985 resultados para Age determination by teeth


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The Hawaiian-Emperor bend has played a prominent yet controversial role in deciphering past Pacific plate motions and the tempo of plate motion change. New ages for volcanoes of the central and southern Emperor chain define large changes in volcanic migration rate with little associated change in the chain's trend, which suggests that the bend did not form by slowing of the Hawaiian hot spot. Initiation of the bend near Kimmei seamount about 50 million years ago (MA) was coincident with realignment of Pacific spreading centers and early magmatism in western Pacific arcs, consistent with formation of the bend by changed Pacific plate motion.


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There is limited knowledge pertaining to the history of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) during the last glacial-interglacial transition as it retreated from the continental margins to an inland position. Here we use multiproxy data, including ice-rafted debris (IRD); planktonic isotopes; alkenone temperatures; and tephra geochemistry from the northern Labrador Sea, off southwest Greenland, to investigate the deglacial response of the GIS and evaluate its implications for the North Atlantic deglacial development. The results imply that the southern GIS retreated in three successive stages: (1) early deglaciation of the East Greenland margins, by tephra-rich IRD that embrace Heinrich Event 1; (2) progressive retreat during Allerød culminating in major meltwater releases (d18O depletion of 1.2 per mil) at the Allerød-Younger Dryas transition (12.8-13.0 kyr B.P.); and (3) a final stage of glacial recession during the early Holocene (~9-11 kyr B.P.). Rather than indicating local temperatures of ambient surface water, the alkenones likely were transported to the core site by the Irminger Current. We attribute the timing of GIS retreat to the incursion of warm intermediate waters along the base of grounded glaciers and below floating ice shelves on the continental margin. The results lend support to the view that GIS meltwater presented a forcing factor for the Younger Dryas cooling.


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Greenland ice core records indicate that the last deglaciation (~7-21 ka) was punctuated by numerous abrupt climate reversals involving temperature changes of up to 5°C-10°C within decades. However, the cause behind many of these events is uncertain. A likely candidate may have been the input of deglacial meltwater, from the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS), to the high-latitude North Atlantic, which disrupted ocean circulation and triggered cooling. Yet the direct evidence of meltwater input for many of these events has so far remained undetected. In this study, we use the geochemistry (paired Mg/Ca-d18O) of planktonic foraminifera from a sediment core south of Iceland to reconstruct the input of freshwater to the northern North Atlantic during abrupt deglacial climate change. Our record can be placed on the same timescale as ice cores and therefore provides a direct comparison between the timing of freshwater input and climate variability. Meltwater events coincide with the onset of numerous cold intervals, including the Older Dryas (14.0 ka), two events during the Allerød (at ~13.1 and 13.6 ka), the Younger Dryas (12.9 ka), and the 8.2 ka event, supporting a causal link between these abrupt climate changes and meltwater input. During the Bølling-Allerød warm interval, we find that periods of warming are associated with an increased meltwater flux to the northern North Atlantic, which in turn induces abrupt cooling, a cessation in meltwater input, and eventual climate recovery. This implies that feedback between climate and meltwater input produced a highly variable climate. A comparison to published data sets suggests that this feedback likely included fluctuations in the southern margin of the LIS causing rerouting of LIS meltwater between southern and eastern drainage outlets, as proposed by Clark et al. (2001, doi:10.1126/science.1062517).


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The thermal diffusion enrichment apparatus in use in Amsterdam before 1967, has been rebuilt in the Groningen Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory. It has been shown to operate reliably and reproducibly. A reasonable agreement exists between the theoretical calculations and the experimental results. The 14C enrichment of a CO sample is deduced from the simultaneous mass 30 enrichment, which is measured with a mass spectrometer. The relation between both enrichments follows from a series of calibration measurements. The over-all accuracy in the enrichment is a few percent, equivalent to a few hundred years in age. The main problem in dating very old samples is their possible contamination with recent carbon. Generally, careful sample selection and rigorous pretreatment reduce sample contamination to an acceptable value. Also, it has been established that laboratory contamination, due to a memory effect in the combustion system and to impurities in the oxygen and nitrogen gas used for combustion, can be eliminated. A detailed analysis shows that the counter background in our set-up is almost exclusively caused by cosmic ray muons. The measurement of 28 early glacial samples, mostly from North-west Europe, has yielded a consistent set of ages. These indicate the existence of three early glacial interstadials; using the Weichselian definitions: Amersfoort starting at 68 200 ± 1100, Brørup at 64 400 ± 800 and Odderade at 60 500 ± 600 years BP. This 14C chronology shows good agreement with the Camp Century chronology and the dated palaeo sea levels. The discrepancy in the age of the early part of the Last Glacial on the 14C time scale and on that adopted for the deep-sea d18 record, must probably be attributed to the use of a generalized d18 curve and a wrong interpretation of this curve in terms of three Barbados terraces.


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