390 resultados para South of Córdoba


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As soon as they are emplaced on the sea floor, oceanic basalts go through a low-temperature alteration process which produces black halos concentrical with exposed surfaces and cracks, whereas the grey internal parts of the basaltic pieces apparently remain unaltered. This paper reports for the first time the occurrence of authigenic siderite and ankerite in oceanic basalts and more particularly in the grey internal parts of the latter. Small (8-50 µm) crystals of zoned siderite and ankerite have been observed in ten vesicles of two samples recovered from DSDP Holes 506G and 507B drilled south of the Galápagos Spreading Center (GSC). These Fe-carbonates show a large range of chemical composition (FeCO3 = 47-88%; CaCO3 = 5-40%; MgCO3 = 1-20%; MnCO3 = 0-11%). Most of them are Ca-richer than siderite reported in the literature. The chemical composition of the carbonate clearly reflects the fluctuation of the fluid chemical composition during crystallization. Mn and at least part of the Fe are thought to be hydrothermal in origin, whereas Mg and probably Ca were provided by seawater. It is proposed that siderite and ankerite formed at relatively low temperature (<85°C) and is metastable. The alteration of the GSC basalts seems to have proceeded in two stages: during the first, reducing stage, pyrite precipitated from hydrothermal fluids. A little further in the rock, siderite precipitated from the fluid which had already been modified by the formation of pyrite, and thus in a microenvironment where particular conditions prevailed (high P_CO2, increasing p_S**2- or increasing pH or increasing or decreasing pe). During the second, oxidizing, stage of alteration, a seawater-dominated fluid allowed crystallization of mixtures of Fe-rich smectites and micas, and Fe-hydroxides forming the black halos in the external portion of the basalt pieces and locally oxidizing pyrite and siderite in their innermost part. It is shown in this paper that, even at its earliest stage, and at low temperature, alteration of the upper oceanic crust (lavas) involves fluids enriched in Fe and Mn, interpreted to be of hydrothermal origin.


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Calcareous nannoplankton assemblages and benthic d18O isotopes of Pliocene deep-sea sediments of ODP site 1172 (East of Tasmania) have been studied to improve our knowledge of the Southern Ocean paleoceanography. Our study site is located just north of the Subtropical Front (STF), an ideal setting to monitor migrations of the STF during our study period, between 3.45 and 2.45 Ma. The assemblage identified at ODP site 1172 has been interpreted as characteristic for the transitional zone water mass, located south of the STF, based on: (i) the low abundances (< 1%) of subtropical taxa, (ii) relatively high percentages of Coccolithus pelagicus, a subpolar type species, (iii) abundances from 2-10% of Calcidiscus leptoporus, a species that frequently inhabits the zone south of the STF and (iv) the high abundances of small Noelaerhabdaceae which at present dominates the zone south of the STF. Across our interval the calcareous nannoplankton manifests glacial-interglacial variability. We have identified cold events, characterized by high abundances of C. pelagicus which coincide with glacial periods, except during G7. After 3.1 Ma cold events are more frequent, in concordance with global cooling trends. Around 2.75 Ma, the interglacial stage G7 is characterized by anomalous low temperatures which most likely are linked to definite closure of the Central American Seaway (CAS), an event that is believed to have had global consequences. A gradual increase of very small Reticulofenestra across our section marks a significant trend in the small Noelaerhabdaceae species group and has been linked to a general enhanced mixing of the water column in agreement with previous studies. It is suggested that a rapid decline of small Gephyrocapsa after isotopic stage G7 might be related to the cooling observed in our study site after the closure of the CAS.


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An intense diatom bloom developed within a strong meridional silicic acid gradient across the Antarctic Polar Front at 61°S, 170°W following stratification of the water column in late October/early November 1997. The region of high diatom biomass and the silicic acid gradient propogated southward across the Seasonal Ice Zone through time, with the maximum diatom biomass tracking the center of the silicic acid gradient. High diatom biomass and high rates of silica production persisted within the silicic acid gradient until the end of January 1998 (ca. 70 d) driving the gradient over 500 km to the south of its original position at the Polar Front. The bloom consumed 30 to >40 µM Si(OH)4 in the euphotic zone between about 60 and 66°S leaving near surface concentrations <2.5 µM and occasionally <1.0 µM in its wake. Integrated biogenic silica concentrations within the bloom averaged 410 mmol Si/m**2 (range 162-793 mmol Si/m**2). Average integrated silica production on two consecutive cruises in December 1997 and January 1998 that sampled the bloom while it was well developed were 27.5±6.9 and 22.6±20 mmol Si/m**2/d, respectively. Those levels of siliceous biomass and silica production are similar in magnitude to those reported for ice-edge diatom blooms in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, which is considered to be among the most productive regions in the Southern Ocean. Net silica production (production minus dissolution) in surface waters during the bloom was 16-21 mmol Si/m**2/d, which is sufficient for diatom growth to be the cause of the southward displacement of the silicic acid gradient. A strong seasonal change in silica dissolution : silica production rate ratios was observed. Integrated silica dissolution rates in the upper 100-150 m during the low biomass period before stratification averaged 64% of integrated production. During the bloom integrated dissolution rates averaged only 23% of integrated silica production, making 77% of the opal produced available for export to depth. The bloom ended in late January apparently due to a mixing event. Dissolution : production rate ratios increased to an average of 0.67 during that period indicating a return to a predominantly regenerative system. Our observations indicate that high diatom biomass and high silica production rates previously observed in the marginal seas around Antarctica also occur in the deep ocean near the Polar Front. The bloom we observed propagated across the latitudinal band overlying the sedimentary opal belt which encircles most of Antarctica implying a role for such blooms in the formation of those sediments. Comparison of our surface silica production rates with new estimates of opal accumulation rates in the abyssal sediments of the Southern Ocean, which have been corrected for sediment focusing, indicate a burial efficiency of <=4.6% for biogenic silica. That efficiency is considerably lower than previous estimates for the Southern Ocean.


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Data and observation from Drifting Program Leg 121 and plate-tectonic reconstructions indicate that the Ninetyeast Ridge (Indian Ocean) was derived from the interaction of a deep-seated Dupal hotspot and a nearby spreading-ridge axis. The 5000-km-long ridge, from lat 34°S to lat 10°N, was drilled at three sites during Leg 121. About 178 m of basalt, >38 to >80 Ma, were recovered from a total penetration of ~310 m. Shipboard petrographic and geochemical studies showed that each site has distinctive characteristics. Most of the cored lavas have a tholeiitic basalt composition. Incompatible-element abundanes and ratios show systematic trends, consistent with an origin for the Ninetyeast Ridge lavas by mixing between a depleted component-Indian Ocean mid-ocean ridge basalt-and an enriched component-oceanic-island basalt similar to that observed in the youngest alkalic basalts from the Kerguelen archipelago. Preliminary shore-based trace element abundance and isotopic data are compatible with this hypothesis, although Pb isotopes indicate the involvement of another component. The long-lasting and more or less continuous activity of the Kerguelen-Heard plume (ca. 115 Ma), now located under Heard Island, south of the Southeast Indian Ridge, provides evidence that the source of the Dupal anomaly is deep seated.


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Six soft sediment cores, up to and over 9 m in length, and additional surface samples were selected for study of their planktonic foraminifera to provide information on the Holocene and Pleistocene stratigraphy of the West African continental margin south of the present boundary of the Sahara. The material was collected by the German research vessel "Meteor" during Cruise 25 in 1971. The residues larger than 160 microns determined, counted and statistically evaluated. Stratigraphical correlations with trans- Antlantic regions are given by occurrence of Truncorotalidoides hexagonus and Globorotalia tumidula flexuosa which mark the last interglacial stage. According to the climatic record the two deep-sea cores extend down to the V-zone, considered here as equivalent to the Mindel-Riss-interglacial time, as there are three distinctly warm and two cold periods indicated in the cores by planktonic foraminiferal faunas. Z-zone = Holocene is present in all cores, Y-zone = Wuermian glacial can be divided into five section, three cold and two warm stages; the X-zone can be divided into three warm stages, separated into two cool periods. The earliest warm stage is indicated to be the warmest one. There are excellent correlations to the Camp century ice core from Greenland, to the Mediterranean, to the Carribean and to the tropical Atlantic as well as to the Barnados stage. The W-zone was correlated to the Riss-glacial. V-zone is a warm period, the upper limit of which being not sufficiently defined, which contains also some cool sections. Increasing sedimentation rates from the deep-sea to the upper slope reveal climatic and regional details in Holocene and Late Pleistocene history of the continental margin. These were based mainly on different parameters of planktonic foraminiferal thanatocoenoses which are the main components of the size fraction >160 microns of the pelagic core. They become incerasingly diluted by other faunal and terrigenous components with decreasing slope depths. Estimates of absolute abundances, ranging from 25000 specimens/gm of sediment in the deep sea to less than 100, indicate various sedimentary processes at the continental margin. An ecological correlation by dominant species is possible. Readily computed temperature indices of different scales are presented which indicate, for instance, three distinctly cold sections within the last glacial and seven warm sections within the last interglacial lime. These are used for estimates of sedimentation rates. During cold periods sedimentation rates are higher than during warmer periods. Stratigraphic correlation and faunal record, combined with absolute abundances and sedimentation rates, indicated that in the deep sea turbidity currents not only cause high sedimentation rates for short periods of time, but also that material is occasionally eroded. Effects of upwelling may be detected in the surfacc sediment samples as well as in late Pleistocene and early Holocene samples of the slope by planktonic foraminiferal data which are not influenced by sedimentary processes.


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New geological and geophysical data on the Amirante Arc, which locates to the south of the Seychelles Islands, are presented. These data were obtained by Pacific Oceanological Institute during the 33-rd cruise of R/V Professor Bogorov in 1990. The Amirante Arc represents a seamount chain, which has submeridional strike and total length about 400 km. To the west of the Amirante Arc there are a deep sea trench and a back-arc basin, i.e. this area is characterized by structural elements associated with the subduction zone of Western Pacific type. According to our data the Amirante Arc is composed by tholeiites of ocean plateau type. This facts are evidences that the Amirante Arc differs from typical Pacific island arcs. This gives an opportunity to distinguish a special type of oceanic structures, i.e. non-volcanic (amagmatic) ridges. The Amirante Ridge has been probably formed as a result of oceanic crust heaping due to horizontal displacements of its blocks in the process of spreding ridge formation in the Indian Ocean during Cretaceous-Paleogene.


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Stubacher Sonnblickkees (SSK) is located in the Hohe Tauern Range (Eastern Alps) in the south of Salzburg Province (Austria) in the region of Oberpinzgau in the upper Stubach Valley. The glacier is situated at the main Alpine crest and faces east, starting at elevations close to 3050 m and in the 1980s terminated at 2500 m a.s.l. It had an area of 1.7 km² at that time, compared with 1 km² in 2013. The glacier type can be classified as a slope glacier, i.e. the relief is covered by a relatively thin ice sheet and there is no regular glacier tongue. The rough subglacial topography makes for a complex shape in the surface topography, with various concave and convex patterns. The main reason for selecting this glacier for mass balance observations (as early as 1963) was to verify on a complex glacier how the mass balance methods and the conclusions - derived during the more or less pioneer phase of glaciological investigations in the 1950s and 1960s - could be applied to the SSK glacier. The decision was influenced by the fact that close to the SSK there was the Rudolfshütte, a hostel of the Austrian Alpine Club (OeAV), newly constructed in the 1950s to replace the old hut dating from 1874. The new Alpenhotel Rudolfshütte, which was run by the Slupetzky family from 1958 to 1970, was the base station for the long-term observation; the cable car to Rudolfshütte, operated by the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), was a logistic advantage. Another factor for choosing SSK as a glaciological research site was the availability of discharge records of the catchment area from the Austrian Federal Railways who had turned the nearby lake Weißsee ('White Lake') - a former natural lake - into a reservoir for their hydroelectric power plants. In terms of regional climatic differences between the Central Alps in Tyrol and those of the Hohe Tauern, the latter experienced significantly higher precipitation , so one could expect new insights in the different response of the two glaciers SSK and Hintereisferner (Ötztal Alps) - where a mass balance series went back to 1952. In 1966 another mass balance series with an additional focus on runoff recordings was initiated at Vernagtfener, near Hintereisferner, by the Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich. The usual and necessary link to climate and climate change was given by a newly founded weather station (by Heinz and Werner Slupetzky) at the Rudolfshütte in 1961, which ran until 1967. Along with an extension and enlargement to the so-called Alpine Center Rudolfshütte of the OeAV, a climate observatory (suggested by Heinz Slupetzky) has been operating without interruption since 1980 under the responsibility of ZAMG and the Hydrological Service of Salzburg, providing long-term met observations. The weather station is supported by the Berghotel Rudolfshütte (in 2004 the OeAV sold the hotel to a private owner) with accommodation and facilities. Direct yearly mass balance measurements were started in 1963, first for 3 years as part of a thesis project. In 1965 the project was incorporated into the Austrian glacier measurement sites within the International Hydrological Decade (IHD) 1965 - 1974 and was afterwards extended via the International Hydrological Program (IHP) 1975 - 1981. During both periods the main financial support came from the Hydrological Survey of Austria. After 1981 funds were provided by the Hydrological Service of the Federal Government of Salzburg. The research was conducted from 1965 onwards by Heinz Slupetzky from the (former) Department of Geography of the University of Salzburg. These activities received better recognition when the High Alpine Research Station of the University of Salzburg was founded in 1982 and brought in additional funding from the University. With recent changes concerning Rudolfshütte, however, it became unfeasible to keep the research station going. Fortunately, at least the weather station at Rudolfshütte is still operating. In the pioneer years of the mass balance recordings at SSK, the main goal was to understand the influence of the complicated topography on the ablation and accumulation processes. With frequent strong southerly winds (foehn) on the one hand, and precipitation coming in with storms from the north to northwest, the snow drift is an important factor on the undulating glacier surface. This results in less snow cover in convex zones and in more or a maximum accumulation in concave or flat areas. As a consequence of the accentuated topography, certain characteristic ablation and accumulation patterns can be observed during the summer season every year, which have been regularly observed for many decades . The process of snow depletion (Ausaperung) runs through a series of stages (described by the AAR) every year. The sequence of stages until the end of the ablation season depends on the weather conditions in a balance year. One needs a strong negative mass balance year at the beginning of glacier measurements to find out the regularities; 1965, the second year of observation resulted in a very positive mass balance with very little ablation but heavy accumulation. To date it is the year with the absolute maximum positive balance in the entire mass balance series since 1959, probably since 1950. The highly complex ablation patterns required a high number of ablation stakes at the beginning of the research and it took several years to develop a clearer idea of the necessary density of measurement points to ensure high accuracy. A great number of snow pits and probing profiles (and additional measurements at crevasses) were necessary to map the accumulation area/patterns. Mapping the snow depletion, especially at the end of the ablation season, which coincides with the equilibrium line, is one of the main basic data for drawing contour lines of mass balance and to calculate the total mass balance (on a regular-shaped valley glacier there might be an equilibrium line following a contour line of elevation separating the accumulation area and the ablation area, but not at SSK). - An example: in 1969/70, 54 ablation stakes and 22 snow pits were used on the 1.77 km² glacier surface. In the course of the study the consistency of the accumulation and ablation patterns could be used to reduce the number of measurement points. - At the SSK the stratigraphic system, i.e. the natural balance year, is used instead the usual hydrological year. From 1964 to 1981, the yearly mass balance was calculated by direct measurements. Based on these records of 17 years, a regression analysis between the specific net mass balance and the ratio of ablation area to total area (AAR) has been used since then. The basic requirement was mapping the maximum snow depletion at the end of each balance year. There was the advantage of Heinz Slupetzky's detailed local and long-term experience, which ensured homogeneity of the series on individual influences of the mass balance calculations. Verifications took place as often as possible by means of independent geodetic methods, i.e. monoplotting , aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry, more recently also the application of PHOTOMODELLER and laser scans. The semi-direct mass balance determinations used at SSK were tentatively compared with data from periods of mass/volume change, resulting in promising first results on the reliability of the method. In recent years re-analyses of the mass balance series have been conducted by the World Glacier Monitoring Service and will be done at SSK too. - The methods developed at SSK also add to another objective, much discussed in the 1960s within the community, namely to achieve time- and labour-saving methods to ensure continuation of long-term mass balance series. The regression relations were used to extrapolate the mass balance series back to 1959, the maximum depletion could be reconstructed by means of photographs for those years. R. Günther (1982) calculated the mass balance series of SSK back to 1950 by analysing the correlation between meteorological data and the mass balance; he found a high statistical relation between measured and determined mass balance figures for SSK. In spite of the complex glacier topography, interesting empirical experiences were gained from the mass balance data sets, giving a better understanding of the characteristics of the glacier type, mass balance and mass exchange. It turned out that there are distinct relations between the specific net balance, net accumulation (defined as Bc/S) and net ablation (Ba/S) to the AAR, resulting in characteristic so-called 'turnover curves'. The diagram of SSK represents the type of a glacier without a glacier tongue. Between 1964 and 1966, a basic method was developed, starting from the idea that instead of measuring years to cover the range between extreme positive and extreme negative yearly balances one could record the AAR/snow depletion/Ausaperung during one or two summers. The new method was applied on Cathedral Massif Glacier, a cirque glacier with the same area as the Stubacher Sonnblickkees, in British Columbia, Canada. during the summers of 1977 and 1978. It returned exactly the expected relations, e.g. mass turnover curves, as found on SSK. The SSK was mapped several times on a scale of 1:5000 to 1:10000. Length variations have been measured since 1960 within the OeAV glacier length measurement programme. Between 1965 and 1981, there was a mass gain of 10 million cubic metres. With a time lag of 10 years, this resulted in an advance until the mid-1980s. Since 1982 there has been a distinct mass loss of 35 million cubic metres by 2013. In recent years, the glacier has disintegrated faster, forced by the formation of a periglacial lake at the glacier terminus and also by the outcrops of rocks (typical for the slope glacier type), which have accelerated the meltdown. The formation of this lake is well documented. The glacier has retreated by some 600 m since 1981. - Since August 2002, a runoff gauge installed by the Hydrographical Service of Salzburg has recorded the discharge of the main part of SSK at the outlet of the new Unterer Eisboden See. The annual reports - submitted from 1982 on as a contractual obligation to the Hydrological Service of Salzburg - document the ongoing processes on the one hand, and emphasize the mass balance of SSK and outline the climatological reasons, mainly based on the met-data of the observatory Rudolfshütte, on the other. There is an additional focus on estimating the annual water balance in the catchment area of the lake. There are certain preconditions for the water balance equation in the area. Runoff is recorded by the ÖBB power stations, the mass balance of the now approx. 20% glaciated area (mainly the Sonnblickkees) is measured andthe change of the snow and firn patches/the water content is estimated as well as possible. (Nowadays laserscanning and ground radar are available to measure the snow pack). There is a net of three precipitation gauges plus the recordings at Rudolfshütte. The evaporation is of minor importance. The long-term annual mean runoff depth in the catchment area is around 3.000 mm/year. The precipitation gauges have measured deficits between 10% and 35%, on average probably 25% to 30%. That means that the real precipitation in the catchment area Weißsee (at elevations between 2,250 and 3,000 m) is in an order of 3,200 to 3,400 mm a year. The mass balance record of SSK was the first one established in the Hohe Tauern region (and now since the Hohe Tauern National Park was founded in 1983 in Salzburg) and is one of the longest measurement series worldwide. Great efforts are under way to continue the series, to safeguard against interruption and to guarantee a long-term monitoring of the mass balance and volume change of SSK (until the glacier is completely gone, which seems to be realistic in the near future as a result of the ongoing global warming). Heinz Slupetzky, March 2014


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From the equatorial Indian Ocean, carbonate-free portions of sediment samples of Paleocene to Miocene calcareous oozes and chalks from Sites 707, 709, and 711 were studied using X-ray diffraction measurements and the scanning electron microscope. Downhole variations in biogenic opal, quartz, barite, and clinoptilolite were investigated. The abundance patterns of these major mineral phases show several similarities and may be used for additional lithologic correlations. Variations in biogenic opal contents reflect biogenic silica productivity. Beside the general pattern, a succession in biogenic silica decrease through time is generally recorded since the Oligocene. This succession started earliest at northernmost Site 711 and latest at southernmost Site 707, including Site 709 within these two. Opal-A variations as well as the barite distribution may be influenced by the paleoposition of the sites in relation to the high-productivity zone, which today lies south of the equator. Authigenic clinoptilolite apparently formed in two different modes. In deeper sediment intervals, clinoptilolite was the last mineral phase formed associated with enhanced silica diagenesis. In late Oligocene to middle Miocene sediments, clinoptilolite was the only authigenic silica phase encountered where otherwise strong opal dissolution was observed. The sponge spicules showed special dissolution features probably related to microbiological activity. Silica concretions mainly composed of opal-CT and authigenic quartz occur in carbonate-rich environments and are formed during later diagenesis when burial depth causes the sediments to reach higher temperatures. Opal-CT concretions in carbonate-free siliceous oozes were found at Site 711 and are probably formed during an early stage of silica diagenesis.


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The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to record vegetation change on the continent. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in the marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. To investigate land-sea interactions during deglaciation, we compare proxies for continental (pollen assemblages) and marine conditions (alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures) of two high-resolution, radiocarbon-dated sedimentary records from the tropical southeast Atlantic. The southern site is located West of the Cunene River mouth; the northern site is located West of the Angolan Huambe Mountains. It is inferred that the vegetation in Angola developed from Afroalpine and open savannah during the last Glacial maximum (LGM) via Afromontane Podocarpus forest during Heinrich Event 1 (H1), to an early increase of lowland forest after 14.5 ka. The vegetation record indicates dry and cold conditions during the LGM, cool and wet conditions during H1 and a gradual rise in temperature starting well before the Younger Dryas (YD) period. Terrestrial and oceanic climate developments seem largely running parallel, in contrast to the situation ca. 5° further South, where marine and terrestrial developments diverge during the YD. The cool and wet conditions in tropical West Africa, South of the equator, during H1 suggest that low-latitude insolation variation is more important than the slowdown of the thermohaline circulation for the climate in tropical Africa.


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The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Version 1.0 is a new digital bathymetric model (DBM) portraying the seafloor of the circum-Antarctic waters south of 60° S. IBCSO is a regional mapping project of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has been compiled from all available bathymetric data collectively gathered by more than 30 institutions from 15 countries. These data include multibeam and single beam echo soundings, digitized depths from nautical charts, regional bathymetric gridded compilations, and predicted bathymetry. Specific gridding techniques were applied to compile the DBM from the bathymetric data of different origin, spatial distribution, resolution, and quality. The IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has a resolution of 500 x 500 m, based on a polar stereographic projection, and is publicly available together with a digital chart for printing from the project website (http://www.ibcso.org) and from the two data sets shown at the bottom of this page.