135 resultados para Ionospheric weather
This study examines the performance of series of two geomagnetic indices and series synthesized from a semi-empirical model of magnetospheric currents, in explaining the geomagnetic activity observed at Northern Hemipshere's mid-latitude ground-based stations. We analyse data, for the 2007 to 2014 period, from four magnetic observatories (Coimbra, Portugal; Panagyurishte, Bulgary; Novosibirsk, Russia and Boulder, USA), at geomagnetic latitudes between 40° and 50° N. The quiet daily (QD) variation is firstly removed from the time series of the geomagnetic horizontal component (H) using natural orthogonal components (NOC) tools. We compare the resulting series with series of storm-time disturbance (Dst) and ring current (RC) indices and with H series synthesized from the Tsyganenko and Sitnov (2005, doi:10.1029/2004JA010798) (TS05) semi-empirical model of storm-time geomagnetic field. In the analysis, we separate days with low and high local K-index values. Our results show that NOC models are as efficient as standard models of QD variation in preparing raw data to be compared with proxies, but with much less complexity. For the two stations in Europe, we obtain indication that NOC models could be able to separate ionospheric and magnetospheric contributions. Dst and RC series explain the four observatory H-series successfully, with values for the mean of significant correlation coefficients, from 0.5 to 0.6 during low geomagnetic activity (K less than 4) and from 0.6 to 0.7 for geomagnetic active days (K greater than or equal to 4). With regard to the performance of TS05, our results show that the four observatories separate into two groups: Coimbra and Panagyurishte, in one group, for which the magnetospheric/ionospheric ratio in QD variation is smaller, a dominantly QD ionospheric contribution can be removed and TS05 simulations are the best proxy; Boulder and Novosibirsk,in the other group, for which the ionospheric and magnetospheric contributions in QD variation can not be differentiated and correlations with TS05 series can not be made to improve. The main contributor to magnetospheric QD signal are Birkeland currents. The relatively good success of TS05 model in explaining ground-based irregular geomagnetic activity at mid-latitudes makes it an effective tool to classify storms according to their main sources. For Coimbra and Panagyurishte in particular, where ionospheric and magnetospheric daily contributions seem easier to separate, we can aspire to use the TS05 model for ensemble generation in space weather (SW) forecasting and interpretation of past SW events.
In 2001, a weather and climate monitoring network was established along the temperature and aridity gradient between the sub-humid Moroccan High Atlas Mountains and the former end lake of the Middle Drâa in a pre-Saharan environment. The highest Automated Weather Stations (AWS) was installed just below the M'Goun summit at 3850 m, the lowest station Lac Iriki was at 450 m. This network of 13 AWS stations was funded and maintained by the German IMPETUS (BMBF Grant 01LW06001A, North Rhine-Westphalia Grant 313-21200200) project and since 2011 five stations were further maintained by the GERMAN DFG Fennec project (FI 786/3-1), this way some stations of the AWS network provided data for almost 12 years from 2001-2012. Standard meteorological variables such as temperature, humidity, and wind were measured at an altitude of 2 m above ground. Other meteorological variables comprise precipitation, station pressure, solar irradiance, soil temperature at different depths and for high mountain station snow water equivalent. The stations produced data summaries for 5-minute-precipitation-data, 10- or 15-minute-data and a daily summary of all other variables. This network is a unique resource of multi-year weather data in the remote semi-arid to arid mountain region of the Saharan flank of the Atlas Mountains. The network is described in Schulz et al. (2010) and its further continuation until 2012 is briefly discussed in Redl et al. (2015, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-15-0223.1) and Redl et al. (2016, doi:10.1002/2015JD024443).