450 resultados para late Holocene change


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We attempt a reconstruction of salinity levels of the central Baltic Sea based on diatom assemblages, the isotopic composition of organic matter and sedimentological expression of anoxia over the last 10 000 years. We use the data to investigate the dependence of salinity levels on climate evolution and isostasy. Changes in salinity of surface and deep waters were most pronounced from 8400 to approximately 5000 cal. BP. Density stratification between salty deep and fresher surface waters caused the frequent development of anoxic conditions and deposition of laminated sediments on large parts of the sea floor in the central Baltic Sea, and dramatic changes in organic carbon-accumulation rates. From 5000 to 3100 cal. BP, the salinity of the basin decreased, oxygenation of deep sea floors was improved, and fertility of the sea surface was significantly reduced. This is reflected by low accumulation rates of organic carbon in bioturbated sediments. Since 2800 cal. BP, salinity rose again and anoxic periods were more common. Even though the major steps in environmental evolution in the Baltic Sea coincide with known patterns of climatic change of the North Atlantic realm over the last 10 000 years, we find no conclusive evidence for synchronous changes or linear responses on submillennial timescales. However, we note that major variations in our salinity records agree with temporal patterns of reconstructed summer warmth and winter precipitation in southern Scandinavia. Both types of record suggest that climate in the mid-Holocene was far from stable. Our data also confirm that climate evolution over the late Holocene had significant impact on environmental conditions in the Baltic Sea.


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Available overwash records from coastal barrier systems document significant variability in North Atlantic hurricane activity during the late Holocene. The same climate forcings that may have controlled cyclone activity over this interval (e.g., the West African Monsoon, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)) show abrupt changes around 6000 yrs B.P., but most coastal sedimentary records do not span this time period. Establishing longer records is essential for understanding mid-Holocene patterns of storminess and their climatic drivers, which will lead to better forecasting of how climate change over the next century may affect tropical cyclone frequency and intensity. Storms are thought to be an important mechanism for transporting coarse sediment from shallow carbonate platforms to the deep-sea, and bank-edge sediments may offer an unexplored archive of long-term hurricane activity. Here, we develop this new approach, reconstructing more than 7000 years of North Atlantic hurricane variability using coarse-grained deposits in sediment cores from the leeward margin of the Great Bahama Bank. High energy event layers within the resulting archive are (1) broadly correlated throughout an offbank transect of multi-cores, (2) closely matched with historic hurricane events, and (3) synchronous with previous intervals of heightened North Atlantic hurricane activity in overwash reconstructions from Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the Bahamas. Lower storm frequency prior to 4400 yrs B.P. in our records suggests that precession and increased NH summer insolation may have greatly limited hurricane potential intensity, outweighing weakened ENSO and a stronger West African Monsoon-factors thought to be favorable for hurricane development.


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Within the scope of Russian-German palaeoenvironmental research, Two-Yurts Lake (TYL, Dvuh-Yurtochnoe in Russian) was chosen as the main scientific target area to decipher Holocene climate variability on Kamchatka. The 5x2 km large and 26 m deep lake is of proglacial origin and situated on the eastern flank of Sredinny Ridge at the northwestern end of the Central Kamchatka Valley, outside the direct influence of active volcanism. Here, we present results of a multi-proxy study on sediment cores, spanning about the last 7000 years. The general tenor of the TYL record is an increase in continentality and winter snow cover in conjunction with a decrease in temperature, humidity, and biological productivity after 5000-4500 cal yrs BP, inferred from pollen and diatom data and the isotopic composition of organic carbon. The TYL proxy data also show that the late Holocene was punctuated by two colder spells, roughly between 4500 and 3500 cal yrs BP and between 1000 and 200 cal yrs BP, as local expressions of the Neoglacial and Little Ice Age, respectively. These environmental changes can be regarded as direct and indirect responses to climate change, as also demonstrated by other records in the regional terrestrial and marine realm. Long-term climate deterioration was driven by decreasing insolation, while the short-term climate excursions are best explained by local climatic processes. The latter affect the configuration of atmospheric pressure systems that control the sources as well as the temperature and moisture of air masses reaching Kamchatka.


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A number of essential elements closely related to each other are involved in the Earth's climatic system. The temporal and spatial distribution of insolation determines wind patterns and the ocean's thermohaline pump. In turn, these last two are directly linked to the extension and retreat of marine and continental ice and to the chemistry of the atmosphere and the ocean. The variability of these elements may trigger, amplify, sustain or globalize rapid climatic changes. Paleoclimatic oscillations have been identified in this thesis by using fossil organic compounds synthesized by marine and terrestrial flora. High sedimentation rate deposits at the Barents and the Iberian peninsula continental margins were chosen in order to estimate the climatic changes on centennial time resolution. At the Barents margin, the sediment recovered was up to 15,000 years old (unit ''a'', from latin ''annos'') (M23258; west of the Bjørnøya island). At the Iberian margin, the sediment cores studied covered a wide range of time spans: up to 115,000 a (MD99-2343; north of the Minorca island), up to 250,000 a (ODP-977A; Alboran basin) and up to 420,000 a (MD01-2442, MD01-2443, MD01-2444, MD01-2445; close to the Tagus abyssal plain). At the northern site, inputs containing marine, continental and ancient reworked organic matter provided a detailed reconstruction of climate history at the time of the final retreat of the Barents ice sheet. At the western Barents continental slope, warm climatic conditions were observed during the early Holocene (~from 8,650 a to 5,240 a ago); in contrast, an apparent long-term cooling trend occurred in the late Holocene (~from 5,240 a to 760 a ago), in consistence with other paleoarchives from northern and southern European latitudes. The Iberian margin sites, which were never covered with large ice sheets, preserved exceptionally complete sequences of rapid events during ice ages hitherto not studied in such great detail: during the last glacial (~from 70,900 a to 11,800 a ago), the second glacial (~from 189,300 a to 127,500 a ago), the third ice age (~from 278,600 a to 244,800 a ago) and the fourth (~from 376,300 a to 337,500 a ago). In this thesis, crucial research questions were brought up concerning the severity of different glacial periods, the intensity and rates of the recorded oscillations and the long distance connections related to rapid climate change. The data obtained provide a sound basis to further research on the mechanisms involved in this rapid climate variability. An essential point of the research was the evidence that, over the past 420,000 a, at the whole Iberian margin, warm and stable long periods similar to the Holocene always ended abruptly in few centuries after a gradual deterioration of climate conditions. The detailed estimate of past climate variability provides clues to the natural end of the present warm period. Returning to an ice age in European lands would be exacerbated by a number of factors: a lack of differential solar heating between northern and southern north Atlantic latitudes, enhanced evaporation at low latitudes, and an increase in snowfall or iceberg discharges at northern regions. It must be emphasized that all climatic oscillations observed in this thesis were caused by forces of nature, i.e. the last two centuries were not taken into consideration.


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Lake Meerfelder Maar (Germany) provides a varved record from the Last Glacial/Interglacial transition back to ca 1500 years BP. This study shows results for the Holocene sequence from new cores collected in 2009 based on varve counting, microfacies and micro-XRF analyses. The main goal of combining those analyses is to provide a new approach for interpreting long-term palaeolimnological proxy data and testing the climate-proxy stationarity throughout the current interglacial period. Varve counting provides a new independent Holocene chronology (MFM2012) with an estimated counting error of 1-0.5% and supported by 14C dating. Varve structure and thickness and geochemical composition of the varves give information about the main environmental processes that affect the lake and its catchment as well as the possible climate variability behind. Varves are couplets of i) a spring/summer laminae composed of monospecific diatom blooms and ii) an autumn/winter sub-layer made of minerogenic material and re-worked sediments. Thickness of the varves and sub-layers reflect lake variability and allow seasons to be distinguished as well as seasonal proxies. Changes in the winter minerogenic influx into the lake are reflected by Ti intensities and the Si/Ti ratio as a indicator for diatom concentration, which can be used as a proxy for water circulation during the early spring. Long-term variability of geochemical composition shows a reduction of the detrital material input (Ti) at 5,000 varve yrs BP and a visible sensitivity to water mixing (Si/Ti) during the Late Holocene. Variations of Ti intensities during the early and mid-Holocene do not show a clear relationship with climate. In contrast, higher values of the Si/Ti ratio together with thicker varves have been interpreted as wind-stress phases, which coincide with centennial variability of European cold/wet episodes during the Late Holocene. Our findings show that a long-term change in the lake and/or variability of the climate system can influence proxy sensitivity of a lacustrine record.


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Marine- and terrestrial-derived biomarkers (alkenones, brassicasterol, dinosterol, and long-chain n-alkanes), as well as carbonate, biogenic opal, and ice-rafted debris (IRD), were measured in two sediment cores in the Sea of Okhotsk, which is located in the northwestern Pacific rim and characterized by high primary productivity. Down-core profiles of phytoplankton markers suggest that primary productivity abruptly increased during the global Meltwater Pulse events 1A (about 14 ka) and 1B (about 11 ka) and stayed high in the Holocene. Spatial and temporal distributions of the phytoplankton productivity were found to be consistent with changes in the reconstructed sea ice distribution on the basis of the IRD. This demonstrates that the progress and retreat of sea ice regulated primary productivity in the Sea of Okhotsk with minimum productivity during the glacial period. The mass accumulation rates of alkenones, CaCO3, and biogenic opal indicate that the dominant phytoplankton species during deglaciation was the coccolithophorid, Emiliania huxleyi, which was replaced by diatoms in the late Holocene. Such a phytoplankton succession was probably caused by an increase in silicate supply to the euphotic layer, possibly associated with a change in surface hydrography and/or linked to enhanced upwelling of North Pacific Deep Water.


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Aim Palaeoecological reconstructions document past vegetation change with estimates of rapid rates of changing species distribution limits that are often not matched by model simulations of climate-driven vegetation dynamics. Genetic surveys of extant plant populations have yielded new insight into continental vegetation histories, challenging traditional interpretations that had been based on pollen data. Our aim is to examine an updated continental pollen data set from Europe in the light of the new ideas about vegetation dynamics emerging from genetic research and vegetation modelling studies. Location Europe Methods: We use pollen data from the European Pollen Database (EPD) to construct interpolated maps of pollen percentages documenting change in distribution and abundance of major plant genera and the grass family in Europe over the last 15,000 years. Results: Our analyses confirm high rates of postglacial spread with at least 1000 metres per year for Corylus, Ulmus and Alnus and average rates of 400 metres per year for Tilia, Quercus, Fagus and Carpinus. The late Holocene expansions of Picea and Fagus populations in many European regions cannot be explained by migrational lag. Both taxa shift their population centres towards the Atlantic coast suggesting that climate may have played a role in the timing of their expansions. The slowest rates of spread were reconstructed for Abies. Main conclusions: The calculated rates of postglacial plant spread are higher in Europe than those from North America, which may be due to more rapid shifts in climate mediated by the Gulf Stream and westerly winds. Late Holocene anthropogenic land use practices in Europe had major effects on individual taxa, which in combination with climate change contributed to shifts in areas of abundance and dominance. The high rates of spread calculated from the European pollen data are consistent with the common tree species rapidly tracking early Holocene climate change and contribute to the debate on the consequences of global warming for plant distributions.


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For the reconstruction of sea-ice variability, a biomarker approach which is based on (1) the determination of sea-ice diatom-specific highly-branched isoprenoid (IP25) and (2) the coupling of phytoplankton biomarkers and IP25 has been used. For the first time, such a data set was obtained from an array of two sediment traps deployed at the southern Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean at water depth of 150 m and 1550 m and recording the seasonal variability of sea ice cover in 1995/1996. These data indicate a predominantly permanent sea ice cover at the trap location between November 1995 and June 1996, an ice-edge situation with increased phytoplankton productivity and sea-ice algae input in July/August 1996, and the start of new-ice formation in late September. The record of modern sea-ice variability is then used to better interpret data from sediment core PS2458-4 recovered at the Laptev Sea continental slope close to the interception with Lomonosov Ridge and recording the post-glacial to Holocene change in sea-ice cover. Based on IP25 and phytoplankton biomarker data from Core PS2458-4, minimum sea-ice cover was reconstructed for the Bølling/Allerød warm interval between about 14.5 and 13 calendar kyr BP, followed by a rapid and distinct increase in sea-ice cover at about 12.8 calendar kyr BP. This sea-ice event was directly preceded by a dramatic freshwater event and a collapse of phytoplankton productivity, having started about 100 years earlier. These data are the first direct evidence that enhanced freshwater flux caused enhanced sea-ice formation in the Arctic at the beginning of the Younger Dryas. In combination with a contemporaneous, abrupt and very prominent freshwater/meltwater pulse in the Yermak Plateau/Fram Strait area these data may furthermore support the hypothesis that strongly enhanced freshwater (and ice) export from the Arctic into the North Atlantic could have played an important trigger role for the onset of the Younger Dryas cold reversal. During the Early Holocene, sea-ice cover steadily increased again (ice-edge situation), reaching modern sea-ice conditions (more or less permanent sea-ice cover) probably at about 7-8 calendar kyr BP.


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Barrow, the northernmost point in Alaska, is one of the most intensively studied areas in the Arctic. However, paleoenvironmental evidence is limited for northern Alaska for the Lateglacial-Holocene transition. For a regional paleoenvironmental reconstruction, we investigated a permafrost ice-wedge tunnel near Barrow, Alaska. The studied site was first excavated in the early 1960s and intercepts a buried ice-wedge system at 3-6 m depth below the surface. A multi-methodological approach was applied to this buried ice-wedge system and the enclosing sediments, which in their combination, give new insight into the Late Quaternary environmental and climate history. Results of geochronological, sedimentological, cryolithological, paleoecological, isotope geochemical and microbiological studies reflect different stages of mid to late Wisconsin (MW to LW), Allerod (AD), Younger Dryas (YD), Preboreal (PB), and Late Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution. The LW age of the site is indicated by AMS dates in the surrounding sediments of 21.7 kyr BP at the lateral contact of the ice-wedge system as well as 39.5 kyr BP below the ice-wedge system. It is only recently that in this region, stable isotope techniques have been employed, i.e. to characterize different types of ground ice. The stable isotope record (oxygen: d18O; hydrogen: dD) of two intersecting ice wedges suggests different phases of the northern Alaskan climate history from AD to PB, with radiocarbon dates from 12.4 to 9.9 kyr BP (ranging from 14.8 to 10.6 kyr cal BP). Stable isotope geochemistry of ice wedges reveals winter temperature variations of the Lateglacial-Holocene transition including a prominent YD cold period, clearly separated from the warmer AD and PB phases. YD is only weakly developed in summer temperature indicators (such as pollen) for the northern Alaska area, and by consequence, the YD cold stadial was here especially related to the winter season. This highlights that the combination of winter and summer indicators comprehensively describes the seasonality of climate-relevant processes in discrete time intervals. The stable isotope record for the Barrow buried ice-wedge system documents for the first time winter climate change at the Lateglacial-Holocene transition continuously and at relatively high (likely centennial) resolution.


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The mid-Holocene (6000 calibrated years before present) is a key period in palaeoclimatology because incoming summer insolation was lower than during the late Holocene in the Southern Hemisphere, whereas the opposite happened in the Northern Hemisphere. However, the effects of the decreased austral summer insolation over South American climate have been poorly discussed by palaeodata syntheses. In addition, only a few of the regional studies have characterised the mid-Holocene climate in South America through a multiproxy approach. Here, we present a multiproxy compilation of mid-Holocene palaeoclimate data for eastern South America. We compiled 120 palaeoclimatological datasets, which were published in 84 different papers. The palaeodata analysed here suggest a water deficit scenario in the majority of eastern South America during the mid-Holocene if compared to the late Holocene, with the exception of northeastern Brazil. Low mid-Holocene austral summer insolation caused a reduced land-sea temperature contrast and hence a weakened South American monsoon system circulation. This scenario is represented by a decrease in precipitation over the South Atlantic Convergence Zone area, saltier conditions along the South American continental margin, and lower lake levels.


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We examined near-surface, late Holocene deep-sea sediments at nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) along the Southwest African continental margin. Contents, distribution patterns and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) are indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types, which can be correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in the same sediments. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories and satellite Aerosol Index imagery afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen on land and their transport pathways to the ocean sites. This multidisciplinary approach on an almost continental scale provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in lipid and pollen composition paralleling the major phytogeographic zonations on the adjacent continent. Dust and smoke aerosols are mainly derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semi-deserts and savannah regions rich in C4 and CAM plants. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin), which get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands, may also receive some material from the Chad region. Very little aerosol from the African continent is transported to the most southerly sites in the Cape Basin. As can be expected from the present position of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of the n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. The results of the study suggest that this combination of pollen data and compound-specific isotope geochemical proxies can be effectively applied in the reconstruction of past continental phytogeographic developments.


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In general, a moderate drying trend is observed in mid-latitude arid Central Asia since the Mid-Holocene, attributed to the progressively weakening influence of the mid-latitude Westerlies on regional climate. However, as the spatio-temporal pattern of this development and the underlying climatic mechanisms are yet not fully understood, new high-resolution paleoclimate records from this region are needed. Within this study, a sediment core from Lake Son Kol (Central Kyrgyzstan) was investigated using sedimentological, (bio)geochemical, isotopic, and palynological analyses, aiming at reconstructing regional climate development during the last 6000 years. Biogeochemical data, mainly reflecting summer moisture conditions, indicate predominantly wet conditions until 4950 cal. yr BP, succeeded by a pronounced dry interval between 4950 and 3900 cal. yr BP. In the following, a return to wet conditions and a subsequent moderate drying trend until present times are observed. This is consistent with other regional paleoclimate records and likely reflects the gradual Late Holocene diminishment of the amount of summer moisture provided by the mid-latitude Westerlies. However, climate impact of the Westerlies was apparently not only restricted to the summer season but also significant during winter as indicated by recurrent episodes of enhanced allochthonous input through snowmelt, occurring before 6000 cal. yr BP and at 5100-4350, 3450-2850, and 1900-1500 cal. yr BP. The distinct ~1500-year periodicity of these episodes of increased winter precipitation in Central Kyrgyzstan resembles similar cyclicities observed in paleoclimate records around the North Atlantic, likely indicating a hemispheric-scale climatic teleconnection and an impact of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) variability in Central Asia.