365 resultados para Flyvbjerg, Bent


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Oxygen isotope data for upper Turonian planktonic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 511 (Falkland Plateau, 60°S paleolatitude) exhibit an ~2 per mil excursion to values as low as -4.66 per mil (Vienna Peedee belemnite standard; PDB) coincident with the warmest tropical temperature estimates yet obtained for the open ocean. The lowest planktonic foraminifer d18O values suggest that the upper ocean was as warm as 30-32°C. This is an extraordinary temperature for 60°S latitude but is consistent with temperatures estimated from apparently coeval mollusc d18O from nearby James Ross Island (65°S paleolatitude). Glassy textural preservation, a well-defined depth distribution in Site 511 planktonics, low sediment burial temperature (~32°C), and lack of evidence of highly depleted pore waters argue against diagenesis (even solid state diffusion) as the cause of the very depleted planktonic values. The lack of change in benthic foraminifer d18O suggests brackish water capping as the mechanism for the low planktonic d18O values. However, mixing ratio calculations show that the amount of freshwater required to produce a 2 per mil shift in ambient water would drive a 7 psu decrease in salinity. The abundance and diversity of planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils, high planktonic:benthic ratios, and the appearance of keeled foraminifera argue against lower-than-normal marine salinities. Isotope calculations and climate models indicate that we cannot call upon more depleted freshwater d18O to explain this record. Without more late Turonian data, especially from outside the South Atlantic basin, we can currently only speculate on possible causes of this paradoxical record from the core of the Cretaceous greenhouse.


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Two foraminiferal assemblages are observed in surface sediments of the Elbe estuarv. an Elphidium excavatum assemblaae and an Ahmonia/Protelphidium assemblage. They are the result of test-size sorting in accordance to the grain size of the sediments. These assemblages of mainly empty tests differ basically from the living population, which is dominated exclusively by E. excavatum. The average test size is decreasing when advancing from the Open sea into the estuary and the living fauna disappears near the entrance of the Kiel Canal. In the dead assemblage the diversity is distinctively higher and the average test size varies with the grain size of the sediment. The assemblages found in plankton tows are nearly identical with those in corresponding bottom samples. This indicates the distribution pattern to be caused by transport in currents (mainly in suspension). This type of foraminiferal assemblages characterize macro- and mesotidal estuaries and might indicate a high tidal range when observed in sediments of fossil estuaries.


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Indicators of surface-water productivity and bottom-water oxygenation have been studied for the age interval from the latest Pleistocene to the Holocene at three holes (679D, 680B, and 68IB) located in the center and at the edges of an upwelling cell at approximately 11°S on the Peruvian continental margin. Upwelling activity was maximal at this latitude during d18O Stages 1 (lower part), 3, the upper part of 5, the lower part of 6, and 7, as documented by high diatom abundance. During these time intervals, the bottom water was poorly oxygenated, as documented by low diversity benthic foraminiferal assemblages that are dominated by B. seminuda s.l. Both surface- and bottom-water-circulation patterns appear to have changed rapidly over short time intervals. Due to changes in surface circulation, the intensity of upwelling decreased, thereby decreasing the concentration of nutrients, and reducing the supply of organic matter to the bottom. Radiolarians became more abundant in the surface waters, and the bottom-water environment was less depleted in oxygen, allowing for the establishment of more diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Surface-water productivity was probably minimal during the early part of d18O Stages 5 and 9, as indicated by the increased abundance of planktonic foraminifers and pteropods and their subsequent preservation.


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On the Cape Verde Plateau, Neogene deposits are composed of major pelagic and hemipelagic sediments. These sediments show climatic sequences composed of two lithologic terms that differ in their siliciclastic and carbonate contents. Several turbiditic and contouritic sequences are interbedded in these deposits. Turbidite sequences are fine grained and thin bedded with a very low frequency (about 12 sequences during the Neogene). They are composed of quartz-rich siliciclastic or volcaniclastic sediments. Quartz-rich turbidites originated from the Senegalese margin. Their slightly higher frequency during the early Pliocene indicates that the stronger turbidity currents, and probably the most abundant continental inputs, occur at that period. Volcaniclastic turbidites are only present in the early Miocene (about 17 Ma) and the early Pleistocene (1 Ma). They have flown from adjacent Cape Verde Islands and reflect two episodes of high volcanic activity in this area. Contourite sequences, composed of biogenic sandy silts, represent less than 5% of the sediment pile and seem to have been mainly deposited during the late Pleistocene. These different sequences show clay mineral variations throughout Neogene time. Kaolinite is predominant in the Miocene and lower Pliocene deposits; this mineral decreases thereafter, with an increased trend of illite in the uppermost Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments, suggesting a change in sediment sources on the Saharan continent at about 2.6 Ma.


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During the mid-Cretaceous period, the global subsurface oceans were relatively warm, but the origins of the high temperatures are debated. One hypothesis suggests that high sea levels and the continental configuration allowed high-salinity waters in low-latitude epicontinental shelf seas to sink and form deep-water masses (Brass et al., 1982, doi:10.1038/296620a0; Arthur and Natland, 1979; Chamberlin, 1906). In another scenario, surface waters in high-latitude regions, the modern area of deep-water formation, were warmed through greenhouse forcing (Bice and Marotzke, 2001, doi:10.1029/2000JC000561), which then propagated through deep-water circulation. Here, we use oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios from benthic foraminifera to reconstruct intermediate-water conditions in the tropical proto-Atlantic Ocean from 97 to 92 Myr ago. According to our reconstruction, intermediate-water temperatures ranged between 20 and 25 °C, the warmest ever documented for depths of 500-1,000 m. Our record also reveals intervals of high-salinity conditions, which we suggest reflect an influx of saline water derived from epicontinental seas around the tropical proto-North Atlantic Ocean. Although derived from only one site, our data indicate the existence of warm, saline intermediate waters in this silled basin. This combination of warm saline intermediate waters and restricted palaeogeography probably acted as preconditioning factors for the prolonged period of anoxia and black-shale formation in the equatorial proto-North Atlantic Ocean during the Cretaceous period.


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Records of benthic foraminifera from North Atlantic DSDP Site 607 and Hole 610A indicate changes in deep water conditions through the middle to late Pliocene (3.15 to 2.85 Ma). Quantitative analyses of modem associations in the North Atlantic indicate that seven species, Fontbotia wuellerstorfi, Cibicidoides kullenbergi, Uvigerina peregrina, Nuttallides umboniferus, Melonis pompilioides, Globocassidulina subglobosa and Epistominella exigua are useful for paleoenvironmental interpretation. The western North Atlantic basin (Site 607) was occupied by North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) until c. 2.88 Ma. At that time, N. umboniferus increased, indicating an influx of Southern Ocean Water (SOW). The eastern North Atlantic basin (Hole 610A) was occupied by a relatively warm water mass, possibly Northeastern Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW), through c. 2.94 Ma when SOW more strongly influenced the site. These interpretations are consistent with benthic delta18O and delta13C records from 607 and 610A (Raymo et al., 1992). The results presented in this paper suggest that the North Atlantic was strongly influenced by northern component deep water circulation until 2.90-2.95 Ma. After that there was a transition toward a glacially driven North Atlantic circulation more strongly influenced by SOW associated with the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. The circulation change follows the last significant SST and atmospheric warming prior to c. 2.6 Ma.


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The climate during the Cenozoic era changed in several steps from ice-free poles and warm conditions to ice-covered poles and cold conditions. Since the 1950s, a body of information on ice volume and temperature changes has been built up predominantly on the basis of measurements of the oxygen isotopic composition of shells of benthic foraminifera collected from marine sediment cores. The statistical methodology of time series analysis has also evolved, allowing more information to be extracted from these records. Here we provide a comprehensive view of Cenozoic climate evolution by means of a coherent and systematic application of time series analytical tools to each record from a compilation spanning the interval from 4 to 61 Myr ago. We quantitatively describe several prominent features of the oxygen isotope record, taking into account the various sources of uncertainty (including measurement, proxy noise, and dating errors). The estimated transition times and amplitudes allow us to assess causal climatological-tectonic influences on the following known features of the Cenozoic oxygen isotopic record: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Eocene-Oligocene Transition, Oligocene-Miocene Boundary, and the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum. We further describe and causally interpret the following features: Paleocene-Eocene warming trend, the two-step, long-term Eocene cooling, and the changes within the most recent interval (Miocene-Pliocene). We review the scope and methods of constructing Cenozoic stacks of benthic oxygen isotope records and present two new latitudinal stacks, which capture besides global ice volume also bottom water temperatures at low (less than 30°) and high latitudes. This review concludes with an identification of future directions for data collection, statistical method development, and climate modeling.


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Temporal changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages were quantitatively examined (> 63 µm fraction) in four southwest Pacific deep-sea Neogene sequences in a depth transect between approximately 1300 and 3200 m to assist in evaluating paleoeeanographic history. The most conspicuous changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages occurred in association with paleoclimatic changes defined at least in part by oxygen isotopic changes. The largest, centered at ~15 Ma (early Middle Miocene), is represented by an increase in the relative frequencies of Epistominella exigua, which underwent a major upward depth migration at that time. This was contemporaneous with the well-known positive oxygen isotopic shift in the early Middle Miocene. In Sites 588 and 590, most of the increase in relative abundances of E. exigua occurred during the middle to later part of the ~80 shift, following major growth of the east Antarctic ice sheet. Later assemblage changes occurred at 8.5 and 6.5 Ma. These associations indicate that the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in this depth transect largely adjusted to changes in deep waters related to Antarctic cryospheric evolution. In general, the Neogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages in this region underwent little change during the last 23 million years. This faunal conservatism suggests that deep-sea environments underwent relatively little change in the southwest Pacific during much of the Neogene. Although paleoceanographic changes did occur, partly in response to highlatitude cryospheric evolution, these were not of sufficient magnitude to create major deep-sea faunal changes in this part of the ocean. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by individuals smaller than 150 µm. Most taxonomic turnover occurred in the larger (> 150 µm) size fractions.


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Trigger weight (TWC) and piston (PC) cores obtained from surveys of the three sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 105 were studied in detail for benthic foraminiferal assemblages, total carbonate (all sites), planktonic foraminiferal abundances (Sites 645 and 647), and stable isotopes (Sites 646 and 647). These high-resolution data provide the link between modern environmental conditions represented by the sediment in the TWC and the uppermost cores of the ODP holes. This link provides essential control data for interpretating late Pleistocene paleoceanographic records from these core holes. At Site 645 in Baffin Bay, local correlation is difficult because the area is dominated by ice-rafted deposits and by debris flows and/or turbidite sedimentation. At the two Labrador Sea sites (646 and 647), the survey cores and uppermost ODP cores can be correlated. High-resolution data from the site survey cores also provide biostratigraphic data that refine the interpretations compiled from core-catcher samples at each ODP site.


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from northeast Atlantic DSDP Sites 609, 610, and 611 have been interpreted with reference to modern assemblages known to be linked with the overlying bottom-water masses. It is shown that the water masses in the late Miocene to Pleistocene were similar to those of today. The distribution of the water masses changed with time, however. Antarctic Bottom Water ("AABW"), which at present is restricted to the area south of the Azores, reached as far north as the Gibbs Fracture Zone in the early Pliocene. Increased production of North Atlantic Deep Water in the late Pliocene displaced the AABW to the south


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An Eocene-Oligocene oxygen and carbon isotope history based on planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 cores has been constructed for the Maurice Ewing Bank of the eastern Falkland Plateau, Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, the cores cover portions of the middle Eocene, upper Eocene, and lower Oligocene. Surface water isotopic temperatures postulated for the middle Eocene at Site 512 fluctuated within about four degrees but generally averaged about 9°C. Bottom isotopic temperatures at Site 512 (water depth, 1846 m) were generally a degree lower than surface water temperatures. Surface water isotopic temperatures at Site 511 initially averaged about 11°C during the late Eocene, but dropped to an average of 7°C in the early Oligocene. Bottom isotopic temperatures at Site 511 (water depth, 2589 m) generally record temperatures between 12.5°C and 8°C, similar to the range in the surface water isotopic temperatures. During the early Oligocene, bottom isotopic temperatures dropped sharply and averaged about 2°C (very close to present-day values). Surface water temperature values also decreased to an average of about 7°C, therefore leading to a significant divergence between surface and bottom water isotopic temperatures during the early Oligocene. Comparisons among Southern Ocean DSDP Sites 511, 512, and 277, and between these and other DSDP sites from central and northern latitudes (Sites 44, 167, 171, 292, 357, 398, 119, and 401) show that much of the Eocene was characterized by relatively warm temperatures until sometime in either the middle Eocene, late Eocene, or early Oligocene. At each site, conspicuous 18O enrichments occur in both the benthic and planktonic foraminifers over a relatively short period of time. Although a general trend toward a climatic deterioration is evident, the density of data points among the various studies is still too sparse to determine either synchrony or time-transgression between the major isotopic events. A close correlation could be made between the Site 511 oxygen isotope temperature curve and paleoclimatic trends derived independently from radiolarian studies. The sharp temperature drop and the divergence between bottom and surface water temperatures during the early Oligocene apparently reflect a major expansion of the antarctic water mass. The migration of the boundary between the subantarctic and antarctic water masses over the site at this time would account in part for the sharp temperature changes. Sharp changes of this nature would not necessarily be noted in other geographic areas, particularly those to the north which have different oceanographic regimes.


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The lower slope and toe-of-slope sediments of the western flank of the Great Bahama Bank (Sites 1003 and 1007) are characterized by an intercalation of turbidites and periplatform ooze. In general, turbidites form up to 12% of the total mass of the sedimentary column. Based primarily on data from the Bahamas, it has been postulated that steep-sided carbonate platforms shed most of their sediments into the basin during sea-level highstands when the platforms are flooded. This highstand shedding is assumed to be less pronounced along platforms with a ramp-like depositional profile where sediment production is not restricted to sea-level highstand. Miocene to Pliocene sediments recovered in five drill holes during Leg 166 at the western margin of the Great Bahama Bank reveal that turbidite distribution follows a complex pattern that is dependent on several factors such as sedimentation rates, sea-level changes, and slope morphology. To identify the depositional sequences in the cores, the depths of seismic-sequence boundaries were used. The distribution of turbidites within sedimentary sequences varies strongly. Generally, turbidites are clustered at the upper and/or lower portions of the sequences indicating deposition of carbonate turbidites during both highstand and lowstand of sea level. Analyses of the Miocene turbidites show that (1) during high sea level, 60% of all turbidites were deposited at Site 1003 (309 out of 518 turbidites), while during low sea level, two thirds of all turbidites were deposited at Site 1007 (332 out of 486 turbidites); (2) the average thickness of highstand turbidites is 1.5 times higher than the average thickness of lowstand turbidites; and (3) the turbidites display slight differences in composition and sorting. In general, highstand turbidites are less sorted and contain an abundant amount of shallow-water constituents such as green algae, red algae, shallow-water benthic foraminifers (miliolids), and intraclasts. The lowstand turbidites are better sorted and contain abundant planktonic foraminifers and micrite. To complicate matters, highstand and lowstand turbidites seem to be deposited at different locations on the slope. At the lower slope (Site 1003), more turbidites were deposited during highstands, while at the toe of the slope, turbidites were dominantly deposited during sea-level lowstands. The result is a slope section with laterally discontinuous turbidite lenses within periplatform ooze, which is controlled by the interplay of sea-level changes, sediment production, and platform morphology.


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This paper is based on Santonian-Campanian sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1257 (2951 mbsl) and 1259 (2353 mbsl) from Demerara Rise (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Surinam). According to its position, Demerara Rise should have been influenced by the early opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway and the establishment of a bottom-water connection between the central and South Atlantic Oceans during the Late Cretaceous. The investigated benthic foraminiferal faunas demonstrate strong fluctuations in bottom-water oxygenation and organic-matter flux to the sea-floor. The Santonian-earliest Campanian interval is characterised by laminated black shales without benthic foraminifera in the lowermost part, followed by an increasing number of benthic foraminifera. These are indicative of anoxic to dysoxic bottom waters, high organic-matter fluxes and a position within the oxygen minimum zone. At the shallower Site 1259, benthic foraminifera occurred earlier (Santonian) than at the deeper Site 1257 (Early Campanian). This suggests that the shallower site was characterised by fluctuations in the oxygen minimum zone and that a re-oxygenation of the sea-floor started considerably earlier at shallower water-depths. We speculate that this re-oxygenation was related to the ongoing opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. A condensed glauconitic chalk interval of Early Campanian age (Nannofossil Zone CC18 of Sissingh) overlies the laminated shales at both sites. This interval contains benthic foraminiferal faunas reflecting increasing bottom-water oxygenation and reduced organic-matter flux. This glauconitic chalk is strongly condensed and contains most of the Lower and mid-Campanian. Benthic foraminiferal species indicative of well-oxygenated and more oligotrophic environments characterise the overlying mid- to Upper Campanian nannofossil chalk. During deposition of the nannofossil chalk, a permanent deep-water connection between the central and South Atlantic Oceans is proposed, leading to ventilated and well-oxygenated bottom waters. If this speculation is true, the establishment of a permanent deep-water connection between the central and South Atlantic Oceans terminated Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 "black shale" formation in the central and South Atlantic marginal basins during the Early Campanian (Nannofossil Zone CC18) and led to well-oxygenated bottom waters in the entire Atlantic Ocean during the Late Campanian (at least from Nannofossil Zone CC22 onwards).


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The impact of an asteroid at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary triggered dramatic biotic, biogeochemical and sedimentological changes in the oceans that have been intensively studied. Paleo-biogeographical differences in the biotic response to the impact and its environmental consequences, however, have been less well documented. We present a high-resolution analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages at Southern Ocean ODP Site 690 (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica). At this high latitude site, late Maastrichtian environmental variability was high, but benthic foraminiferal assemblages were not less diverse than at lower latitudes, in contrast to those of planktic calcifiers. Also in contrast to planktic calcifiers, benthic foraminifera did not suffer significant extinction at the K/Pg boundary, but show transient assemblage changes and decreased diversity. At Site 690, the extinction rate was even lower (~3%) than at other sites. The benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate varied little across the K/Pg boundary, indicating that food supply to the sea floor was affected to a lesser extent than at lower latitude sites. Compared to Maastrichtian assemblages, Danian assemblages have a lower diversity and greater relative abundance of heavily calcified taxa such as Stensioeina beccariiformis and Paralabamina lunata. This change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages could reflect post-extinction proliferation of different photosynthesizers (thus food for the benthos) than those dominant during the Late Cretaceous, therefore changes in the nature rather than in the amount of the organic matter supplied to the seafloor. However, severe extinction of pelagic calcifiers caused carbonate supersaturation in the oceans, thus might have given competitive advantage to species with large, heavily calcified tests. This indirect effect of the K/Pg impact thus may have influenced the deep-sea dwellers, documenting the complexity of the effects of major environmental disturbance.