960 resultados para Age, calcium carbonate stratigraphy, after Pflaumann (1975)
Chemical (Sr, Mg) and isotopic (d18O, 87Sr/86Sr) compositions of calcium carbonate veins (CCV) in the oceanic basement were determined to reconstruct changes in Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca of seawater in the Cenozoic. We examined CCV from ten basement drill sites in the Atlantic and Pacific, ranging in age between 165 and 2.3 Ma. Six of these sites are from cold ridge flanks in basement <46 Ma, which provide direct information about seawater composition. CCV of these young sites were dated, using the Sr isotopic evolution of seawater. For the other sites, temperature-corrections were applied to correct for seawater-basement exchange processes. The combined data show that a period of constant/low Sr/Ca (4.46 - 6.22 mmol/mol) and Mg/Ca (1.12 - 2.03 mol/mol) between 165 and 30 Ma was followed by a steady increase in Mg/Ca ratios by a factor of three to modern ocean composition. Mg/Ca - Sr/Ca relations suggest that variations in hydrothermal fluxes and riverine input are likely causes driving the seawater compositional changes. However, additional forcing may be involved in explaining the timing and magnitude of changes. A plausible scenario is intensified carbonate production due to increased alkalinity input to the oceans from silicate weathering, which in turn is a result of subduction-zone recycling of CO2 from pelagic carbonate formed after the Cretaceous slow-down in ocean crust production rate.
The carbonate contents of sediments recovered at Leg 92 Sites 597, 598, and 601 were determined at 5-cm intervals. The long-term record of carbonate variation at Sites 597 and 598 shows the effect of decreasing dilution by hydrothermal phases as the sites moved away from the ridge crest at which they formed. Superimposed on this trend are high-amplitude variations in carbonate content. In the lower portions of Sites 597 and 598 the high-amplitude variations have a duration of a few hundred thousand years. The upper portion of the sediment column at both sites was deposited below the lysocline, and high-amplitude variations in this interval represent 1 to 2 m.y. The data suggest that only very intense carbonate dissolution events can be identified reliably at sites with low accumulation rates. At sites like Site 598, where the sedimentation rate is higher, the details of carbonate variation can be correlated with the carbonate lithostratigraphies developed for sites in the equatorial and North Pacific oceans.
Drilling was undertaken at five sites (739-743) on ODP Leg 119 on a transect across the continental shelf of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, to elucidate the long-term glacial history of the area and to examine the importance of the area with respect to the development of the East Antarctic ice sheet as a whole. In addition to providing a record of glaciation spanning 36 m.y. or more, Leg 119 has provided information concerning the development of a continental margin under the prolonged influence of a major ice sheet. This has allowed the development of a sedimentary model that may be applicable not only to other parts of the Antarctic continental margin, but also to northern high-latitude continental shelves. The cored glacial sedimentary record in Prydz Bay consists of three major sequences, dominated by diamictite: 1. An upper flat-lying sequence that ranges in thickness from a few meters in inner and western Prydz Bay to nearly 250 m in the outer or eastern parts of the bay. The uppermost few meters consist of Holocene diatom ooze and diatomaceous mud with a minor ice-rafted component overlying diamicton and diamictite of late Miocene to Quaternary age. The diamictite is mainly massive, but stratified varieties and minor mudstone and diatomite also occur. 2. An upper prograding sequence cored at Sites 739 and 743, unconformly below the flat-lying sequence. This consists of a relatively steep (4° inclination) prograding wedge with a number of discrete sedimentary packages. At Sites 739 and 743 the sequence is dominated by massive and stratified diamictite, some of which shows evidence of slumping and minor debris flowage. 3. A lower, more gently inclined, prograding sequence lies unconformably below the flat-lying sequence at Site 742 and the upper prograding sequence at Site 739. This extends to the base of both sites, to 316 and 487 mbsf, respectively. It is dominated by massive, relatively clast-poor diamictite which is kaolinite-rich, light in color, and contains sporadic carbonate-cemented layers. The lower part of Site 742 includes well-stratified diamictites and very poorly sorted mudstones. The base of this site has indications of large-scale soft-sediment deformation and probably represents proximity to the base of the glacial sequence. Facies analysis of the Prydz Bay glacial sequence indicates a range of depositional environments. Massive diamictite is interpreted largely as waterlain till, deposited close to the grounding line of a floating glacier margin, although basal till and debris flow facies are also present. Weakly stratified diamictite is interpreted as having formed close to or under the floating ice margin and influenced by the input of marine diatomaceous sediment (proximal glaciomarine setting). Well-stratified diamictite has a stronger marine input, being more diatom-rich, and probably represents a proximal-distal glaciomarine sediment with the glaciogenic component being supplied by icebergs. Other facies include a variety of mudstones and diatom-rich sediments of marine origin, in which an ice-rafted component is still significant. None of the recovered sediments are devoid of a glacial influence. The overall depositional setting of the prograding sequence is one in which the grounded ice margin is situated close to the shelf edge. Progradation was achieved primarily by deposition of waterlain till. The flat-lying sequence illustrates a complex sequence of advances and retreats across the outer part of the shelf, with intermittent phases of ice loading and erosion. The glacial chronology is based largely on diatom stratigraphy, which has limited resolution. It appears that ice reached the paleoshelf break by earliest Oligocene, suggesting full-scale development of the East Antarctic ice sheet by that time. The ice sheet probably dominated the continental margin for much of Oligocene to middle Miocene time. Retreat, but not total withdrawal of the ice sheet, took place in late Miocene to mid-Pliocene time. The late Pliocene to Pleistocene was characterized by further advances across, and progradation of, the continental shelf. Holocene time has been characterized by reduced glacial conditions and a limited influence of glacial processes on sedimentation.
At Site 572, located at 1°N, 114° W (3903 m water depth), we recovered a continuous hydraulic piston cored section of upper Miocene to upper Pleistocene pelagic sediments. The sediment is composed of biogenic carbonate and silica with nonbiogenic material as a minor component. Detailed analysis of the calcium carbonate content shows that the degree of variability in carbonate deposition apparently changed markedly between the late Miocene and Pliocene at this equatorial Pacific site. During this interval carbonate mass accumulation rates decreased from 2.6 to 0.8 g/cm**2 per 10**3 yr. If we assume that variations in CaCO3 content reflect changes in the degree of dissolution, then the detailed carbonate analysis would suggest that the degree of variability in carbonate deposition decreases by a factor of 5 as the dominant wavelength of variations increases significantly. However, if the variability in carbonate concentration is described in terms of changes in mean mass accumulation, calculations then suggest that relatively small changes in noncarbonate rates may be important in controlling the observed carbonate records. In addition, the analysis suggests that the degree of variability observed in pelagic carbonate data may in part reflect total accumulation rates. Intervals with high sedimentation rates show lower amplitude variations in concentration than intervals with lower sedimentation rates for the same degree of change in the carbonate accumulation rate.
Eocene sedimentary calcium carbonate contents and stable isotope composition of benthic foraminifera
'Hyperthermals' are intervals of rapid, pronounced global warming known from six episodes within the Palaeocene and Eocene epochs (~65-34 million years (Myr) ago) (Zachos et al., 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1109004; 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06588; Roehl et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784; Thomas et al., 2000; Cramer et al., 2003, doi:10.1029/2003PA000909; Lourens et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03814; Petrizzo, 2005, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.198.102.2005; Sexton et al., 2006, doi:10.1029/2005PA001253; Westerhold et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/2006PA001322; Edgar et al., 2007, doi:10.1038/nature06053; Nicolo et al., 2007, doi:10.1130/G23648A.1; Quillévéré et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.10.040; Stap et al., 2010, doi:10.1130/G30777.1). The most extreme hyperthermal was the 170 thousand year (kyr) interval (Roehl et al., 2007) of 5-7 °C global warming (Zachos et al., 2008) during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 56 Myr ago). The PETM is widely attributed to massive release of greenhouse gases from buried sedimentary carbon reservoirs (Zachos et al., 2005; 2008; Lourenbs et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens et al., 1995, doi:10.1029/95PA02087; Dickens, 2000; 2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00325-X; Panchuk et al., 2008, doi:10.1130/G24474A.1) and other, comparatively modest, hyperthermals have also been linked to the release of sedimentary carbon (Zachos et al., 2008, Lourens et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens, 2003; Panchuk et al., 2003). Here we show, using new 2.4-Myr-long Eocene deep ocean records, that the comparatively modest hyperthermals are much more numerous than previously documented, paced by the eccentricity of Earth's orbit and have shorter durations (~40 kyr) and more rapid recovery phases than the PETM. These findings point to the operation of fundamentally different forcing and feedback mechanisms than for the PETM, involving redistribution of carbon among Earth's readily exchangeable surface reservoirs rather than carbon exhumation from, and subsequent burial back into, the sedimentary reservoir. Specifically, we interpret our records to indicate repeated, large-scale releases of dissolved organic carbon (at least 1,600 gigatonnes) from the ocean by ventilation (strengthened oxidation) of the ocean interior. The rapid recovery of the carbon cycle following each Eocene hyperthermal strongly suggests that carbon was resequestered by the ocean, rather than the much slower process of silicate rock weathering proposed for the PETM (Zachos et al., 2005; 2003). Our findings suggest that these pronounced climate warming events were driven not by repeated releases of carbon from buried sedimentary sources (Zachos et al., 2008, Lourens et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens, 2003; Panchuk et al., 2003) but, rather, by patterns of surficial carbon redistribution familiar from younger intervals of Earth history.
Quantifying phosphorus (P) concentrations in marine sediments is necessary for constraining the oceanic record of phosphorus burial and helps to constrain P sedimentary geochemistry. To understand P geochemistry in the sediments, we must determine the geochemical forms of P as well as the transformations occurring between these P components with depth and age. Although several records now exist of P geochemistry in the western and eastern equatorial Pacific (Filippelli and Delaney, 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.144.1995; 1996, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(96)00042-7), the western equatorial Atlantic (Delaney and Anderson, 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.154.124.1997), the California Current (Delaney and Anderson, in press), and the Benguela Current (Anderson et al., 2001, doi:10.1029/2000GB001270), most of these are Neogene records. Relatively little data exist from sediments of the Paleogene or Cretaceous, time periods when carbon isotope records indicate major carbon shifts and when the nature of P geochemistry has not been well constrained. Samples from several sites at various water depths, oceanographic regions, and ages are needed to understand how P geochemistry and burial in sediments reflect ocean history. We determined P geochemistry and reactive P concentrations in Atlantic sediments of Eocene to Cretaceous age. These are the first records of P geochemistry with good age control from this period. Blake Nose sites are ideal for investigating P geochemistry, as the sediments are shallowly buried at a range of water depths and sedimentation rates. We determined P concentrations and geochemistry, along with calcium carbonate contents, in mid-Cretaceous to upper Eocene sediments drilled on Blake Nose (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B) in a depth transect of four sites (Sites 1052, 1051, 1050, and 1049; water depths: 1345, 1983, 2300, and 2656 m, respectively).
Detailed stable isotopic and calcium carbonate records (with a sampling resolution of 3000 yr.) from the middle Miocene section of hydraulic piston corer (HPC) Hole 574A provide a sequence that records the major shift in the oxygen isotopic composition of the world's oceans that occurred at about 14 Ma. The data suggest that this transition was rapid and spans about 30,000 yr. of sediment deposition. In intervals before and after the shift, the mean d18O values are characterized by a constant mean with a high degree of variability. The degree of variability in both the d18O and d13C records is comparable to that observed for the Pliocene and earliest Pleistocene and does not show a significant change before or after the major shift in the d18O record. Whereas the oxygen isotopic record is characterized by relatively stable mean values before and after the middle Miocene event, the d13C record shows a number of significant offsets in the mean value separated by intervals of high-frequency variations. Time and frequency domain analysis of all records from Hole 574A indicate that the frequency components shown to be related to orbital changes in the Pleistocene record are also present in the middle Miocene. The high variability observed in the Site 574 isotopic records places important constraints on models describing the role of formation of the Antarctic ice sheet during the middle Miocene climatic transitions. Thus, HPC Hole 574A provides a valuable sequence for detailed study of climatic variability during an important time in the Earth's history, although we cannot provide a definitive explanation of the major oxygen isotopic event of the middle Miocene.
Sand-silt-clay distribution was determined on 10-cm**3 sediment samples collected at the time the cores were split and described.
Millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Bering Sea during the last 71 kyrs were reconstructed using geochemical and isotope proxies (biogenic opal, CaCO3, and total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen and carbon isotopes of sedimentary organic matters) and microfossil (radiolaria and foraminifera) data from two cores (PC23A and PC24A) which were collected from the northern continental slope area at intermediate water depths. Biogenic opal and TOC contents were generally high with high sedimentation rates during the last deglaciation. Laminated sediment depositions during the Early-Holocene (EH) and Bølling-Allerød (BA) were closely related with the increased primary productivity recorded by high biogenic opal and TOC contents and high d15N values. Enhanced surface-water productivity was attributed to increased nutrient supply from strengthened Bering Slope Current (BSC) and from increased amount of glacial melt-water, resulting in high C/N ratios and low d13C values, and high proportion of Rhizoplegma boreale during the last deglaciation. In contrast, low surface-water productivity during the last glacial period was due to depleted nutrient supply caused by strong stratification and to restricted phytoplankton bloom by extensive sea ice distribution under cold climates. Extensive formation of sea ice produces more oxygen-rich intermediate-water, leading to oxic bottom-water conditions due to active ventilation, which favored good preservation of oxic benthic foraminifera species. Remarkable CaCO3 peaks coeval with high biogenic opal and TOC contents in both cores during MIS 3 to MIS 4 are most likely correlated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events. High d15N and d13Corg values during D-O interstadials support increased surface-water productivity resulting from nutrients supplied mainly by intensified BSC. During the EH, BA and D-O interstadials, dominant benthic foraminifera species indicate dysoxic bottom-water conditions as a result of increased surface-water productivity and weak ventilation of intermediate-water with mitigated sea ice development caused by strengthening of the Alaskan Stream. It is of note that the bottom-water conditions and formation of intermediate-water in the Bering Sea during the last glacial period are related to the variation of dissolved oxygen concentration of the bottom-water in the northeastern Pacific and to strong ventilation of intermediate-water in the northwestern Pacific. Thus, the millennial-scale paleoceanographic events in the Bering Sea during the D-O interstadials are closely associated with the intermediate-water ventilation, ultimately leading to weakening of North Pacific Intermediate Water.