187 resultados para Kaljonen, JP


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Corg and Norg contents in the acid insoluble mineral fraction were studied in sediments of Site 593. Both decrease systematically from Recent to early Miocene over 425 m of carbonate facies. C/N ratios (7-11) are typically marine and indicate that residual organic matter, bound to clay minerals, was originally scavenged from the marine habitat rather than being of terrigenous origin. Variations of Corg and Norg are almost entirely controlled by rates of sedimentation, which gradually increase from Recent to early Miocene. Preliminary results of carbohydrate distribution indicate that epigenetic and diagenetic processes alter both the concentrations and the ratios of individual monomers with depth. Total carbohydrate concentrations in the samples diminish from 91 µg/g sediment at 18 m sub-bottom depth to 49 µg/g at 335 m. In contrast, sugars in the acid insoluble residue increase with depth, suggesting release of structural polysaccharides and their subsequent association with clay minerals. Ratios of arabinose to fucose, which are about 6:1 in Recent carbonaceous sediments intercepted by sediment traps, vary from 1:1 in the youngest sample to 1:2.5 in the oldest.


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Radiolarians are very rare in all Leg 90 sites. They are relatively more frequent only in Neogene sediments from Sites 586 and 594, and in Eocene sediments at Site 592. In this chapter radiolarian abundances are recorded as comparative percentages for 92 Neogene morphotypes at Site 586B. Relative abundances only are estimated at Sites 592 and 594, where preservation is poor to moderate. A tentative correlation of radiolarian events at Hole 586B and Site 594 shows that only a few species can be found in both tropical and subantarctic areas. New evolutionary lineages are proposed. 1. Middle Miocene eucyrtids like Eucyrtidium teuscheri group evolved into a widespread species (E. teuscheri teuscheri) ranging from middle Miocene to Holocene and a temperate species (E. teuscheri orthoporus) ranging from middle Miocene to early Pleistocene. 2. Phormostichoartus pitomorphus appears to be a temperate descendant of the cosmopolitan P. fistula and disappears in early Pleistocene time. 3. The discovery of Lamprocyrtis daniellae n.sp. calls into question the lineage L. heteroporos -> L. nigriniae. 4. The evolution of Lamprocyclas maritalis from an ancestor group (L. aff. maritalis) is located in the early part of the Pterocanium prismatium Zone.


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A moderate-resolution isotope stratigraphy (with an average of one sample per 17,500 yr.) derived from the benthic foraminifer Uvigerina (or Cibicides), the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, and calcareous nannofossil concentrates is presented for the entire Quaternary (and latest Pliocene) section of mid-upper bathyal calcareous oozes from DSDP Site 593, western Challenger Plateau, south Tasman Sea. Superimposed on a trend of gradually increasing average delta18O values through the Pleistocene, reflecting the progressive buildup of polar ice sheets, is a record of highfrequency but generally low amplitude (0.5-1?) isotope fluctuations in the early Quaternary (1.9-1.0 m.y.), followed by a greatly increased intensity (1.5-2.0 ?) of glacial-interglacial fluctuations during the late Quaternary (< 1.0 m.y.). The standard late Quaternary isotope stages 1 to 24 are mainly resolvable. Significant excursions in both delta18O and delta13C values at various times during the Quaternary are suggested to be due to periodic, fundamental changes in ocean circulation properties over the plateau. For example, intensified upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Waters during several glacial periods is indicated by the convergence of benthic and planktonic foraminiferal delta18O data, and productivity variations may account for certain delta13C spikes in the record. With increasingly higher resolution analysis this core will provide a useful Quaternary isotope reference section for southern temperate waters in the southwest Pacific, centered on New Zealand.


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Well preserved middle Miocene to Recent radiolarians were recovered from several sites in the Weddell Sea by ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 113. Low rates of sedimentation, hiatuses, and poor core recovery in some sites are offset by the nearly complete recovery of a late middle Miocene to late Pliocene section at Site 689 on the Maud Rise. Although a hiatus within the latest Miocene exists, this site still provides an excellent reference section for Antarctic biostratigraphy. A detailed radiolarian stratigraphy for the middle Miocene to late Pliocene of Site 689 is given, together with supplemental stratigraphic data from ODP Leg 113 Sites 690, 693, 695, 696, and 697. A refined Antarctic zonation for the middle Miocene to Recent is presented, based on the previous zonations of Hays (1965), Chen (1975), Weaver (1976b), and Keany (1979). The late Miocene radiolarian Acrosphaera australis n. sp. is described and used to define the A. australis zone, ranging from the first appearance of the nominate species to the last appearance of Cycladophora spongothorax (Chen) Lombari and Lazarus 1988. The species Botryopera deflandrei Petrushevskaya 1975 is transferred to Antarctissa deflandrei (Petrushevskaya) n. comb.


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Benthic oxygen and carbon isotopic results from a depth transect on Maud Rise, Antarctica, provide the first evidence for Warm Saline Deep Water (WSDW) in the Paleogene oceans. Distinct reversals occur in the oxygen isotopic gradient between the shallower Hole 689B (Eocene depth ~1400 m; present-day depth 2080 m) and the deeper Hole 690B (Eocene depth ~2250 m; present-day depth 2914 m). The isotopic reversals, well developed by at least 46 Ma (middle middle Eocene), existed for much of the remaining Paleogene. We do not consider these reversals to be artifacts of differential diagenesis between the two sites or to have resulted from other potentially complicating factors. This being so, the results show that deep waters at Hole 690B were significantly warmer than deep waters at the shallower Hole 689B. A progressive decrease and eventual reversal in benthic to planktonic delta18O gradients in Hole 690B, demonstrate that the deeper waters became warmer relative to Antarctic surface waters during the Eocene. The warmer deep waters of the Paleogene are inferred to have been produced at middle to low latitudes, probably in the Tethyan region which contained extensive shallow-water platforms, ideal sites for the formation of high salinity water through evaporative processes. The ocean during the Eocene, and perhaps the Paleocene, is inferred to have been two-layered, consisting of warm, saline deep waters formed at low latitudes and overlain by cooler waters formed at high latitudes. This thermospheric ocean, dominated by halothermal circulation we name Proteus. The Neogene and modern psychrospheric ocean Oceanus is dominated by thermohaline circulation of deep waters largely formed at high latitudes. An intermediate condition existed during the Oligocene, with a three-layered ocean that consisted of cold, dense deep waters formed in the Antarctic (Proto-AABW), overlain by warm, saline deep waters from low latitudes, and in turn overlain by cool waters formed in the polar regions. This we name Proto-oceanus which combined both halothermal and thermohaline processes. The sequence of high latitude, major, climatic change inferred from the oxygen isotopic records is as follows: generally cooler earlier Paleocene; warming during the late Paleocene; climax of Cenozoic warmth during the early Eocene and continuing into the early middle Eocene; cooling mainly in a series of steps during the remainder of the Paleogene. Superimposed upon this Paleogene pattern, the Paleocene/Eocene boundary is marked by a brief but distinct warming that involved deep to surface waters and a reduction in surface to deep carbon and oxygen isotopic gradients. This event coincided with major extinctions among the deep-sea benthic foraminifers as shown by Thomas (1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.123.1990). Salinity has played a major role in deep ocean circulation, and thus paleotemperatures cannot be inferred directly from the oxygen isotopic composition of Paleogene benthic foraminifers without first accounting for the salinity effect.


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The late Quaternary sequence off eastern South Island, New Zealand, consists of ~100 m of alternating bluish gray pelagic oozes and greenish gray hemipelagic oozes that extend uninterruptedly back to the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary (0.73 m.y.). A very high resolution (~2400 yr.) record of sediment texture, calcium carbonate content, and planktonic and benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope composition demonstrates an in-phase cyclical fluctuation between the sedimentary parameters that closely correspond to the pelagic-hemipelagic sedimentation cycles and the isotope composition. Pelagic oozes, formed during interglacial periods of high eustatic sea level, are characterized by calcareous microfossils, relative enrichment in sand and clay sizes, high carbonate contents, reduced delta18O values, and increased delta13C values. Hemipelagic oozes, associated with glacial episodes and lowered eustatic sea level, include common terrigenous material and siliceous microfossils, are enriched in silt sizes, have low carbonate contents, high delta18O values, and low delta13C values. The history of alpine glaciations and associated erosion of the South Island of New Zealand, as expressed by the appearance of hemipelagic oozes, can be correlated directly with the major fluctuations of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets as expressed by the influence of eustatic sea-level changes on the oxygen isotope composition of both planktonic and benthic foraminifers. This high-accumulation-rate record contains conspicuous intervals of highfrequency, high-amplitude isotope variability including the presence of multiple glacial/interglacial intervals within single isotope stages, and offers one of the best sections cored to date for detailed study of the evolution and history of climate change over the last 0.75 m.y.


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The positions of all cores recovered during Leg 90 in the southwest Pacific are shown within the standard calcareous nannoplankton zonation. The stratigraphic and regional occurrences and preservation of Paleogene calcareous nannoplankton found at Sites 588, 592, and 593 are discussed, and fossil lists are given for selected samples. Data on the Eocene/Oligocene boundary found in Holes 592 and 593 and on the Oligocene/Miocene boundary in Hole 588C are presented. Regional unconformities are noted in Hole 588C, where the upper Eocene to middle Oligocene interval (Zones NP17 to NP23) is missing, and in Hole 592, in which the middle Oligocene to lowest Miocene interval (Zones NP23 to NN1) is not represented.