203 resultados para fish community structure


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Phospholipid fatty acids were measured in samples of 60°-130°C sediment taken from three holes at Site 1036 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169) to determine microbial community structure and possible community replacement at high temperatures. Five of six samples had similar concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids (2-6 pmol/g dry weight of sediment), and biomass estimates from these measurements compare favorably with direct microscopic counts, lending support to previous microscopic measures of deep sedimentary biomass. Very long-chain phospholipid fatty acids (21 to 30 carbons) were detected in the sediment and were up to half the total phospholipid fatty acid measured; they appear to increase in abundance with temperature, but their significance is not known. Community composition from lipid analysis showed that samples contained standard eubacterial membrane lipids but no detectable archaeal lipids, though archaea would be expected to dominate the samples at high temperatures. Cluster analysis of Middle Valley phospholipid fatty acid compositions shows that lipids in Middle Valley sediment samples are similar to each other at all temperatures, with the exception of very long-chain fatty acids. The data neither support nor deny a shift to a high-temperature microbial community in hot cores, so at the present time we cannot draw conclusions about whether the microbes observed in these hot sediments are active.


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Data on the zooplankton community structure, gut evacuation rate and carbon content of zooplankton faecal pellets were used for assessing the contribution of zooplankton to vertical carbon fluxes in the White and Kara Seas. The results revealed strong regional and seasonal variations of pellet carbon input related to differences in structure and dynamics of the zooplankton communities in the regions studied. In the deep regions of the White Sea, maximum daily pellet carbon flux from the 0-50 m layer was observed in the spring. It reached 98 mg Corg m-2 day-1 and coincided with a strong predominance of the large arctic herbivorous copepod Calanus glacialis in the surface layers. In summer and fall, it decreased by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude due to migration of this copepod to its overwintering depths. In contrast, in the shallow coastal regions, the pellet production was low in spring, gradually increased during summer and reached its maximum of 138 mg Corg m-2 day-1 by late summer to beginning of autumn. Such a seasonal pattern was in accordance with the seasonal variation of abundance of major pellet producers, the small boreal copepods Acartia bifilosa, Centropages hamatus, and Temora longicornis. In the estuarine zone of the Kara Sea, the pellet flux was mostly formed by pellets of brackish-water omnivorous copepods. It varied from 35 mg Corg m-2 day-1 in 1997 to 96 mg Corg m-2 day-1 in 1999. In the central Kara Sea with its typical marine community, the daily flux reached 125 mg Corg m-2 day-1 in summer. The results of our calculations indicate that both in the White and Kara seas zooplankton pellet carbon contributes up to 30 % to the total carbon flux during particular seasons.


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The Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) observatory HAUSGARTEN, in the eastern Fram Strait, provides us the valuable ability to study the composition of benthic megafaunal communities through the analysis of seafloor photographs. This, in combination with extensive sampling campaigns, which have yielded a unique data set on faunal, bacterial, biogeochemical and geological properties, as well as on hydrography and sedimentation patterns, allows us to address the question of why variations in megafaunal community structure and species distribution exist within regional (60-110 km) and local (<4 km) scales. Here, we present first results from the latitudinal HAUSGARTEN gradient, consisting of three different stations (N3, HG-IV, S3) between 78°30'N and 79°45'N (2351 - 2788 m depth), obtained via the analysis of images acquired by a towed camera (OFOS - Ocean Floor Observation System) in 2011. We assess variability in megafaunal densities, species composition and diversity as well as biotic and biogenic habitat features, which may cause the patterns observed. While there were significant regional-scale differences in megafaunal composition and densities between the stations (N3 = 26.74 ± 0.63; HG-IV = 11.21 ± 0.25; S3 = 18.34 ± 0.39 individuals/m**2), significant local differences were only found at HG-IV. Regional-scale variations may be due to the significant differences in ice coverage at each station as well as the different quantities of protein available, whereas local-scale differences at HG-IV may be a result of variation in bottom topography or factors not yet identified.


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The present data set provides contextual environmental data for samples from the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) that were selected for publication in a special issue of the SCIENCE journal (see related references below). The data set provides calculated averages of mesaurements made at the sampling location and depth, calculated averages from climatologies (AMODIS, VGPM) and satellite products.


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Microbial communities and their associated metabolic activity in marine sediments have a profound impact on global biogeochemical cycles. Their composition and structure are attributed to geochemical and physical factors, but finding direct correlations has remained a challenge. Here we show a significant statistical relationship between variation in geochemical composition and prokaryotic community structure within deep-sea sediments. We obtained comprehensive geochemical data from two gravity cores near the hydrothermal vent field Loki's Castle at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge, in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Geochemical properties in the rift valley sediments exhibited strong centimeter-scale stratigraphic variability. Microbial populations were profiled by pyrosequencing from 15 sediment horizons (59,364 16S rRNA gene tags), quantitatively assessed by qPCR, and phylogenetically analyzed. Although the same taxa were generally present in all samples, their relative abundances varied substantially among horizons and fluctuated between Bacteria- and Archaea-dominated communities. By independently summarizing covariance structures of the relative abundance data and geochemical data, using principal components analysis, we found a significant correlation between changes in geochemical composition and changes in community structure. Differences in organic carbon and mineralogy shaped the relative abundance of microbial taxa. We used correlations to build hypotheses about energy metabolisms, particularly of the Deep Sea Archaeal Group, specific Deltaproteobacteria, and sediment lineages of potentially anaerobic Marine Group I Archaea. We demonstrate that total prokaryotic community structure can be directly correlated to geochemistry within these sediments, thus enhancing our understanding of biogeochemical cycling and our ability to predict metabolisms of uncultured microbes in deep-sea sediments.


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In the high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll waters of the Gulf of Alaska, microcosm manipulation experiments were used to assess the effect of CO2 on growth and primary production under iron-limited and iron-replete conditions. As expected, iron had a strong effect on growth and photosynthesis. A modest and variable stimulation of growth and biomass production by CO2 (high CO2: 77-122 Pa; low CO2: 11-17 Pa) was observed under both iron-replete and iron-limited conditions, though near the limit of precision of our measurements in slow-growing low-iron experiments. Physiological acclimations responsible for the changes in growth were assessed. Under iron-limited conditions, growth stimulation at high CO2 appeared to result from an increase in photosynthetic efficiency, which we attribute to energy savings from down-regulation of the carbon concentrating mechanisms. In some cases, iron-rich photosynthetic proteins (PsbA, PsaC, and cytochrome b6) were down-regulated at elevated CO2in iron-limited controls. Under iron-replete conditions, there was an increase in growth rate and biomass at high CO2 in some experiments. This increase was unexpectedly supported by reductions in cellular carbon loss, most likely decreased respiration. We speculate that this effect may be due to acclimation to decreased pH rather than high CO2. The variability in responses to CO2 among experiments did not appear to be caused by differences in phytoplankton community structure and may reflect the sensitivity of the net response of phytoplankton to antagonistic effects of the several parameters that co-vary with CO2.


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Owing to anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could almost double between 2006 and 2100 according to business-as-usual carbon dioxide emission scenarios. Because the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will lead to increasing dissolved inorganic carbon and carbon dioxide in surface ocean waters, and hence acidification and lower carbonate saturation states. As a consequence, it has been suggested that marine calcifying organisms, for example corals, coralline algae, molluscs and foraminifera, will have difficulties producing their skeletons and shells at current rates, with potentially severe implications for marine ecosystems, including coral reefs. Here we report a seven-week experiment exploring the effects of ocean acidification on crustose coralline algae, a cosmopolitan group of calcifying algae that is ecologically important in most shallowwater habitats. Six outdoor mesocosms were continuously supplied with sea water from the adjacent reef and manipulated to simulate conditions of either ambient or elevated seawater carbon dioxide concentrations. The recruitment rate and growth of crustose coralline algae were severely inhibited in the elevated carbon dioxide mesocosms. Our findings suggest that ocean acidification due to human activities could cause significant change to benthic community structure in shallow-warm-water carbonate ecosystems.


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The present study describes quantitatively the macrozoobenthic community structure in intertidal of the Island Algodoal-Maiandeua in the Northern Brazilian state of Pará, which is part of a protected area since 1990. Samples of the epi-and endomacrobenthos of the unconsolidated substrate were collected in October 2012, using a PVC cylindrical corer with a surface area of 60 square centimeter at a depth of 30 cm, along three transects located perpendicular to the coastline, separated by intervals of 50 m. Collected material was sieved on a 1 mm mesh, specimens were fixed in 4% formaldehyde buffered with borax. In Tropical Benthic Ecology laboratory macroinvertebrates were washed with 70% alcohol and afterwards identified with a stereomicroscope and specific literature.


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Since pre-industrial times, uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by surface ocean waters has caused a documented change of 0.1 pH units. Calcifying organisms are sensitive to elevated CO2 concentrations due to their calcium carbonate skeletons. In temperate rocky intertidal environments, calcifying and noncalcifying macroalgae make up diverse benthic photoautotrophic communities. These communities may change as calcifiers and noncalcifiers respond differently to rising CO2 concentrations. In order to test this hypothesis, we conducted an 86?d mesocosm experiment to investigate the physiological and competitive responses of calcifying and noncalcifying temperate marine macroalgae to 385, 665, and 1486 µatm CO2. We focused on comparing 2 abundant red algae in the Northeast Atlantic: Corallina officinalis (calcifying) and Chondrus crispus (noncalcifying). We found an interactive effect of CO2 concentration and exposure time on growth rates of C. officinalis, and total protein and carbohydrate concentrations in both species. Photosynthetic rates did not show a strong response. Calcification in C. officinalis showed a parabolic response, while skeletal inorganic carbon decreased with increasing CO2. Community structure changed, as Chondrus crispus cover increased in all treatments, while C. officinalis cover decreased in both elevated-CO2 treatments. Photochemical parameters of other species are also presented. Our results suggest that CO2 will alter the competitive strengths of calcifying and noncalcifying temperate benthic macroalgae, resulting in different community structures, unless these species are able to adapt at a rate similar to or faster than the current rate of increasing sea-surface CO2 concentrations.


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Mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Turonian) plankton preserved in deep-sea marl, organic-rich shale, and pelagic carbonate hold an important record of how the marine biosphere responded to short- and long-term changes in the ocean-climate system. Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were short-lived episodes of organic carbon burial that are distinguished by their widespread distribution as discrete beds of black shale and/or pronounced carbon isotopic excursions. OAE1a in the early Aptian (~120.5 Ma) and OAE2 at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (~93.5 Ma) were global in their distribution and associated with heightened marine productivity. OAE1b spans the Aptian/Albian boundary (~113-109 Ma) and represents a protracted interval of dysoxia with multiple discrete black shales across parts of Tethys (including Mexico), while OAE1d developed across eastern and western Tethys and in other locales during the latest Albian (~99.5 Ma). Mineralized plankton experienced accelerated rates of speciation and extinction at or near the major Cretaceous OAEs, and strontium isotopic evidence suggests a possible link to times of rapid oceanic plateau formation and/or increased rates of ridge crest volcanism. Elevated levels of trace metals in OAE1a and OAE2 strata suggest that marine productivity may have been facilitated by increased availability of dissolved iron. The association of plankton turnover and carbon isotopic excursions with each of the major OAEs, despite the variable geographic distribution of black shale accumulation, points to widespread changes in the ocean-climate system. Ocean crust production and hydrothermal activity increased in the late Aptian. Faster spreading rates [and/or increased ridge length] drove a long-term (Albian-early Turonian) rise in sea level and CO2-induced global warming. Changes in ocean circulation, water column stratification, and nutrient partitioning lead to a reorganization of plankton community structure and widespread carbonate (chalk) deposition during the Late Cretaceous. We conclude that there were important linkages between submarine volcanism, plankton evolution, and the cycling of carbon through the marine biosphere.


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Increasing pCO2 (partial pressure of CO2 ) in an "acidified" ocean will affect phytoplankton community structure, but manipulation experiments with assemblages briefly acclimated to simulated future conditions may not accurately predict the long-term evolutionary shifts that could affect inter-specific competitive success. We assessed community structure changes in a natural mixed dinoflagellate bloom incubated at three pCO2 levels (230, 433, and 765 ppm) in a short-term experiment (2 weeks). The four dominant species were then isolated from each treatment into clonal cultures, and maintained at all three pCO2 levels for approximately 1 year. Periodically (4, 8, and 12 months), these pCO2 -conditioned clones were recombined into artificial communities, and allowed to compete at their conditioning pCO2 level or at higher and lower levels. The dominant species in these artificial communities of CO2 -conditioned clones differed from those in the original short-term experiment, but individual species relative abundance trends across pCO2 treatments were often similar. Specific growth rates showed no strong evidence for fitness increases attributable to conditioning pCO2 level. Although pCO2 significantly structured our experimental communities, conditioning time and biotic interactions like mixotrophy also had major roles in determining competitive outcomes. New methods of carrying out extended mixed species experiments are needed to accurately predict future long-term phytoplankton community responses to changing pCO2 .


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The HCMR_SES_LAGRANGIAN_GR2_ MICROBIAL PARAMETERS dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the North Aegean Sea during October 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column as influenced by the BSW. Heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus and Virus abundance: Subsamples for virus, heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp.) counting were analyzed using a FACSCalibur (Becton Dickinson) flow cytometer equipped with a standard laser (488 nm) and filter set and using deionized water as sheath fluid. Fluorescent beads with a diameter of 0.97 µm (Polysciences) were added to each sample as an internal standard, and all parameters were normalized to the beads and expressed as relative units. SYBRGreen I stain (Molecular Probe) was used to stain viral and heterotrophic bacterial DNA. Viruses were counted according to (Brussaard 1984). In order to avoid bulk consentrations of viruses samples we dilluted to Tris-EDTA (pH=8,0) buffer to a final sollution of 1/5 to 1/100. Total abundance and nucleid content classes were calculated using the Paint-A-Gate software (Becton Dickinson). Heterotrophic Nanoflagellate abundance: Subsamples (30-150 ml) were concentrated on 25mm black polycarbonate filters of porosity 0.6?m and stained with DAPI for 10 min (Porter and Feig 1980). Under epifluorescence microscopy heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) were distinguished using UV and blue excitation and enumerated. Nanoflagellates were classified in size categories and the biovolume was calculated. Ciliate abundance: For ciliate identification and enumeration, 100-3000 ml samples were left for 24h-4d for sedimentation and then observed under an inverted microscope. Ciliates were counted, distinguished into size-classes and major taxonomic groups and identified down to genus or species level where possible (Pitta et al. 2005). Heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus bacteria: Subsamples for virus, heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp.) counting were analyzed using a FACSCalibur (Becton Dickinson) flow cytometer equipped with a standard laser (488 nm) and filter set and using deionized water as sheath fluid. Fluorescent beads with a diameter of 0.97 µm (Polysciences) were added to each sample as an internal standard, and all parameters were normalized to the beads and expressed as relative units. SYBRGreen I stain (Molecular Probe) was used to stain viral and heterotrophic bacterial DNA. Viruses were counted according to (Brussaard 1984). In order to avoid bulk consentrations of viruses samples we dilluted to Tris-EDTA (pH=8,0) buffer to a final sollution of 1/5 to 1/100. Total abundance and nucleid content classes were calculated using the Paint-A-Gate software (Becton Dickinson). Abundance data were converted into C biomass using 250 fgC cell-1 (Kana & Glibert 1987) for Synechococcus, 50 fgC cell-1 (Campbell et al. 1994) for Prochlorococcus and 20fgC cell-1 (Lee & Fuhrman 1987) for heterotrophic bacteria. Heterotrophic Nanoflagellate biomass: Subsamples (30-150 ml) were concentrated on 25mm black polycarbonate filters of porosity 0.6µm and stained with DAPI for 10 min (Porter and Feig 1980). Under epifluorescence microscopy heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) were distinguished using UV and blue excitation and enumerated. Nanoflagellates were classified in size categories and the biovolume was calculated. Abundance data were converted into C biomass using 183 fgC µm**3 (Caron et al. 1995). Ciliate biomass: For ciliate identification and enumeration, 100-3000 ml samples were left for 24h-4d for sedimentation and then observed under an inverted microscope. Ciliates were counted, distinguished into size-classes and major taxonomic groups and identified down to genus or species level where possible (Pitta et al. 2005). Ciliate cell sizes were measured and converted into cell volumes using appropriate geometric formulae using image analysis. For biomass estimation, the conversion factor 190 fgC µm**3 was used (Putt and Stoecker 1989).