220 resultados para Geological Survey (U.S.). Office of Water Data Coordination.
Absolute ages of plutonic rocks from mid-ocean ridges provide important constraints on the scale, timing and rates of oceanic crustal accretion, yet few such rocks have been absolutely dated. We present 206Pb/238U SHRIMP zircon ages from two ODP Drill Holes and a surface sample from Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge. We report ten new sample ages from 26-1430 m in ODP Hole 735B, and one from 57 m in ODP Hole 1105A. Including a previously published age, eleven samples from Hole 735B yield 206Pb/238U zircon crystallization ages that are the same, within error, overlap with the estimated magnetic age and are inferred to date the main period of crustal growth, the average age of analyses is 11.99 ± 0.12 Ma. Any differences in the ages of magmatic series and/or tectonic blocks within Hole 735B are unresolvable and eight well-constrained ages vary from 11.86 ± 0.20 Ma to 12.13 ± 0.21 Ma, a range of 0.27 ± 0.29 Ma, consistent with the duration of crustal accretion observed at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. An age of 11.87 ± 0.23 Ma from Hole 1105A is within error of ages from Hole 735B and permits previous correlations made between zones of oxide-rich gabbros in each hole. Pb/U zircon ages > 0.5 Ma younger than the magnetic age are recorded in at least three samples from Atlantis Bank, one from Hole 735B and two collected along a fault scarp to the East. These young ages may date one or more off-axis events previously suggested from thermochronologic data and support the interpretation of a complex geological history following crustal accretion at Atlantis Bank. Together with results from the surface of Atlantis Bank, dating has shown that while the majority of Pb/U SHRIMP zircon ages record the short-lived (< 0.5 Ma) phase of crustal accretion on-axis, results from several samples precede and post-date this period by > 1 Ma suggesting a complex and prolonged magmatic/tectonic history for the crust at Atlantis Bank.
Assessing frequency and extent of mass movement at continental margins is crucial to evaluate risks for offshore constructions and coastal areas. A multidisciplinary approach including geophysical, sedimentological, geotechnical, and geochemical methods was applied to investigate multistage mass transport deposits (MTDs) off Uruguay, on top of which no surficial hemipelagic drape was detected based on echosounder data. Nonsteady state pore water conditions are evidenced by a distinct gradient change in the sulfate (SO4**2-) profile at 2.8 m depth. A sharp sedimentological contact at 2.43 m coincides with an abrupt downward increase in shear strength from approx. 10 to >20 kPa. This boundary is interpreted as a paleosurface (and top of an older MTD) that has recently been covered by a sediment package during a younger landslide event. This youngest MTD supposedly originated from an upslope position and carried its initial pore water signature downward. The kink in the SO4**2- profile approx. 35 cm below the sedimentological and geotechnical contact indicates that bioirrigation affected the paleosurface before deposition of the youngest MTD. Based on modeling of the diffusive re-equilibration of SO4**2- the age of the most recent MTD is estimated to be <30 years. The mass movement was possibly related to an earthquake in 1988 (approx. 70 km southwest of the core location). Probabilistic slope stability back analysis of general landslide structures in the study area reveals that slope failure initiation requires additional ground accelerations. Therefore, we consider the earthquake as a reasonable trigger if additional weakening processes (e.g., erosion by previous retrogressive failure events or excess pore pressures) preconditioned the slope for failure. Our study reveals the necessity of multidisciplinary approaches to accurately recognize and date recent slope failures in complex settings such as the investigated area.
Samples of high grade metamorphic basement rocks of Wilson Terrane cropping out in the Deep Freeze Range and on Kay Island were collected during GANOVEX VI to study their isotopic evolution. The age and origin of granulite facies gneisses and of their migmatite host rocks are especially of interest for the interpretation of the geological and tectonic development of North Victoria Land. Another important research aspect is the influence of the polyphase metamorphic evolution on the isotopic systems of whole rocks and minerals like zircon, garnet, orthopyroxene, amphibole and feldspar.
Deep-sea deposits, which resemble in nearly every respect the deep-sea oozes have been observed in many islands of the East-Indian Archipelago, notably the islands of Borneo, Rotti and Timor. Manganese nodules are found in equivalents of deeep-sea red clays on Timor and Rotti island. In this paper, those relative to red clay deposits dating from a Cretaceous ocean are analysed in detail in the vicinity of the town of Niki Niki in Western Timor.
Uranium (U) concentrations and activity ratios (d234U) of authigenic carbonates are sensitive recorders of different fluid compositions at submarine seeps of hydrocarbon-rich fluids ("cold seeps") at Hydrate Ridge, off the coast of Oregon, USA. The low U concentrations (mean: 1.3 ± 0.4 µg/g) and high 234U values (165-317 per mil) of gas hydrate carbonates reflect the influence of sedimentary pore water indicating that these carbonates were formed under reducing conditions below or at the seafloor. Their 230Th/234U ages span a time interval from 0.8 to 6.4 ka and cluster around 1.2 and 4.7 ka. In contrast, chemoherm carbonates precipitate from marine bottom water marked by relatively high U concentrations (mean: 5.2 ± 0.8 µg/g) and a mean d234U ratio of 166 ± 3 per mil. Their U isotopes reflect the d234U ratios of the bottom water being enriched in 234U relative to normal seawater. Simple mass balance calculations based on U concentrations and their corresponding d234U ratios reveal a contribution of about 11% of sedimentary pore water to the bottom water. From the U pore water flux and the reconstructed U pore water concentration a mean flow rate of about 147 ± 68 cm/a can be estimated. 230Th/234U ages of chemoherm carbonates range from 7.3 to 267.6 ka. 230Th/234U ages of two chemoherms (Alvin and SE-Knoll chemoherm) correspond to time intervals of low sealevel stands in marine isotope stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This observation indicates that fluid flow at cold seep sites sensitively reflects pressure changes of the hydraulic head in the sediments. The d18OPDB ratios of the chemoherm carbonates support the hypothesis of precipitation during glacial times. Deviations of the chemoherm d18O values from the marine d18O record can be interpreted as to reflect temporally and spatially varying bottom water and/or vent fluid temperatures during carbonate precipitation between 2.6 and 8.6°C.
During summer 2008, as part of the Circumpolar Flaw Lead system study, we measured phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters to understand regional patterns in primary productivity, including the degree and timescale of photoacclimation and how variability in environmental conditions influences this response. Photosynthesis-irradiance measurements were taken at 15 sites primarily from the depth of the subsurface chlorophyll a (Chl a) maximum (SCM) within the Beaufort Sea flaw lead polynya. The physiological response of phytoplankton to a range of light levels was used to assess maximum rates of carbon (C) fixation (P*m), photosynthetic efficiency (alpha*), photoacclimation (Ek), and photoinhibition (beta*). SCM samples taken along a transect from under ice into open water exhibited a >3-fold increase in alpha* and P*m, showing these parameters can vary substantially over relatively small spatial scales, primarily in response to changes in the ambient light field. Algae were able to maintain relatively high rates of C fixation despite low light at the SCM, particularly in the large (>5 µm) size fraction at open water sites. This may substantially impact biogenic C drawdown if species composition shifts in response to future climate change. Our results suggest that phytoplankton in this region are well acclimated to existing environmental conditions, including sea ice cover, low light, and nutrient pulses. Furthermore, this photoacclimatory response can be rapid and keep pace with a developing SCM, as phytoplankton maintain photosynthetic rates and efficiencies in a narrow ''shade-acclimated'' range.