151 resultados para shape from shading


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Major and trace element profiles of clinopyroxene grains in oceanic gabbros from ODP Hole 735B have been investigated by a combined in situ analytical study with ion probe, and electron microprobe. In contrast to the homogeneous major element compositions, trace elements (REE, Y, Cr, Sr, and Zr) show continuous core to rim zoning profiles. The observed trace element systematics in clinopyroxene cannot be explained by a simple diffusive exchange between melts and gabbros along grain boundaries. A simultaneous modification of the melt composition is required to generate the zoning, although Rayleigh fractional crystallization modelling could mimic the general shape of the profiles. Simultaneous metasomatism between the cumulate crystal and the porous melt during crystal accumulation is the most likely process to explain the zoning. Deformation during solidification of the crystal mush could have caused squeezing out of the incompatible element enriched residual melts (interstitial liquid). Migration of the melt along grain boundaries might carry these melt out of the system. This process named as synkinematic differentiation or differentiation by deformation (Natland and Dick, 2001, doi:10.1016/S0377-0273(01)00211-6) may act as an important magma evolution mechanism in the oceanic crust, at least at slow-spreading ridges.


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Petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the mist representative basement lithologies occurring as clasts (pebble grain-size class) from the CRP-1 drillhole. Most pebbles consits of either undeformed or foliated biotite with or without hornblende monzogranites. Other rock types include biotite with or without garnet syenogranitr, biotite-hornblende granodiorite, tonalite, monzogranitic porphyries, haplogranite, quartz-monzonite (restricted to the Quaternary section), Ca-silicate rocks and biotite amphibolite (restricted to the Miocene strata). The common and ubiquitous occurence of biotite with or without hornblende monzogranite pebbles, in both the Quaternary and Miocene sections, apparently mirrors the dominance of these rock types in the granitoid assemblages which are presently exposed in the upper Precambrian-lower Paleozoic basement of the south Victoria Land. The other CRP-1 pebble lithologies show petrographical features which consitently support a dominant supply from areas of the Transantarctic Mountains located to the west and south-west of the CRP-1 site, and they thus furthercorroborate a model of local provenance for the supply of basement clasts to the CRP-1 sedimentary strata.


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One of the objectives of WHOI Atlantis Cruise 151, covering the period from 7 December 1947 to 18 June 1948, was to obtain as complete a sampling of the sea bottom of the Meditterranean and Aegean Seas as was compatible with the remainder of the scientific program. It was furthermore planned to make concurrent bottom photographs as a means for studying the correlation between bottom sediments and the morphology of the sea floor. The photographs also held the possibility of determining the presence of bottom fauna. The underwater camera used for this work was loaned to us by Dr. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University. As it was fitted with a one foot long coring tube at the base of its pole a majority of the bottom samples were obtained by the camera itself. On the way to Gibraltar, several bottom photos were taken in the Atlantic ocean. One of them was the deepest underwater photograph ever taken at the tima (3026 fathoms) showing a cluster of objects, some as much as 5 inches across on a clay bottom. These appeared to be manganese nodules, judging from their rounded and bulbous shape, especially the potato-like form of some of them. A core sample obtained at the same spot with a corer attached to the camera stand contained abundant manganese grains.


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The GH72-2 shipborne survey was carried out in the northwest Pacific during 31 days under the 'Basic investigations for exploration of deep sea mineral resources' program. The sediments encountered could be classified as follows: 1) Most of the brown clays occur on the abyssal plain of the basins at depth over 4500m. 2) Calcareous oozes are predominant at the top, slope and foot of seamounts and guyots. 3) Terrigeneous sediments are distributed near islands. The concentrated zone of ferromanganese nodules was located in the Magellan seamounts area. However, the metal contents in Mn, Cu, Ni and Co for these nodules are relatively poor, and these ferromanganese deposits occur at a depth over 5000m. It is interesting to note that the shape of the nodules is sometimes nearly spherical, and that the chemical composition of the nodules is characterized by the low ratio Mn/Fe and Co/Ni.


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Chemical composition of manganese nodules and crust collected from the Hakurei Maru Cruise GH74-5, September-October, 1974, in the Eastern Central Pacific Basin by the Geological Survey of Japan according to: Analyses and sample manganese deposits data from Cruise GH74-5 (private communication) (unpublished), Scripps Institution of Oceanography. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg_mmbib/showref.jsp?mmbib=MIZUAA7702.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the GH74-5 Expedition in September-October, 1974 by the Geological Survey of Japan from the R/V Hakurei Maru. A total of 36 cores, dredges and submarine camera sites have been visited. The survey conducted an investigation of the manganese deposits in the Eastern Pacific Basin and the East of the Okinawa islands


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Ferromanganese concretions from the Svalbard shelf in the Barents Sea show slightly convex shale-normalized REE patterns with no Eu anomalies. Concretions from the Gulf of Bothnia, northern part of the Baltic Sea, exhibit an enrichment of light REE and negative Eu anomalies. This difference is interpreted as a consequence of different conveyor mechanisms of the REE to the sediment. It is suggested that dissolving biogenic debris contributes to the convex pattern obtained in the Barents Sea, whereas an inorganic suspended fraction with scavenged REE is the main carrier in the Gulf of Bothnia. During oxic diagenesis in the sediment, the scavenged REE are set free into the porewater and contribute to the distribution pattern in concretions found in the Gulf of Bothnia. Small Mn-rich spheroidal concretions are enriched two to five times in REE compared to average shale, whereas Mn-poor flat concretions are low in REE. Specific surface area of the concretion and the depth of burial in the oxidized surface sediment are two factors that strongly affect the enrichment of the REE. Weak Ce anomalies are present in the analysed concretions and a redox level dependence is seen.


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The collection of ferromanganese nodules at Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden has been donated by Pr. Boström, K. and Ingri, J. from the Technical University of Lulea. They have been collected in the Bothnia Gulf, the Baltic Sea anfd the Barents sea from 1976 until 1985. In 1997 it is was put to the care custody of the Laboratory for Isotope Geology (LIG) of NRM. As part of the Access Project at LIG, Curt Boman has gone through the collection and established a database with detailed information about the samples it contains. Ferromanganese nodules typically display a rounded shape and are formed by redox processes at the interface between the seabed sediment and water. In addition to iron and manganese they also contain other metal elements. Nodules chemical composition reflects the substances found in the sediment to which they are associated. Since the nodules grow continuously, they reflect changes in the sedimentary environment chemistry on a yearly basis, which makes them very interesting as environmental archives. The nodules can be found locally in large quantities and due to their metal content they are also economically interesting as a source of raw materials.


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During Cruise VA 04/2 of the R. V. Valdivia in 1972, numerous samples were collected of manganese nodules, sodiments, and the pore water of the Sediments in the area betwoen 6° N and 11° N and between 149° W and 154° W in the Central Pacific. This paper reports on the geochemical study of 70 manganese nodules from 12 stations (box-core and dredge samples). The nodules Irom a single Station vary considerably in diemical composition. These variations are of the same magnitude as the variations in nodule composition over the entire survey area. The ratios of manganese to nickel, copper, and zinc show good positive correlation as do the ratios of iron to lead and, to a lesser extent, of iron to cobalt. No correlation was found between the environment of the manganese nodules and their metal content. Three internal zones, the outer. intermediate, and core zones, of some nodules were studied in detail. Trends of differences of Chemical composition from surface to core were found for numerous elements and elemental ratios.


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Ferromanganese concretions cover large areas of the Gulf of Bothnia. They are flat to well-rounded, the rounded ones being richer in oxyhydroxides of iron and manganese. Rounded and ellipsoidal nodules, particularly those in the northern Gulf of Bothnia, are richest in Mn, Ni, Ba and Cu, which probably coexist in a Mn oxyhydroxide phase. Flat nodules are enriched in Fe, P, rare earths and As, probably associated with an Fe oxy-hydroxide component. Aluminum, V, Cr and Ti occur in still another phase. The sediments of the gulf generally consist of a 10-50 mm-thick layer of oxidized surface sediment, enriched in Mn, Ba, P and Ni lying on top of reduced sediments which are diagenetically depleted in these elements. The remobilized elements have redeposited in the nodules, but this process cannot explain the origin of all the nodular material. Some released Mn, Ba and Ni furthermore enter into suspended phases, which eventually leave the Baltic Sea. The economic value of the nodules in the Gulf of Bothnia is probably limited at present.


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Ferromanganese concretions from ten stations in the Barents Sea have been analysed for 24 elements. The deposits occur as discoidal and flat concretions and as coatings, in the latter case on lithified or detrital material or as extensive pavements on the Svalbard shelf. The concretions are compositionally similar to Baltic concretions but differ considerably from deep-ocean nodules, particularly in Cu, Ni and Co contents. Statistical analyses reveal distinct correlations between Mn, Na, Ba, Ni and Cu; the Mn-rich coatings showed enrichment of Mo, Zn and possibly Co in a Mn-phase. The iron phase holds high concretions of P and As. Two iron-rich concretions with high contents of P, Ca, Sr, Y, Yb and La were found east and northeast of Spitsbergen Banken, probably indicating upwelling of nutrient-rich, cold polar water along the Svalbard shelf.


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The book is a compilation of all available data at the time of publication (1965) on the subject of marine minerals together with the author's original ideas regarding their exploitation. It is one of the most significant publications on ocean resources. It is particularly focused on manganese deposits, their description, sedimentary setting, formation and geochemistry.


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Background: Light microscopic analysis of diatom frustules is widely used both in basic and applied research, notably taxonomy, morphometrics, water quality monitoring and paleo-environmental studies. In these applications, usually large numbers of frustules need to be identified and / or measured. Although there is a need for automation in these applications, and image processing and analysis methods supporting these tasks have previously been developed, they did not become widespread in diatom analysis. While methodological reports for a wide variety of methods for image segmentation, diatom identification and feature extraction are available, no single implementation combining a subset of these into a readily applicable workflow accessible to diatomists exists. Results: The newly developed tool SHERPA offers a versatile image processing workflow focused on the identification and measurement of object outlines, handling all steps from image segmentation over object identification to feature extraction, and providing interactive functions for reviewing and revising results. Special attention was given to ease of use, applicability to a broad range of data and problems, and supporting high throughput analyses with minimal manual intervention. Conclusions: Tested with several diatom datasets from different sources and of various compositions, SHERPA proved its ability to successfully analyze large amounts of diatom micrographs depicting a broad range of species. SHERPA is unique in combining the following features: application of multiple segmentation methods and selection of the one giving the best result for each individual object; identification of shapes of interest based on outline matching against a template library; quality scoring and ranking of resulting outlines supporting quick quality checking; extraction of a wide range of outline shape descriptors widely used in diatom studies and elsewhere; minimizing the need for, but enabling manual quality control and corrections. Although primarily developed for analyzing images of diatom valves originating from automated microscopy, SHERPA can also be useful for other object detection, segmentation and outline-based identification problems.