367 resultados para 711.409861 L562p
Paleogene calcareous nannofossils from split spoon cores recovered from five wells along the Coastal Plain of New Jersey and Maryland have been analyzed in order to provide onshore information complementary to that derived from the offshore DSDP Site 605 (upper continental rise off New Jersey). Hiatuses are more numerous and of greater extent in the onshore sections, but the major ones correlate well with those noted in the offshore section. At one site at least (Leggett Well), sedimentation may well have been continuous across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, as it is believed to have been at DSDP Site 605. These various correlations are discussed elsewhere in a companion paper (Olsson and Wise, this volume). Important differences in nannofossil assemblages are noted between the onshore (shelf paleoenvironment) and offshore (slope-rise paleoenvironment) sections. Lithostromation simplex, not present offshore, is consistently present onshore and seems to be confined to the Eocene shelf sediments of this region. The same relationship holds for the zonal marker, Rhabdosphaera gladius Locker. The Rhomboaster-Tribrachiatus plexus is more diverse and better preserved in the onshore sections, where the lowermost Eocene Zone CP9 is well represented. Differential preservation is postulated to account for two morphotypes of Tribrachiatus bramlettei (Brönnimann and Stradner). Type A is represented at DSDP Site 605 by individuals with short, stubby arms, but these forms are not present in the equivalent onshore sections. There they are replaced by the Type B morphotypes, which exhibit a similar basic construction but possess much longer, more delicate arms.
Analyses of the Sr2+ concentrations of interstitial fluids obtained from sediments squeezed during Leg 115 were used to estimate the rates and total amount of recrystallization of biogenic carbonates. The total amount of recrystallization calculated using this method varies from less than 1 % in sediments at Site 706 to more than 40% at Site 709 in sediments of 47 Ma. Five of the sites drilled during Leg 115 (Sites 707 through 711) were drilled in a depth transect within a restricted geographic area so that theoretically they received similar amounts of sediment input. Of these, the maximum rate of recrystallization occurred in the upper 50 m of Site 710 (3812 m). The amount of recrystallization decreased with increasing water depth at Sites 708 (4096 m) and 711 (4428 m), presumably as a result of the fact that most of the reactive calcium carbonate was dissolved before burial. We also observed significant alkalinity deficits at many of these sites, a condition which most likely resulted from the precipitation of calcium carbonate either in the sedimentary column, or during retrieval of the core. Precipitation of CaCO3 as a result of pressure changes during core retrieval was confirmed by the comparison of Ca2+ and alkalinity from water samples obtained using the in-situ sampler and squeezed from the sediments. At Sites 707 and 716, the shallowest sites, no calcium or alkalinity deficits were present. In spite of our estimations of as much as 45% recrystallization at Site 709, all the carbonate sites exhibited what would be previously considered conservative Ca2+/Mg2+ profiles, which varied from -1 to -0.5. By virtue of the position of these sites relative to known basaltic basement or through the actual penetration of basalt (i.e., Sites 706, 707 and 712), these sites are all known to be underlain by basalt. Our results suggest, therefore, that more positive Ca2 + /Mg2+ gradients cannot necessarily be used as indicators of the nature of basement material.