787 resultados para Sterculia striata


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During Leg 188 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), employing JOIDES Resolution, we drilled holes at three sites in the southern Indian Ocean in and near Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, between 28 January and 29 February 2000. The objectives of the voyage were to: - Core through sediments deposited when Antarctica underwent the transition from "greenhouse" to the modern "icehouse" state late in the Eocene or early in the Oligocene, at sites obtaining their sediment from the currently subglacial Gamburtsev Mountains that probably were the site of nucleation of the ice sheet (principally Site 1166); - Obtain a sediment record from times at which major changes in the ice sheet volume and characteristics took place as judged from oxygen isotope records, especially at ~23.7 Ma (Oligocene/Miocene boundary), 12-16 Ma (middle Miocene), and 2.7 Ma (late Pliocene) (mainly Site 1165); and - Sample through the upper Pliocene and Quaternary in an attempt to document fluctuations in the extent of the ice sheet over the continental shelf during the Quaternary (especially Site 1167). Paleogene foraminifer-bearing marine sections were not intersected, and thus discussion of marine sections is restricted to the Neogene. Foraminifers are not major contributors to Leg 188 chronostratigraphy but contribute to paleoenvironmental interpretation, to issues such as carbonate compensation depth (CCD) effects and source and history of sediment, and provide a basis for Sr and d18O studies. Chronostratigraphy for the various sections was compiled from diatoms, radiolarians, and paleomagnetism (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.188.101.2001). Foraminifers were sporadic rather than continuous except in short intervals; however, the Neogene foraminifers from the region are very poorly known and the new records proved to be of significant value in paleoenvironmental interpretation. Only at Site 1167 did drilling intersect a section that yielded foraminifers virtually throughout. Other than for the very young section at each site, there is virtually no continuity of assemblages between sites and thus each section is treated here as separate and unrelated.


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The Paleogene sequences from three sites in the Caribbean were examined for radiolarians. In general, samples are highly lithified, requiring lengthy and repetitive cleaning procedures, and the assemblages are usually fragmented and/or partially dissolved. Both abundances and preservation of the assemblages vary considerably from site to site and within a single site; even within a single sample more than one degree of preservation was observed. It was possible, however, to construct at least partial stratigraphies for each of the three sites. Because the abundance of radiolarians is high even in extremely poorly preserved assemblages, we conclude that the differences in biogenic silica preservation are the result of postdepositional processes and not productivity. In both Sites 999 and 1001, near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (Bekoma bidartensis Zone [RP7]), there is a short interval in which the abundance and preservation state of the radiolarians improves relative to overlying and underlying assemblages. In each case the intervals corresponds to the level, identified by calcareous microfossils, as representing changes in paleoceanographic conditions associated with the late Paleocene thermal maximum.


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The benthic fauna was investigated during the expedition ANT-XXIV/2 (2007/08) in relation to oceanographic features, biogeochemical properties and sediment characteristics, as well as the benthic, pelagic and air-breathing fauna. The results document that Maud Rise (MR) differs distinctly from surrounding deep-sea basins investigated during previous Southern Ocean expeditions (ANDEEP 2002, 2005). Considering all taxa, the overall similarity between MR and adjacent stations was low (~20% Bray-Curtis-Similarity), and analyses of single taxa show obvious differences in species composition, abundances and densities. The composition and diversity of bivalves of MR are characterised by extremely high abundances of three species, especially the small sized Vesicomya spp. Exceptionally high gastropod abundance at MR is due to the single species Onoba subantarctica wilkesiana, a small brooder that may prey upon abundant benthic foraminiferas. The abundance and diversity of isopods also show that one family, Haplomunnidae, occurs with a surprisingly high number of individuals at MR while this family was not found at any of the 40 bathyal and abyssal ANDEEP stations. Similarly, polychaetes, especially the tube-dwelling, suspension-feeder fraction, are represented by species not found at the comparison stations. Sponges comprise almost exclusively small specimens in relatively high numbers, especially a few species of Polymastiidae. Water-column sampling from the surface to the seafloor, including observations of top predators, indicate the existence of a prospering pelagic food web. Local concentrations of top predators and zooplankton are associated with a rich ice-edge bloom located over the northern slope of MR. There the sea ice melts, which is probably accelerated by the advection of warm water at intermediate depth. Over the southern slope, high concentrations of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) occur under dense sea ice and attract Antarctic Minke Whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) and several seabird species. These findings suggest that biological prosperity over MR is related to both oceanographic and sea-ice processes. Downward transport of the organic matter produced in the pelagic realm may be more constant than elsewhere due to low lateral drift over MR.


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Remains of diatoms, molluscs, ostracods, foraminifera and pollen exines preserved in the sediments of Lago d'Averno, a volcanic lake in the Phlegrean Fields west of Naples, allowed us to reconstruct the changes in the ecological conditions of the lake and of the vegetation around it for the period from 800 BC to 800 AD. Lago d'Averno was at first a freshwater lake, temporarily influenced by volcanic springs. Salinity increased slowly during Greek times as a result of subsidence of the surrounding land. Saline conditions developed only after the lake was connected with the sea by a canal, when Portus Julius was built in 37 BC. The first post-Roman period of uplift ended with a short freshwater phase during the 7th century after Christ. Deciduous oakwoods around the lake was transformed into a forest of evergreen oaks in Greek times and thrived there - apparently almost uninfluenced by man - until it was felled, when the Avernus was incorporated into the new Roman harbour in 37 BC, to construct a shipyard and other military buildings there. Land-use was never more intense than during Roman times and weakest in Greek and Early Roman times, when the Avernus was considered a holy place, the entrance to the underworld.


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This study presents a new Miocene biostratigraphic synthesis for the high-latitude northeastern North Atlantic region. Via correlations to the bio-magnetostratigraphy and oxygen isotope records of Ocean Drilling Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites, the ages of shallower North Sea deposits have been better constrained. The result has been an improved precision and documentation of the age designations of the existing North Sea foraminiferal zonal boundaries of King (1989) and Gradstein and Bäckström (1996). All calibrations have been updated to the Astronomically Tuned Neogene Time Scale (ATNTS) of Lourens et al. (2004). This improved Miocene biozonation has been achieved through: the updating of age calibrations for key microfossil bioevents, identification of new events, and integration of new biostratigraphic data from a foraminiferal analysis of commercial wells in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. The new zonation has been successfully applied to two commercial wells and an onshore research borehole. At these high latitudes, where standard zonal markers are often absent, integration of microfossil groups significantly improves temporal resolution. The new zonation comprises 11 Nordic Miocene (NM) Zones with an average duration of 1 to 2 million years. This multi-group combination of a total of 92 bioevents (70 foraminifers and bolboformids; 16 dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs; 6 marine diatoms) facilitates zonal identification throughout the Nordic Atlantic region. With the highest proportion of events being of calcareous walled microfossils, this zonation is primarily suited to micropaleontologists. A correlation of this Miocene biostratigraphy with a re-calibrated oxygen isotope record for DSDP Site 608 suggests a strong correlation between Miocene planktonic microfossil turnover rates and the inferred paleoclimatic trends. Benthic foraminifera zonal boundaries appear to often coincide with Miocene global sequence boundaries. The biostratigraphic record is punctuated by four main stratigraphic hiati which show variation in their geographic and temporal extent. These are related to the following regional unconformities: basal Neogene, Lower/Middle Miocene ("mid-Miocene unconformity"), basal Upper Miocene and basal Messinian unconformities. Further coring of Neogene sections in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea may better constrain their extent and their effect on the biostratigraphic record.


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The biostratigraphic distribution and qualitative relative abundance of Quaternary-Pliocene diatoms from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 188, Sites 1165 (64.380°S, 67.219°E) and 1166 (67.696°S, 74.787°E) offshore from East Antarctica, are documented in this report. The upper ~50 meters below seafloor (mbsf) of Hole 1165B consists of brown diatom-bearing silty clay spanning the upper Pleistocene to lower Pliocene. The diatom stratigraphy indicates a disconformity at ~17.1 mbsf of 0.5- to 0.6-m.y. duration. The integration of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data identified other disconformities at ~6.0, 14.4, 15.6, and 16.0 mbsf, but the duration of these hiatuses cannot be resolved through diatom biostratigraphy. In Hole 1166A, a narrow interval of diatomaceous Quaternary sediment is identified in the upper 2.92 mbsf and dated biostratigraphically at <0.38 Ma. The remaining Quaternary-Pliocene section is dominated by diamicton, except at ~114 mbsf, where two thin diatomaceous beds are present. The lower bed is ~65 cm thick, 2.5-2.7 to 2.7-3.2 Ma in age, and possibly disconformably overlain by the upper bed, which is ~15 cm thick and 1.8-2.0 to 2.1-2.5 Ma in age. The Pliocene assemblages in Hole 1166A contain components of both Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental shelf (Ross Sea) diatom floras.


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A planktonic foraminiferal zonal scheme is presented for subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous pelagic carbonate sequence from southern mid-high latitudes. Definition of the zones is based on first and last occurrences of planktonic foraminifera from Ocean Drilling Program Holes 762C and 763B (Leg 122; Exmouth Plateau, south Indian Ocean). During the Late Cretaceous the studied holes were located close to 50°S and for the first time a complete sedimentary record for the mid-high latitudes was obtained. A detailed biostratigraphic analysis has allowed recognition of two new zones (Falsotruncana maslakovae Zone and Marginotruncana marianosi Zone) for the interval extending from the last occurrence of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica to the first occurrence of Dicarinella asymetrica (upper Turonian - lower Santonian). From this study it is apparent that some low latitude (Globotruncana ventricosa, Hedbergella flandrini, Marginotruncana marianosi) and high latitude (Globigerinelloides impensus and Hedbergella sliteri) marker taxa display a vertical distribution at mid-high latitudes which is different from that known from low latitudes; moreover, one species (Heterohelix papula), overlooked at low latitudes, exhibits a restricted range that seems to be useful for chrono-biostratigraphic correlations: its appearance is suggested to coincide with the Coniacian/Santonian boundary. The proposed biozonation, which is integrated with calcareous nannofossil and magnetostratigraphic data available for the sections studied, is compared with both the low-latitude standard zonation and the planktonic foraminiferal zonal scheme for the circum-Antarctic region, in order to define a bio-chronostratigraphic scale that is useful for mid-high latitudes of the southern oceans.


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Results of a preliminary study of Early Cretaceous dinocyst assemblages from Site 765 on the Argo Abyssal Plain, off northwestern Australia, are presented. The palynological sequence is interpreted in terms of Australian zones and is, in descending order, the late Aptian Diconodinium davidii Zone (Cores 123-765C-33R to -39R), the middle to early Aptian Odontochitina operculata Zone (Cores 123-765C-40R to -49R), the Barremian Muderongia australis Zone (Cores 123-765C-50R to -54R), and the Berriasian lower Batioladinium reticulatum Zone (Core 123-765C-59R). The dating of the sequence as late Aptian to Berriasian on the basis of dinocysts is supported, in part, by data concerning associated foraminiferal, radiolarian, and calcareous nannofossil suites.


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The Quaternary benthic foraminifers from Leg 95 Sites 612 and 613 were examined with respect to paleoceanographic trends. Data from the two sites indicate the presence of markedly different bottom-water masses, during both glacial and interglacial periods. The dominant interglacial species at Site 612 is Uvigerinct peregrina, which is barely present in corresponding intervals at Site 613. Dominant glacial species are Elphidium excavatum and Cassidulina reniforme at Site 612 and Epistominella takayanagii at Site 613.


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The Pliocene and Pleistocene periods are known for the onset and consequent amplification of glacial-interglacial cycles. The California margin, situated in the mid-latitudes of the northern Pacific Ocean, is expected to be one of the most interesting regions for Pliocene to Pleistocene paleoceanography because this area occupies a unique position in the ocean-atmosphere system over the region. In this study, we investigated paleoceanographic history, using fossil diatoms, since the Brunhes/Matuyama (B/M) paleomagnetic boundary in which glacial and interglacial periods began to alternate in 100-yr cycles. In Hole 1018A, to a depth corresponding to the beginning of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (late Pliocene), we investigated the responses of the ocean-atmosphere system to stepwise cooling in the California margin. Although the work is still continuing, this data report shows that fossil diatoms of Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments significantly changed both in quality and quantity and implies a possible relationship to global climatic changes.