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A future business-as-usual scenario (A1FI) was tested on two bloom-forming cyanobacteria of the Baltic Proper, Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon sp., growing separately and together. The projected scenario was tested in two laboratory experiments where (a) interactive effects of increased temperature and decreased salinity and (b) interactive effects of increased temperature and elevated levels of pCO2 were tested. Increased temperature, from 12 to 16 °C, had a positive effect on the biovolume and photosynthetic activity (F v/F m) of both species. Compared when growing separately, the biovolume of each species was lower when grown together. Decreased salinity, from 7 to 4, and elevated levels of pCO2, from 380 to 960 ppm, had no effect on the biovolume, but on F v/F m of N. spumigena with higher F v/F m in salinity 7. Our results suggest that the projected A1FI scenario might be beneficial for the two species dominating the extensive summer blooms in the Baltic Proper. However, our results further stress the importance of studying interactions between species.


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Sediments from the ODP Site 1085A were studied to investigate the impacts of global cooling in the Middle and Late Miocene on the climate in Southwestern Africa. The size composition of the sediment was analysed emphasising the silt fraction. A comparison with the modern grain size distribution and suitable transport processes made it possible to assign specific transport processes to the grain size composition. Three processes are considered for transport of terrigeneous silt: while there was no evidence found for (1) transport by ocean currents, the analyses showed signals of (2) wind transport indicating dry conditions associated with a cool climate and (3) fluvial transport that points to humid and warm conditions. Three climatic phases were defined. The first phase from 13.8 to 11.8 Myr reveals a stable humid climate in Southwest Africa independent of the Antarctic glaciations. During the second phase from 11.8 to 10.4 Myr the regional climate cooled considerably but was not drier. Additionally, the climate during this phase reacted to the Antarctic glaciations. This cooling-trend continued during phase 3 from 10.4 to 9.0 Myr with a significant increase in dust input, pointing to overall drier conditions. However, fluvial transport still remained as the main source.


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The large-diameter piston core LL44-GPC3 from the central North Pacific Ocean records continuous sedimentation of eolian dust since the Late Cretaceous. Two intervals resolved by Nd and Pb isotopic data relate to dust coming from America (prior to ~40 Ma) and dust coming from Asia (since ~40 Ma). The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) separates these depositional regimes today and may have been at a paleolatitude of ~23°N prior to 40 Ma. Such a northerly location of the ITCZ is consistent with sluggish atmospheric circulation and warm climate for the Northern Hemisphere of the early to middle Eocene. Since ~40 Ma, correlations between Nd (~7.55 > epsilon-Nd(t) > ~10.81) and Pb (18.625 < 206/4Pb < 18.879; 15.624 < 207/4Pb < 15.666; 38.611 < 208/4Pb < 38.960; 0.8294 < 207/6Pb < 0.8389; 2.0539 < 208/6Pb < 2.0743) isotopes reflect the progressive drying of central Asia triggered by the westward retreat of the paleo-Tethys. Comparisons between the changes with time in the isotopically well-defined dust flux and Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of Pacific deep water allow one to draw two major conclusions: (1) dust-bound Nd became a resolvable contribution to Pacific seawater only after the one order of magnitude increase in dust flux starting at ~3.5 Ma. Therefore eolian Nd was unimportant for Pacific seawater Nd prior to 3.5 Ma. (2) The lack of a response of Pacific deep water Pb to this huge flux increase suggests that dust-bound Pb has never been important. Instead, mobile Pb associated with island arc volcanic exhalatives probably consists of a significant contribution to Pacific deep water Pb and possibly to seawater elsewhere far away from landmasses.