529 resultados para Hoplias aff. malabaricus


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Die in den Ablagerungen des marinen Elster-Saale-Interglazials (= Holstein-See = Stör-Meer) gefundenen und als autochthon betrachteten Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden kommen alle noch rezent vor. In vielen Proben wurden daneben aus dem Tertiär und der Oberkreide aufgearbeitete Foraminiferen gefunden. In den Proben aus Muldsberg, Albersdorf und Esbjerg konnte eine gleichgerichtete Faunen-veränderung vom Liegenden zum Hangenden beobachtet werden. Die Formen der jeweils unteren Proben gehören subarktischen bis hochborealen Temperaturen, etwa vollmarinem Milieu und mindestens 30 m Wassertiefe an. Ins Hangende hinein wurde nach Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden das Meer flacher, wärmer und brackischer, bis es schließlich in den obersten Proben wattähnliche Verhältnisse mit wahrscheinlich etwas geringerer Temperatur als am heutigen südlichen Nordseerand erreichte. Diese Beobachtung stimmt überein mit den von GRAHLE (1936) an Mollusken gewonnenen Erkenntnissen und den Schlüssen, die andere Bearbeiter aus einzelnen Mikrofaunen zogen. Es wurde versucht, die Faunen der restlichen Aufschlüsse in das oben erwähnte Schema einzuordnen. Dies gelang nur in zwei Fällen nicht. In Oldenhütten ist das Versagen wahrscheinlich auf unentwirrte Lagerungsstörungen zurückzuführen, in der Austernbank Tarbek liegen abweichende fazielle Verhältnisse vor. Die restlichen Aufschlüsse zeigen, daß aus den vom Eis gestörten Sedimenten doch oft ein sinnvolles Bild rekonstruiert werden kann. Die im kälteren Teil der Holstein-See auftretende Foraminifere Elphidium subarcticum CUSHMAN scheint in den Absätzen des schleswig-holsteinischen Eem-Meeres zu fehlen.


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In the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene a group of 95 species of elongate, cylindrical, deep-sea (lower bathyal-abyssal) benthic foraminifera became extinct. This Extinction Group (Ext. Gp), belonging to three families (all the Stilostomellidae and Pleurostomellidae, some of the Nodosariidae), was a major component (20-70%) of deep-sea foraminiferal assemblages in the middle Cenozoic and subsequently declined in abundance and species richness before finally disappearing almost completely during the mid-Pleistocene Climatic Transition (MPT). So what caused these declines and extinction? In this study 127 Ext. Gp species are identified from eight Cenozoic bathyal and abyssal sequences in the North Atlantic and equatorial Pacific Oceans. Most species are long-ranging with 80% originating in the Eocene or earlier. The greatest abundance and diversity of the Ext. Gp was in the warm oceanic conditions of the middle Eocene-early Oligocene. The group was subjected to significant changes in the composition of the faunal dominants and slightly enhanced species turnover during and soon after the rapid Eocene-Oligocene cooling event. Declines in the relative abundance and flux of the Ext. Gp, together with enhanced species loss, occurred during middle-late Miocene cooling, particularly at abyssal sites. The overall number of Ext. Gp species present began declining earlier at mid abyssal depths (in middle Miocene) than at upper abyssal (in late Pliocene-early Pleistocene) and then lower bathyal depths (in MPT). By far the most significant Ext. Gp declines in abundance and species loss occurred during the more severe glacial stages of the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene. Clearly, the decline and extinction of this group of deep-sea foraminifera was related to the function of their specialized apertures and the stepwise cooling of global climate and deep water. We infer that the apertural modifications may be related to the method of food collection or processing, and that the extinctions may have resulted from the decline or loss of their specific phytoplankton or prokaryote food source, that was more directly impacted than the foraminifera by the cooling temperatures.


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Planktic foraminifera across the Paleocene-Eocene transition at DSDP Site 401 indicate that the benthic foraminiferal mass extinction occurred within Subzone P 6a of Berggren and Miller (1988), or PS of Berggren et al. (1995) and coincident with a sudden 2.0? excursion in 6r3C values. The benthic foraminiferal extinction event (BFEE) and Sr3C excursion was accompanied by a planktic foraminiferal turnover marked by an influx of warm water species (Morozovella and Acarinina), a decrease in cooler water species (Subbotina), a sudden short-term increase in low oxygen tolerant taxa (Chiloguembelina), and no significant species extinctions. These faunal changes suggest climatic warming, expansion of the oxygen minimum zone, and a well stratified ocean water column. Oxygen isotope data of the surface dweller M. subbotina suggest climate warming beginning with a gradual 0.5? decrease in delta180 in the 175 cm preceding the benthic foraminiferal extinction event followed by a sudden decrease of 1? (4°C) at the BFEE. The delta13C excursion occurred over 27 cm of sediment and, assuming constant sediment accumulation rates, represents a maximum of 23 ka. Recovery to pre-excursion delta13C values occurs within 172 cm, or about 144 ka. Climate cooling begins in Subzone P 6c as indicated by an increase in cooler water subbotinids and acarininids with rounded chambers and a decrease in warm water morozovellids.


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In the course of the ANDEEP-SYSTCO project, during the ANT XXIV-2 expedition in austral summer 2007/2008, the diversity and composition of the Polychaeta of the Antarctic deep-sea and adjacent South Atlantic basins were analyzed. A total of 847 individuals of 31 families were found belonging to 86 different species. Calculation of diversity (Shannon-Wiener Index, Pielou's Evenness) and the general species composition of Polychaeta showed patterns typical for the deep sea, with high species richness and low abundances. Lowest diversity was found in the Agulhas Basin in over 4000 m water depth. Lowest Evenness was found on top of Maud Rise where one-third of all Polychaeta belonged to one species. Cluster analyses resulted in higher affinities of Maud Rise to the Agulhas Basin than to the Antarctic continental slope. Explanations are sought in similarities of environmental factors (e.g., sediment, food input).


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Twenty percent (19 genera, 95 species) of cosmopolitan, deep-sea (500-4000 m), benthic foraminiferal species became extinct during the late Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene (3-0.12 Ma), with the peak of extinctions (76 species) occurring during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT, 1.2-0.55 Ma). One whole family (Stilostomellidae, 30 species) was wiped out, and a second (Pleurostomellidae, 29 species) was decimated with just one species possibly surviving through to the present. Our studies at 21 deep-sea core sites show widespread pulsed declines in abundance and diversity of the extinction group species during more extreme glacials, with partial interglacial recoveries. These declines started in the late Pliocene in southern sourced deep water masses (Antarctic Bottom Water, Circumpolar Deep Water) and extending into intermediate waters (Antarctic Intermediate Water, North Atlantic Deep Water) in the MPT, with the youngest declines in sites farthest downstream from high-latitude source areas for intermediate waters. We infer that the unusual apertural types that were targeted by this extinction period were adaptations for a specific kind of food source and that it was probably the demise of this microbial food that resulted in the foraminiferal extinctions. We hypothesize that it may have been increased cold and oxygenation of the southern sourced deep water masses that impacted on this deep water microbial food source during major late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene glacials when Antarctic ice was substantially expanded. The food source in intermediate water was not impacted until major glacials in the MPT when there were significant expansion of polar sea ice in both hemispheres and major changes in the source areas, temperature, and oxygenation of global intermediate waters.


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Three Pleistocene, five Pliocene, and thirteen late and middle Miocene calcareous nannofossil datums have been identified in the Leg 170 cored sequences collected from a transect across the Middle America Trench off the Nicoya Peninsula. Although some nannofossil zones could not be delineated, particularly in the Pliocene and upper Miocene, there appears to be a complete or very nearly complete Pleistocene through lower Miocene section at Sites 1039 and 1040. The oldest assemblages, observed at Site 1039 and 1040, are latest early Miocene in age (nannofossil Zone NN4). These assemblages are associated with gabbro intrusions into the basal sediments (one contact metamorphic hornfels sample contains relict nannofossils), indicating an age for the intrusion event of between 15.6 and 18.2 Ma at both Sites 1039 and 1040. Reference Site 1039, located on the Cocos plate, provides the best-preserved sequence of sediments of late Pleistocene to latest early Miocene age. The sediments cored in the prism sections at Sites 1040, 1041, 1042, and 1043 all indicate that the age of nannofossil assemblages in the prism sediments, including the toe, wedge, and apron, are all Pleistocene with a considerable amount of upper Miocene reworking. A period of low sediment accumulation rates (~5.3 m/m.y.) is recorded for Pliocene and upper Miocene sediments at Sites 1039, 1040, and 1043. Pliocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages characteristic of the ~2.5- to 3.75-m.y. time interval (nannofossil Zones NN16 and equivalent nannofossil Subzones CN12b and CN12a) were not resolved at any site. Nannofossil Zones NN15, NN14, NN13, and NN12 (early late Pliocene to early Pliocene) could not be resolved at any site either because of the absence of marker species. Within the Miocene at Sites 1039 and 1040, nannofossil Zones NN10-NN6 were difficult to differentiate because of the absence of several species that define the zonal boundaries. These intervals, where the nannofossil zones have not been resolved or are partially resolved, are primarily composed of carbonate ooze deposited during an ~8.5-m.y. (2.5-11 Ma) low sediment accumulation rate time interval. The absence of many of the marker species is attributed to warmer water conditions during those periods. Many of the same marker species are absent in the sediments recovered from nearby Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 155 in the Panama Basin.


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The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO; ~ 40 million years ago [Ma]) is one of the most prominent transient global warming events in the Paleogene. Although the event is well documented in geochemical and isotopic proxy records at many locations, the marine biotic response to the MECO remains poorly constrained. We present new high-resolution, quantitative records of siliceous microplankton assemblages from the MECO interval of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1051 in the subtropical western North Atlantic Ocean, which are interpreted in the context of published foraminiferal and bulk carbonate stable isotope (d18O and d13C) records. High diatom, radiolarian and silicoflagellate accumulation rates between 40.5 and 40.0 Ma are interpreted to reflect an ~ 500 thousand year (kyr) interval of increased nutrient supply and resultant surface-water eutrophication that was associated with elevated sea-surface temperatures during the prolonged onset of the MECO. Relatively low pelagic siliceous phytoplankton sedimentation accompanied the peak MECO warming interval and the termination of the MECO during an ~ 70 kyr interval centered at ~ 40.0 Ma. Following the termination of the MECO, an ~ 200-kyr episode of increased siliceous plankton abundance indicates enhanced nutrient levels between ~ 39.9 and 39.7 Ma. Throughout the Site 1051 record, abundance and accumulation rate fluctuations in neritic diatom taxa are similar to the trends observed in pelagic taxa, implying either similar controls on diatom production in the neritic and pelagic zones of the western North Atlantic or fluctuations in sea level and/or shelf accommodation on the North American continental margin to the west of Site 1051. These results, combined with published records based on multiple proxies, indicate a geographically diverse pattern of surface ocean primary production changes across the MECO. Notably, however, increased biosiliceous accumulation is recorded at both ODP Sites 1051 and 748 (Southern Ocean) in response to MECO warming. This may suggest that increased biosiliceous sediment accumulation, if indeed a widespread phenomenon, resulted from higher continental silicate weathering rates and an increase in silicic acid supply to the oceans over several 100 kyr during the MECO.


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Sixty-five species of benthic ostracodes have been discovered in the Triassic sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122, drilled on the northwestern margin of Australia. Known species were found in the samples studied from the upper Norian-Rhaetian at Holes 759B and 760B and from the Rhaetian at Holes 761C, 764A, and 764B. A large part of material of the recovered ostracodes belong to taxa that are related to ostracodes described in the Tethyan province. Seven species are known from northwestern Europe and five from Iran. Ogmoconcha and Rhombocythere, which are stratigraphically important genera in northern Europe, extend into the Tethyan province. Species of Ogmoconcha are present in Holes 760B, 764A, and 764B. The highly ornate baidiids of the Alpine Tethyan province are dominant in Hole 761C. The affinities with the fauna of Iran noted by Kristan-Tollmann are corroborated by the presence of the genera Mostlerella, Hiatobairdia, and other bairdiids.


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Macrofaunal assemblages with prevalence of Bresiliidae shrimps and Mytilidae mussels are abundant in at hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mussels inhabit zones of diffuse seeps of hydrothermal fluids with temperature abnormalities up to several degrees. Shrimps inhabit an extreme biotope in a mixed interface between seawater and hydrothermal fluids at temperature up to 20-30°C. We studied the mussel and shrimp assemblages in three hydrothermal vent fields: Rainbow, Broken Spur, and Snake Pit. Species richness of the mussel assemblages within at least two fields (Broken Spur and Snake Pit) is higher as compared with shrimps from the same hydrothermal vent fields. Fauna inhibiting shrimp swarms lack almost any taxa specific for particular assemblages: almost all the taxa are also present in the mussel beds. Structure of the shrimp assemblage is less homogeneous as compared with that of the mussel assemblage. Population prevalence of one taxon (Copepoda) in the shrimp assemblage is most likely connected with extreme and unstable conditions of the biotope occupied by the shrimps in a hydrothermal field. Taxonomic similarity between the mussel and shrimp assemblages within one hydrothermal vent field is higher as compared with similarity between the mussel (or shrimp) assemblages from different fields.