202 resultados para Intertidal Molluscs


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This paper constitutes a first detailed and systematic facies and biota description of an isolated carbonate knoll (Pee Shoal) in the Timor Sea (Sahul Shelf, NW Australia). The steep and flat-topped knoll is characterized by a distinct facies zonation comprising (A) soft sediments with scattered debris and scarce sponges, hydrozoans and crinoids (320-210 m water depth), (B) hardground outcrops (step-like banks, vertical cliffs) that are mainly colonized by octocorals and sponges (210-75 m), and (C) the summit region (75-21 m) where the slopes merge gently into the flat-topped summit that is densely colonized by massive and encrusting zooxanthellate corals and the octocoral Heliopora coerulea. In contrast, the sediments recovered from the summit are dominated by the green alga Halimeda, subordinate components are corals, benthic foraminifers, mollusks, and coralline red algae. Thus, the sediments are classified as chlorozoan grain assemblage. However, non-skeletal grains (fecal pellets, ooids) are almost completely absent. This discrepancy between the living biota and the sediment composition could reflect a disruption by the severe tropical cyclone Ingrid that hit the northern Australian shelf in March 2005, just before the sampling for this study took place (September 2005).


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The genus Calyptogena (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae) comprises highly specialized bivalves living in symbiosis with sulphur-oxidizing bacteria in reducing habitats. In this study, the genus is revised using shell and anatomical features. The work is based on type material, as well as on the extensive collection of vesicomyids obtained during twelve expeditions to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Nine Recent species are ascribed to the genus Calyptogena, four of which are new: C. pacifica Dall, 1891, C. fausta Okutani, Fujikura & Hashimoto, 1993, C. rectimargo Scarlato, 1981, C. valdiviae (Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931), C. gallardoi Sellanes & Krylova, 2005, C. goffrediae n. sp., C. starobogatovi n. sp., C. makranensis n. sp. and C. costaricana n. sp. The characteristic features of Calyptogena are: shell up to 90 mm in length, elongate-elliptical or elongate; presence of escutcheon; presence of broad posterior ramus (3b) of right subumbonal cardinal tooth as well as right posterior nymphal ridge; absence of pallial sinus as a result of attachment of intersiphonal septal retractor immediately adjacent to ventral surface of posterior adductor; absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon; presence of inner demibranch only, with descending and ascending lamellae with interlamellar septa not divided into separate tubes. The most closely related taxa to Calyptogena are probably the genus Isorropodon Sturany, 1896, and the group of species represented by 'Calyptogena' phaseoliformis Métivier, Okutani & Ohta, 1986. These groups have several characters in common, namely absence of pallial sinus, presence of single inner pair of demibranchs and absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon. The worldwide distribution of the genus Calyptogena suggests that methane seeps at continental margins are the major dispersal routes and that speciation was promoted by geographical isolation. Recent species diversity and fossil records indicate that the genus originated in the Pacific Ocean. Sufficient data to discuss the distribution at species level exist only for C. pacifica, which has a remarkably narrow bathymetric range. Published studies on the physiology of C. pacifica suggest that adaptation to a specific geochemical environment has led to coexisting vesicomyid genera. The bacteria-containing gill of C. pacifica and other Calyptogena species is one of the most specialized in the family Vesicomyidae and may reflect these ecological adaptations.


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Owing to anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could almost double between 2006 and 2100 according to business-as-usual carbon dioxide emission scenarios. Because the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will lead to increasing dissolved inorganic carbon and carbon dioxide in surface ocean waters, and hence acidification and lower carbonate saturation states. As a consequence, it has been suggested that marine calcifying organisms, for example corals, coralline algae, molluscs and foraminifera, will have difficulties producing their skeletons and shells at current rates, with potentially severe implications for marine ecosystems, including coral reefs. Here we report a seven-week experiment exploring the effects of ocean acidification on crustose coralline algae, a cosmopolitan group of calcifying algae that is ecologically important in most shallowwater habitats. Six outdoor mesocosms were continuously supplied with sea water from the adjacent reef and manipulated to simulate conditions of either ambient or elevated seawater carbon dioxide concentrations. The recruitment rate and growth of crustose coralline algae were severely inhibited in the elevated carbon dioxide mesocosms. Our findings suggest that ocean acidification due to human activities could cause significant change to benthic community structure in shallow-warm-water carbonate ecosystems.


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The intertidal and subtidal soft bottom macro- and meiofauna of a glacier fjord on Spitsbergen was studied after complete ice melt in June 2003. The abundances of the benthic fauna were within the range reported from estuaries and similar intertidal areas of boreal regions. The high proportion of juveniles in the eulittoral zone indicated larval recruitment from subtidal areas. The macrobenthic fauna can be divided into an intertidal and a subtidal community, both being numerically dominated by annelids. Deposit feeders were numerically predominant in intertidal sites, whereas suspension feeders were most abundant in the subtidal area. Among the meiofauna, only the benthic copepods were identified to species, revealing ecological adaptations typical for intertidal species elsewhere.


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The increase in atmospheric CO2 due to anthropogenic activity results in an acidification of the surface waters of the oceans. Its impact will depend on the considered organisms and ecosystems. The intertidal may harbor organisms pre-adapted to the upcoming changes as they face tidal pH and temperature fluctuations. However, these environments will be more affected as shallow waters will face the highest decrease in seawater pH. In this context, the effects of reduced environmental pH on the physiology and tube feet mechanical properties of the intertidal starfish Asterias rubens, a top predator, were investigated during 15 and 27 days. A. rubens showed a respiratory acidosis with its coelomic fluid pH always lower than that of seawater. This acidosis was most pronounced at pH 7.4. Notwithstanding, the starfish showed no significant variations in RNA/DNA ratio of different tissues and in tube feet strength. However, respiration rates were significantly lower for individuals maintained at reduced seawater pH. Within the ocean acidification context, the present results suggest that A. rubens withstands the effects of reduced seawater pH, at least for medium term exposures.


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We demonstrate that acidified seawater can have indirect biological effects by disrupting the capability of organisms to express induced defences, hence, increasing their vulnerability to predation. The intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea produced thicker shells in the presence of predation (crab) cues but this response was disrupted at low seawater pH. This response was accompanied by a marked depression in metabolic rate (hypometabolism) under the joint stress of high predation risk and reduced pH. However, snails in this treatment apparently compensated for a lack of morphological defence, by increasing their avoidance behaviour, which, in turn, could affect their interactions with other organisms. Together, these findings suggest that biological effects from ocean acidification may be complex and extend beyond simple direct effects.


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Our understanding of the effects of ocean acidification on whole organism function is growing, but most current information is for adult stages of development. Here, we show the effects of reduced pH seawater (pH 7.6) on aspects of the development, physiology and behaviour of encapsulated embryos of the marine intertidal gastropod Littorina obtusata. We found reduced viability and increased development times under reduced pH conditions, and the embryos had significantly altered behaviours and physiologies. In acidified seawater, embryos spent more time stationary, had slower rotation rates, spent less time crawling, but increased their movement periodicity compared with those maintained under control conditions. Larval and adult heart rates were significantly lower in acidified seawater, and hatchling snails had an altered shell morphology (lateral length and spiral shell length) compared to control snails. Our findings show that ocean acidification may have multiple, subtle effects during the early development of marine animals that may have implications for their survival beyond those predicted using later life stages.


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Coralline algae are major calcifiers of significant ecological importance in marine habitats but are among the most sensitive calcifying organisms to ocean acidification. The elevated pCO2 effects were examined in three coralline algal species living in contrasting habitats from intertidal to subtidal zones on the north-western coast of Brittany, France: (i) Corallina elongata, a branched alga found in tidal rock pools, (ii) Lithophyllum incrustans, a crustose coralline alga from the low intertidal zone, and (iii) Lithothamnion corallioides (maerl), a free-living form inhabiting the subtidal zone. Metabolic rates were assessed on specimens grown for one month at varying pCO2: 380 (current pCO2), 550, 750 and 1000 µatm (elevated pCO2). There was no pCO2 effect on gross production in C. elongata and L. incrustans but L. incrustans respiration strongly increased with elevated pCO2. L. corallioides gross production slightly increased at 1000 µatm, while respiration remained unaffected. Calcification rates decreased with pCO2 in L. incrustans (both in the light and dark) and L. corallioides (only in the light), while C. elongata calcification was unaffected. This was consistent with the lower skeletal mMg/Ca ratio of C. elongata (0.17) relative to the two other species (0.20). L. incrustans had a higher occurrence of bleaching that increased with increasing pCO2. pCO2 could indirectly impact this coralline species physiology making them more sensitive to other stresses such as diseases or pathogens. These results underlined that the physiological response of coralline algae to near-future ocean acidification is species-specific and that species experiencing naturally strong pH variations were not necessarily more resistant to elevated pCO2 than species from more stable environment.


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Future atmospheric CO2 levels will most likely have complex consequences for marine organisms, particulary photosynthetic calcifying organisms. Corallina officinalis L. is an erect calcifying macroalga found in the inter- and subtidal regions of temperate rocky coastlines and provides important substrate and refugia for marine meiofauna. The main goal of the current study was to determine the physiological responses of C. officinalis to increased CO2 concentrations expected to occur within the next century and beyond. Our results show that growth and production of inorganic material decreased under high CO2 levels, while carbonic anhydrase activity was stimulated and negatively correlated to algal inorganic content. Photosynthetic efficiency based on oxygen evolution was also negatively affected by increased CO2. The results of this study indicate that C. officinalis may become less competitive under future CO2 levels, which could result in structural changes in future temperate intertidal communities.