217 resultados para Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway Company.


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A collection of layered ferromanganese ores (27 samples) from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was studied. Trace element and PGE contents were determined layer-by-layer (up to 10 microlayers) in 13 of these samples. The trace, rare earth, and platinum group element distributions, including their layer-to-layer variations, were compared in hydrogenic and hydrothermal crusts from different regions. It was found that the main PGE variations (by a factor of 10-50) are related to their layer-to-layer variations within a given ore field. The distributions of PGE and trace elements are strongly heterogeneous, which is related, first, to different contents of the elements in the layers of different age in ferromanganese crusts (FMC) and, second, to the observed regional heterogeneity and influence of hydrothermal fluids. Geochemical data indicate that CFC formation was mainly caused by the hydrochemical precipitation of material from seawater. This process was accompanied by diagenetic phenomena, water-rock interaction, and influence of volcanic and hydrothermal sources.


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A 6200 year old peat sequence, cored in a volcanic crater on the sub-Antarctic Ile de la Possession (Iles Crozet), has been investigated, based on a multi-proxy approach. The methods applied are macrobotanical (mosses, seeds and fruits) and diatom analyses, complemented by geochemical (Rock-Eval6) and rock magnetic measurements. The chronology of the core is based on 5 radiocarbon dates. When combining all the proxy data the following changes could be inferred. From the onset of the peat formation (6200 cal yr BP) until ca. 5550 cal yr BP, biological production was high and climatic conditions must have been relatively warm. At ca. 5550 cal yr BP a shift to low biological production occurred, lasting until ca. 4600 cal yr BP. During this period the organic matter is well preserved, pointing to a cold and/or wet environment. At ca. 4600 cal yr BP, biological production increased again. From ca. 4600 cal yr BP until ca. 4100 cal yr BP a 'hollow and hummock' micro topography developed at the peat surface, resulting in the presence of a mixture of wetter and drier species in the macrobotanical record. After ca. 4100 cal yr BP, the wet species disappear and a generally drier, acidic bog came into existence. A major shift in all the proxy data is observed at ca. 2800 cal yr BP, pointing to wetter and especially windier climatic conditions on the island probably caused by an intensification and/or latitudinal shift of the southern westerly belt. Caused by a stronger wind regime, erosion of the peat surface occurred at that time and a lake was formed in the peat deposits of the crater, which is still present today.


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Astronomical tuning of sedimentary records to precise orbital solutions has led to unprecedented resolution in the geological time scale. However, the construction of a consistent astronomical time scale for the Paleocene is controversial due to uncertainties in the recognition of the exact number of 405-kyr eccentricity cycles and accurate correlation between key records. Here, we present a new Danian integrated stratigraphic framework using the land-based Zumaia and Sopelana hemipelagic sections from the Basque Basin and deep-sea records drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 198 (Shatsky Rise, North Pacific) and 208 (Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic) that solves previous discrepancies. The new coherent stratigraphy utilises composite images from ODP cores, a new whole-rock d13C isotope record at Zumaia and new magnetostratigraphic data from Sopelana. We consistently observe 11 405-kyr eccentricity cycles in all studied Danian successions. We achieve a robust correlation of bioevents and stable isotope events between all studied sections at the ~100-kyr short-eccentricity level, a prerequisite for paleoclimatic interpretations. Comparison with and subsequent tuning of the records to the latest orbital solution La2011 provides astronomically calibrated ages of 66.022 ± 0.040 Ma and 61.607 ± 0.040 Ma for the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) and Danian-Selandian 105 (D-S) boundaries respectively. Low sedimentation rates appear common in all records in the mid-Danian interval, including conspicuous condensed intervals in the oceanic records that in the past have hampered the proper identification of cycles. The comprehensive interbasinal approach applied here reveals pitfalls in time scale construction, filtering techniques in particular, and indicates that some caution and scrutiny has to be applied when building orbital chronologies. Finally, the Zumaia section, already hosting the Selandian Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), could serve as the global Danian unit stratotype in the future.


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Approximately one thousand sediment samples from ODP Site 1123 on the Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand, have been examined for inorganic elemental concentrations. ODP 1123 provides a record of sediment drift deposition under the Deep Western Boundary Current, the main inflow of deep water to the Pacific Ocean since the Early Oligocene, though a major hiatus spans the late Early Oligocene to the Early Miocene. Normalisation of the elemental concentrations by aluminium was used to allow for the effects of variable carbonate dilution. The elemental ratios were used as proxies for sediment composition and as palaeoceanographic indices. The samples were collected at a resolution designed to sample adequately any variation in elemental ratios at the scale of the Milankovitch orbital cycles. The sampled intervals span the Early Oligocene, Early Miocene, mid-Miocene and Late Pleistocene to Recent. Anomalous Si/Al, K/Al, Ti/Al values in the upper Pleistocene section, often associated with horizons of low carbonate, are attributed to tephras derived from North Island. Not all of the tephras detected geochemically had been detected visually in the cores. A total of 37 tephra events between 1.17 Ma BP and the present are recognised based on this and the shipboard investigations. The tephra events cluster at intervals of approximately 326 000 years (326 ka) perhaps due to variations in eruption frequency on North Island and/or to variations in the regional palaeowind intensity and direction. In the Late Pleistocene to Recent P/Al (inferred nutrient availability), percent calcium carbonate (%CaCO3) and Ba/Al (inferred productivity) varied regularly at a period of 40 000 years with these factors lagging minimum global ice volumes (interglacials). During the mid-Miocene CaCO3, Ba/Al, P/Al and Si/Al all gradually increased with %CaCO3 and P/Al showing regular 138 000-yr cyclicity and Ba/Al showing 44-ka cyclicity. Inferred productivity (Ba/Al) may have been rising in association with increasing nutrient availability (P/Al) at the same time as increased vigour of the Deep Western Boundary Current that was connected to a period of rapid ice-sheet growth in Antarctica. In the Early Miocene P/Al and Si/Al were much higher than subsequently and both %CaCO3 and P/Al exhibited 131 000-yr cycles. By far the highest nutrient levels and inferred productivity at this site apparently occurred during the Early Oligocene as revealed by long-term changes in P/Al and Si/Al. A progressive rise in K/Al, but stable Ti/Al from the Early Oligocene to the Recent probably indicates increased proportions of illite in the clay mineral fraction of the drift sediments caused by increased flux of debris from the Southern Alps.


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Studies of diatoms from dredge samples collected on the island slope of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench have allowed to recognize well-preserved marine diatom assemblages corresponding to assemblages of the followed Oligocene zones: Rhizosolenia oligocaenica (subzone ''a'', 33.6-31 Ma), Cavitatus rectus (29.6-28.2 Ma), and Rocella gelida (28.2-24.0 Ma) as identified in the North Pacific zonal scale. Description of these assemblages and their complete taxonomic composition are presented. Diversity of species together with abundance and degree of preservation of diatoms and accompanying siliceous microorganisms suggests their autochtonous origin and favorable conditions of their development. Assemblages of the Early Oligocene zones Rhizosolenia oligocaenica and Cavitatus rectus recognized in sediments of the outer zone of the Lesser Kuril Ridge (submarine slope of the Shikotan Island) and on the Vityaz' submarine ridge were most probably formed under conditions of a vast shelf, while assemblage of the Late Oligocene zone Rocella gelida encountered only in the region of the Lesser Kuril Ridge formed under more deep-water conditions, presumably, over an island slope. Deepening of the basin in the region of the outer zone of the Lesser Kuril Ridge in Late Oligocene probably reflects one of stages of evolution of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1151 (Sacks, Suyehiro, Acton, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.186.2000) is located in an area where the surface water mass is influenced by both the Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents. The site also receives a relatively high flux of detrital materials from riverine input from Honsyu Island and eolian input from Central and East Asia. We analyzed alkenones and alkenoates in the sediments to reconstruct alkenone unsaturation index (Uk'37)-based sea-surface temperature (SST), total organic carbon, and total nitrogen to estimate the terrigenous contribution by the C/N ratio during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The major elements were also analyzed to examine the variation in terrigenous composition.


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Sequences of late Pliocene to Holocene sediment lap onto juvenile igneous crust within 20 km of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in northwestern Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean. The detrital modes of turbidite sands do not vary significantly within or among sites drilled during Leg 168 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Average values of total quartz, total feldspar, and unstable lithic fragments are Q = 35, F = 35, and L = 30. Average values of monocrystalline quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar are Qm = 46, P = 49, and K = 5, and the average detrital modes of polycrystalline quartz, volcanic-rock fragments, and sedimentary-rock plus metamorphic-rock fragments are Qp = 16, Lv = 43, and Lsm = 41. Likely source areas include the Olympic Peninsula and Vancouver Island; sediment transport was focused primarily through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Juan de Fuca Channel, Vancouver Valley, and Nitinat Valley. Relative abundance of clay minerals (<2-µm-size fraction) fluctuate erratically with depth, stratigraphic age, and sediment type (mud vs. turbidite matrix). Mineral abundance in mud samples are 0%-35% smectite (mean = 8%), 18%-59% illite (mean = 40%), and 29%-78% chlorite + kaolinite (mean = 52%). We attribute the relatively low content of smectite to rapid mechanical weathering of polymictic source terrains, with little or no input of volcanic detritus from the Columbia River. The scatter in clay mineralogy probably was caused by converging of surface currents, turbidity currents, and near-bottom nepheloid clouds from several directions, as well as subtle changes in glacial vs. interglacial weathering products.


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Anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are acidifying the oceans, reducing the concentration of carbonate ions ([CO32-) that calcifying organisms need to build and cement coral reefs. To date, studies of a handful of naturally acidified reef systems reveal depauperate communities, sometimes with reduced coral cover and calcification rates, consistent with results of laboratory-based studies. Here we report the existence of highly diverse, coral-dominated reef communities under chronically low pH and aragonite saturation state (Omega ar). Biological and hydrographic processes change the chemistry of the seawater moving across the barrier reefs and into Palau's Rock Island bays, where levels of acidification approach those projected for the western tropical Pacific open ocean by 2100. Nevertheless, coral diversity, cover, and calcification rates are maintained across this natural acidification gradient. Identifying the combination of biological and environmental factors that enable these communities to persist could provide important insights into the future of coral reefs under anthropogenic acidification.


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Massive sandstone and siltstone beds with many shallow-water megafossils overlie acidic volcanic conglomerates at DSDP Site 439. Smear-slides, thin sections from coarse fractions, and heavy minerals of the sandstone and siltstone beds were analyzed. The sandstones and siltstones are very rich in lithic fragments and are classified as lithic arenite and (or) lithic wacke. Hornblende and clinopyroxene are abundant, and zircon is present in most of the examined samples. The proportions of sandstone, chert, and volcanic rock in the coarse fraction are variable, but fragments of clastic rocks and cherts are predominant. Plagioclase crystals of volcanic-rock origin, such as highly zoned plagioclase and very fine, euhedral, lath-shaped plagioclase, are frequently observed. Metamorphic-rock fragments and metamorphic minerals are also observed. Thus, the provenance of the sandstone and siltstone beds appears to have been a slightly mature island arc, the Oyashio ancient landmass, consisting of clastic sediments and metamorphic and volcanic rocks.


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Both the olivine-hearing tholeiite basalts of the island and the brown soils which have developed on the basalts contain 2-20% of a swelling clay mineral. It emerges from chemical, optical, X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analytical studies that this clay mineral is a Mg-rich, Fe2+ and AI-bearing tri-octahedral smectite, e. g. Mg-saponite. Due to petrographic and crystal chemical properties the saponite should have been formed by hydrothermal alteration of the primary Mg-Fe-minerals olivine and clinopyroxene. The soils consist of plagioclase, saponite and goethite which has been formed by chemical weathering within the soils. In the uppermost layer some of the soils contain humic substances and phosphatic material, the latter may be related to the recent production of guano.


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Major and trace element composition as well as Sm-Nd isotopes of whole-rock samples and clay fractions (<2 µm) of bentonite layers and U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from the Paleogene Basilika Formation (Svalbard) and Mount Lawson Formation (Ellesmere Island).