357 resultados para Nematoda.
The present study describes quantitatively the macrozoobenthic community structure in intertidal of the Island Algodoal-Maiandeua in the Northern Brazilian state of Pará, which is part of a protected area since 1990. Samples of the epi-and endomacrobenthos of the unconsolidated substrate were collected in October 2012, using a PVC cylindrical corer with a surface area of 60 square centimeter at a depth of 30 cm, along three transects located perpendicular to the coastline, separated by intervals of 50 m. Collected material was sieved on a 1 mm mesh, specimens were fixed in 4% formaldehyde buffered with borax. In Tropical Benthic Ecology laboratory macroinvertebrates were washed with 70% alcohol and afterwards identified with a stereomicroscope and specific literature.
Zooplankton samples were taken in five depth strata using a Multinet type Midi, with 50 µm nets. The samples were taken during the second leg only, three times at station 1, two times at station 2 and once at station 3. Zooplankton were identified to species / genus and life-stage, and at least 300 individuals were counted per sample. 10 individuals of each stage / species were measured and the numbers of eggs counted.