359 resultados para anoxic


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This article reviews the history, chemical stratification, biology and biogeochemistry of Ace Lake, which is one of the many marine-derived meromictic (permanently stratified) lakes in the Vestfold Hills, Eastern Antarctica. The lake has an area of 18 ha, a maximum depth of 25 m, and a salinity range from 7 to 43 g l**-1. The lake mixes to a depth of 7 m in late winter as a result of brine freeze out during ice formation. Deeper mixing is precluded by a sharp halocline. The water beneath 12 m is permanently anoxic, The lake was formed approximately 10,800 yr BP as the polar ice cap melted. Sea level rise 7,800 yr BP resulted in invasion of seawater into the initially freshwater lake. Subsequently, sea level dropped, and the now saline lake became isolated from the ocean. The biota of the lake was derived from species trapped when the connection between the lake and the ocean was cut off. The oxic zone above 12 m supports a relatively simple community which includes microbial mats, four major species of phytoplankton (including a picocyanobacterium), two copepod species, and a variety of heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates. The anoxic zone contains populations of photosynthetic sulfur, sulfate reducing, fermentative and methanogenic bacteria, which combine to remineralise organic carbon which sediments from the upper waters. Research on the physics, biology and chemistry of Ace Lake has contributed significantly to knowledge of Antarctic meromictic lakes.


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Neodymium isotopes of fish debris from two sites on Demerara Rise, spanning ~4.5 m.y. of deposition from the early Cenomanian to just before ocean anoxic event 2 (OAE2) (Cenomanian-Turonian transition), suggest a circulation-controlled nutrient trap in intermediate waters of the western tropical North Atlantic that could explain continuous deposition of organic-rich black shales for as many as ~15 m.y. (Cenomanian-early Santonian). Unusually low Nd isotopic data (epsilon-Nd(t) ~-11 to ~-16) on Demerara Rise during the Cenomanian are confirmed, but the shallower site generally exhibits higher and more variable values. A scenario in which southwest-flowing Tethyan and/or North Atlantic waters overrode warm, saline Demerara bottom water explains the isotopic differences between sites and could create a dynamic nutrient trap controlled by circulation patterns in the absence of topographic barriers. Nutrient trapping, in turn, would explain the ~15 m.y. deposition of black shales through positive feedbacks between low oxygen and nutrient-rich bottom waters, efficient phosphate recycling, transport of nutrients to the surface, high productivity, and organic carbon export to the seafloor. This nutrient trap and the correlation seen previously between high Nd and organic carbon isotopic values during OAE2 on Demerara Rise suggest that physical oceanographic changes could be components of OAE2, one of the largest perturbations to the global carbon cycle in the past 150 m.y.


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Deep marine late Pleistocene sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Sulu Sea Site 769 contain a high-resolution record of paleoceanographic change in this strongly monsoonal climatic setting in the tropical western Pacific. Detailed time series of planktonic foraminifer (G.ruber; white variety) d18O, d13C, and bulk CaCO3 mass accumulation rate (MAR) were generated, spanning the last 750 k.y. Sedimentation rates in this portion of the record average 8.5 cm/k.y., and vary from 4 to 16 cm/k.y. Cross spectral analysis of the d18O and d13C time-series demonstrate that each contains increased variance at the primary orbital periodicities. The d18O record shows strong variability in the precessional-band and closely correlates with the SPECMAP d18O record and other high-resolution records. The dominance of a 23-k.y cycle in the d18O record agrees with other studies of the monsoon system in the Indian Ocean that have documented the importance of precessional insolation as a monsoon-forcing mechanism. In addition, d13C is strongly coherent, with d18O at a period of 41 k.y (obliquity), suggesting a connection between surface water CO2 chemistry in the Sulu Sea and high- latitude climatic change. The d18O and d13C time-series both contain increased spectral variance at a period of 30 k.y. Although the source of 30-k.y. variability is unknown, other studies have documented late Pleistocene Pacific Oceanographic variability with a period of 30 k.y. Major- and trace-metal analyses were performed on a second, less-detailed sample series to independently assess paleoproductivity changes and bottom-water conditions through time. Glacial periods are generally times of increased calcium carbonate and copper accumulation. The positive association between these independent indicators of paleoproductivity suggests an increase in productivity in the basin during most glacial episodes. Changing bottom-water redox conditions were also assessed using the geochemical data. Low concentrations of molybdenum throughout the record demonstrate that bottom waters at this site were never anoxic during the last 750 k.y. The bioturbated character of the sediments agrees with this interpretation.


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Molybdenum and vanadium were analysed in 9 scediment cores recovered from the continental slope and rise off NW Africa. Additionall chemical and sedimentological parameters as well as isotope stage boundaries were available for the same core profiles from other investigations. Molybdenum, ranging between <1 and 10 ppm, occurs in two associateions, either with organic carbon and sulphides in sediments with reducing conditions or with Mn oxides in oxidized near-surface core sections. Highest values (between 4 and 10 ppm Mo) are found in sulphide-rich core sections deposited during glacial times in a core from 200 m water depth. The possibility of anoxic near-bottom water conditions prevailing at thhis site during certain glacial intervals is discussed. In oxidized near-surface core sections, the diagenetic mobility of Mo becomes evident from strong Mo enrichment together with Mn oxides (values up to 4 ppm Mo). This enrichment is probably due to coprecipitation and/or adsorption of Mo from interstitial water to the diagenetically forming Mn oxides. The close relation between Mo and Corg results in strongly covarying sedimentation rates in both components reaching up to 10 times the rates in glacial compared to interglacial core sections. Vanadium (values between 20 and 100 ppm) does not show clear relations to climate and near-bottom or sediment milieu. It occurs mainly bound to the fine grained terrigenous fraction, associated with aluminium silicates (clay minerals) and iron oxides. Additionally positive covariation of vanadium with phosphorus in most core profiles suggest that some V may be bound to phosphates.


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A. Continental slope sediments off Spanish-Sahara and Senegal contain up to 4% organic carbon and up to 0.4% total nitrogen. The highest concentrations were found in sediments from water depths between 1000 and 2000 m. The regional and vertical distribution of organic matter differs significantly. Off Spanish-Sahara the organic matter content of sediment deposited during glacial times (Wuerm, Late Riss) is high whereas sediments deposited during interglacial times (Recent, Eem) are low in organic matter. Opposite distribution was found in sediments off Senegal. The sediments contain 30 to 130 ppm of fixed nitrogen. In most sediments this corresponds to 2-8 % of the total nitrogen. Only in sediments deposited during interglacial times off Spanish-Sahara up to 20 % of the total nitrogen is contained as inorganically bound nitrogen. Positive correlations of the fixed nitrogen concentrations to the amounts of clay, alumina, and potassium suggest that it is primarily fixed to illites. The amino acid nitrogen and hexosamine nitrogen account for 17 to 26 % and 1.3 to 2.4 %, respectively of the total nitrogen content of the sediments. The concentrations vary between 200 and 850 ppm amino acid nitrogen and 20 to 70 ppm hexosamine nitrogen, both parallel the fluctiations of organic matter in the sediment. Fulvic acids, humic acids, and the total organic matter of the sediments may be clearly differentiated from one another and their amino acid and hexosamine contents and their amino acid composition: a) Fulvic acids contain only half as much amino acids as humic acids b) The molar amino acid/hexosamine ratios of the fulvic acids are half those of the humic acids and the total organic matter of the sediment c) The amino acid spectra of fulvic acids are characterized by an enrichment of aspartic acid, alanine, and methionine sulfoxide and a depletion of glycine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, lysine, and arginine compared to the spectra of the humic acids and those of the total organic matter fraction of the sediment. d) The amino acid spectra of the humic acids and those of the total organic matter fraction of the sediments are about the same with the exception that arginine is clearly enriched in the total organic matter. In general, as indicated by the amino compounds humic acids resemble closer the total organic matter composition than the low molecular fulvic acids do. This supports the general idea that during the course of diagenesis in reducing sediments organic matter stabilizes from a fulvic-like structure to humic-like structure and finally to kerogen. The decomposition rates of single aminio acids differ significantly from one another. Generally amino acids which are preferentially contained in humic acids and the total organic matter fraction show a smaller loss with time than those preferably well documented in case of the basic amino acids lysine and arginine which- although thermally unstable- are the most stable amino acids in the sediments. A favoured incorporation of these compounds into high molecular substances as well as into clay minerals may explain their relatively high "stability" in the sediment. The nitrogen loss from the sediments due to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria amounts to 20-40 % of the total organic nitrogen now present. At least 40 % of the organic nitrogen which is liberated by sulphate-reducing bacteria can be explained ny decomposition of amino acids alone. B. Deep-sea sediments from the Central Pacific The deep-seas sediments contain 1 to 2 orders of magnitude less organic matter than the continental slope sediments off NW Africa, i.e. 0.04 to 0.3 % organic carbon. The fixed nitrogen content of the deep-sea sediments ranges from 60 to 270 ppm or from 20 to 45 % of the total nitrogen content. While ammonia is the prevailing inorganic nitrogen compound in anoxic pore waters, nitrate predominates in the oxic environment of the deep-sea sediments. Near the sediment/water interface interstital nitrate concentrations of around 30 µg-at. N/l were recorded. These generally increase with sediment depth by 10 to 15 µg-at. NO3- N/l. This suggests the presence of free oxygen and the activity of nitrifying bacteria in the interstitial waters. The ammonia content of the interstitial water of the oxic deep-sea sediments ranges from 2 to 60 µg-at. N/l and thus is several orders of magnitude less than in anoxic sediments. In contrast to recorded nitrate gradients towards the sediments/water interface, there are no ammonia concentration gradients. However, ammonia concentrations appear to be characteristic for certain regional areas. It is suggested that this regional differentiation is caused by ion exchange reactions involving potassium and ammonium ions rather than by different decomposition rates of organic matter. C. C/N ratios All estimated C/N ratios of surface sediments vary between 3 and 9 in the deep-sea and the continental margin, respectively. Whereas the C/N ratios generally increase with depth in the sediment cores off NW Africa they decrease in the deep-sea cores. The lowest values of around 1.3 were found in the deeper sections of the deep-sea cores, the highest of around 10 in the sediments off NW Africa. The wide range of the C/N ratios as well as their opposite behaviour with increasing sediment depth in both the deep-sea and continental margin sediment cores, can be attributed mainly to the combination of the following three factors: 1. Inorganic and organic substances bound within the latticed of clay minerals tend to decrease the C/N ratios. 2. Organic matter not protected by absorption on the clay minerals tends to increase C/N ratios 3. Diagenetic alteration of organic matter by micro-organisms tends to increase C/N ratios through preferential loss of nitrogen The diagenetic changes of the microbially decomposable organic matter results in both oxic and anoxic environments in a preferential loss of nitrogen and hence in higher C/N ratios of the organic fraction. This holds true for most of the continental margin sediments off NW Africa which contain relatively high amounts of organic matter so that factors 2 and 3 predominate there. The relative low C/N ratios of the sediments deposited during interglacial times off Spanish-Sahara, which are low in organic carbon, show the increasing influence of factor 1 - the nitrogen-rich organic substances bound to clay minerals. In the deep-sea sediments from the Central Pacific this factor completely predominates so that the C/N rations of the sediments approach that of the substance absorbed to clay minerals with decreasing organic matter content. In the deeper core sections the unprotected organic matter has been completely destroyed so that the C/N ratios of the total sediments eventually fall into the same range as those of the pure clay mineral fraction.


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Most concentration profiles of sulfate in continental margin sediments show constant or continuously increasing gradients from the benthic boundary layer down to the deep sulfate reduction zone. However, a very marked change in this gradient has been observed several meters below the surface at many locations, which has been attributed to anoxic sulfide oxidation or to non-local transport mechanisms of pore waters. The subject of this study is to investigate whether this feature could be better explained by non-steady state conditions in the pore-water system. To this end, data are presented from two gravity cores recovered from the Zaire deep-sea fan. The sediments at this location can be subdivided into two sections. The upper layer, about 10 m thick, consists of stratified pelagic deposits representing a period of continuous sedimentation over the last 190 kyr. It is underlain by a turbidite sequence measuring several meters in thickness, which contains large crystals of authigenic calcium carbonate (ikaite: CaCO3·6H2O). Ikaite delta13C values are indicative of a methane carbon contribution to the CO2 pool. Radiocarbon ages of these minerals, as well as of the adjacent bulk sediments, provide strong evidence that the pelagic sediments have overthrust the lower section as a coherent block. Therefore, the emplacement of a relatively undisturbed sediment package is postulated. Pore-water profiles show the depth of the sulfate-methane transition zone within the turbiditic sediments. By the adaptation of a simple transport-reaction model, it is shown that the change in the geochemical environmental conditions, resulting from this slide emplacement, and the development towards a new steady state are fully sufficient to explain all features related to the pore-water profiles, particularly, [SO4]2- and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The model shows that the downslope transport took place about 300 yr ago.


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This petrological study of the lower Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a) focused on the nature of the organic-rich interval as well as the tuffaceous units above and below it. The volcaniclastic debris deposited just prior to the OAE1a is consistent with reactivation of volcanic centers across the Shatsky Rise, concurrent with volcanism on the Ontong Java Plateau. This reactivation may have been responsible for the sub-OAE1a unconformity. Soon after this volcanic pulse, anomalous amounts of organic matter accumulated on the rise, forming a black shale horizon. The complex textures in the organic-rich intervals suggest a history of periodic anoxia, overprinted by bioturbation. Components include pellets, radiolarians, and fish debris. The presence of carbonate-cemented radiolarite under the OAE1a intervals suggests that there has been large-scale remobilization of carbonate in the system, which in turn may explain the absence of calcareous microfossils in the section. The volcanic debris in the overlying tuffaceous interval differs in that it is significantly epiclastic and glauconitic. It was likely derived from an emergent volcanic edifice.


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We estimate tropical Atlantic upper ocean temperatures using oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratios in well-preserved planktonic foraminifera extracted from Albian through Santonian black shales recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 (North Atlantic Demerara Rise). On the basis of a range of plausible assumptions regarding seawater composition at the time the data support temperatures between 33° and 42°C. In our low-resolution data set spanning ~84-100 Ma a local temperature maximum occurs in the late Turonian, and a possible minimum occurs in the mid to early late Cenomanian. The relation between single species foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca suggests that the ratio of magnesium to calcium in the Turonian-Coniacian ocean may have been lower than in the Albian-Cenomanian ocean, perhaps coincident with an ocean 87Sr/86Sr minimum. The carbon isotopic compositions of distinct marine algal biomarkers were measured in the same sediment samples. The d13C values of phytane, combined with foraminiferal d13C and inferred temperatures, were used to estimate atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations through this interval. Estimates of atmospheric CO2 concentrations range between 600 and 2400 ppmv. Within the uncertainty in the various proxies, there is only a weak overall correspondence between higher (lower) tropical temperatures and more (less) atmospheric CO2. The GENESIS climate model underpredicts tropical Atlantic temperatures inferred from ODP Leg 207 foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca when we specify approximate CO2 concentrations estimated from the biomarker isotopes in the same samples. Possible errors in the temperature and CO2 estimates and possible deficiencies in the model are discussed. The potential for and effects of substantially higher atmospheric methane during Cretaceous anoxic events, perhaps derived from high fluxes from the oxygen minimum zone, are considered in light of recent work that shows a quadratic relation between increased methane flux and atmospheric CH4 concentrations. With 50 ppm CH4, GENESIS sea surface temperatures approximate the minimum upper ocean temperatures inferred from proxy data when CO2 concentrations specified to the model are near those inferred using the phytane d13C proxy. However, atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 3500 ppm or more are still required in the model in order to reproduce inferred maximum temperatures.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 recovered thick sequences of Albian to Santonian organic-carbon-rich claystones at five drill-sites on the Demerara Rise in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Dark-colored, finely laminated, Cenomanian-Santonian black shale sequences contain between 2% and 15% organic carbon and encompass Oceanic Anoxic Events 2 and 3. High Rock-Eval hydrogen indices signify that the bulk of the organic matter in these sequences is marine in origin. However, d13Corg values lie mostly between -30 per mil and -27 per mil, and TOC/TN ratios range from 15 to 42, which both mimic the source signatures of modern C3 land plants. The contradictions in organic matter source indicators provide important implications about the depositional conditions leading to the black shale accumulations. The low d13Corg values, which are actually common in mid-Cretaceous marine organic matter, are consequences of the greenhouse climate prevailing at that time and an associated accelerated hydrologic cycle. The elevated C/N ratios, which are also typical of black shales, indicate depressed organic matter degradation associated with low-oxygen conditions in the water column that favored preservation of carbon-rich forms of marine organic matter over nitrogen-rich components. Underlying the laminated Cenomanian-Santonian sequences are homogeneous, dark-colored, lower to middle Albian siltstones that contain between 0.2% and 9% organic carbon. The organic matter in these rocks is mostly marine in origin, but it occasionally includes large proportions of land-derived material.


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A high-resolution sedimentological and geochemical study was performed on a 20 m long core from the alpine Lake Anterne (2063 m a.s.l., NW French Alps) spanning the last 10 ka. Sedimentation is mainly of minerogenic origin. The organic matter quantity (TOC%) as well as its quality (hydrogen (HI) and oxygen (OI) indices) both indicate the progressive onset and subsequent stabilization of vegetation cover in the catchment from 9950 to 5550 cal. BP. During this phase, the pedogenic process of carbonate dissolution is marked by a decrease in the calcium content in the sediment record. Between 7850 and 5550 cal. BP, very low manganese concentrations suggest anoxic conditions in the bottom-water of Lake Anterne. These are caused by a relatively high organic matter (terrestrial and lacustrine) content, a low flood frequency and longer summer stratification triggered by warmer conditions. From 5550 cal. BP, a decrease in TOC, stabilization of HI and higher sedimentation rates together reflect increased erosion rates of leptosols and developed soils, probably due to a colder and wetter climate. Then, three periods of important soil destabilization are marked by an increased frequency and thickness of flood deposits during the Bronze Age and by increases in topsoil erosion relative to leptosols (HI increases) during the late Iron Age/Roman period and the Medieval periods. These periods are also characterized by higher sedimentation rates. According to palynological data, human impact (deforestation and/or pasturing activity) probably triggered these periods of increased soil erosion.


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Thirty sediment samples from Tortonian to Pleistocene age of five ODP locations (Holes 650A, 651A, and 652A, and Sites 654 and 655) in the Marsili Basin, Vavilov Basin, and Sardinia Margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) were studied by organic geochemical methods including total organic carbon determination, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, bitumen extraction, pyrolysis-gas chromatography, and organic petrography. Six organic facies, including open ocean anoxia with variable terrestrial input, oxic open ocean, oxic tidal flat, mildly oxic lagoon, and anoxic lacustrine algal-bacterial mat environments, have been recognized in these sediments. The sediments below 500 m in Sardinia Margin are mature for significant hydrocarbon generation. Possible mature source-rock (Type I and IIB/III kerogen) and migrated bitumen occur in the deeper part of the section in Vavilov Basin and Sardinia Margin sediments. Sporadic sapropel formation observed in the studied Pliocene-Pleistocene sediment section is probably controlled by organic productivity due to nutrient supply by the rivers and terrestrial input associated with open ocean anoxia or anoxia caused by the material balance between rate of organic matter supplied by turbidites and organic matter consumption. Pliocene and Pleistocene sapropels are mostly immature and lie within Type II-III (precisely as IIA-IIB and IIB source rocks) kerogen maturation path.