524 resultados para Salvinia minima
Fifteen Iberian margin sediment cores, distributed between 43°12'N and 35°53'N, have been used to reconstruct spatial and temporal (sub)surface circulation along the Iberian margin since the Last Glacial period. Time-slice maps of planktonic foraminiferal derived summer sea surface temperature (SST) and export productivity (Pexp) were established for specific time intervals within the last 35 ky: the Holocene (Recent and last 8 ky), Younger Dryas (YD), Heinrich Stadials (HS) 1, 2a, 2b, 3, and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The SST during the Holocene shows the same latitudinal gradient along the western Iberian margin as present-day with cold but productive areas that reflect the influence of coastal upwelling centers. The LGM appears as a slightly less warm, but more productive period relative to the Holocene and present-day conditions, suggesting that sea-level minima forced a westward displacement of the coastal upwelling centers possibly accompanied by a strengthening of northward winds. During the YD, a longitudinal thermal front is depicted at 10°W, with cold polar waters offshore and warmer subtropical waters inshore, suggesting that the subtropical Paleo-Iberian Poleward Current more likely flowed at a more inshore location masking the local SST signal and amplitude of variation. A substantial cooling and drop in productivity is observed during all HS, in particular HS1 and HS3, reflecting the penetration of icebergs-derived meltwater. These most extreme southward extensions of very cold waters define a strong SST gradient that marks a possible Paleo-Azores Front. Higher production south of this front was likely fed by frontal nutrient advection.
Isotopic depth stratification and relative abundance studies of planktic foraminifera at ODP Site 738 reveal three major faunal turnovers during the latest Paleocene and early Eocene, reflecting the climatic and structural changes in the Antarctic surface ocean. Faunal Event 1 occurred near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and is characterized by a faunal turnover in deep dwellers, decreased relative abundance in intermediate dwellers and increased relative abundance in surface dwellers. This event marks a temporary elimination of the vertical structure in the surface ocean over a period of more than 63,000 years that is apparently associated with the sudden shutdown of the "Antarctic Intermediate Water" production. The appearance of morozovellids before this event suggests that polar warming is the cause for the shutdown in the production of this water mass. At this time warm saline deep water may have formed at low latitudes. Faunal Event 2 occurred near the AP5a/AP5b Subzonal boundary and is characterized by a faunal turnover in deep dwellers with no apparent change in surface and intermediate dwellers. Increased individual size, wall-thickness and relative abundance in deep dwelling chiloguembelinids suggests the formation of a deep oxygen minima in the Antarctic Oceans during the maximum polar warming possibly as a result of upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water. Faunal Event 3 occurred in Subzone AP6 and is characterized by a faunal turnover in surface dwellers and a delayed diversification in deep dwellers. This event marks the onset of Antarctic cooling. A drastic decrease in the delta13C/delta18O values of the deep assemblage in Zone AP7 suggests an intensified thermocline and reduced upwelling following the polar cooling.
Centennial-to-millennial scale records from IODP Site U1387, drilled during IODP Expedition 339 into the Faro Drift at 558 m water depth, now allow evaluating the climatic history of the upper core of the Mediterranean Outflow (MOW) and of the surface waters in the northern Gulf of Cadiz during the early Pleistocene. This study focuses on the period from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 29 to 34, i.e. the interval surrounding extreme interglacial MIS 31. Conditions in the upper MOW reflect obliquity, precession and millennial-scale variations. The benthic d18O signal follows obliquity with the exception of an additional, smaller d18O peak that marks the MIS 32/31 transition. Insolation maxima (precession minima) led to poor ventilation and a sluggish upper MOW core, whereas insolation minima were associated with enhanced ventilation and often also increased bottom current velocity. Millennial-scale periods of colder sea-surface temperatures (SST) were associated with short-term maxima in flow velocity and better ventilation, reminiscent of conditions known from MIS 3. A prominent contourite layer, coinciding with insolation cycle 100, was formed during MIS 31 and represents one of the few contourites developing within an interglacial period. MIS 31 surface water conditions were characterized by an extended period (1065-1091 ka) of warm SST, but SST were not much warmer than during MIS 33. Interglacial to glacial transitions experienced 2 to 3 stadial/interstadial cycles, just like their mid-to-late Pleistocene counterparts. Glacial MIS 30 and 32 recorded periods of extremely cold (< 12°C) SST that in their climatic impact were comparable to the Heinrich events of the mid and late Pleistocene. Glacial MIS 34, on the other hand, was a relative warm glacial period off southern Portugal. Overall, surface water and MOW conditions at Site U1387 show strong congruence with Mediterranean climate, whereas millennial-scale variations are closely linked to North Atlantic circulation changes.
Three sediment cores from the continental shelf and slope off NW Africa (Banc d'Arguin; 52 m, 665 m and 973 m water depth) have been investigated by means of a coarse fraction analysis. The two shallower cores have been deposited during less than 10,000 years, the deeper one during the last 36,000 years. The Holocene sedimentation ( 4000 years) in the deeper part of core 79 the edge of the Banc d'Arguin is strongly influenced by reworking of Late Glacial dune sands and biogenic particles from shallower ware (<40 m), as well as eroding current influence. A decrease in grain size of silicate material and a decrease in lateral supply, correlated to a doubling of accumulation rates in the upper part of the core, indicates a more autochthonous sedimentation with less sorting influence in the youngest Holocene. The depth of provenance of the allochttonous material can be assumed in 100-300 m water depth as indicated by various biogenous particles. Small amounts of shallow water particles in the autochthonous layers indicate a supplay from shallow water, which probably occured b ythe mechanism of "particle by particle supply". None of the three cores indicates upwelling influence, although occanographers found intense upwelling in the area of the Banc d'Arguin. The Holocene climate in that area probably has been arid, small variations in terrigenous matter composition and grain size in the Early Holocene might be due to decreased wind strength or to an increase in rain fall. The Peak Glacial section (14,000-22,000 y. B.P.) of the deepest core 88 indicates a very much intensified eolian silt supply and an additional bottom supply of quartz sand In the interval 22,000-36,000 y. B.P. wind strength decreased, but probably no increase in humidity occurred. So this area in about 19° 40' N had an arid climate in the Late Holocene and in the Peak Glacial. The fragmentation of planktonic foraminifers and the abundance of aragonitic tests of pteropods in core 88 indicate an Early Holocene (8330 y. B.P.) preservation spike. Two minima in fragmentation correlated to maxima in pteropod content at about 15,700 and 21,000 y. B.P. are correlated to maxima in shallow water supply and thus do not reflect preservation conditions, but only lateral supply from the carbonate dissolution minimum zone in about 300 m water depth.
Based on the faunal record of planktonic foraminifers in three long gravity sediment cores from the eastern equatorial Atlantic, the sea-surface temperature history ove the last 750,000 years was studied at a resolution of 3,000 to 10,000 years. Detailed oxygen-isotope and paleomagnetic stratigraphy helped to identify the following major faunal events: Globorotaloides hexagonus and Globorotalia tumida flexuosa became extinct in the eastern tropical Atlantic at the isotope stage 4/5 boundary, now dated at 68,000 years B.P. The persistent occurrence of the pink variety of Globigerinoides ruber started during the late stage 12 at 410,000 years B.P. CARTUNE-age. This datum may provide an easily detectible faunal stratigraphic marker for the mid-Brunhes Chron. The updated scheme of the Ericson zones helped the recognition of a hiatus at the northwestern slope of the Sierra Leone Basin covering oxygen-isotope stages 10 to 12. Classifying the planktonic foraminifer counts into six faunal assemblages, according to the factor analysis derived model of Pflaumann (1985), the tropical and the tropical-upwelling communities account for 57 % at Site 16415, and 86 % at Site 13519, respectively of the variance of the faunal record. A largely continuous paleotemperature record for both winter and summer seasons was obtained from the top of the Sierra Leone Rise with the winter temperatures ranging between 20 and 25 °C, and the summer ones between 24 and 30 °C. The record of cores from greater water depths is frequently interrupted by samples with no-analogue faunal communities and/or poor preservation. Based on the seasonality signal, during cold periods the termal equator shifted to a geographically mnore asymmetrical northern position. Dissolution altering the faunal communities becomes stronger with greater water depth, the estimated mean minimum loss of specimens increases from 70 % to 80 % between 2,860 and 3,850 water depth although some species will be more susceptible than others. Enhanced dissolution occured during stage 4 but also during cold phases in the warm stage 7 and 9. Correlations between the Foraminiferal Dissolution Index and the estimated sea-surface temperatures are significant. Foraminiferal flux rates, negatively correlated to the flux rates of organic carbon and of diatoms, may be a result of enhanced dissolution during cold stages, destroying still more of the faunal signal than indicated by the calculated minimum loss. The fluctuations of the oxygen-isotope curves and the hibernal sea-surfave temperatures are fairly coherent. During warm oxygen-isotope stages the temperature maxima lag often by 5 to 15 ka behind the respective sotope minima. During cold stages, sea-surface temperature changes are partly out of phase and contain additional fluctuations.
In order to quantify changes in export production and carbonate dissolution over the past 1 Myr in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean we analyzed Ba, P, Al Ti, and Ca in 1106 samples from five piston cores gathered from 5°S to 4°N at 140°W. We focused on Ba/Ti, Al/Ti, and P/Ti ratios as export proxies and employed areally integrated time slice as well as time series strategies. Carbonate maxima from 0-560 kyr are characterized by 15-30% greater export than carbonate minima. The increases in export fall on glacial delta18O transitions rather than glacial maxima. From 560-800 kyr, overlapping with the mid-Pleistocene transition, there is a very large increase in total export yet no glacial-interglacial variability. The highest latitudes (5°S and 4°N) record minimal absolute export change from glacials to interglacials and yet record the most extreme minima in percent CaCO3, indicating that carbonate records there are dominated by dissolution, whereas near the equator they are more influenced by changes in export.
Global cooling and the development of continental-scale Antarctic glaciation occurred in the late middle Eocene to early Oligocene (~38 to 28 million years ago), accompanied by deep-ocean reorganization attributed to gradual Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) development. Our benthic foraminiferal stable isotope comparisons show that a large d13C offset developed between mid-depth (~600 meters) and deep (>1000 meters) western North Atlantic waters in the early Oligocene, indicating the development of intermediate-depth d13C and O2 minima closely linked in the modern ocean to northward incursion of Antarctic Intermediate Water. At the same time, the ocean's coldest waters became restricted to south of the ACC, probably forming a bottom-ocean layer, as in the modern ocean. We show that the modern four-layer ocean structure (surface, intermediate, deep, and bottom waters) developed during the early Oligocene as a consequence of the ACC.
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 115 post-cruise research was focused on two Maldives sites, more precisely on the top 108 m of Hole 716B (water depth, 540 m), equivalent to the past 3.5 m.y., and the top 19.5 m of Hole 714A (water depth, 2195 m), equivalent to the past 0.55 m.y. These sediments consist of mostly unaltered and undisturbed, turbidite-free, periplatform ooze. Results of our research are compared with existing data on Hole 633A (water depth, 1681 m), drilled in the Bahamas during ODP Leg 101, using age/depth models built on the basis of oxygen isotope, nannofossil, and magnetic stratigraphies. Climate-induced, long-term (roughly 0.5 m.y.) aragonite cycles, superposed on short-term (roughly 0.04 and 0.1 m.y.) aragonite cycles, have been established at least during the past 2.0 m.y., in the Maldives and the Bahamas. Our most interesting result is the clear correlation among the aragonite long-term cycles in the Maldives and the Bahamas and the carbonate-preservation, long-term cycles from the open Pacific, Indian, and North Atlantic oceans. The mid-Brunhes dissolution interval, corresponding to the youngest preservation minima of the carbonate-preservation, longterm cycles, is clearly defined by fine aragonite minimum values in the deep periplatform sites, and by maximum fragmentation of pteropod tests in the shallow sites. Aragonite and planktonic d18O records, usually in phase during the late Pleistocene, display, further back in time, discreet intervals where the two records do not match with one another. Major mismatches between both records occur synchronously in the Maldives and Bahamas periplatform sites and seem to correspond to extreme events of either carbonate-preservation or dissolution in the deep pelagic carbonate sites of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Based on our findings, short- and long-term aragonite cycles can no longer be explained only by variations of aragonite input from the nearby shallow carbonate banks, in response to their alternate flooding and exposure through cyclic sea-level fluctuations. The aragonite long-term cycles in the periplatform environments are interpreted as carbonatepreservation cycles at intermediate-water depths. Their occurrence shows, therefore, that the carbonate chemistry of the entire water column has been influenced by long-term (0.5 m.y.) cyclic variations during the past 2.0 m.y. These major changes of the water-column carbonate chemistry are linked to the climate-induced carbon cycling among the different atmospheric, oceanic, and sedimentary carbon reservoirs.
The increase in global mean temperatures resulting from climate change has wide reaching consequences for the earth's ecosystems and other natural systems. Many studies have been devoted to evaluating the distribution and effects of these changes. We go a step further and evaluate global changes to the heat index, a measure of temperature as perceived by humans. Heat index, which is computed from temperature and relative humidity, is more important than temperature for the health of humans and other animals. Even in cases where the heat index does not reach dangerous levels from a health perspective, it has been shown to be an important factor in worker productivity and thus in economic productivity. We compute heat index from dewpoint temperature and absolute temperature 2 m above ground from the ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset for the years 1979-2013. The data is provided aggregated to daily minima, means and maxima. Furthermore, the data is temporally aggregated to monthly and yearly values and spatially aggregated to the level of countries after being weighted by population density in order to demonstrate its usefulness for the analysis of its impact on human health and productivity. The resulting data deliver insights into the spatiotemporal development of near-ground heat index during the course of the past 3 decades. It is shown that the impact of changing heat index is unevenly distributed through space and time, affecting some areas differently than others. The likelihood of dangerous heat index events has increased globally. Also, heat index climate groups that would formerly be expected closer to the tropics have spread latitudinally to include areas closer to the poles. The data can serve in future studies as a basis for evaluating and understanding the evolution of heat index in the course of climate change, as well as its impact on human health and productivity.
Benthic forammifers in the size-fraction greater than 0.073 mm were studied in 88 Paleocene to Pleistocene samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 525 (Hole 525A, Walvis Ridge, eastern south Atlantic). Clustering of the samples on the basis of the 86 most abundant foramimfers (in total, 331 taxa were identified) allowed separating two major assemblage zones: the Paleocene to Eocene interval, and the Oligocene to Pleistocene interval. Each of these, in turn, were subdivided into three minor subzones as follows: lower upper Paleocene (approx. 62.4 to 57 8 Ma); upper upper Paleocene (56.6 to 56 2 Ma), lower and middle Eocene (55.3 to 46 8 Ma); upper Oligocene to middle Miocene (25.3 to 16 Ma), middle Miocene to Pliocene (15.7 to 4.2 Ma), and lower Pleistocene (0.4 to 0.02 Ma), with only minor differences with the previous zone. Some very abundant taxa span most of the column studies (Bolivina huneri, Cassidulina subglobosa, Eponides bradyi, E. weddellensis, Gavelinella micra, Oridorsalis umbonatus, etc.). Several of the faunal breaks recorded coincide with conspicuous minima in the specific diversity curve, thus suggesting that the corresponding turnovers signal the final stages of periods of faunal impoverishment. At least one major bottomwater temperature drop (as derived from delta18O data) is synchronous with a decrease in the forammiferal specific diversity. On the other hand, a specific diversity maximum in the middle Miocene might be associated with a delta13C increase at approx 16 to 12 Ma. Highest foraminiferal abundances (up to 600-800 individuals per gram of dry sediment) occurred in the late Paleocene and in the early Pleistocene, in coincidence with the lowest diversity figures calculated. The magnitude of the most important faunal turnover recorded, between the middle Eocene and the late Oligocene, is magnified in our data set by the large hiatus which separates the middle Eocene from the upper Oligocene sediments. Considerably smaller overturns occurred within the late Paleocene (in coincidence with changes in the specific diversity, absolute abundance of forammiferal tests, and delta13C), and in the middle Miocene (in coincidence with a specific diversity maximum and a delta13C excursion). New reformation on the morphology and the stratigraphic ranges of several species is furnished. For all the taxa recorded the number of occurrences, total number of individuals identified and first and last appearances are listed.