233 resultados para surface oxygen complexes


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Planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records from the western and eastern tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans suggest a southward shift in the Intertropical Convergence Zone toward its modern location between 4.4 and 4.3 Ma. A concomitant shift in the carbon isotope compositions of Atlantic benthic foraminifera provides strong evidence for an increased thermohaline overturn at this time. We suggest that the southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and associated change in trade-wind circulation altered equatorial surface hydrography, increased the advection of warmer and more saline surface waters into the subtropical and North Atlantic, and contributed to thermohaline overturn.


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The oxygen isotope records of G. sacculifer and Pulleniatina in the uppermost three cores at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 805C span the last 1.6 m.y., an estimate based on Fourier stratigraphy. The last 700,000 yr are dominated by both eccentricity and obliquity-related orbital fluctuations. The range of variation of delta18O values is about 1.5?, of which ca. 75% may be assigned to global ice-volume effect. The remainder of the range is shared by the effects of surface temperature variation, thermocline depth change (in the case of Pulleniatina, especially), and differential dissolution. Before 1 Ma, obliquity-related fluctuations dominate. The transition between obliquity- and eccentricity-dominated time occurs between ca. 1 and 0.7 Ma. It is marked by irregularities in phase relationships, the source of which is not clear. The age of the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary is determined as 794,000 yr by obliquity counting. However, an age of 830,000 yr also is compatible with the counts of both eccentricity and obliquity cycles. In the first case, Stage 19 (which contains the boundary) is coincident with the crest of the 19th obliquity cycle, setting the first crest downcore equal to zero, and counting backward (o19). In the second, Stage 19 coincides with o20. No evidence was found for fluctuations related to precession (23 and 19 k.y.) rising above the noise level, using plain Fourier expansion on the age model of the entire series. Detailed stratigraphic comparison with the Quaternary record of Hole 806B allows the recognition of major dissolution events (which increase the difference in delta18O values of G. sacculifer at the two sites). These occur at Stages 11-13, 16-17, and near 1.5 Ma (below o33).


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Ocean Drilling Program Site 1002 in the Cariaco Basin was drilled in the final two days of Leg 165 with only a short transit remaining to the final port of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Because of severe time constraints, cores from only the first of the three long replicate holes (Hole 1002C) were opened at sea for visual description, and the shipboard sampling was restricted to the biostratigraphic examination of core catchers. The limited sampling and general scarcity of biostratigraphic datums within the late Quaternary interval covered by this greatly expanded hemipelagic sequence resulted in a very poorly defined age model for Site 1002 as reported in the Leg 165 Initial Reports volume of the Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Here, we present for the first time a new integrated stratigraphy for Site 1002 based on the standard of late Quaternary oxygen-isotope variations linked to a suite of refined biostratigraphic datums. These new data show that the sediment sequence recovered by Leg 165 in the Cariaco Basin is continuous and spans the time interval from 0 to ~580 ka, with a basal age roughly twice as old as initially suspected from the tentative shipboard identification of a single biostratigraphic datum. Lithologic subunits recognized at Site 1002 are here tied into this new stratigraphic framework, and temporal variations in major sediment components are reported. The biogenic carbonate, opal, and organic carbon contents of sediments in the Cariaco Basin tend to be high during interglacials, whereas the terrigenous contents of the sediments increase during glacials. Glacioeustatic variations in sea level are likely to exert a dominant control on these first-order variations in lithology, with glacial surface productivity and the nutrient content of waters in the Cariaco Basin affected by shoaling glacial sill depths, and glacial terrigenous inputs affected by narrowing of the inner shelf and increased proximity of direct riverine sources during sea-level lowstands.


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Quantitative analysis was performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal fauna from Site 516, near the crest of the Rio Grande Rise, and Site 518, on the lower western flank of the Rise. From Hole 516, 46 samples were taken, and from Hole 518, 80 samples were taken. The mean interval between samples is 20 to 25 cm. About 50 species of Quaternary and Pliocene planktonic foraminifers were identified. Quaternary sediments, dated by the initial evolutionary appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides and other criteria, have thickness, of 9.8 m in Hole 516 and 16 m in Hole 518. The Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone is subdivided into four subzones or biostratigraphic horizons (from lower to upper): (1) Globorotalia crassaformis viola, (2) Globorotalia crassaformis hessi, (3) Globigerina calida calida, and (4) Globigerinoides ruber (pink). Thickness of these horizons in Hole 516 establishes the age of the boundaries between them as 1.47, 0.81, and 0.28 Ma, respectively. All the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal complexes sampled are subtropical. The region of the Rio Grande Rise, therefore, has been within the southern subtropical gyre continuously for the last 2 Ma. The average annual surface water temperatures were reconstructed for the Quaternary at both sites. A micropaleontologic method for the paleotemperature analysis of the thanatocoenosis registers an average Quaternary temperature of 21.2°C at Site 516 and 21.7°C at Site 518. The temperature fluctuations increase up to 3.5°C during the accumulation of the two last horizons (since 0.81 Ma). Temperature peaks are tentatively compared with oxygen isotopic stages and with continental glaciations. Levels at which planktonic foraminiferal species disappear correspond to coldwater intervals. In the Quaternary of Site 518, some layers show signs of dissolution. Corrosive to CaCO3, the northward flow of Antarctic Bottom Water through the Vema Channel increases during the cold periods. Site 518 has two layers of redeposited foraminiferal sand with Pliocene foraminifers. The average rate of the Quaternary sedimentation in Hole 516 is 0.52 cm per thousand years, and in Hole 518 it is 0.84 cm per thousand years.


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The Persian Gulf situated in the arid climate region of the northern hemisphere shows special conditions in its hydrochemistry. The high evaporation, the lack of large rivers, and the exclusion of deep water from the Indian Ocean governs the nutrient cycle. At 28 stations in the deeper part of the Persian Gulf (Iran side), in the Strait of Hormuz, and in the Gulf of Oman determinations of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphate, silicate, and pH were carried out. On 4 selected transverse profiles for phosphate, and dissolved oxygen and on 1 length profile for phosphate, silicate, oxygen, and pH the distribution of these components is shown and the in- and outflow is characterized. It is also pointed out that the nutrients on their way into the Persian Gulf are diminished and that temporary replenishment supply from a layer of about 100 m depth in the Indian Ocean follows. On one horizontal map the phosphate distribution in the surface and 30 m layer gives reference to biological activity. One diagram where nitrogen components are plotted against phosphate shows that nitrate is a limiting factor for productivity. O2/PO4-P and PO4-P/S? diagrams enable the different waterbodies and mixed layers to be characterized.


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Live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal communities (hard-shelled species only) from the Pakistan continental margin oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) have been studied in order to determine the relation between faunal composition and the oxygenation of bottom waters. During R.R.S. Charles Darwin Cruises 145 and 146 (12 March to May 28 2003), 11 multicores were taken on the continental margin off Karachi, Pakistan. Two transects were sampled, constituting a composite bathymetric profile from 136 m (above the OMZ in spring 2003) down to 1870 m water depth. Cores (surface area 25.5 cm2) were processed as follows: for stations situated above, and in the upper part of the OMZ, sediment slices were taken for the 0-0.5 and 0.5-1 cm intervals, and then in 1 cm intervals down to 10 cm. For the lower part of the OMZ, the second centimetre was also sliced in half-centimetre intervals. Each sample was stored in 10 % borax-buffered formalin for further processing. Onshore, the samples were wet sieved over 63 µm, 150 µm and 300 µm sieves and the residues were stained for one week in ethanol with Rose Bengal. After staining, the residue was washed again. The stained faunas were picked wet in three granulometric fractions (63-150 µm, 150-300 µm and >300 µm), down to 10 cm depth. To gain more insight into the population dynamics we investigated the dead (unstained) foraminifera in the 2-3 cm level for the fractions 150-300 µm and >300 µm. The fractions >300 µm and 150-300 µm show nearly the same faunal distribution and therefore the results are presented here for both fractions combined (i.e. the >150 µm fraction). Live foraminiferal densities show a clear maximum in the first half centimetre of the sediment; only few specimens are found down to 4 cm depth. The faunas exhibit a clear zonation across the Pakistan margin OMZ. Down to 500 m water depth, Uvigerina ex gr. U. semiornata and Bolivina aff. B. dilatata dominate the assemblages. These taxa are largely restricted to the upper cm of the sediment. They are adapted to the very low bottom-water oxygen values (ab. 0.1 ml/l in the OMZ core) and the extremely high input of organic carbon on the upper continental slope. The lower part of the OMZ is characterized by cosmopolitan faunas, containing also some taxa that in other areas have been described in deep infaunal microhabitats.


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During the Indian Ocean Expedition of the German research vessel "Meteor" and the following cruise with the Pakistani fishing vessel "Machhera" in February and March 1965, sediments were sampled from the shelf, continental slope and the Arabian Basin off Pakistan and India. The biostratigraphic studies are based on sedimentary material from 24 sediment cores up to 480 cm long and 100 grab samples. The faunal residues of the > 160 µ fraction (chiefly foraminifera and pteropods) were determined and counted in order to get an idea of the climatic conditions during the Late Quaternary of this region. Biostratigraphic correlations of these Late Quaternary deposits are only possible if the thanatocoenosis of the surface sediments are well known. The analysis of the benthonic foraminiferal populations resulted in the definition of several foraminiferal facies. The following sequence of forarniniferal facies, named after their most characteristic members, can be distinguished from the shelf to the deep-sea: 1. Ammonia-Florilus facies ; 2. Ammonia-Cancris facies; 3. Cassidulina-Cibicides facies; 4. Uvigerina-Cassidulina facies ; 5. Buliminacea facies ; 6. deepwater facies, partly with Bulimina aculeata or with Nonionidae. On the upper continental slope there is a zone extremely poor in benthonic foraminifera. In this water depth the oxygen minimum layer (0.05-0.02 ml/l) of the water column reaches the slope. Almost no connection can be observed between the living and the dead foraminiferal population of the same sample. The regional distribution of the planktonic foraminifera from plankton tows as well as from the surface sediments shows marked differences in the species composition of faunas from different regions within the area of investigation. That depends on oceanographic conditions such as upwelling, dissolution of carbonate at great depths etc. Based on the results of faunal analysis of samples from the recent sea-floor, a biostratigraphic subdivision of the sediments in the cores was established. The following biostratigraphically defined sections could be distinguished from the top of the sediment cores downwards : 1. Relatively cool climatic conditions are reflected by the foraminifera of the uppermost core sections. 2. The next section is characterized by much warmer conditions (Holocene climatic optimum). The C-14 ages of this interval range from 4000 to 10 000 years B.P. according to different authors. C-14 dates on the material investigated do not give reliable clues. 3. Foraminiferal populations adapted to much colder conditions can be observed in the underlying core section. The boundary between the warm climate reflected by the foraminifera of section 2 and the cold climate (section 3) is relatively sharp. It can be correlated from core to core over the whole area investigated. The cold climate sediments of section 3 are underlain by different cool-, warm- and cold-climate sediments which can only be correlated over very short distances. Since it appears certain that the last really cold conditions ended earlier in the Arabian Sea and its vicinity than in Europe it is recommended not to use the European stratigraphic terms for the Quaternary. Because of the lack of reliable absolute sediment ages for the cores no exact sedimentation rates can be given. According to rough estimates, however, the rates are 1-2 cm/1000 years in the deep basin and up to 40 cm/1000 years on the upper continental slope. Sedimentation rates are always larger near the mouth of the Indus-River than off South India at stations of about the same water depth. Planktonic gastropods (mainly pteropods) cannot be used for biostratigraphic purposes in the region under consideration. All of them seem to be displaced from the shelf. Their distribution there is given in.


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The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (424-374 ka) was characterized by a protracted deglaciation and an unusually long climatic optimum. It remains unclear to what degree the climate development during this interglacial reflects the unusually weak orbital forcing or greenhouse gas trends. Previously, arguments about the duration and timing of the MIS11 climatic optimum and about the pace of the deglacial warming were based on a small number of key records, which appear to show regional differences. In order to obtain a global signal of climate evolution during MIS11, we compiled a database of 78 sea surface temperature (SST) records from 57 sites spanning MIS11, aligned these individually on the basis of benthic (N = 28) or planktonic (N = 31) stable oxygen isotope curves to a common time frame and subjected 48 of them to an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. The analysis revealed a high commonality among all records, with the principal SST trend explaining almost 49% of the variability. This trend indicates that on the global scale, the surface ocean underwent rapid deglacial warming during Termination V, in pace with carbon dioxide rise, followed by a broad SST optimum centered at ~410 kyr. The second EOF, which explained ~18% of the variability, revealed the existence of a different SST trend, characterized by a delayed onset of the temperature optimum during MIS11 at ~398 kyr, followed by a prolonged warm period lasting beyond 380 kyr. This trend is most consistently manifested in the mid-latitude North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea and is here attributed to the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. A sensitivity analysis indicates that these results are robust to record selection and to age-model uncertainties of up to 3-6 kyr, but more sensitive to SST seasonal attribution and SST uncertainties >1 °C. In order to validate the CCSM3 (Community Climate System Model, version 3) predictive potential, the annual and seasonal SST anomalies recorded in a total of 74 proxy records were compared with runs for three time slices representing orbital configuration extremes during the peak interglacial of MIS11. The modeled SST anomalies are characterized by a significantly lower variance compared to the reconstructions. Nevertheless, significant correlations between proxy and model data are found in comparisons on the seasonal basis, indicating that the model captures part of the long-term variability induced by astronomical forcing, which appears to have left a detectable signature in SST trends.


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We determined d18OCib values of live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead epibenthic foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Cibicides lobatulus, and Cibicides refulgens in surface sediment samples from the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian seas (Nordic Sea). This is the first time that a comprehensive d18OCib data set is generated and compiled from the Arctic Ocean. For comparison, we defined Atlantic Water (AW), upper Arctic Bottom Water (uABW), and Arctic Bottom Water (ABW) by their temperature/salinity characteristics and calculated mean equilibrium calcite d18Oequ from summer sea-water d18Ow and in situ temperatures. As a result, in the Arctic environment we compensate for Cibicidoides- and Cibicides-specific offsets from equilibrium calcite of -0.35 and -0.55 per mil, respectively. After this taxon-specific adjustment, mean d18OCib values plausibly reflect the density stratification of principle water masses in the Nordic Sea and Arctic Ocean. In addition, mean d18OCib from AW not only significantly differs from mean d18OCib from ABW, but also d18OCib from within AW differentiates in function of provenience and water mass age. Furthermore, in shallow waters brine-derived low d18Ow can significantly lower the d18OCib of Cibicides spp. and thus d18OCib may serve as a paleobrine indicator. There is no statistically significant difference, however, between deeper water masses mean d18OCib of the Nordic Sea, and of the Eurasian and Amerasian basins, and no influence of low-d18Ow brines is recorded in Recent uABW and ABW d18OCib of C. wuellerstorfi. This may be due to dilution of a low-d18Ow brine signal in the deep sea, and/or to preferential incorporation of relatively high-d18Ow brines from high-salinity shelves. Although our data encompass environments with seasonal sea-ice and brine formation supposed to ultimately ventilate the deep Arctic Ocean, d18OCib from uABW and ABW do not indicate negative excursions. This may challenge hypotheses that call for enhanced Arctic brine release to explain negative benthic d18O spikes in deep-sea sediments from the late Pleistocene North Atlantic Ocean.


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This study presents high-resolution foraminiferal-based sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity and upper water column stratification reconstructions off Cape Hatteras, a region sensitive to atmospheric and thermohaline circulation changes associated with the Gulf Stream. We focus on the last 10,000 years (10 ka) to study the surface hydrology changes under our current climate conditions and discuss the centennial to millennial time scale variability. We observed opposite evolutions between the conditions off Cape Hatteras and those south of Iceland, known today for the North Atlantic Oscillation pattern. We interpret the temperature and salinity changes in both regions as co-variation of activities of the subtropical and subpolar gyres. Around 8.3 ka and 5.2-3.5 ka, positive salinity anomalies are reconstructed off Cape Hatteras. We demonstrate, for the 5.2-3.5 ka period, that the salinity increase was caused by the cessation of the low salinity surface flow coming from the north. A northward displacement of the Gulf Stream, blocking the southbound low-salinity flow, concomitant to a reduced Meridional Overturning Circulation is the most likely scenario. Finally, wavelet transform analysis revealed a 1000-year period pacing the d18O signal over the early Holocene. This 1000-year frequency band is significantly coherent with the 1000-year frequency band of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) between 9.5 ka and 7 ka and both signals are in phase over the rest of the studied period.


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We generated benthic isotope records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 981 on the Feni drift (2173 m water depth) and from ODP site 983 on the Gardar drift (1983 m water depth) to examine the interaction between North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) formation from 2.0 to 1.4 Ma. We find NADW at both sites during interglacial periods, and a mix of NADW and Southern Ocean water at the Feini drift during most glacial periods. Prior to 1.7 Ma we find no evidence ofr GNAIW at the Gardar drift site. Instead, glacial Gardar drift delta13C values are as low or lower than values for all other sites in the North Atlantic and reflect continued glacial overflow from the Nordic seas. After 1.7 Ma Gardar drift delta13C values increase and suggest that there was GNAIW at the Gardar drift site during some glacial intervals. Overall, we find that NADW and GNAIW production changed around 1.7 Ma in concert with changes in sea surface temperature and salinity and in the Earth's obliquity cycle.


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We measured oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios in the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white s.s.) and the thermocline dweller Pulleniatina obliquiloculata to investigate upper ocean spatial variability in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP). We focused on three critical time intervals: the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 18-21.5 ka), the early Holocene (8-9 ka), and the late Holocene (0-2 ka). Our records from 24 stations in the South China Sea, Timor Sea, Indonesian seas, and western Pacific indicate overall dry and cool conditions in the IPWP during the LGM with a low thermal gradient between surface and thermocline waters. During the early Holocene, sea surface temperatures increased by ~3°C over the entire region, indicating intensification of the IPWP. However, in the eastern Indian Ocean (Timor Sea), the thermocline gradually shoaled from the LGM to early Holocene, reflecting intensification of the subsurface Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). Increased surface salinity in the South China Sea during the Holocene appears related to northward displacement of the monsoonal rain belt over the Asian continent together with enhanced influx of saltier Pacific surface water through the Luzon Strait and freshwater export through the Java Sea. Opening of the freshwater portal through the Java Sea in the early Holocene led to a change in the vertical structure of the ITF from surface- to thermocline-dominated flow and to substantial freshening of Timor Sea thermocline waters.