527 resultados para Nickel oxide
Hole 1105A penetrated 158 m of gabbros at a site offset 1.3 km east-northeast from Hole 735B on the Atlantis Bank near the Atlantis II Fracture Zone. A total of 118 m of dominantly medium- to coarse-grained intercalated Fe-Ti oxide gabbro and olivine gabbro was recovered from Hole 1105A that shows many petrographic features similar to those recovered from the upper part of Hole 735B. The main rock types are distinguished based on the constituent cumulus phases, with the most primitive gabbros consisting of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. The inferred crystallization order is subsequently Fe-Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite), followed by orthopyroxene, then apatite, and finally biotite. Orthopyroxene appears to replace olivine in a narrow middle interval. The magmatic evolution is likewise reflected in the mineral compositions. Plagioclase varies from An66 to An28. Olivine varies from Fo78 to Fo35. The gap in olivine crystallization occurs between Fo46 and Fo40 and coincides approximately with the appearance of orthopyroxene (~En50). The clinopyroxenes show large compositional variation in Mg/(Mg + Fe total) from 0.84 to 0.51. The nonquadrilateral cations of clinopyroxene similarly show large variations with Ti increasing for the olivine gabbros and decreasing for the Fe-Ti oxide gabbros with the decrease in Mg/(Mg + Fe total). The apatites are mainly flourapatites. The compositional variation in the gabbros is interpreted as a comagmatic suite resulting from fractional crystallization. Pyroxene geothermometry suggests equilibration temperatures from 1100°C and below. The coexisting Fe-Ti oxide minerals indicate subsolidus equilibration temperatures from 900°C for olivine gabbros to 700°C for the most evolved apatite-bearing gabbros. The cryptic variation in the olivine gabbros defines two or three lenses, 40 to 60 m thick, each characterized by a distinct convex zoning with a lower segment indicating upward reverse fractionation, a central maximum, and an upper segment showing normal fractionation. The Fe-Ti oxide gabbros show cryptic variations independent of the host olivine gabbros and reveal a systematic upward normal fractionation trend transgressing host olivine gabbro boundaries. Forward fractional crystallization modeling, using a likely parental magma composition from the Atlantis II Fracture Zone (MgO = 7.2 wt%; Mg/[Mg + Fe2+] = 0.62), closely matches the compositions of coexisting olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. This modeling suggests cosaturation of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene from 1155°C and the addition of Fe-Ti oxides from 1100°C. The liquid line of descent initially shows increasing FeO with moderately increasing SiO2. After saturation of Fe-Ti oxides, the liquid strongly decreases in FeO and TiO2 and increases in SiO2, reaching dacitic compositions at ~10% liquid remaining. The calculations indicate that formation of olivine gabbros can be accounted for by <65% fractionation and that only the residual 35% liquid was saturated in Fe-Ti oxides. The modeling of the solid fractionation products shows that both the olivine gabbro and the Fe-Ti oxide gabbros contain very small amounts of trapped liquid (<5%). The implications are that the gabbros represent crystal mush that originated in a recharging and tapping subaxial chamber. Compaction and upward melt migration in the crystal mush appear to have been terminated with relatively large amounts of interstitial liquid remaining in the upper parts of the cumulate mush. This termination may have been caused by tectonic disturbances, uplift, and associated withdrawal of magma into the subaxial dike and sill system. Prolonged compaction and cooling of the trapped melt in the mush formed small differentiated bodies and lenses by pressure release migration and crystallization along syntectonic channels. This resulted in differentiation products along lateral and vertical channelways in the host gabbro that vary from olivine gabbro, to Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, gabbronorite, and apatite gabbros and show large compositional variations independent of the host olivine gabbros.
We present a synthesis of some 20,504 mineral analyses of ~500 Hole 735B gabbros, including 10,236 new analyses conducted for this paper. These are used to construct a mineral stratigraphy for 1.5-km-deep Hole 735B, the only long section of the lower crust drilled in situ in the oceans. At long wavelengths, generally >200 m, there is a good chemical correlation among the principal silicate phases, consistent with the in situ crystallization of three or four distinct olivine gabbro bodies, representing at least two major cycles of intrusion. Initial cooling and crystallization of these bodies must have been fairly rapid to form a crystal mush, followed by subsequent compaction and migration of late iron-titanium-rich liquids into shear zones and fractures through which they were emplaced to higher levels in the lower crust where they crystallized and reacted with the olivine gabbro host rock to form a wide variety of ferrogabbros. At the wave lengths of the individual intrusions, as represented by the several olivine gabbro sequences, there is a general upward trend of iron and sodium enrichment but a poor correlation between the compositions of the major silicate phases. This, together with a wide range in minor incompatible and compatible element concentrations in olivine and pyroxene at a given Mg#, is consistent with widespread permeable flow of late melt through these intrusions, in contrast to what has been documented for a 600-m section of reputedly fast-spreading ocean crust in the Oman Ophiolite. This unexpected finding could be related to enhanced compaction and deformation-controlled late-stage melt migration at the scale of intrusion at a slow-spreading ocean ridge, compared to the relatively static environment in the lower crust at fast-spreading ridges.
Quaternary marine tephras in the Izu-Bonin Arc offer significant information about explosive volcanic activities of the arc. Visual core descriptions, petrographic examinations, and chemical and grain-size analyses were conducted on tephras of backarc, arc, and forearc origin. Tephras are black and white and occur in simple and multiple modes with mixed and nonmixed ashes of black and white glass shards. The grain size distributions of the tephras are classified into three categories: coarse, white pumiceous, and fine white and black well-sorted types. The frequency of occurrence of the white and black tephras differs within the tectonic settings of the arc. Chemically, the Quaternary tephras in this region belong to low-alkali tholeiitic series with lower K2O and TiO2 than normal ordinary arc volcanic materials. Several tephras from different sites along the forearc correlate with each other and with tephras in the Shikoku Basin site and with Aogashima volcanics. These volcanic ashes resemble those in other backarc rifting areas, such as in the Fiji, Okinawa (Ryukyu), and Mariana regions.
This report includes the petrographic description and reviews the distribution of lithic clasts in sediments drilled during Leg 180 in the Woodlark Basin (southwest Pacific). The lithic clasts include (1) metamorphic rocks; (2) granites; (3) serpentinites, gabbros, dolerites, and basalts likely derived from the Papuan ophiolite belt; (4) rare alkaline volcanites reworked in middle Miocene sediments; (5) medium- to high-K calc-alkaline island arc volcanites, in part as reworked clasts, and explosive products deposited by fallout or reworked by turbiditic currents; and (6) rare sedimentary fragments. At the footwall sites the clast assemblage evidences the association of dolerites and evolved gabbroic rocks; the serpentinite likely pertaining to the same ophiolitic complex are likely derived from onland outcrops and transported by means of turbidity currents. On the whole, extensional tectonics active at least since the middle Pliocene can be inferred. The calc-alkaline volcanism is in continuity with the arc-related products from the Papua Peninsula and D'Entrecasteaux Islands and with the latest volcanics of the Miocene Trobrian arc. However, the medium- to high-K and shoshonitic products do not display a significant temporal evolution within the stratigraphic setting. Lava clasts, volcanogenic grains, and glass shards are associated with turbidity currents, whereas in the Pliocene of northern margin the increasing frequency of tephra (glass shards and vesicular silicic fragments) suggests more explosive activity and increasing contribution to the sediments from aerial fallout materials. Evidence of localized alkalic volcanism of presumable early to middle Miocene age is a new finding. It could represent a rift phase earlier than or coeval to the first opening of the Woodlark Basin or, less probably, could derive from depositional trajectories diverted from an adjacent basin.
This paper reports results of an investigation of a representative collection of samples recovered by deep-sea drilling from the oceanic basement 10 miles west of the rift valley axis in the crest zone of the Mid- Atlantic Ridge at 15°44'N (Sites 1275B and 1275D). Drilling operations were carried out during Leg 209 of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution within the framework of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The oceanic crust was penetrated to depth of 108.7 m at Site 1275B and 209 m at Site 1275D. We reconstructed the following sequence of magmatic and metamorphic events resulting in the formation of a typical oceanic core complex of slow-spreading ridges: (1) formation of strongly fractionated (enriched in iron and titanium) tholeiitic magmatic melt parental to gabbroids under investigation in a large magma chamber located in a shallow mantle and operating for a long time under steady-state conditions; (2) transfer of the parental magmatic melt of the gabbroids to the base of the oceanic crust, its interaction with host mantle peridotites, and formation of troctolites and plagioclase peridotites; (3) intrusion of enriched trondhjemite melts as veins and dikes in the early formed plutonic complex, contact recrystallization of the gabbro, and development in the peridotite-gabbro complex of enriched geochemical signatures owing to influence of trondhjemite injections; (4) emplacement of dolerite dikes (transformed to diabases); (5) metamorphism of upper epidoteamphibolite facies with participation of marine fluids; and (6) rapid exhumation of the plutonic complex to the seafloor accompanied by greenschist-facies metamorphism. Distribution patterns of Sr and Nd isotopes and strongly incompatible elements in the rocks suggest contributions from two melt sources to the magmatic evolution of the MAR crest at 15°44'N: a depleted reservoir responsible for formation of the gabbros and diabases and an enriched reservoir, from which trondhjemites (granophyres) were derived.
The monograph has been written on the base of data obtained from samples and materials collected during the 19-th cruise of RV ''Akademik Vernadsky'' to the Northern and Equatorial Indian Ocean. Geological features of the region (stratigraphy, tectonic structure, lithology, distribution of ore-forming components in bottom sediments, petrography of igneous rocks, etc.) are under consideration. Regularities of trace element concentration in Fe-Mn nodules, nodule distribution in bottom sediments, and engineering-geological properties of sediments within the nodule fields have been studied. Much attention is paid to ocean crust rocks. The wide range of ore mineralization (magnetite, chromite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pentlandite, and other minerals) has been ascertained.
Primary sulfide mineralization in basalts of the Costa Rica Rift occurs mainly in chrome-spinel-bearing olivine tholeiites. Primary sulfides form both globules, consisting of quenched single-phase solid solutions, and irregular polymineralic segregations of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, and pentlandite. Two types of sulfide solid solutions - iron-nickel (Mss) and iron-copper (Iss) - were found among sulfide globules. These types appear to have formed because of sulfide-sulfide liquid immiscibility in the host magmas; as proved by the presence of globules with a distinct phase boundary between Mss and Iss. Such two-phase globules are associated with large olivine phenocrysts. Inhomogeneties among the globule composition likewise are caused by sulfide-sulfide immiscibility. Secondary sulfides form irregular segregations and veins consisting of pyrite, marcasite, and chalcopyrite.
This study focuses on mafic volcanic rocks from the Bouvet triple junction, which fall into six geochemically distinct groups: (1) N-MORB, the most widespread type, encountered throughout the study area. (2) Subalkaline volcanics, hawaiites and mugearites strongly enriched in lithophile elements and radiogenic isotopes and composing the Bouvet volcanic rise, and compositionally similar basalts and basaltic andesites from the Spiess Ridge, generated in a deeper, fertile mantle region. (3) Relatively weakly enriched basalts, T-MORB derived by the mixing of Type 1 and 2 melts and exposed near the axes of the Mid-Atlantic, Southwest Indian, and America-Antarctic Ridges. (4) Basalts with a degree of trace lithophile element enrichment similar to the Spiess Ridge and Bouvet Island rocks, but higher in K, P, Ti, and Cr. These occur within extensional structures: the rift valley of the Southwest Indian Ridge, grabens of the East Dislocation Zone, and the linear rise between the Spiess Ridge and Bouvet volcano. Their parental melts presumably separated from plume material that spread from the main channels and underwent fluid-involving differentiation in the mantle. (5) A volcanic suite ranging from basalt to rhyolite, characterized by low concentrations of lithophile elements, particularly TiO2, and occurring on the Shona Seamount and other compressional features within the Antarctic and South American plates near the Bouvet triple junction. Unlike Types 1 to 4, which display tholeiitic differentiation trends, this suite is calc-alkaline. Its parental melts were presumably related to the plume material as well but, subsequently, they underwent a profound differentiation involving fluids and assimilated surrounding rocks in closed magma chambers in the upper mantle. Alternatively, the Shona Seamount might be a fragment of an ancient oceanic island arc. (6) Enriched basalts, distinguished from the other enriched rock types in very high P and radiogenic isotope abundances and composing a tectonic uplift near the junction of the three rifts. It thus follows that the main factors responsible for the compositional diversity of volcanic rocks in this region include (i) mantle source heterogeneity, (ii) plume activity, (iii) an intricate geodynamic setup at the triple junction giving rise to stresses in adjacent plate areas, and (iv) the geological prehistory. The slow spreading rate and ensuing inefficient mixing of the heterogeneous mantle material result in strong spatial variations in basaltic compositions.
Despite the key importance of altered oceanic mantle as a repository and carrier of light elements (B, Li, and Be) to depth, its inventory of these elements has hardly been explored and quantified. In order to constrain the systematics and budget of these elements we have studied samples of highly serpentinized (>50%) spinel harzburgite drilled at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Fifteen-Twenty Fracture zone, ODP Leg 209, Sites 1272A and 1274A). In-situ analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry reveals that the B, Li and Be contents of mantle minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene) remain unchanged during serpentinization. B and Li abundances largely correspond to those of unaltered mantle minerals whereas Be is close to the detection limit. The Li contents of clinopyroxene are slightly higher (0.44-2.8 µg/g) compared to unaltered mantle clinopyroxene, and olivine and clinopyroxene show an inverse Li partitioning compared to literature data. These findings along with textural observations and major element composition obtained from microprobe analysis suggest reaction of the peridotites with a mafic silicate melt before serpentinization. Serpentine minerals are enriched in B (most values between 10 and 100 µg/g), depleted in Li (most values below 1 µg/g) compared to the primary phases, with considerable variation within and between samples. Be is at the detection limit. Analysis of whole rock samples by prompt gamma activation shows that serpentinization tends to increase B (10.4-65.0 µg/g), H2O and Cl contents and to lower Li contents (0.07-3.37 µg/g) of peridotites, implying that-contrary to alteration of oceanic crust-B is fractionated from Li and that the B and Li inventory should depend essentially on rock-water ratios. Based on our results and on literature data, we calculate the inventory of B and Li contained in the oceanic lithosphere, and its partitioning between crust and mantle as a function of plate characteristics. We model four cases, an ODP Leg 209-type lithosphere with almost no igneous crust, and a Semail-type lithosphere with a thick igneous crust, both at 1 and 75 Ma, respectively. The results show that the Li contents of the oceanic lithosphere are highly variable (17-307 kg in a column of 1 m * 1 m * thickness of the lithosphere (kg/col)). They are controlled by the primary mantle phases and by altered crust, whereas the B contents (25-904 kg/col) depend entirely on serpentinization. In all cases, large quantities of B reside in the uppermost part of the plate and could hence be easily liberated during slab dehydration. The most prominent input of Li into subduction zones is to be expected from Semail-type lithosphere because most of the Li is stored at shallow levels in the plate. Subducting an ODP Leg 209-type lithosphere would mean only very little Li contribution from the slab. Serpentinized mantle thus plays an important role in B recycling in subduction zones, but it is of lesser importance for Li.