577 resultados para water and sediment


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The surface sediments in the Black Sea are underlain by extensive deposits of iron (Fe) oxide-rich lake sediments that were deposited prior to the inflow of marine Mediterranean Sea waters ca. 9000 years ago. The subsequent downward diffusion of marine sulfate into the methane-bearing lake sediments has led to a multitude of diagenetic reactions in the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ), including anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) with sulfate. While the sedimentary cycles of sulfur (S), methane and Fe in the SMTZ have been extensively studied, relatively little is known about the diagenetic alterations of the sediment record occurring below the SMTZ. Here we combine detailed geochemical analyses of the sediment and pore water with multicomponent diagenetic modeling to study the diagenetic alterations below the SMTZ at two sites in the western Black Sea. We focus on the dynamics of Fe, S and phosphorus (P) and demonstrate that diagenesis has strongly overprinted the sedimentary burial records of these elements. Our results show that sulfate-mediated AOM substantially enhances the downward diffusive flux of sulfide into the deep limnic deposits. During this downward sulfidization, Fe oxides, Fe carbonates and Fe phosphates (e.g. vivianite) are converted to sulfide phases, leading to an enrichment in solid phase S and the release of phosphate to the pore water. Below the sulfidization front, high concentrations of dissolved ferrous Fe (Fe2+) lead to sequestration of downward diffusing phosphate as authigenic vivianite, resulting in a transient accumulation of total P directly below the sulfidization front. Our model results further demonstrate that downward migrating sulfide becomes partly re-oxidized to sulfate due to reactions with oxidized Fe minerals, fueling a cryptic S cycle and thus stimulating slow rates of sulfate-driven AOM (~ 1-100 pmol/cm**3/d) in the sulfate-depleted limnic deposits. However, this process is unlikely to explain the observed release of dissolved Fe2+ below the SMTZ. Instead, we suggest that besides organoclastic Fe oxide reduction, AOM coupled to the reduction of Fe oxides may also provide a possible mechanism for the high concentrations of Fe2+ in the pore water at depth. Our results reveal that methane plays a key role in the diagenetic alterations of Fe, S and P records in Black Sea sediments. The downward sulfidization into the limnic deposits is enhanced through sulfate-driven AOM with sulfate and AOM with Fe oxides may provide a deep source of dissolved Fe2+ that drives the sequestration of P in vivianite below the sulfidization front.


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Studies of authigenic phosphorus (P) minerals in marine sediments typically focus on authigenic carbonate fluorapatite, which is considered to be the major sink for P in marine sediments and can easily be semi-quantitatively extracted with the SEDEX sequential extraction method. The role of other potentially important authigenic P phases, such as the reduced iron (Fe) phosphate mineral vivianite (Fe(II)3(PO4)*8H2O) has so far largely been ignored in marine systems. This is, in part, likely due to the fact that the SEDEX method does not distinguish between vivianite and P associated with Fe-oxides. Here, we show that vivianite can be quantified in marine sediments by combining the SEDEX method with microscopic and spectroscopic techniques such as micro X-ray fluorescence (µXRF) elemental mapping of resin-embedded sediments, as well as scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). We further demonstrate that resin embedding of vertically intact sediment sub-cores enables the use of synchrotron-based microanalysis (X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy) to differentiate between different P burial phases in aquatic sediments. Our results reveal that vivianite represents a major burial sink for P below a shallow sulfate/methane transition zone in Bothnian Sea sediments, accounting for 40-50% of total P burial. We further show that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) drives a sink-switching from Fe-oxide bound P to vivianite by driving the release of both phosphate (AOM with sulfate and Fe-oxides) and ferrous Fe (AOM with Fe-oxides) to the pore water allowing supersaturation with respect to vivianite to be reached. The vivianite in the sediment contains significant amounts of manganese (~4-8 wt.%), similar to vivianite obtained from freshwater sediments. Our results indicate that methane dynamics play a key role in providing conditions that allow for vivianite authigenesis in coastal surface sediments. We suggest that vivianite may act as an important burial sink for P in brackish coastal environments worldwide.


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The geochemical cycling of barium was investigated in sediments of pockmarks of the northern Congo Fan, characterized by surface and subsurface gas hydrates, chemosynthetic fauna, and authigenic carbonates. Two gravity cores retrieved from the so-called Hydrate Hole and Worm Hole pockmarks were examined using high-resolution pore-water and solid-phase analyses. The results indicate that, although gas hydrates in the study area are stable with respect to pressure and temperature, they are and have been subject to dissolution due to methane-undersaturated pore waters. The process significantly driving dissolution is the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) above the shallowest hydrate-bearing sediment layer. It is suggested that episodic seep events temporarily increase the upward flux of methane, and induce hydrate formation close to the sediment surface. AOM establishes at a sediment depth where the upward flux of methane from the uppermost hydrate layer counterbalances the downward flux of seawater sulfate. After seepage ceases, AOM continues to consume methane at the sulfate/methane transition (SMT) above the hydrates, thereby driving the progressive dissolution of the hydrates "from above". As a result the SMT migrates downward, leaving behind enrichments of authigenic barite and carbonates that typically precipitate at this biogeochemical reaction front. Calculation of the time needed to produce the observed solid-phase barium enrichments above the present-day depths of the SMT served to track the net downward migration of the SMT and to estimate the total time of hydrate dissolution in the recovered sediments. Methane fluxes were higher, and the SMT was located closer to the sediment surface in the past at both sites. Active seepage and hydrate formation are inferred to have occurred only a few thousands of years ago at the Hydrate Hole site. By contrast, AOM-driven hydrate dissolution as a consequence of an overall net decrease in upward methane flux seems to have persisted for a considerably longer time at the Worm Hole site, amounting to a few tens of thousands of years.


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The ESR dating method was applied to marine shells taken from a sediment core from Dagebüll, Schleswig-Holstein. Four samples from two different depths of the core (17.5 m and 25-26 m), separated by a 2.76 meter thick clay layer (Turritella Clay), yielded identical ages within the limits of error. They indicated an assignment to the oxygen isotope stage 5, thus confirming the stratigraphic age. In addition, the ESR-ages confirm the interpretation of Lomitschka et al. (1997, doi:10.2312/meyniana.1997.49.85), that the Th/U-ages of shells below the clay layer are reliable, whereas shells located above the clay layer, which were strongly influenced by percolating groundwaters of an open system, yielded falsified Th/U-ages.


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During Leg 136 drilling was conducted at two sites in pelagic sediments of the north central Pacific Ocean. In this report, pore-water analyses for major seawater constituents, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silica, Ba, Fe, Li, Mn, and Sr are presented. Although concentration gradients are generally weak, resulting from slow sedimentation and concomitant diffusive communication with overlying water, there is evidence of sediment/pore-water interactions, associated sediment diagenesis, and formation of authigenic minerals. Bulk major and trace element compositions of the sediments are consistent with reactions inferred to occur within the sediments and with the lithology and mineralogy. Elemental compositions of the sediments are not strongly affected by diagenesis and are primarily related to the dominant mineralogy. Sediments are typical of deep ocean pelagic settings with a significant contribution from the alteration of volcanic ash and the formation of zeolites. Sedimentary rare earth element patterns also provide evidence of active scavenging processes by Mn and Fe oxide phases in the deeper sediments at Site 842.


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Comprehensive isotopic studies based on data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project have elucidated numerous details of the low- and high-temperature mechanisms of interaction between water and rocks of ocean crustal seismic Layers 1 and 2. These isotopic studies have also identified climatic changes during the Meso-Cenozoic history of oceans. Data on the abundance and isotopic composition of sulfur in the sedimentary layer as well as in rocks of the volcanic basement are more fragmentary than are oxygen and carbon data. In this chapter we specifically concentrate upon isotopic data related to specific features of the mechanisms of low-temperature interaction of water with sedimentary and volcanogenic rocks. The Leg 59 data provide a good opportunity for such lithologic and isotopic studies, because almost 600 meters of basalt flows and sills interbedded with tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias were cored during the drilling of Hole 448A. Moreover, rocks supposedly exposed to hydrothermal alteration play an important role at the deepest horizons of that mass. Sulfur isotopic studies of the character of possible biogenic processes of sulfate reduction in sediments are another focus, as well as the nature and origin of sulfide mineralization in Layer-2 rocks of remnant island arcs. Finally, oxygen and carbon istopic analyses of biogenic carbonates in the cores also enabled us to investigate the effects of changing climatic conditions during the Cenozoic. These results are compared with previous data from adjacent regions of the Pacific Ocean. Thus this chapter describes results of isotopic analyses of: oxygen and sulfur of interstitial water; oxygen and carbon of sedimentary carbonates and of calcite intercalations and inclusions in tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias interbedded with basalt flows; and sulfur of sulfides in these rocks.


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Vertical fluxes of 239+240Pu and 241Am and temporal changes in their inventories in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea have been examined through high-resolution water column sampling coupled with direct measurements of the vertical flux of particle-bound transuranics using time-series sediment traps. Water column profiles of both radionuclides showed well-defined sub-surface maxima (2391240Pu between 100-400 m; 241Am at 100-200 m and 800 m), the depths of which are a result of the different biogeochemical scavenging behavior of the two radionuclides. Comparison of deep water column (0-2,000 m) transuranic inventories with those derived from earlier measurements demonstrate that the total 2391240Pu inventory had not substantially changed between 1976-1990 whereas 241Am had decreased by approximately 24%. Enhanced scavenging of 241Am and a resultant, more rapid removal from the water column relative to 239+240Pu was also supported by the observation of elevated Am/Pu activity ratios in sinking particles collected in sediment traps at depth. Direct measurements of the downward flux of particulate 239+240Pu and 241Am compared with transuranic removal rates derived from observed total water column inventory differences over time, show that particles sinking out of deep waters (1,000-2,000 m) could account for 26-72% of the computed total annual 239+240Pu loss and virtually all of the 241Am removal from the water column. Upper water column (0-200 m) residence times based on direct flux measurements ranged from 20-30 yr for 239+240Pu and 5-10 yr for 241Am. The observation that 241Am/239+240Pu activity ratios in unfiltered Mediterranean seawater are six times lower than those in the north Pacific suggests the existence of a specific mechanism for enhanced scavenging and removal of 241Am from the generally oligotrophic waters of the open Mediterranean. It is proposed that atmospheric inputs of aluminosilicate particles transported by Saharan dust events which frequently occur in the Mediterranean region could enhance the geochemical scavenging and resultant removal of 241Am to the sediments.


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Particulate samples from the water column were collected monthly from depths of 5-150 m, between May 1996 and March 1997, in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Ligurian Sea) as part of the DYFAMED project within the French JGOFS program. These samples were analyzed by gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry for their phytol and 3-methylidene-3,7,11-trimethylhexadecan-1,2-diol (phytyldiol) content. The corresponding Chlorophyll Phytyl side chain Photodegradation Index, molar ratio of phytyldiol to phytol, was calculated and the mean amount of chlorophyll photodegraded within the euphotic zone estimated. Seasonal differences in the chlorophyll photodegradation process appear in the one-year study. The chlorophyll appeared more photodegraded in the surface water (generally more than 40% photodegraded at 5-10 m) than at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) (40-50 m) observed in the summer stratified waters (about 20% photodegraded). This difference was attributed to the healthy state of the phytoplankton community (coincidence with the highest primary production levels) and to the lower intensity of irradiance at the DCM level. On the other hand, the bulk of the detrital chlorophyll (chlorophyll associated with phytodetritus, phaeopigments) undergoes photodegradation before it sinks out of the photic zone. However, in January (winter mixed water) the pigments exported towards the sea floor were less photodegraded. This is thought to result from a shorter period of residence of the pigments in the photic zone due to vertical convection and grazing activity of macrozooplankton (salps), which are producers of rapid sinking fecal pellets.