443 resultados para MANGROVE SEDIMENTS


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The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) is a major transient warming event that occurred at ~ 40 Ma and reversed a long-term cooling trend through the early and middle Eocene. We report the results of a high-resolution, quantitative study of siliceous microfossils at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 748 and 749 (Southern Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean, ~ 58°S) across a ~ 1.4 myr interval spanning the MECO event. At both sites, a significant increase in biosiliceous sedimentation is associated with the MECO event. Rich siliceous planktonic microfossil assemblages in this interval are unusual in that they are dominated by ebridians, with radiolarians as a secondary major component. Silicoflagellates and diatoms comprise only a minor fraction of the assemblage, in contrast to siliceous microfossil assemblages that characterize modern Southern Ocean sediments. Based on our new siliceous microfossil records, we interpret two ~ 300 kyr periods of elevated nutrient availability in Southern Ocean surface waters which span the peak warming interval of the MECO and the post-MECO cooling interval. A diverse assemblage of large silicoflagellates belonging to the Dictyocha grandis plexus is linked to the rapid rise in sea-surface temperatures immediately prior to peak warmth, and a pronounced turnover is observed in both ebridian and silicoflagellate assemblages at the onset of peak warming. The interval of peak warmth is also characterized by high abundance of cosmopolitan ebridians (e.g., Ammodochium spp.) and silicoflagellates (e.g., Naviculopsis spp.), and increased abundance of tropical and subtropical diatom genera (e.g., Asterolampra and Azpeitia). These observations confirm the relative pattern of temperature change interpreted from geochemical proxy data at multiple Southern Ocean sites. Furthermore, rapid assemblage changes in both autotrophic and heterotrophic siliceous microfossil groups indicate a reorganization of Southern Ocean plankton communities in response to greenhouse warming during the MECO event.


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Distribution, size, mineral, and chemical compositions of ferromanganese micronodules (FMMNs) and chemical composition of host sediments were examined in a series of red clay samples with ages from Eocene to the present at Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199, Site 1216, south of the Molokai Fracture Zone in the Central Pacific Basin. The number of FMMNs changed drastically throughout the 40-m-long red clay intervals. FMMNs are abundant in the upper 9 m of core, decrease between 9 and 25 meters below seafloor (mbsf) with depth, and are very rare from 30 to 40 mbsf. Chemical composition of FMMNs showed high Mn/Fe ratios and Ni and Cu contents and a distinct positive Ce anomaly because of the existence of buserite. This suggests that FMMNs in the red clay from 25 mbsf to the top of the cored interval were deposited continuously in an oxic diagenetic bottom environment. The red clay below 30 mbsf with higher Mn contents contains few FMMNs but abundant tiny Mn particles within brown silicates coated by Fe (oxy-hydro)oxides. This indicates that the mode of manganese deposition changed between 25 and 30 mbsf.


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Organic geochemical investigations were performed on sediments of Leg 130 to reconstruct the depositional environment of the Ontong Java Plateau. The Miocene to Quaternary sediments collected during the drilling campaign are characterized by extremely low organic carbon contents. As indicated by C/N ratios and Rock-Eval data, most of the organic matter is probably of marine origin. Based on mass-accumulation rates of organic carbon, the paleoproductivity for the Miocene-Pliocene and the late Pliocene-Pleistocene time intervals as well as the modern surface-water production were estimated. The productivity values of the surface sediments (25-59 gC/m2/yr) reflect the various influences of the equatorial upwelling cell on the different sites. The accumulation rates of organic carbon are generally low; however, they show a distinct increase at 8 Ma and a decrease at 2 Ma.


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Decomposition of organic matter combined with density stratification generate a pronounced intermediate water oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the northwest Indian Ocean. This zone currently lies between water depths of 200 and 2000 m and extends approximately 5000 km southeast from the Arabian coast. Based upon benthic foraminiferal assemblage changes, it has been suggested that this OMZ was even more extensive during the late Miocene-early Pliocene (6.5-3.0 Ma), with a maximum volume and/or intensity at approximately 5.0 Ma. While this inference may contribute to an understanding of the history of northwest Indian Ocean upwelling, corroborating geochemical evidence for this interpretation has heretofore been lacking. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 752, 754, and 757 on Broken and Ninetyeast ridges are located within central Indian Ocean intermediate water depths (1086-1650 m) but outside the present lateral dimensions of the Indian Ocean OMZ. High-resolution chemical analyses of sediment from these sites indicate significant reductions in the flux of Mn and normalized Mn concentrations between 6.5 and 3.0 Ma that are most pronounced at approximately 5.0 Ma. Because late Miocene-Pliocene paleodepths for these sites were essentially the same as at present and because extremely low sedimentation rates (0.3-1.3 cm/ky) most likely precluded sedimentary metal oxide diagenesis, we suggest that the observed Mn depletions reflect diminished deposition of reducible Mn oxyhydroxide phases within O2 deficient intermediate waters and that this effect was most intense at approximately 5.0 Ma. This interpretation implies that waters with less than 2.0 mL/L O2 extended at least 1500 km beyond their present limits and is consistent with changes in benthic foraminifera assemblages. We further suggest this expanded Indian Ocean OMZ is related to regionally and/or globally increased biological productivity.


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Profiles of Mo/total organic carbon (TOC) through the Lower Toarcian black shales of the Cleveland Basin, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, and the Posidonia shale of Germany and Switzerland reveal water mass restriction during the interval from late tenuicostatum Zone times to early bifrons Zone times, times which include that of the putative Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. The degree of restriction is revealed by crossplots of Mo and TOC concentrations for the Cleveland Basin, which define two linear arrays with regression slopes (ppm/%) of 0.5 and 17. The slope of 0.5 applies to sediment from the upper semicelatum and exaratum Subzones. This value, which is one tenth of that for modern sediments from the Black Sea (Mo/TOC regression slope 4.5), reveals that water mass restriction during this interval was around 10 times more severe than in the modern Black Sea; the renewal frequency of the water mass was between 4 and 40 ka. The Mo/TOC regression slope of 17 applies to the overlying falciferum and commune subzones: the value shows that restriction in this interval was less severe and that the renewal frequency of the water mass was between 10 and 130 years. The more restricted of the two intervals has been termed the Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event but is shown to be an event caused by basin restriction local to NW Europe. Crossplots of Re, Os, and Mo against TOC show similar trends of increasing element concentration with increase in TOC but with differing slopes. Together with modeling of 187Os/188Os and d98Mo, the element/TOC trends show that drawdown of Re, Os, and Mo was essentially complete during upper semicelatum and exaratum Subzone times (Mo/TOC regression slope of 0.5). Drawdown sensitized the restricted water mass to isotopic change forced by freshwater mixing so that continental inputs of Re, Os, and Mo, via a low-salinity surface layer, created isotopic excursions of up to 1.3 per mil in d98Mo and up to 0.6 per mil for 187Os/188Os. Restriction thereby compromises attempts to date Toarcian black shales, and possibly all black shales, using Re-Os chronology and introduces a confounding influence in the attempts to use d98Mo and initial 187Os/188Os for palaeo-oceanographic interpretation.


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Geotechnical properties of sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 164 are presented as: (1) normalized shipboard strength ratios from the Cape Fear Diapir, the Blake Ridge Diapir, and the Blake Ridge; and (2) Atterberg limit, vane shear strength, pocket-penetrometer strength, and constant-rate-of-strain consolidation results from Hole 995A, located on the Blake Ridge. This study was conducted to understand the stress history in a region characterized by high sedimentation rates and the presence of gas hydrates. Collectively, the results indicate that sediment from the Blake Ridge exhibits significant underconsolidated behavior, except near the seafloor. At least 10 m of additional overburden was removed by erosion or mass wasting at Hole 993A on the Cape Fear Diapir, compared to nearby sites.


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Correlation of mineral associations from sediment recovered on the northwestern Australian continental margin document the juvenile-to-mature evolution of a segment of the Indian Ocean. Lower Cretaceous sediments contain sandy-to-silty radiolarian claystone that consists of highly smectitic mixed-layered illite/smectite (I/S) in addition to minor amounts of diagenetic pyrite, barite, and rhodochrosite. These immature, poorly sorted sediments were derived from nearby continental margin sources. Discrete bentonite layers and abundant smectite are the alteration products of volcanic material deposited during early basin formation. Abundant quartz-replaced radiolarian tests suggest high surface-water productivity, and calcareous fossils indicate water depths were above the calcite compensation depth (CCD) in the juvenile Indian Ocean. The increase in pelagic carbonate from the mid- to Late Cretaceous signals the transition to mature, open-ocean conditions. Similar to other slowly deposited contemporaneous deep-sea sediments, mid- to Upper Cretaceous sediments of the northwestern margin of Australia contain palygorskite. This palygorskite is associated with calcareous sediment across the ooze-to-chalk transition, detrital mixed-layered I/S, and zeolite minerals in places. This palygorskite occurs above the transformation from opal-A to opal-CT. The underlying opal-CT sediment contains abundant smectite and zeolite minerals. Calcareous sediment dominates the Cenozoic, except at abyssal sites that were not inundated by calcareous turbidites. Paleocene and Eocene sediments contain abundant smectite and zeolite minerals derived from the alteration of volcanic material. Palygorskite was found to be associated with sepiolite and dolomite in Miocene sediments from Site 765 in the Argo Basin. Pliocene and Quaternary sediments contain detrital kaolinite and mixed-layered I/S, abundant opal-A radiolarian tests, and minor amounts of pyrite


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An experiment was carried out on the soft bottom in the sublitoral zone of the Furugelm Island (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) to study formation of benthic communities. Boxes with defauned sediments were placed on depths of 4, 6 and 13 m and exposed during 60 days in the summer period. Half of them were covered with a net with mesh size 2 cm to prevent effect of large predators. It was found that spatial pattern of invertebrates' sinking in the bay conforms to distribution of benthic communities. Larvae of benthic invertebrates sinks in general in places inhabited by their adult species. The main factors responsible for recolonzation are: sediment type and local hydrodynamic conditions. Heart-shaped sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum is numerically dominated in the bay on depth 3-4.5 m, but its larvae sinks in the deeper area. Community structure is supported by mature specimen migration to places inhabited by species. Predators affect largely on the species.


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Interaction between young basaltic crust and seawater near the oceanic speading centers is one of the important processes affecting the chemical composition of the oceanic layer. The formation of metalliferous hydrothermal sediments results from this interaction. The importance of the interaction between seawater and basalt in determining the chemical composition of pore waters from sediments is well known. The influence of mineral solutions derived from this interaction on ocean water composition and the significant flux of some elements (e.g., Mn) are reported by Lyle (1976), Bogdanov et al. (1979), and others. Metal-rich sediments found in active zones of the ocean basins illustrate the influence of seawater-basalt interaction and its effect on the sedimentary cover in such areas. The role of hydrothermal activity and seawater circulation in basalts with regard to global geochemistry cycles has recently been demonstrated by Edmond, Measures, McDuff, McDuff et al. (1979), and Edmond, Measures, Mangum (1979). In the area of the Galapagos Spreading Center the interaction of sediments and solutions derived from interaction of seawater and basalt has resulted in the formation of hydrothermal mounds. The mounds are composed of manganese crusts and green clay interbedded and mixed with pelagic nannofossil ooze. These mounds are observed only in areas characterized by high heat flow (Honnorez, et al., 1981) and high hydrothermal activity.


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Insoluble residues of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary deep-sea samples from slope, trench, and oceanic plate sites south of Guatemala were examined, specifically for the distribution of clay minerals in the <2-µm fraction and of silt grains in the 20-63-µm fraction. Widespread "oceanic" particles (biogenic opal, rhyolitic glass) and their diagenetic products (smectite, clinoptilolite, heulandite) were distinguished from terrigenous material - illite, kaolinite, chlorite, plagioclase, quartz, and heavy minerals. The main results of this investigation are: (1) At Site 494 on the slope immediately adjacent to the trench, terrigenous supplies testify to a slope position of the whole sequence back to the Late Cretaceous. (2) At Site 495 on the Pacific Cocos Plate, "oceanic" and terrigenous sedimentation are clearly separated. Whereas the pelagic sedimentation prevailed in the early Miocene, terrigenous minerals appeared in the middle Miocene in the clay fraction, and in the early Pliocene in the coarse silt fraction. These terrigenous supplies are interpreted as having been transported by suspension clouds crossing the slope and even the trench. The alternative, however, an eolian transport, cannot be excluded.


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Sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 123 from the Argo Abyssal Plain (AAP) consist largely of turbidites derived from the adjacent Australian continental margin. The oldest abundant turbidites are Valanginian-Aptian in age and have a mixed (smarl) composition; they contain subequal amounts of calcareous and siliceous biogenic components, as well as clay and lesser quartz. Most are thin-bedded, fine sand- to mud-sized, and best described by Stow and Piper's model (1984) for fine-grained biogenic turbidites. Thicker (to 3 m), coarser-grained (medium-to-coarse sand-sized) turbidites fit Bouma's model (1962) for sandy turbidites; these generally are base-cut-out (BCDE, BDE) sequences, with B-division parallel lamination as the dominant structure. Parallel laminae most commonly concentrate quartz and/or calcispheres vs. lithic clasts or clay, but distinctive millimeter- to centimeter-thick, radiolarian-rich laminae occur in both fine- and coarse-grained Valanginian-Hauterivian turbidites. AAP turbidites were derived from relatively deep parts of the continental margin (outer shelf, slope, or rise) that lay below the photic zone, but above the calcite compensation depth (CCD). Biogenic components are largely pelagic (calcispheres, foraminifers, radiolarians, nannofossils); lesser benthic foraminifers are characteristic of deep-water (abyssal to bathyal) environments. Abundant nonbiogenic components are mostly clay and clay clasts; smectite is the dominant clay species, and indicates a volcanogenic provenance, most likely the Triassic-Jurassic volcanic suite exposed along the northern Exmouth Plateau. Lower Cretaceous smarl turbidites were generated during eustatic lowstands and may have reached the abyssal plain via Swan Canyon, a submarine canyon thought to have formed during the Late Jurassic. In contrast to younger AAP turbidites, however, Lower Cretaceous turbidites are relatively fine-grained and do not contain notably older reworked fossils. Early in its history, the northwest Australian margin provided mainly contemporaneous slope sediment to the AAP; marginal basins adjacent to the continent trapped most terrigenous detritus, and pronounced canyon incisement did not occur until Late Cretaceous and, especially, Cenozoic time.


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Bottom sediments of the Markov Deep contain rather large (>0.1 mm) grains of native minerals and intermetallides of noble and nonferrous metals that can be concentrated in placers. Intermetallides of Pt and Fe are likely to be derivates of the gold-hematite-barite assemblage that forms at late (low-depth) stages of hydrothermal massive sulfide formation. Mineral association of native forms of lead, tin, and copper with Zn-bearing copper may be related to hydrothermal transformation of ultrabasic and basic rocks accompanied by massive sulfide copper mineralization. The association of these minerals of native elements in bottom sediments can also serve as a prospecting guide for sulfide mineralization both at the Sierra Leone site, in particular, and on the seafloor, in general.


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The quantity, type, and maturity of organic matter of Quaternary and Tertiary sediments from the Philippine Sea (DSDP Leg 58; Sites 442-446) were determined. Hydrocarbons in lipid extracts were analyzed by capillary-column gas chromatography. Kerogen concentrates were investigated by microscopy for vitrinite reflectance values and maceral composition. In the Shikoku Basin sediments (Sites 442, 443, and 444), organic carbon values range between 0.03 and 0.44 per cent. The higher values in the younger sediments are interpreted as an indication of increasing deposition of eroded organic particles during the past 4 m.y. Microscopic analyses revealed a dominance of reworked organic matter. Primary material could not be distinguished readily; thus, no maturation trend could be established. Extract yields were low. TV-alkane distributions mostly show maxima at n-C29 and n-C31 and high odd-over-even predominances, typical of material which originated in terrigenous higher plants. The organic-carbon values of sediments of the Daito Ridge and Basin region (Sites 444 and 445) range from less than 0.01 to 0.05 per cent. TV-alkanes exhibit varying marine and terrigenous influences. Some carbonate-rich samples show a pronounced even-over-odd predominance. At least the older sediments contained less recycled organic matter than the Shikoku Basin samples. The maturity, where measurable, was low. None of the Philippine Sea samples indicates a significant hydrocarbon-generation potential.