511 resultados para Dissolved-oxygen
Oceanographic research in the Amvrakikos Gulf in Western Greece, a semi-enclosed embayment isolated from the Ionian Sea by a narrow, shallow sill, has shown that it is characterised by a fjord-like oceanographic regime. The Gulf is characterised by a well-stratified two layer structure in the water column made up of a surface layer and a bottom layer that are separated by a strong pycnocline. At the entrance over the sill, there is a brackish water outflow in the surface water and a saline water inflow in the near-bed region. This morphology and water circulation pattern makes the Amvrakikos Gulf the only Mediterranean Sea fjord. The investigations have also shown that the surface layer is well oxygenated, whereas in the pycnocline, the dissolved oxygen (DO) declines sharply and finally attains a value of zero, thus dividing the water column into oxic, dysoxic and anoxic environments. At the dysoxic/anoxic interface, at a depth of approximately 35 m, a sharp redox cline develops with Eh values between 0 and 120 mV occurring above and values between 0 and -250 mV occurring below, where oxic and anoxic biochemical processes prevail, respectively. On the seafloor underneath the anoxic waters, a black silt layer and a white mat cover resembling Beggiatoa-like cells are formed. The dysoxic/anoxic conditions appeared during the last 20 to 30 years and have been caused by the excessive use of fertilisers, the increase in animal stocks, intensive fish farming and domestic effluents. The inflicted dysoxia/anoxia has resulted in habitat loss on the seafloor over an area that makes up just over 50% of the total Gulf area and approximately 28% of the total water volume. Furthermore, anoxia is also considered to have been responsible for the sudden fish mortality which occurred in aquaculture rafts in the Gulf in February 2008. Therefore, anoxic conditions can be considered to be a potential hazard to the ecosystem and to the present thriving fishing and mariculture industry in the Gulf.
Several widely correlatable intervals of laminated Thalassiothrix diatom mat deposits occur in Neogene sediments recovered from the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. The presence of laminated sediments in extensive areas of the deep open ocean floor raises fundamental questions concerning the cause of preservation of the laminations and the nature of the benthic environment during episodes of mat deposition. Traditional explanations for the preservation of laminations have centered on restriction of dissolved oxygen. Studies of benthic foraminifers through the laminated intervals show no evidence for an increase in absolute or relative abundance of species characteristic of a low oxygen environment, but rather a decrease in relative abundance of infaunal forms attesting to the impenetrability of the diatom meshwork formed by the interlocking Thalassiothrix frustules. These results support evidence from coring of the high tensile strength of the Thalassiothrix laminations suggesting that the diatom meshwork was of sufficient tensile strength and impenetrability to suppress infaunal benthic activity. Comparison of the relative abundances of foraminifers in the enclosing ôbackgroundö sediment of foraminifer nannofossil ooze and the laminated diatom oozes shows that some epifaunal species (e.g., Cibicides spp.) increase in relative abundance within the laminated sediment, whereas others (e.g., Epistominella exigua) show a marked decrease in relative abundance. Other species show more complex changes in abundance related to the occurrence of the laminated sediments, which may indicate a combination of controls that include the physical nature of the substrate and the amount of organic flux.