339 resultados para Stable imputation
Carbon isotope measurements were made on bulk sediments from the well preserved calcareous sequences recovered at ODP Sites 689 and 690 on the Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica. The very positive delta13C values that characterize the late Paleocene and the rapid trend toward lighter values in the early Eocene established in other sites are clearly recorded here and may be of value for long-distance stratigraphic correlation. However, values in the late Eocene are significantly more positive than have been reported from other areas. The general pattern of the records from Sites 689 and 690 is sufficiently unlike those previously reported from lower latitudes that we suggest that carbon isotope data should be used only with considerable caution for correlating sequences from such high latitudes with lower latitude records.
The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) includes a comprehensive pre-site survey on the inland ice plateau of Dronning Maud Land. This paper focuses on the investigation of the 18O content of shallow firn and ice cores. These cores were dated by profiles derived from dielectric-profiling and continuous flow analysis measurements. The individual records were stacked in order to obtain composite chronologies of 18O contents and accumulation rates with enhanced signal-to-noise variance ratios.These chronologies document variations in the last 200 and 1000 years.The 18O contents and accumulation rates decreased in the 19th century and increased during the 20th century.Using the empirical relationships between stable isotopes, accumulation rates and the 10m firn temperature, the variation of both parameters can be explained by the same temperature history.But other causes for these variations, such as the build-up of the snow cover, cannot be excluded. A marked feature of the 1000 year chronology occurs during the period AD 1180-1530 when the 18O contents remains below the long-term mean. Cross-correlation analyses between five cores from the Weddell Sea region and Dronning Maud Land show that 18O records can in some periods be positively correlated and in others negatively correlated, indicating a complex climatic history in time and space.
A sedimentary sequence documenting the early history of the proto-Indian Ocean was drilled at Site 761 on the Wombat Plateau, northwest Australia. Directly above the post-rift unconformity, two lithologic units were recovered which reflect deposition in incipient oceanic environments. The lower unit, composed of sandstone, contains abundant belemnites and a few lenses composed of low-diversity coccolith assemblages. The second unit, composed of chalk, contains abundant calcispheres, thoracospheres, low-diversity coccolith assemblages, and a few radiolarians. Belemnites and organisms that produced calcispheres and thoracospheres are thought to be opportunistic. Their abundance, and the absence of a normal marine fauna and flora, reflects an unstable early ocean environment. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopic data for the two units fall into almost separate fields. Heavy delta18O values for the belemnites indicate that they have not been affected by recrystallization. Instead, these isotopic values are thought to indicate either the deep, cool habitat of the belemnites or strong vital effects. A bulk chalk delta18O value from the belemnite sand is 3 to 4 parts per mil lighter than the belemnite delta18O values, possibly because it is largely composed of coccoliths which inhabited warmer surface waters. Light delta13C values for bulk calcisphere-bearing nannofossil chalk samples are thought to be a direct result of upwelling or of vital effects. Heavy delta18O values for the chalk unit are interpreted as resulting from upwelling of cool waters. Assemblage and isotopic data are consistent with this incipient ocean basin being highly productive, either as a result of upwelling or runoff of nutrient-rich waters from nearby land areas. However, it is not possible to rule out the control of vital effects on the isotopic signature of any of the fossil groups.
The delta13C and Cd measurements from benthic foraminifera from Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study (BOFS) northeast Atlantic Ocean sediment cores are presented. The delta13C values in glacial foraminifera are consistent with those from elsewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean. For intermediate water (1000 - 2000 m water depth), delta13C values were higher at the last glacial maximum than in present North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), whereas for deep water (>2000 m) they were lower during the glacial maximum. The Cd concentrations of glacial northeast Atlantic intermediate water were lower than those of present NADW. However, deepwater Cd concentrations increased to values between NADW and present Pacific Deep Water (PDW). The delta13C and Cd data are consistent and show that the northeast Atlantic Ocean was strongly stratified with 13C enriched, low Cd intermediate water overlying 13C depleted, high Cd deep water. The glacial water column comprised two different water masses: deep water, similar in character to present Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), and intermediate water, different in character from both AABW and NADW, and any present intermediate-depth North Atlantic water. The characteristics of glacial intermediate water were, however, similar to present near-surface waters in the North Atlantic, which suggests rapid ventilation of the glacial ocean to depths of up to 2000 m by cold, nutrient-depleted young surface waters.
Benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records for the past 11 Myr from a recently drilled site in the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic (Site 1088, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177, 41°S, 15°E, 2082 m water depth) provide, for the first time, a continuous long-term perspective on deep water distribution patterns and Southern Ocean climate change from the late Miocene through the early Pliocene. I have compiled published late Miocene through Pliocene stable isotope records to place the new South Atlantic record in a global framework. Carbon isotope gradients between the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Pacific indicate that a nutrient-depleted watermass, probably of North Atlantic origin, reached the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic after 6.6 Ma. By 6.0 Ma the relative proportion of the northern-provenance watermass was similar to today and by the early Pliocene it had increased to greater than the modern proportion suggesting that thermohaline overturn in the Atlantic was relatively strong prior to the early Pliocene interval of inferred climatic warmth. Site 1088 oxygen isotope values display a two-step increase between ~7.4 Ma and 6.9 Ma, a trend that parallels a published delta18O record of a site on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. This is perhaps best explained by a gradual cooling of watermasses that were sinking in the Southern Ocean. I speculate that relatively strong thermohaline overturn at rates comparable to the present day interglacial interval during the latest Miocene may have provided the initial conditions for early Pliocene climatic warmth. The impact of an emerging Central American Seaway on Atlantic-Pacific Ocean upper water exchange may have been felt in the North Atlantic beginning in the latest Miocene between 6.6 and 6.0 Ma, which would be ~1.5 Myr earlier than previously thought.
Nannofossil assemblages enriched in Braarudosphaera occur in lower Oligocene to lower Miocene sediments at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 762 and 763 on the central Exmouth Plateau. Braarudosphaerids appear here rather abruptly in the lower Oligocene (in Zone NP21). They reach their greatest numbers in the lower Oligocene (in Zones NP22 and NP23), where they comprise up to 10% of some samples. Braarudosphaera bigelowii is the overwhelmingly dominant species, occurring together with rare specimens of B. discula and Micrantholithus pinguis. The holococcoliths Peritrachelina joidesa and Lantemithus minutus are also associated with the Braarudosphaera enrichment. There are two populations of B. bigelowii: one of normal size (10-14 µm) and one of large specimens (20-22 µm). The larger braarudosphaerids are more common than the smaller forms. Braarudosphaera-rich sediments are absent at Wombat Plateau sites during the same time interval. We attribute this to latitudinal control, because the Wombat sites are about 4° north of the central Exmouth Plateau sites. We believe that the occurrence of braarudosphaerids is related to an Oligocene to early Miocene oceanographic event on the Exmouth Plateau. We suspect that mid-ocean up welling of cool, low-salinity, nutrient-rich water along a divergent zone created the Braarudosphaera-nch sediments in the South Atlantic and Indian oceans.