472 resultados para GEOCHEMICAL SURVEYS


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Geochemical investigations were carried out on 19 discrete ash layers and on 42 dispersed ash accumulations in Oligocene to Pleistocene sediments from Sites 736, 737, 745, and 746 of ODP Leg 119 (Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean). The chemical data obtained from more than 500 single-grain glass analyses allow the characterization of two dominant petrographic rock series. The first consists of transitional- to alkali-basalts, the second mainly of trachytes with subordinated alkali-rhyolites and rhyolites. Chemical correlation with possible source areas indicates that the tephra layers from the northern Kerguelen Plateau Sites 736 and 737 were probably erupted from the nearby Kerguelen Islands. The investigated ash layers clearly reflect the Oligocene to recent changes in the composition of the volcanic material recorded from the Kerguelen Islands. The dispersed ashes from Sites 745 and 746 in the Australian-Antarctic Basin display almost the same range in chemical compositions as those from the north. Heard Island and other sources may have contributed to their formation, in addition to the Kerguelen Islands. Dispersed ash of calc-alkaline composition is most probably derived from the South Sandwich island arc, indicating sea-ice rafting as an important mechanism of transport.


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A sediment core from the Lofoten Contourite Drift on the continental slope off Northern Norway, proximal to the former Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream, details the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the time interval 25.3-14 cal ka BP, including the Last Glacial Maximum and onset of the deglaciation based on high-resolution IRD records. From the core interval between 25.3 and 17.7 cal ka BP we report data points with a mean time step of 10 years, between 17.7 cal ka BP and the Holocene time steps are typically 50 years. The core is divided into 7 informal ice-rafted debris (IRD) zones based on the variations in IRD including 7 major IRD maxima (A-G), inferred to represent periods of high iceberg production. Petrological identification reveals dominance of crystalline IRD (monocrystalline, plutonic and metamorphic rock fragments) accounting for 75-80% of total IRD assemblages, while sedimentary fragments generally account for 15-20%. The crystalline fragments (including eclogite and mangerite from a nearby terrestrial source) increase across the IRD peaks while the sedimentary fragments remain constant. This points to the importance of erosional products from icebergs originating from fast-flowing paleo-ice streams including the Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream draining from the Fennoscandian mainland during the IRD maxima periods. Increased temperature of the adjacent surface water masses was probably an important external forcing factor on the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet behavior because some IRD maxima and plumite deposition from meltwater plumes post-date periods of increased sea surface temperatures. The peak IRD depositions occur in centennial and millennial time cycles (~200, 1030 and 3900 year) indicating some external forcing by solar variation. Both mechanisms could explain the observed synchronous instability of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to other European Ice Sheets.


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An understanding of sediment redox conditions across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) (?55 Ma) is essential for evaluating changes in processes that control deep-sea oxygenation, as well as identifying the mechanisms responsible for driving the benthic foraminifera extinction. Sites cored on the flanks of Walvis Ridge (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 208, Sites 1262, 1266, and 1263) allow us to examine changes in bottom and pore water redox conditions across a ~2 km depth transect of deep-sea sediments of PETM age recovered from the South Atlantic. Here we present measurements of the concentrations of redox-sensitive trace metals manganese (Mn) and uranium (U) in bulk sediment as proxies for redox chemistry at the sediment-water interface and below. All three Walvis Ridge sites exhibit bulk Mn enrichment factors (EF) ranging between 4 and 12 prior to the warming, values at crustal averages (Mn EF = 1) during the warming interval, and a return to pre-event values during the recovery period. U enrichment factors across the PETM remains at crustal averages (U EF = 1) at Site 1262 (deep) and Site 1266 (intermediate depth). U enrichment factors at Site 1263 (shallow) peaked at 5 immediately prior to the PETM and dropped to values near crustal averages during and after the event. All sites were lower in dissolved oxygen content during the PETM. Before and after the PETM, the deep and intermediate sites were oxygenated, while the shallow site was suboxic. Our geochemical results indicate that oxygen concentrations did indeed drop during the PETM but not sufficiently to cause massive extinction of benthic foraminifera.


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The paper reports geochemical parameters of units in a peat bed from a raised bog in the southern Tyumen territory. Based on radiocarbon dates and variability of geochemical data the following four evolutionary stages of the bed in Holocene are distinguished: an ancient lake (5600-5750 years B.P.), lowland-bog peat (4550-5600 years B.P.), transitional-type peat (4200-4550 years B.P.), raised-bog peat. The major-component technique was applied to analyze relations between various parameters of the bed and evaluate variations in conditions, under which the bog evolved with time, including climatic conditions (in relative units). An anthropogenic signal of accumulation of certain metals in bog systems is distinguished.


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The Volga River discharge consists of the waters transferred by fast currents through channels and the waters which are passing through the shallow areas of the delta overgrown by cane. Using the hydrochemical data, it is possible to track distribution of the waters modified by 'biofilters' of macrophytes in the delta shallows starting from the external edge of the delta. The main distinctive features of these waters are the high content of dissolved oxygen, the abnormally high values of the pH, and the low content of dissolved inorganic carbon (both total and as CO2). These waters extend in the shape of 1 to 3-km-wide strips at a distance of 20-40 km from the outer border of the delta. The analysis of the data obtained during the expeditions run by the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2003-2009, along with archived and published data, show that such 'modified' waters occur almost constantly along the outer edge of the Volga River delta.


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Fibrous calcite veins with organic inclusions have been widely considered as indicators of oil and gas generation and migration under overpressure. Abundant fibrous calcite veins containing organic-bearing inclusions occur in faulted Lower Paleozoic through Triassic hydrocarbon source rocks in the Dabashan Foreland Belt (DBF). d13CPDB and d18OPDB values of the fibrous calcite range from - 4.8 to -1.9 to per mil and - 12.8 to - 8.4 per mil respectively, which is lighter than that of associated carbonate host rocks ranging from - 1.7 to + 3.1 per mil and - 8.7 to - 4.5 per mil. A linear relationship between d13CPDB and d18OPDB indicates that the calcite veins were precipitated from a mixture of basinal and surface fluids. The fibrous calcite contains a variety of inclusions, such as solid bitumen, methane bearing all-liquid inclusions, and vapor-liquid aqueous inclusions. Homogenization temperatures of aqueous inclusions range from 140 to 196° with an average of 179°. Salinities of aqueous inclusions average 9.7 wt% NaCl. Independent temperatures from bitumen reflectance and inclusion phase relationships of aqueous and methane inclusions were used to determine fluid pressures. Results indicate high pressures, elevated above typical lithostatic confining pressure, from 150 to 200 MPa. The elevated salinity and high temperature and pressure conditions of the fibrous calcite veins argue against an origin solely from burial overpressure resulting from clay transformation and dehydration reactions. Instead fluid inclusion P-T data and geochemistry results and regional geology indicate abnormally high pressures during fluid migration. These findings indicate that tectonic stress generated fracture and fault fluid pathways and caused migration of organic bearing fluids from the DBF during the Yanshan orogeny.


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During the Cretaceous, widespread black shale deposition occurred during a series of Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs). Multiple processes are known to control the deposition of marine black shales, including changes in primary productivity, organic matter preservation, and dilution. OAEs offer an opportunity to evaluate the relative roles of these forcing factors. The youngest of these events-the Coniacian to Santonian OAE 3-resulted in a prolonged organic carbon burial event in shallow and restricted marine environments including the Western Interior Seaway. New high-resolution isotope, organic, and trace metal records from the latest Turonian to early Santonian Niobrara Formation are used to characterize the amount and composition of organic matter preserved, as well as the geochemical conditions under which it accumulated. Redox sensitive metals (Mo, Mn, and Re) indicate a gradual drawdown of oxygen leading into the abrupt onset of organic carbon-rich (up to 8%) deposition. High Hydrogen Indices (HI) and organic carbon to total nitrogen ratios (C:N) demonstrate that the elemental composition of preserved marine organic matter is distinct under different redox conditions. Local changes in d13C indicate that redox-controlled early diagenesis can also significantly alter d13Corg records. These results demonstrate that the development of anoxia is of primary importance in triggering the prolonged carbon burial in the Niobrara Formation. Sea level reconstructions, d18O results, and Mo/total organic carbon ratios suggest that stratification and enhanced bottom water restriction caused the drawdown of bottom water oxygen. Increased nutrients from benthic regeneration and/or continental runoff may have sustained primary productivity.


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Statistical analysis of X-ray fluorescence data acquired during Leg 135 indicates that this instrument produces data of comparable precision to good land-based laboratories. We also examined contamination of certain elements caused by crushing during the use of the tungsten carbide apparatus. Although the concentrations of most elements are not altered during crushing, the powders prepared on the ship should not be used in subsequent studies where key elements of the investigation include W, Co, Ta, Pb, and low levels of Nb.


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While summer Arctic sea-ice extent has decreased over the past three decades, it is subject to large interannual and regional variations. Methodological challenges in measuring ice thickness continue to hamper our understanding of the response of the ice-thickness distribution to recent change, limiting the ability to forecast sea-ice change over the next decade. We present results from a 2400 km long pan-Arctic airborne electromagnetic (EM) ice thickness survey in April 2009, the first-ever large-scale EM thickness dataset obtained by fixed-wing aircraft over key regions of old ice in the Arctic Ocean between Svalbard and Alaska. The data provide detailed insight into ice thickness distributions characteristic for the different regions. Comparison with previous EM surveys shows that modal thicknesses of old ice had changed little since 2007, and remained within the expected range of natural variability.


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Four seismic surveys and a stratigraphic record from southernmost Patagonia (Argentina) based on 51 AMS-14C dates obtained in the framework of ICDP expedition 5022 "Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project" (PASADO) provide a database to compare the 106 m composite profile from the lake centre with piston cores from the littoral and outcrops in the catchment area. Based on event correlation using distinct volcanic ash layers with unique geochemical composition and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates on feldspars, sediment records are firmly linked. This approach allows to match the sediment record with water levels during the past ca. 49 ka providing evidence for lake level variations. Reconstructed lake levels were 20 m higher than today during the last Glacial until the early Holocene. With the migration of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies over this site the lake level dropped ca. 55 m for a period of two millennia. Thereupon the water balance was more positive again causing a stepwise rise of the lake level until the maximum was reached during the Little Ice Age with a subsequent lowering since the 20th century. We suggest that the mid- to late-Holocene lake level variation is caused by intensity changes of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies.


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Organic-rich diatomaceous muds from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 112 (offshore Peru) are the subject of a comprehensive organic diagenetic study covering the burial interval, <1 to >100 m. The organic matter has been classified in terms of its elemental, biochemical, and geochemical compositions. About 60% of the organic carbon in sediments from <1 m can be attributed to hydrolyzable, biochemical constituents, while at 22 m this figure decreased to 20%. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry chromatograms of these same sediments contain mainly hydrocarbons and nitrogenous compounds, with low amounts of other heteroatomic compounds, even though the total organic matter is rich in oxygen (about 35 atoms per 100 carbon atoms) and sulfur (1 to 5 atoms per 100 C atoms). Overall, the organic matter in these sediments, even at these shallow depths and young ages, has many of the geochemical features of far more deeply buried sediments, providing further strong evidence for the claim that "kerogen-formation" is a very early diagenetic process.


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Recent advances in the chronology and the palaeoclimatic understanding of Antarctic ice core records point towards a larger heterogeneity of latitudinal climate fluctuations than previously thought. Thus, realistic palaeoclimate reconstructions rely in the development of a tight array of well-constrained records with a dense latitudinal coverage. Climatic records from southernmost South America are critical cornerstones to link these Antarctic palaeoclimatic archives with their South American counterparts. At 54° S on the Island of Tierra del Fuego, Lago Fagnano is located in one of the most substantially and extensively glaciated regions of southernmost South America during the Late Pleistocene. This elongated lake is the largest (~110km long) and non-ice covered lake at high southern latitudes. A multi-proxy study of selected cores allows the characterisation of a Holocene sedimentary record. Detailed petrophysical, sedimentological and geochemical studies of a complete lacustrine laminated sequence reveal variations in major and trace elements, as well as organic content, suggesting high variability in environmental conditions. Comparison of these results with other regional records allows the identification of major known late Holocene climatic intervals and the proposal for a time for the onset of the Southern Westerlies in Tierra del Fuego. These results improve our understanding of the forcing mechanisms behind climate change in southernmost Patagonia.


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Centennial-to-millennial scale records from IODP Site U1387, drilled during IODP Expedition 339 into the Faro Drift at 558 m water depth, now allow evaluating the climatic history of the upper core of the Mediterranean Outflow (MOW) and of the surface waters in the northern Gulf of Cadiz during the early Pleistocene. This study focuses on the period from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 29 to 34, i.e. the interval surrounding extreme interglacial MIS 31. Conditions in the upper MOW reflect obliquity, precession and millennial-scale variations. The benthic d18O signal follows obliquity with the exception of an additional, smaller d18O peak that marks the MIS 32/31 transition. Insolation maxima (precession minima) led to poor ventilation and a sluggish upper MOW core, whereas insolation minima were associated with enhanced ventilation and often also increased bottom current velocity. Millennial-scale periods of colder sea-surface temperatures (SST) were associated with short-term maxima in flow velocity and better ventilation, reminiscent of conditions known from MIS 3. A prominent contourite layer, coinciding with insolation cycle 100, was formed during MIS 31 and represents one of the few contourites developing within an interglacial period. MIS 31 surface water conditions were characterized by an extended period (1065-1091 ka) of warm SST, but SST were not much warmer than during MIS 33. Interglacial to glacial transitions experienced 2 to 3 stadial/interstadial cycles, just like their mid-to-late Pleistocene counterparts. Glacial MIS 30 and 32 recorded periods of extremely cold (< 12°C) SST that in their climatic impact were comparable to the Heinrich events of the mid and late Pleistocene. Glacial MIS 34, on the other hand, was a relative warm glacial period off southern Portugal. Overall, surface water and MOW conditions at Site U1387 show strong congruence with Mediterranean climate, whereas millennial-scale variations are closely linked to North Atlantic circulation changes.