109 resultados para Dwelling Brachiopods


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Reliable temperature estimates from both surface and subsurface ocean waters are needed to reconstruct past upper water column temperature gradients and past oceanic heat content. This work examines the relationships between trace element ratios in fossil shells and seawater temperature for surface-dwelling foraminifera species, Globigerinoides ruber (white) and Globigerina bulloides, and deep-dwelling species, Globorotalia inflata, Globorotalia truncatulinoides (dextral and sinistral) and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in shells picked in 29 modern core tops from the North Atlantic Ocean are calibrated using calculated isotopic temperatures. Mg/Ca ratios on G. ruber and G. bulloides agree with published data and relationships. For deep-dwelling species, Mg/Ca calibration follows the equation Mg/Ca = 0.78 (±0.04) * exp (0.051 (±0.003) * T) with a significant correlation coefficient of R**2 = 0.74. Moreover, there is no significant difference between the different deep-dwellers analyzed. For the Sr/Ca ratio, the surface dwellers and P. obliquiloculata do not record any temperature dependence. For the Globorotalia species, the thermo dependence of Sr/Ca ratio can be described by a single linear relationship: Sr/Ca = (0.0182 (±0.001) * T) + 1.097 (±0.018), R**2 = 0.85. Temperature estimates with a 1 sigma error of ±2.0°C and ±1.3°C can be derived from the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios, respectively, as long as the Sr geochemistry in the ocean has been constant through time.


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Oxygen isotope analyses of Tertiary and Cretaceous planktic foraminifera indicate that species have been stratified with respect to depth in the water column at least since Albian time. There is a relationship between morphology and depth habitat. Species with globigerine morphology have consistently occupied shallower depths than have species with globorotalid morphology. Biserially arranged species occupied both shallow and deep levels in the water column. On the average, it appears that ancient species with shallow habitats have been more susceptible to dissolution and have been preserved less well than species dwelling in deeper habitats. This relationship is similar to that observed for Recent planktic foraminifera. Comparison of carbon isotope ratios of adult and juvenile forms indicates that either the source of the carbon found in the shell or the carbon isotopic fractionations which occur during calcite secretion change during the development of individual foraminifera. The carbon isotopic ratios do not provide a reliable means for reconstructing the depth habitats of ancient species. Temperature-depth profiles for tropical Tertiary oceans have been reconstructed from the isotopic temperatures of planktic and benthic foraminifera. The vertical thermal structure of Oligocene oceans resembled that of modern oceans most closely. Those of Paleocene and Maastrichtian times differed most from that of modern oceans.


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We measured the oxygen isotopic composition of the deep-dwelling foraminiferal species G. inflata, G. truncatulinoides dextral and sinistral, and P. obliquiloculata in 29 modern core tops raised from the North Atlantic Ocean. We compared calculated isotopic temperatures with atlas temperatures and defined ecological models for each species. G. inflata and G. truncatulinoides live preferentially at the base of the seasonal thermocline. Under temperature stress, i.e., when the base of the seasonal thermocline is warmer than 16°C, G. inflata and G. truncatulinoides live deeper in the main thermocline. P. obliquiloculata inhabits the seasonal thermocline in warm regions. We tested our model using 10 cores along the Mauritanian upwelling and show that the comparison of d18O variations registered by the surficial species G. ruber and G. bulloides and the deep-dwelling species G. inflata evidences significant glacial-interglacial shifts of the Mauritanian upwelling cells.


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We present a species-specific Mg/Ca-calcification temperature calibration for Globorotalia inflata from a suite of 38 core top samples from the South Atlantic (from 8° to 49°S). G. inflata is a deep-dwelling planktonic foraminifer commonly occurring in subtropical to subpolar conditions, which qualifies it for reconstructions of the permanent thermocline. Apparent calcification depths and calcification temperatures were determined by comparing measured d18O with equilibrium d18O of calcite based on water column properties. Based on our core top samples, G. inflata apparent calcification depth is constant throughout the South Atlantic mid-latitudes with a depth of 350-400 m within the permanent thermocline. The resulting Mg/Ca-calcification temperature calibration is Mg/Ca = 0.72 +/-0.045/0.042 exp (0.076 +0.006 calcification 2 temperature) (r2 = 0.81) and covers the temperature range 3.1-16.5°C. We applied our Mg/Ca calibration to gravity core PS2495-3 from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at ca. 41°S to test its validity by reconstructing a low-resolution record covering the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. Our paleotemperature record reveals large changes in temperature for Terminations I and II, when permanent thermocline temperature increased by as much as 8°C. The G. inflata paleotemperature record suggests that oceanic fronts repeatedly migrated over the location of site PS2495-3 during the last 160 kyr. This study shows the potential of G. inflata Mg/Ca to reconstruct paleotemperatures in the permanent thermocline.