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Site 1085 is located on the continental rise of southwest Africa at a water depth of 1713 m off the mouth of the Orange River in the Cape Basin. The site is part of the suite of locations drilled during Leg 175 on the Africa margin to reconstruct the onset and evolution of the elevated biological productivity associated with the Benguela Current upwelling system (Wefer, Berger, Richter, et al., 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.175.1998). Three sediment samples were collected per section from Cores 170-1085A-28H through 45X (251-419 mbsf) to provide a survey of the sediment record of paleoproductivity from the middle late Miocene to the early Pliocene (~8.7-4.7 Ma), which is a period that includes the postulated northward migration and intensification of the Benguela Current and the establishment of modern circulation off southwest Africa (Siesser, 1980; Diester-Haass et al., 1992; Berger et al., 1998). Core 170-1085A-30H (270-279 mbsf) had essentially no recovery; this coring gap was filled with samples from Cores 170-1085B-29H and 30H (261-280 mbsf). The results of measurements of multiple paleoproductivity proxies are summarized in this report. Included in these proxies are the radiolarian, foraminiferal, and echinoderm components of the sand-sized sediment fraction. Opal skeletons of radiolarians (no diatoms were found) relate to paleoproductivity and water mass chemistry (Summerhayes et al., 1995, doi:10.1016/0079-6611(95)00008-5; Lange and Berger, 1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.130.011.1993; Nelson et al., 1995, doi:10.1029/95GB01070). The accumulation rates of benthic foraminifers are useful proxies for paleoproductivity (Herguera and Berger, 1991, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<1173:PFBFAG>2.3.CO;2; Nees, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(97)00012-6; Schmiedl and Mackensen, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(96)00137-X) because these fauna subsist on organic matter exported from the photic zone. Echinoderms also depend mainly on food supply from the photic zone (Gooday and Turley, 1990), and their accumulation rates are an additional paleoproductivity proxy. Concentrations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and organic carbon in sediment samples are fundamental measures of paleoproductivity (e.g., Meyers, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0146-6380(97)00049-1). In addition, organic matter atomic carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios and delta13C values can be used to infer the origin of the organic matter contained within the sediments and to explore some of the factors affecting its preservation and accumulation (Meyers, 1994, doi:10.1016/0009-2541(94)90059-0).


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'Hyperthermals' are intervals of rapid, pronounced global warming known from six episodes within the Palaeocene and Eocene epochs (~65-34 million years (Myr) ago) (Zachos et al., 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1109004; 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06588; Roehl et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784; Thomas et al., 2000; Cramer et al., 2003, doi:10.1029/2003PA000909; Lourens et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03814; Petrizzo, 2005, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.198.102.2005; Sexton et al., 2006, doi:10.1029/2005PA001253; Westerhold et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/2006PA001322; Edgar et al., 2007, doi:10.1038/nature06053; Nicolo et al., 2007, doi:10.1130/G23648A.1; Quillévéré et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.10.040; Stap et al., 2010, doi:10.1130/G30777.1). The most extreme hyperthermal was the 170 thousand year (kyr) interval (Roehl et al., 2007) of 5-7 °C global warming (Zachos et al., 2008) during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 56 Myr ago). The PETM is widely attributed to massive release of greenhouse gases from buried sedimentary carbon reservoirs (Zachos et al., 2005; 2008; Lourenbs et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens et al., 1995, doi:10.1029/95PA02087; Dickens, 2000; 2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00325-X; Panchuk et al., 2008, doi:10.1130/G24474A.1) and other, comparatively modest, hyperthermals have also been linked to the release of sedimentary carbon (Zachos et al., 2008, Lourens et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens, 2003; Panchuk et al., 2003). Here we show, using new 2.4-Myr-long Eocene deep ocean records, that the comparatively modest hyperthermals are much more numerous than previously documented, paced by the eccentricity of Earth's orbit and have shorter durations (~40 kyr) and more rapid recovery phases than the PETM. These findings point to the operation of fundamentally different forcing and feedback mechanisms than for the PETM, involving redistribution of carbon among Earth's readily exchangeable surface reservoirs rather than carbon exhumation from, and subsequent burial back into, the sedimentary reservoir. Specifically, we interpret our records to indicate repeated, large-scale releases of dissolved organic carbon (at least 1,600 gigatonnes) from the ocean by ventilation (strengthened oxidation) of the ocean interior. The rapid recovery of the carbon cycle following each Eocene hyperthermal strongly suggests that carbon was resequestered by the ocean, rather than the much slower process of silicate rock weathering proposed for the PETM (Zachos et al., 2005; 2003). Our findings suggest that these pronounced climate warming events were driven not by repeated releases of carbon from buried sedimentary sources (Zachos et al., 2008, Lourens et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens, 2003; Panchuk et al., 2003) but, rather, by patterns of surficial carbon redistribution familiar from younger intervals of Earth history.


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Abundant and diversified ebridians recovered during IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX) have been identified and counted in order to establish their taxonomy and to decipher the biostratigraphic potential of ebridians in the central Arctic Ocean. In the ACEX samples these fossils are preserved in Lithologic Units 1/6 and 2, which consist mainly of dark silty clay and biosiliceous ooze, respectively. Thirty taxa have been distinguished, three of which are described as new species (Ammmodochium lomonosovense, Pseudammodochium karyon, and pseudammodochium psichion). The most dominant ebridian species is Pseudammodochium dictyoides throughout the biosiliceous section. The second dominant species varies alternately throughout the section. Based on the characteristic occurrences of major ebridian taxa, the ebridian assemblageswere divided into GroupsAtoDin stratigraphic order. The ebridian assemblages in piston core USGS Fl-422 from the Alpha Ridge probably correlate to our assemblage Group A of early middle Eocene age, although rare younger taxa are irregularly included.


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The silicoflagellate taxa obtained in IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX) were identified and counted in order to establish the silicoflagellate biostratigraphy in the central Arctic Ocean. These microfossils in the ACEX samples were preserved in the Lithology Units 1/6 and 2, which are dark silty clay and biosiliceous ooze, respectively. The silicoflagellate skeletons in the ACEX samples are assigned to 56 taxa. Seven taxa were described as new species, which were abundant in Lithology Unit 2. Comparison with several study cases outside the Eocene Arctic Ocean suggested that the silicoflagellate assemblages in ACEX were unique in Lithology Unit 2. The dominance of silicoflagellate taxa varied throughout the lithological section. Based on the cluster analysis by Morishita similarity index C(Lambda), the silicoflagellate assemblageswere divided into nine assemblage groups. The silicoflagellate datum event of the first occurrence of Corbisema hexacantha in the lower part of Lithology Unit 1/6 is regarded. Based on the datum events for silicoflagellate and palynomorphs, the assigned epoch of Lithology Units 1/6 and 2 is the middle Eocene.


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Twenty-four piston core sediment samples and 13 sediments and 3 basalts from DSDP Leg 78 Site 543 were analyzed for Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. The results show sediment with highly radiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb up to 19.8) and rather radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd has been deposited in the region since the Cretaceous. The source of this sediment is probably the Archean Guiana Highland, which is drained by the Orinoco River. Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and sediment thickness decrease and 143Nd/144Nd increases northward due to a decrease in turbiditic component. This decrease is partly due to the damming action of basement ridges. Rare earth concentrations in the sediments are somewhat low, due to the abundance of detrital and biogenic components in the sediment and rapid sedimentation rates. Both positive and negative Ce anomalies occur in the surface sediments, but only positive Ce anomalies occur in the Site 543 sediments. It is unlikely that sediment subducted to the source region of Lesser Antilles arc magmas could be the cause of negative Ce anomalies in those magmas. Isotopic compositions of Site 543 basalts show some effect of contamination by seawater-basalt reaction products and sediments. Beyond this, however, they are typical of "normal" depleted MORB.


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Structure and composition of sub-surface bottom sediments from the southwest Barents Sea have been under study. The study has revealed heterogeneity of sediment structure resulted from temporal irregularity and variability of sedimentation processes. The study of the heavy minerals from 0.1-0.01 mm grain size fraction has shown prevalence of green hornblende, epidote, garnet, and ilmenite in all types of sediments; these minerals are the basis of terrigenous-mineralogical province. At the same time in different areas local terrigenous-mineralogical associations have been identified. Clay mineral composition of in the sediments was quite uniform: biotite, chlorite, hydromica, smectite. Despite this, a number of features indicating initial stages of clay mineral transformation has been identified. Differences in material composition and structure of the studied sediments are associated with rapid change in paleogeographic situation on the land - ice cover melting on the Kola Peninsula and subsequent Holocene climatic situation.