178 resultados para Orographic precipitation


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Palynofloras of the Kocaçay and Cumaovasi basins in western Turkey that belong to a time-span from the late Early to late Middle Miocene (the late Burdigalian-Serravallian) are studied and compared with published palynofloras of Europe and Turkey. Palynological data and numerical climatic results obtained by the coexistence approach indicate palaeoclimate changed from warm subtropical to temperate during the late Burdigalian-Serravallian. Moreover, the palaeoclimates of the Kocacay and Cumaovasi basins are compared with continental palaeoclimatic records of coal-bearing sediments in western Turkey and current temperatures in the Izmir region. According to this comparison, palaeoclimatic results of these basins and other localities in western Turkey show a distinct difference as a result of orographic change. The palaeovegetation in the Kocaçay and Cumaovasi basins during the studied time-span was affected by palaeotopography and palaeoclimate. In these basins mixed mesophytic, coniferous forests, and swamp palaeovegetation generally predominated during the late Early-early Middle Miocene. The role of the herbaceous taxa increased at the end of the late Middle Miocene (the Serravallian) in the Kocaçay and Cumaovasi basins. It is obvious from the palynomorph data of these basins that grassland palaeovegetation started to expand in the late Middle Miocene. Unlike in Central Europe, where late Burdigalian and Langhian represent a period of outstanding warmth, the so-called Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum, cold month mean temperatures reconstructed in this study point to an ongoing cooling trend, already from the late Burdigalian onwards, possibly related to increasing terrestrial conditions in the study area.


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The present study analyses the sign, strength, and working mechanism of the vegetation-precipitation feedback over North Africa in middle (6 ka BP) and early Holocene (9 ka BP) simulations using the comprehensive coupled climate-vegetation model CCSM3-DGVM (Community Climate System Model version 3 and a dynamic global vegetation model). The coupled model simulates enhanced summer rainfall and a northward migration of the West African monsoon trough along with an expansion of the vegetation cover for the early and middle Holocene compared to the pre-industrial period. It is shown that dynamic vegetation enhances the orbitally triggered summer precipitation anomaly by approximately 20% in the Sahara-Sahel region (10-25° N, 20° W-30° E) in both the early and mid-Holocene experiments compared to their fixed-vegetation counterparts. The primary vegetation-rainfall feedback identified here operates through surface latent heat flux anomalies by canopy evaporation and transpiration and their effect on the mid-tropospheric African easterly jet, whereas the effects of vegetation changes on surface albedo and local water recycling play a negligible role. Even though CCSM3-DGVM simulates a positive vegetation-precipitation feedback in the North African region, this feedback is not strong enough to produce multiple equilibrium climate-ecosystem states on a regional scale.


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The aim of this paper is to find out if there is a significant difference in using NDVI dataset processed by harmonic analysis method to evaluate its dynamic and response to climate change, compared with the original data.