 19.0 ka (calendar years) and summer sea ice may have occasionally extended over the site, but for the most part it lay to the south. During deglaciation, Chaetoceros resting spores (CRS) dominate the diatom assemblage with valve concentrations in excess of 500 * 10**6 valves per gram. Submillennial-scale variations in the numbers of CRS and Thalassiosira antarctica occur throughout the late deglacial and dominate the changes in diatom concentration. We propose that the influx of CRS is controlled by the flow of NADW over the Falkland Plateau. As such our data provide unique evidence that NADW impacted on this sector of the Southern Ocean during deglaciation. During the Holocene the sedimentation rate dramatically reduced. We suggest that the ACC flow increased over the site and inhibited settling and winnowed the surface sediments.