1000 resultados para alpha-Carotene per unit mass total organic carbon
We examined sediments from Neogene and Quaternary sections of the Benguela and Oman upwelling systems (DSDP Site 532, ODP Sites 723 and 722) to determine environmental and geochemical factors which control and limit pyrite formation in organic-carbon-rich marine sediments. Those samples from the upwelling sites, which contained low to moderate concentrations of total organic carbon (0.7%-3%), had C/S ratios typical of normal marine sediments, i.e., around 2.8. In these sediments, TOC availability probably limited pyrite formation. Results that do not conform with accepted models were found for the sediments high in TOC (3^0-12.4%). The organic matter was of marine origin and contained considerable pyrolytic hydrocarbons, a fact that we take as a sign of low degradation, yet significant concentrations of dissolved sulfate coexisted with it (> 5 mmol/L in the case of Sites 532 and 723). Detrital iron was probably not limiting in either case, because the degree of pyritization was always less than 0.65. Therefore, controls on sulfate reduction and pyrite formation in the organic matter-rich sediments do not appear to conform simply to generally accepted diagenetic models. The data from these thermally immature, old, and organic-rich marine sediments imply that (1) the total reduced sulfur content of organic-rich marine upwelling sediments rarely exceeds an approximate boundary of 1.5% by weight, (2) the C/S ratio of these sediments is not constant and usually much higher than the empirical values proposed for marine sediments. We conclude that sedimentary pyrite formation in upwelling sediments is limited by an as yet unknown factor, and that caution is advised in using C/S ratios and C vs. S diagrams in paleoenvironmental reconstructions for organic-rich sediments.
C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations (about 35 compounds identified, including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from 27 shipboard-sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Hole 603B off the east coast of North America were determined by a gas-stripping/thermovaporization method. Total yields representing the hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces of the sediments vary from 22 to 2400 ng/g of dryweight sediment. Highest yields are measured in the two black shale samples of Core 603B-34 (hydrogen index of 360 and 320 mg/g Corg, respectively). In organic-carbon-normalized units these samples have hydrocarbon contents of 12,700 and 21,500 ng/g Corg, respectively, indicating the immaturity of their kerogens. Unusually high organic-carbonnormalized yields are associated with samples that are extremely lean in organic carbon. It is most likely that they are enriched by small amounts of migrated light hydrocarbons. This applies even to those samples with high organic-carbon contents (1.3-2.2%) of Sections 603B-28-4, 603B-29-1, 603B-49-2, and 603B-49-3, because they have an extremely low hydrocarbon potential (hydrogen index between 40 and 60 mg/g Corg). Nearly all samples were found to be contaminated by varying amounts of acetone that is used routinely in large quantities on board ship during core-cutting procedures. Therefore, 48 samples from the original set of 75 collected had to be excluded from the present study.
A series of core samples taken during Cruise 79 of Glomar Challenger, drilling offshore Morocco (Mazagan Plateau), is analyzed for their low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon contents. Fifty-four samples from DSDP Holes 544A, 545, 547A, and 547B, deep frozen on board immediately after recovery, are studied by a hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization technique combined with capillary gas chromatography. Thirty-eight compounds in the C2-C8 molecular range, including saturated, olefinic, and aromatic hydrocarbons, are identified. Because of large differences in organic carbon contents, the total C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations vary from about 20 to 1500 ng/g dry sediment weight in the whole sample series. Organic-carbon normalized values are about 3.2 x 10**4 ng/g Corg for Lithologic Subunits IIIA and IIIB at Site 545 (Cenomanian to Aptian) and 1.0 x 10**5 ng/g Corg for Unit V at Site 547 (Cenomanian to Albian) reflecting the slightly more advanced maturity stage at the latter site. Values exceeding 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 545) and 2 x 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 547) are associated with samples that are very lean in organic carbon and are generally rich in carbonate. These samples are enriched by small amounts of gaseous hydrocarbons. A detailed study of individual hydrocarbon concentrations, plotted against depth, reveal additional indications for migration phenomena. At Site 547, for instance, the most mobile hydrocarbons studied (e.g., ethane) appear to migrate by diffusion or a related process from more than 700 m depth toward the surface.
C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.
Composition and accumulation rates of organic carbon in Holocene sediments provided data to calculate an organic carbon budget for the Laptev Sea continental margin. Mean Holocene accumulation rates in the inner Laptev Sea vary between 0.14 and 2.7 g C cm**2/ky; maximum values occur close to the Lena River delta. Seawards, the mean accumulation rates decrease from 0.43 to 0.02 g C cm**2/ky. The organic matter is predominantly of terrigenous origin. About 0.9*10**6 t/year of organic carbon are buried in the Laptev Sea, and 0.25*10**6 t/year on the continental slope. Between about 8.5 and 9 ka, major changes in supply of terrigenous and marine organic carbon occur, related to changes in coastal erosion, Siberian river discharge, and/or Atlantic water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin.
Antarctic ice-free areas contain lakes and ponds that have interesting limnological features and are of wide global significance as early warning indicators of climatic and environmental change. However, most limnological and paleolimnological studies in continental Antarctica are limited to certain regions. There are several ice-free areas in Victoria Land that have not yet been studied well. There is therefore a need to extend limnological studies in space and time to understand how different geological and climatic features affect the composition and biological activity of freshwater communities. With the aim of contributing to a better limnological characterization of Victoria Land, this paper reports data on sedimentary pigments (used to identify the main algal taxa) obtained through a methodology that is more sensitive and selective than that of previous studies. Analyses were extended to 48 water bodies in ice-free areas with differing lithology, latitude, and altitude, and with different morphometry and physical, chemical, and biological characteristics in order to identify environmental factors affecting the distribution and composition of freshwater autotrophic communities. A wider knowledge of lakes in a limnologically important region of Antarctica was obtained. Cyanophyta was found to be the most important algal group, followed by Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta, whereas latitude and altitude are the main factors affecting pigment distribution.
Organic geochemical and visual kerogen analyses were carried out on approximately 50 samples from Leg 81 (Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic). The sediments are from four sites (Sites 552-555), Pleistocene to Paleocene in age, and represent significantly different depositional environments and sources of organic matter. The Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles show differences in sedimentary organic matter based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organic phosphorus, and pyrolysis/mass-spectrometry analyses. Glacial samples contain more organic carbon, with a larger proportion of reworked organic matter. This probably reflects increased erosion of continental and shelf areas as a result of low sea level stands. Inter glacial samples contain a larger proportion of marine organic matter as determined by organic phosphorus and pyrolysis analyses. This immature, highly oxidized marine organic matter may be associated with the skeletal organic matrix of calcareous organisms. In addition, Rock-Eval data indicate no significant inorganic-carbonate contribution to the S3 pyrolysis peak. The Pliocene-Miocene sediments consist of pelagic, biogenic carbonates. The organic matter is similar to that of the Pleistocene interglacial periods; a mixture of oxidized marine organic matter and reworked, terrestrial detritus. The Paleocene-Oligocene organic matter reflects variations in source and depositional factors associated with the isolation of Rockall from Greenland. Paleocene sediments contain primarily terrestrial organic matter with evidence of in situ thermal stress resulting from interbedded lava flows. Late Paleocene and early Eocene organic matter suggests a highly oxidized marine environment, with major periods of deposition of terrestrially derived organic matter. These fluctuations in organic-matter type are probably the result of episodic shallowing and deepening of Rockall Basins. The final stage of Eocene/Oligocene sedimentation records the accelerating subsidence of Rockall and its isolation from terrestrial sources (Rockall and Greenland). This is shown by the increasingly marine character of the organic matter. The petroleum potential of sediments containing more than 0.5% organic carbon is poor because of their thermal immaturity and their highly oxidized and terrestrial organic-matter composition.
Organic matter in Miocene glacial sediments in Hole 739C on the Antarctic Shelf represents erosional recycled continental material. Various indications of maturity in bulk organic matter, kerogens, and extracts imply that an exposed section of mature organic carbon-rich material was present during the Miocene. Based on biomarker, n-alkane, and kerogen analysis, a massive diamictite of early Eocene/Oligocene age at Hole 739C contains immature organic matter. Visual and pyrolysis analyses of the kerogens suggest a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in all samples from Hole 739C. A reversal of thermal maturities, i.e., more-mature overlying less-mature sections, may be related to redeposition generated from glacial erosion. Siliciclastic fluviatile sediments of Lower Cretaceous age from Hole 741A were analyzed. The organic matter from this hole contains immature aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers as well as a suite of odd carbon number-dominated nalkanes. Visual examination and pyrolysis analysis of the kerogen suggests that predominantly immature terrestrial organic matter is present at Hole 741A. The similarities between Hole 739C Unit V and Hole 741A suggest that the source of the organic matter in the glacial sediments in Unit V at Hole 739C could be Cretaceous in age and similar to sediments sampled at Hole 741A in Prydz Bay.
The organic geochemical character of rocks selected from Aptian, Valanginian, and Berriasian clay stone and siltstone sequences encountered in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Holes 762C and 763C on the Exmouth Plateau was determined by means of a variety of analytical procedures. These sequences represent distal portions of the Mesozoic Barrow delta, in which petroleum source rocks and reservoirs exist on the Australian continent. The organic matter at the ODP sites is thermally immature type III material. Biomarker hydrocarbon compositions are dominated by long-chain, waxy n-alkanes and by C29 steranes, which reflect the land-plant origin of organic matter. Organic carbon d13C values ranged from -26 per mil to -28 per mil, consistent with a C3 land-plant source. Kerogen pyrolysate compositions and hopane isomerization ratios revealed progressively larger contributions of recycled organic matter as the depth of the deltaic sedimentary layers became greater.
Geochemical studies of Cretaceous strata rich in organic carbon (OC) from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites and several land sections reveal several consistent relationships among amount of OC, hydrocarbon generating potential of kerogen (measured by pyrolysis as the hydrogen index, HI), and the isotopic composition of the OC. First, there is a positive correlation between HI and OC in strata that contain more than about 1% OC. Second, percent OC and HI often are negatively correlated with carbon isotopic composition (delta13C) of kerogen. The relationship between HI and OC indicates that as the amount of organic matter increases, this organic matter tends to be more lipid rich reflecting the marine source of the organic matter. Cretaceous samples that contain predominantly marine organic matter tend to be isotopically lighter than those that contain predominantly terrestrial organic matter. Average delta13C values for organic matter from most Cretaceous sites are between -26 and -28 per mil, and values heavier than about -25 per mil occur at very few sites. Most of the delta13C values of Miocene to Holocene OC-rich strata and modern marine plankton are between -16 to -23 per mil. Values of delta13C of modern terrestrial organic matter are mostly between -23 and -33 per mil. The depletion of terrestial OC in 13C relative to marine planktonic OC is the basis for numerous statements in the literature that isotopically light Cretaceous organic matter is of terrestrial origin, even though other organic geochemical and(or) optical indicators show that the organic matter is mainly of marine origin. A difference of about 5 per mil in delta13C between modern and Cretaceous OC-rich marine strata suggests either that Cretaceous marine planktonic organic matter had the same isotopic signature as modern marine plankton and that signature has been changed by diagenesis, or that OC derived from Cretaceous marine plankton was isotopically lighter by about 5 per mil relative to modern plankton OC. Diagenesis does not produce a significant shift in delta13C in Miocene to Holocene sediments, and therefore probably did not produce the isotopically light Cretaceous OC. This means that Cretaceous marine plankton must have had delta13C values that were about 5 per mil lighter than modern marine plankton, and at least several per mil lighter than Cretaceous terrestrial vegetation. The reason for these lighter values, however, is not obvious. It has been proposed that concentrations of CO2 were higher during the middle Cretaceous, and this more available CO2 may be responsible for the lighter delta13C values of Cretaceous marine organic matter.