393 resultados para 127-797B


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Suites of basalts drilled during Legs 127 and 128 can be distinguished by their mineral assemblages and compositions of phenocrysts and groundmass phases. An upper suite of plagioclase phyric basaltic sills with a groundmass composed of plagioclase, augite, and magnetite was recovered from Site 794. The upper, evolved part of this suite is highly plagioclase phyric, including calcic plagioclases (~An90). The most primitive, lower part of this upper suite, in addition, contains olivine, but lacks calcic plagioclase. A lower suite at Site 794 is plagioclase and olivine phyric to aphyric basaltic sills and flows with a groundmass of plagioclase, augite, olivine (~Fo75-83), and magnetite. At Site 795, plagioclase and augite phyric basalts and andesites were recovered. The relatively low Ti and Cr contents of augite of these basalts suggest typical arc tholeiitic parental magmas. Two suites of basalt were recovered from Site 797, an upper suite of plagioclase and olivine phyric to aphyric olivine basalts, and a lower suite of evolved plagioclase phyric basaltic sills. The most evolved sills at both sites lack olivine as phenocryst and groundmass phases, while this phase is present in the relatively primitive sills. The olivine-bearing suites contain plagioclase with relatively low potassium content and augite with relatively high sodium content. An exception is the olivine-bearing sills of the upper suite at Site 794 that contains plagioclase with relatively high potassium content similar to the associated olivine-free sills. The olivine-free suites contain plagioclase with high potassium content and augite with low sodium content and have the most evolved compositions of any of the Japan Sea rocks.


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Late Quaternary sediments of the Japan Sea are characterized by centimeter- to meter-scale alternations of dark and light layers which are synchronous basinwide. High-resolution analyses of the sediments from Ocean Drilling Program site 797 reveal that deposition of the meter-scale alternations reflect variations in paleoceanographic conditions which were closely associated with glacio-eustatic sea level changes through the modulation of the volume and character of the influx to the sea through the Tsushima Strait. The centimeter- to decimeter-scale alternations reflect millennial-scale variations which are possibly associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles, with each dark layer appearing to correspond to an interstadial. This variability is attributed to the development of a humid climate in central to eastern Asia and the consequent increase in discharge from the Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers during interstadials. This caused expansion of the East China Sea coastal water (ECSCW), which penetrated more strongly into the Japan Sea. The increased influence of the lower-salinity, nutrient-enriched ECSCW reduced deep water ventilation and enhanced the surface productivity, leading to the development of anoxic bottom waters and deposition of the dark layers. Thus the centimeter- to decimeter-scale alternations of the dark and light layers record wet and dry cycles in central to eastern Asia possibly associated with D-O cycles.


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