161 resultados para Sr^2


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Shipboard examination of volcanic and sedimentary strata at Site 786 suggested that at least four types of breccias are present: flow-top breccias, associated with cooling and breakup on the upper surface of lava flows; autobreccias, formed by in-situ alteration at the base of flows; fault-gouge breccias; and true sedimentary breccias derived from weathering and erosion of underlying flows. It is virtually impossible to assess the origin of breccia matrix by textural and mineralogical analyses alone. However, it is fundamental for our understanding of breccia provenance to determine the source component of the matrix material. Whether the matrix is uniquely clastderived can be determined by geochemical fingerprinting. Trace elements that are immobile during weathering and alteration do not change their relative abundances. A contribution to the matrix from any source with an immobile trace element signature different from that of the clasts would appear as a perturbation of the trace element signature of the matrix. Trace element analysis of bulk samples from clasts and matrix material in individual breccia units was undertaken in a fashion similar to that used by Brimhall and Dietrich (1987, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90070-6) in analyzing soil provenance: (1) to help distinguish between sedimentary and volcanic breccias, (2) to determine the degree of mixing and depth of erosion in sedimentary breccias, and (3) to analyze the local provenance of the individual breccia components (matrix and clasts). The following elements were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF): Rb, Sr, Ba, U, Zr, Cu, Zn, Ti, Cr, and V. Of these elements, Zr and Ti probably exhibit truly immobile behavior (Humphris and Thompson, 1978, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(78)90222-3 ). The remaining elements are useful as a reference for the extent of compositional change during the formation of matrix material (Brimhall and Dietrich, 1987, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90070-6).


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We investigated the influences of temperature, salinity and pH on the calcium isotope as well as trace and minor element (uranium, strontium, magnesium) to Ca ratios on calcium carbonate cysts of the calcareous dinoflagellate species Thoracosphaera heimii grown in laboratory cultures. The natural habitat of this species is the photic zone (preferentially at the chlorophyll maximum depth) of temperate to tropical oceans, and it is abundant in deep-sea sediments over the entire Cenozoic. In our experiments, temperatures ranged from 12 to 30 °C, salinity from 36.5 to 38.8 and pH from 7.9 to 8.4. The delta44/40Ca of T. heimii cysts resembles that of other marine calcifiers, including coccolithophores, foraminifers and corals. However, its temperature sensitivity is considerably smaller and statistically insignificant, and T. heimii might serve as a recorder of changes in seawater delta44/40Ca over geologic time. The Sr/Ca ratios of T. heimii cysts show a pronounced temperature sensitivity (0.016 mmol/mol °C**-1) and have the potential to serve as a palaeo-sea surface temperature proxy. No clear temperature- and pH-dependences were observed for Mg/Ca. U/Ca seems to be influenced by temperature and pH, but the correlations change sign at 23 °C and pH 8.2, respectively.


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We present the first continuous records from 0 to 5 Ma (in 0.333 m.y. integrated time steps) of paired boron/calcium (B/Ca) ratios and boron isotopes (d11B) in the planktonic foraminifera Globogerinoides sacculifer (without sacc) from a site in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Site 806). These measurements, the first made in conjunction with calcification temperature (magnesium/calcium ratios) and average shell mass measurements, indicate that pH is not the sole environmental variable controlling B in planktonic foraminiferal calcite. Our data are consistent with calcification temperature exerting a primary control on B concentration and isotopic composition in planktonic foraminifera. If so, calcification temperature must be taken into account if pH for past oceans and atmospheric pCO2 are to be estimated from B isotope measurements in foraminiferal calcite. Doing so will substantially increase the uncertainty of pH estimates. Although this work was designed as a temporal study, its results define new aspects of calibrating the d11B paleo-pH tracer.