472 resultados para 104-642D


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Different generations of complex authigenic carbonates formed in siliceous muds (lithologic Unit IV) and hemipelagic clays (lithologic Unit V) of ODP Site 643, Leg 104 Norwegian Sea. The dominant phase in Unit IV is an early diagenetic Mn, Fe-calcite with a strong negative d13C ( -14 to -16 per mil) signature, and slightly negative d180 values. The strong negative d13C results from extensive incorporation of 12C-enriched CO2 derived from bacterial degradation of marine organic matter into early Mn, Fe - calcite cements. Concomitant framboidal pyrite precipitation and abundant SEM microtextures showing excellent preservation of delicate structures of fragile diatom valves by outpourings with early Mn-calcites strongly support their shallow burial formation before the onset of compaction. Later generations of authigenic mineralizations in lithologic Unit IV include minor amounts of a second generation of calcite with platy crystals, possibly precipitated along with opal-A dissolution, and finally opal-CT crystallization in deeper seated environments overgrowing earlier precipitates with films and lepispheres. The last mineralization is collophane (fluor apatite) forming amorphous aggregates and tiny hexagonal crystals. Authigenic mineral assemblages in lithologic Unit V consist of rhodochrosites, transitional rhodochrosite/manganosiderites, and apatite. A negative d13C ( -7.1 to -15.6 per mil) and a fluctuating d18O signal indicates that the micritic to sparitic rhodochrosites, transitional rhodochrosites/manganosiderites were formed at various burial depths. CO2 resulted from organic matter degradation in the lowermost sulfate reduction zone and from biogenic methane generation in the lowermost sediments, resulting in variable and negative d13C signals. The change in carbonate mineralogy reflects major compositional differences compared to sediments in Unit IV. Most prominent is an increase in altered ash as a primary sediment component and a sudden decrease of siliceous microfossils. Upward diffusion of cations, lowered salinities in pore waters, and elevated temperatures provide diagenetic environments favoring increased remobilization processes.


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Between 1086.6 and 1229.4 m below seafloor at Site 642 on the Outer Vøring Plateau, a series of intermediate volcanic extrusive flow units and volcaniclastic sediments was sampled. A mixed sequence of dacitic subaerial flows, andesitic basalts, intermediate volcaniclastics, subordinate mid-ocean ridge basalt, (MORB) lithologies, and intrusives was recovered, in sharp contrast to the more uniform tholeiitic T-type MORB units of the overlying upper series. This lower series of volcanics is composed of three chemically distinct groups, (B, A2, A1), rather than the two previously identified. Flows of the dacitic group (B) have trace-element and initial Sr isotope signatures which indicate that their source magma derived from the partial melting of a component of continental material in a magma chamber at a relatively high level in the crust. The relative proportions of crustal components in this complex melt are not known precisely. The most basic group (A2) probably represents a mixture of this material with MORB-type tholeiitic melt. A third group (A1), of which there was only one representative flow recovered, is chemically intermediate between the two groups above, and may suggest a repetition of, or a transition phase in, the mixing processes.


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The abundance and composition of the upper Cenozoic terrigenous coarse-sand fraction (250 µm-2 mm) at ODP Sites 642, 643, and 644 were investigated to date the onset of significant ice-rafting in the Norwegian Sea, establish the regional chronology of ice-rafting, and determine the relative importance of global vs. regional controls on ice-rafting in this area. The first input of ice-rafted debris (IRD) occurs at approximately 2.9 Ma, with significant ice-rafting beginning at about 2.5 Ma. IRD abundances increase significantly in sediments younger than 0.9 Ma at all three holes, indicating climatic deterioration in the late Pleistocene. Differences in the timing of this IRD increase between holes result from regional patterns of IRD supply and surface circulation. Variations in IRD sources and dispersal patterns may also explain the slightly higher background level of IRD abundance at Hole 642B, a seaward site. Major peaks in the generalized IRD records from the Norwegian Sea are tentatively correlated to glacial stages or glacial-to-interglacial transitions in the globally defined oxygen isotope record. This correlation indicates the effect of global conditions on the regional climate of the Norwegian Sea, although the detailed IRD records at these sites are also affected by local/regional processes (e.g., circulation patterns and source area differences).