128 resultados para Manchester-by-the-Sea


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The Sea of Okhotsk is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean, which is characterized by strong variations in the productivity and sediment supply due to sea ice transport and river input. Furthermore the variations in the hydrological cycle determine the formation of the SOIW (Sea of Okhotsk Intermediate Water) which plays an important role in the ventilation processes in the intermediate water of the N-Pacific. Isotope data measured on planktonic and benthic foraminifera, sedimentological and geochemical studies of sediment cores and surface samples from the Sea of Okhotsk are used to reconstruct the paleoceanography during the past 350.000 years. The dating and correlation of the sediments are based on oxygen isotope stratigraphy, absolute ages, magnetic susceptibility as well as a detailled tephrachronology of the entire basin. The sedimentation rates are characterized by temporal and spatial variations. The maximum sedimentation rate takes place at the continental slope off Sakhalin due to the input of the Amur River, the sea ice drift and the high productivity. The sedimentation rate in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk is generelly high because of the influence of the nutrient-rich Kamchatka Current. In the central and northern parts of the Sea of Okhotsk, areas with low productivity and reduced terrestrial supply, the sedimentation rate is the lowest. The analyses of the surface sediment samples make it possible to characterize the (sub)- recent sediment supply and transportation processes. The bulk sediment measurements, isotope data and the accumulation rate of ice-rafted debris (IRD) show a dominant sea ice cover and a region with a high productivity as well as a high Amur River input in the western part of the sea. The eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk, however, is marked by the predominance of warm and nutrient-rich water masses coming from the Kamchatka Current which restricts the sea ice cover. This is reflected in low content of ice-rafted debris and high productivity proxies as well as in isotope data. The deposits of the Sea of Okhotsk are characterized by terrestrial, biogenic and volcanogenic sediment input which varies temporally and spatially. Here, the sedimentation pattern is dominated by the terrestrial input. Bulk sediment measurements and sample analyses of the > 63 micron particle input make it possible to distinguish glacial and interglacial fluctuations. The sedimentation processes during glacial times are determined by a high content of ice-rafted debris, whereas the primary production is higher during interglacial periods. During the last glacial/interglacial cycle the IRD-distribution pattern indicates a strong sea ice transport in the western part and in large areas of the open sea in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk with a relatively constant ice-drift system. The IRD flux in sediments of the oxygen isotope Stage 6 reflects a new sedimentation pattern in the eastern part of the sea. This high IRD accumulation rate indicates ice advances beyond the shelf margin and an iceberg transport from NE-E direction into the Sea of Okhotsk. The several large, brief, negative anomalies in d13C values of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) show releases of methane from basin sediments which correspond to periods of relative sea level falls. The high sedimentation rates on the Sakhalin slope allow insights into the climatic history in Holocene and indicate shorter-scale variations oscillation in Stage 3, which correlate with the global climatic changes. These variations are described as Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles in Greenland ice cores and as Heinrich-Events in several marine sediment cores from the N-Atlantic.


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A study of distribution of live individuals of benthic foraminifera in sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Northwestern Basin of the Pacific Ocean shows that they can be present in sediments up to depth of 30 cm and probably can live there for long periods, sometimes forming high concentrations. Living individuals in the subsurface layer often account for more than 50% of total biomass, which varies from 1 to 21 g/m**2 in different morphological structures. The largest biomass values are attained in underwater rises embedded in relatively warm, oxygen-saturated Pacific waters. Minimum total biomass concentrations occur in deep-water depressions where stagnation phenomena are observed. Foraminifera biomass everywhere decreases gradually with increasing depth from the surface of sediments regardless of relief, depth, and nature of sediments.


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Marine- and terrestrial-derived biomarkers (alkenones, brassicasterol, dinosterol, and long-chain n-alkanes), as well as carbonate, biogenic opal, and ice-rafted debris (IRD), were measured in two sediment cores in the Sea of Okhotsk, which is located in the northwestern Pacific rim and characterized by high primary productivity. Down-core profiles of phytoplankton markers suggest that primary productivity abruptly increased during the global Meltwater Pulse events 1A (about 14 ka) and 1B (about 11 ka) and stayed high in the Holocene. Spatial and temporal distributions of the phytoplankton productivity were found to be consistent with changes in the reconstructed sea ice distribution on the basis of the IRD. This demonstrates that the progress and retreat of sea ice regulated primary productivity in the Sea of Okhotsk with minimum productivity during the glacial period. The mass accumulation rates of alkenones, CaCO3, and biogenic opal indicate that the dominant phytoplankton species during deglaciation was the coccolithophorid, Emiliania huxleyi, which was replaced by diatoms in the late Holocene. Such a phytoplankton succession was probably caused by an increase in silicate supply to the euphotic layer, possibly associated with a change in surface hydrography and/or linked to enhanced upwelling of North Pacific Deep Water.


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Cold-water corals form prominent reef ecosystems along ocean margins that depend on suspended resources produced in surface waters. In this study, we investigated food processing of 13C and 15N labelled bacteria and algae by the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Coral respiration, tissue incorporation of C and N and metabolic-derived C incorporation into the skeleton were traced following the additions of different food concentrations (100, 300, 1300 µg C/l) and two ratios of suspended bacterial and algal biomass (1:1, 3:1). Respiration and tissue incorporation by L. pertusa increased markedly following exposure to higher food concentrations. The net growth efficiency of L. pertusa was low (0.08±0.03), which is consistent with their slow growth rates. The contribution of algae and bacteria to total coral assimilation was proportional to the food mixture in the two lowest food concentrations, but algae were preferred over bacteria as food source at the highest food concentration. Similarly, the stoichiometric uptake of C and N was coupled in the low and medium food treatment, but was uncoupled in the high food treatment and indicated a comparatively higher uptake or retention of bacterial carbon as compared to algal nitrogen. We argue that behavioural responses for these small-sized food particles, such as tentacle behaviour, mucus trapping and physiological processing, are more likely to explain the observed food selectivity as compared to physical-mechanical considerations. A comparison of the experimental food conditions to natural organic carbon concentrations above CWC reefs suggests that L. pertusa is well adapted to exploit temporal pulses of high organic matter concentrations in the bottom water caused by internal waves and down-welling events.


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Focussing on heavy-mineral associations in the Laptev-Sea continental margin area and the eastern Arctic Ocean, 129 surface sediment samples, two short and four long gravity cores have been studied. By means of the accessory components, heavy-mineral associations of surface sediment samples from the Laptev-See continental slope allowed the distinction into two different mineralogical provinces, each influenced by fluvial input of the Siberian river Systems. Transport pathways via sea ice from the shallow shelf areas into the Arctic Ocean up to the final ablation areas of the Fram Strait can be reconstructed by heavy-mineral data of surface sediments from the central Arctic Ocean. The shallow shelf of the Laptev Sea seems to be the most important source area for terrigenous material, as indicated by the abundant occurence of amphiboles and clinopyroxenes. Underneath the mixing Zone of the two dominating surface circulation Systems, the Beaufort- Gyre and Transpolar-Drift system, the imprint of the Amerasian shelf regions up to the Fram Strait is detectable because of a characteristical heavy-mineral association dominated by detrital carbonate and opaque minerals. Based On heavy-mineral characteristics of the potential circum-Arctic source areas, sea-ice drift, origin and distribution of ice-rafted material can be reconstructed during the past climatic cycles. Different factors controlling the transport of terrigenous material into the Arctic Ocean. The entrainment of particulate matter is triggered by the sea level, which flooded during highs and lows different regions resulting in the incorporation of sediment from different source areas into the sea ice. Additionally, the fluvial input even at low stands of sea level is responsible for the delivery of material of distinct sources for entrainment into the sea ice. Glacials and interglacials of climate cycles of the last 780 000 years left a characteristical signal in the central Arctic Ocean sediments caused by the ice- rafted material from different sources in the circum-Arctic regions and its change through time. Changes in the heavy-mineral association from an amphibole-dominated into a garnet-epidote-assemblage can be related to climate-related changes in source areas and directions of geostrophic winds, the dominating drive of the sea-ice drift. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6, the central Arctic Ocean is marked by an heavy-mineral signal, which occurs in recent sediments of the eastern Kara Sea. Its characteristics are high amounts of epidote, garnet and apatite. On the other hand, during the Same time interval a continuous record of Laptev Sea sediments is documented with high contents of amphiboles on the Lomonosov Ridge near the Laptev Sea continental slope. A nearly similar Pattern was detected in MIS 5 and 4. Small-scale glaciations in the Putorana-mountains and the Anabar-shield may have caused changes in the drainage area of the rivers and therefore a change in fluvial input. During MIS 3, the heavy-mineral association of central Arctic sediments show similar patterns than the Holocene mineral assemblage which consists of amphiboles, ortho- and clinopyroxenes with a Laptev Sea source. These minerals are indicating a stable Transpolar-Drift system similar to recent conditions. An extended influence of the Beaufort Gyre is only recognized, when sediment material from the Amerasian shelf areas reached the core location PS2757-718 during Termination Ib. Based On heavy-mineral data from Laptev-Sea continental slope Core PS2458-4 the paleo-sea-ice drift in the Laptev Sea during 14.000 years was reconstructed. During Holocene sea-level rise, the bathymetrically deeper parts of the Western shelf were flooded first. At the beginning of the Atlantic stage, nearly the entire shelf was marine influenced by fully marine conditions and the recent surface circulation was established.