94 resultados para partial melting


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A comprehensive study of melt inclusions and SHRIMP dating of zircons from trondhjemite gneisses of the sequence VIII from the Kola Superdeep Borehole has revealed presence of old primary magmatic crystals with age up to 2887+/-15 Ma. This is not consistent with the previous view, according to which the oldest zircons from the Archean Complex in SG-3 are products of granulite metamorphism. Primary magmatic zircons of early generation (from 2887 to 2842 Ma) formed in deep-seated magma chambers during partial crystallization of CO2-saturated trondhjemite estimates on duration of generation of tonalite-trondhjemite-granite melts through partial melting of mafic rocks.


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Basement intersected in Holes 525A, 528, and 527 on the Walvis Ridge consists of submarine basalt flows and pillows with minor intercalated sediments. These holes are situated on the crest and mid- and lower NW flank of a NNW-SSE-trending ridge block which would have closely paralleled the paleo mid-ocean ridge. The basalts were erupted approximately 70 Ma, a date consistent with formation at the paleo mid-ocean ridge. The basalt types vary from aphyric quartz tholeiites on the Ridge crest to highly Plagioclase phyric olivine tholeiites on the flank. These show systematic differences in incompatible trace element and isotopic composition, and many element and isotope ratio pairs form systematic trends with the Ridge crest basalts at one end and the highly phyric Ridge flank basalts at the other. The low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51238) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.70512) ratios of the Ridge crest basalts suggest derivation from an old Nd/Sm and Rb/Sr enriched mantle source. This isotopic signature is similar to that of alkaline basalts on Tristan da Cunha but offset by somewhat lower 143Nd/144Nd values. The isotopic ratio trends may be extrapolated beyond the Ridge flank basalts (which have 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51270 and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70417) in the direction of typical MORB compositions. These isotopic correlations are equally consistent with mixing of depleted and enriched end-member melts or partial melting of an inhomogeneous, variably enriched mantle source. However, observed Zr-Ba-Nb-Y interelement relationships are inconsistent with any simple two-component model of magma mixing or partial melting. They also preclude extensive involvement of depleted (N-type) MORB material or its mantle sources in the petrogenesis of Walvis Ridge basalts.


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Legs 59 and 60 of the International Phase of Oceanic Drilling (IPOD) were designed to study the nature and history of volcanism of the active Mariana arc, its currently spreading inter-arc basin (the Mariana Trough), and the series of inactive basins and intervening ridges that lie to the west. The older basins and ridges were drilled during Leg 59 as the first part of a transect of single-bit holes drilled in each major basin and ridge. The eastern part of the transect - the technically active region - was drilled during Leg 60. The evolution of island-arc volcanos and magma genesis associated with lithospheric subduction remain some of the most complex petrologic problems confronting us. Many types of source material (mantle, oceanic crust, continental crust) and an unusually wide range of possible physical conditions at the time of magma genesis must be identified even before the roles of partial melting and subsequent magma fractionation, mixing, and contamination can be assessed.


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We have conducted high-pressure experiments on a natural oceanic gabbro composition (Gb108). Our aim was to test recent proposals that Sr-enrichment in rare primitive melt inclusions from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, may have resulted from melting of garnet pyroxenite formed in the magma source regions by reaction of peridotite with siliceous, Sr-enriched partial melts of eclogite of gabbroic composition. Gb108 is a natural, Sr-enriched olivine gabbro, which has a strong positive Sr anomaly superimposed on an overall depleted incompatible trace element pattern, reflecting its origin as a plagioclase-rich cumulate. At high pressures it crystallises as a coesite eclogite assemblage, with the solidus between 1,300 and 1,350°C at 3.5 GPa and 1,450 and 1,500°C at 4.5 GPa. Clinopyroxenes contain 4-9% Ca-eskolaite component, which varies systematically with pressure and temperature. Garnets are almandine and grossular-rich. Low degree partial melts are highly siliceous in composition, resembling dacites. Coesite is eliminated between 50 and 100°C above the solidus. The whole-rock Sr-enrichment is primarily hosted by clinopyroxene. This phase dominates the mode (>75 wt%) at all investigated PT conditions, and is the major contributor to partial melts of this eclogite composition. Hence the partial melts have trace element patterns sub-parallel to those of clinopyroxene with ~10* greater overall abundances and with strong positive Sr anomalies. Recent studies of primitive Hawaiian volcanics have suggested the incorporation into their source regions of eclogite, formerly gabbroic material recycled through the mantle at subduction zones. The models suggest that formerly gabbroic material, present as eclogite in the Hawaiian plume, partially melted earlier than surrounding peridotite (i.e. at higher pressure) because of the lower solidus temperature of eclogite compared with peridotite. This produced highly siliceous melts which reacted with surrounding peridotite producing hybrid pyroxene + garnet lithologies. The Sr-enriched nature of the formerly plagioclase-rich gabbro was present in the siliceous partial melts, as demonstrated by these experiments, and was transferred to the reactive pyroxenite. These in turn partially melted, producing Sr-enriched picritic liquids which mixed with normal picritic partial melts of peridotite before eruption. On rare occasions these mixed, relatively Sr-rich melts were trapped as melt inclusions in primitive olivine phenocrysts.Yaxley-Sobolev